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Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea


Delicacies of the World Delicacies of the World Experience various exotic delicacies and healthy food from all over the world

Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea

124 products

  • 10% OFF
    Yunnan specialty Shan Zhen Morel Mushrooms Yunnan specialty Shan Zhen Morel Mushrooms

    Yunnan specialty Shan Zhen Morel Mushrooms

    云南特产山珍 羊肚菌 羊肚菌是世界公认的著名珍稀食药兼用菌,其香味独特,营养丰富,功能齐全,食效显著.富含多种人体需要的氨基酸和有机锗,具补肾、壮阳、补脑,提神等功效。允其抗癌作用明显,对肌瘤细胞有强烈抑制作用,具有较高的食用价值和医用价值,在美国被称为“陆地鱼”,一直被欧美等发达国家作为人体营养的高级补品。 泡发羊肚菌水的量要适度,以刚刚浸过菇面为宜,大约二三十分钟后水变成酒红色,羊肚菌完全变软即可捞出洗净备用,发菌的酒红色原汤经沉淀泥砂后要用于烧菜,炖汤。 推荐食谱 羊肚菌鸡汤 主要功效:益胃消食、理气化痰 推荐人群:需要提高免疫力的人群  材料:光鸡半只,羊肚菌(干)20克,干淮山20克,红枣3枚,元肉3克,杞子2克,生姜数片(2-3人量)。 制作方法:光鸡洗净斩件,氽水备用;羊肚菌洗净后用温水泡发半小时;将所有材料加入汤煲中,加水1.5-2升,以武火煮15分钟后改文火煲一个小时,加入少量食盐调味即可。 Yunnan specialty Shan Zhen Morel Mushrooms  Morels are one of the most desired wild mushrooms in the world. They are not farmed like grocery store mushrooms, cremini, portobello, oyster, etc. but gathered in the wild. The part that we eat is the fruiting body of the underground organism called mycelium that has a complex symbiotic relationship with trees. Morels are delicious. Even people who don’t like mushrooms often love morels because of their meaty texture and earthy, nutty flavor. Morels are a precious food and medicine with rich nutrition and remarkable effects. Rich in amino acids and organic germanium, morels nourish the kidney and brain. They are aphrodisiac. Morels will generally contain significant amounts of Iron, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, Zinc, Vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin and a decent dose of Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, Thiamine, Vitamins E and B6. Morels are also loaded with antioxidants, balance blood sugar, and repair liver-damage. Plus, they are high in protein and fiber. Morels’ anti-cancer effects are obvious, it has a strong inhibitory effect on fibroids cells. It has been called "land fish" in the United States and used as a high-quality neutraceutical supplement in developed countries in Europe and the United States. Morel Chicken Soup  Main effects: “Yiweixiaoshi,” regulating Qi and reducing phlegm, which means it improves digestion and immunity.  Ingredients: for 2-3 persons ½ chicken (3 grams of raw meat) 20 grams of morel mushrooms (dried) 20 grams of dried huai shan (Rhizoma Dioscorea, Chinese white yam) 3 red dates (jujube) 2 grams of goji berries  2 slices of raw ginger, chopped Cooking method:  Wash and chop the chicken into pieces, reserve the pieces in cold water. Soak the mushrooms in warm water for 1/2 hour after washing. Discard the water. Rinse the dates and goji berries. Add all ingredients to the soup pot, add 1.5-2 liters (6-8 cups) of water. Cook for 15 minutes on high heat, skim off any foam from the water to remove excess fat, and simmer on low heat for one hour. Add a small amount of salt to season.

    $47.45 - $179.10

  • 20% OFF
    Dried Red Conch Meat (16oz)

    Dried Red Conch Meat (16oz)

    精选 生晒  南非红螺头(16oz/包) 红螺的贝壳呈球状,壳质坚厚,表面生有肋纹及棘突。壳口内面很光滑,呈橘红色,所以便获得了红螺的名称。它们的肉特别是足部的肌肉肥厚,也同鲍鱼一样,是很好的海产食品。 红螺肉含丰富的蛋白质,无机盐及多种维生素,性味甘凉,具有清热明目等作用,如配以山珍之晶竹荪,不仅味鲜美,而且营养价值也很高。以此做汤含有较高的蛋白质、碳水化事物,以及人体所必需的多种氨基酸。具有养肝明目、滋肾补中的功效。常吃可治疗脾胃虚弱、神经,衰弱、两目昏花、视物不清等症。 材料:红螺头150克、竹荪80克、猪骨400克、赤小豆80克、生姜4片。 烹制:红螺头用盐水搓擦洗净;竹荪、赤小豆温水浸泡发好;猪骨切段。一起下瓦煲,加清水2500毫升(约10碗量),武火滚沸后改文火煲约2小时,下少许盐便可。为4~5人用。   Dried Red Conch Meat (16oz) Conch possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein, and 2.4% fat. They contain essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K, and B12...Why we should eat it: Virtually fat-free, carbohydrate-free, and sugar-free, escargot is an excellent source of lean protein. They're rich in iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Like other mollusks, snails are a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the brain produce serotonin. ( Meat Bamboo Fungus SoupIngredients: 150 grams of red conch meat, 80 grams of bamboo fungus [aka dried white bamboo, bamboo pith, Phallus indusiatus] 400 grams of pork bones, 80 grams of red [adzuki] beans, 4 slices of ginger.    Cooking: Rub the conch meat with saltwater and scrub it; soak the bamboo fungus and chi xio dou [adzuki] in warm water; cut into sections. Put it in a  pot and add 2,500 ml of water (about 10 bowls). After is boiled, change to a simmer for about 2 hours. Finally, add a little salt, then serve for 4~5 people.

    $54.39 - $70.39

  • 10% OFF
    Dried Iceland Codfish Maw (16 oz) Dried Iceland Codfish Maw (16 oz)

    Dried Iceland Codfish Maw (16 oz)

    冰岛 野生 鳕鱼花胶   产地: 北歐冰島零污染的北大西洋海域。 介绍: 冰島(Iceland) 純正野生鱈魚(Arctic Cod),只有少數魚類能像北極鱈魚在寒冷的北極水域中茂盛繁衍,北極鱈魚的血液中含有抗凍結蛋白,讓她們能在這嚴寒的環境中生活。鱈魚生長環境要求相當嚴荷,其要求生長海域的海水温度常年在攝氏5度以下,而且海水不能有任何化學汚染,優質的生長環境造就出無汚染,品質健康的深海魚膠。 冰島野生鱈魚花膠具有薄且發得厚實的優點,不但具有一般魚肚黏口的口感,且緊緻,乾淨無腥味。很適合大部分愛吃花膠的人士口味。做任何和花膠相關的菜式均可適用。 冰岛鳕鱼花膠顏色淺黃,呈無雜質的半透明亮狀,两边很多锯齿,头大尾巴尖。自然散发一种别的花胶没有的鲜香味。 浸泡方法:     冰島野生鱈魚花膠用涼水泡發一晚,晚上將泡發的魚肚(含浸泡的水)放進冰箱。      至膠身變軟,將觸鬚剪掉。用薑蔥和冰島野生鱈魚花膠一同燒開五分鐘,熄火焗至水變涼。  Place of Origin: The zero-polluted North Atlantic Ocean in Northern Europe. Icelandic pure wild cod (Arctic Cod): Only a few fish can thrive in the cold Arctic waters like Arctic cod. The blood of Arctic cod contains anti-freeze protein, allowing them to live in this harsh environment. The growth environment of cod is quite strict. It requires that the seawater temperature in the growing sea area is below 5 degrees Celsius all year round, and the seawater must not be chemically polluted. A high-quality growth environment creates pollution-free, healthy deep-sea fish gelatin known as fish maw. According to the manufacturer:    Iceland wild cod fish maw not only has the mouthfeel of ordinary fish belly, but also is firm, clean and has no smell. It is very suitable for most people who like to eat fish maw [and] can be used for any dishes related to fish maw.      Iceland cod fish maw is light yellow, translucent and bright without impurities, with many serrations on both sides, large head and pointed tail. [It] Naturally exudes a fresh fragrance that other flower gums do not have.   Soaking method: Iceland wild cod fish maw is soaked in cold water overnight, and the soaked fish maw (including soaking water) is put in the refrigerator at night. When the body becomes soft, cut off the tentacles. Boil ginger, spring onion and Icelandic wild cod fish maw for five minutes, turn off the heat and [steam] until the water cools.  

    $86.20 - $123.19

  • Dried Flounder Fish Powder #359

    Dried Flounder Fish Powder #359

    优质 大地鱼粉 #359 大地鱼,又叫比目鱼,属软骨鱼类,因双眼同在身体朝上的一侧而得名,食用可清除血液中的垃圾,有美颜润肤功效。 大地鱼粉是天然的增鲜剂,煮面或粉或馄饨时汤底放少少好鲜架,有D仲捞粥食!煲汤加D落去吊味又得 Dried Flounder Fish Powder #359 High Protein, Low Sodium and Mercury, Convenient, Tasty For a high protein, low-fat option, choose cod, halibut, haddock, or flounder. Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of dried fish can provide 18 grams of protein. Dried fish is extremely high in protein, which comprises up to 93% of its calories. ( Flounder fish powder is wholly grounded from flounder fish used to make great tasting soup such as wonton or other noodle dishes.  Like sardines, salmon and black cod, flounder contains a high level of omega-3s and selenium. Flounder is also known for being a low-calorie, low-mercury fish. ( Some studies also suggest they reduce the risk of heart disease. Salmon, sardines, tuna, herring and trout are fish high in omega-3s. Haddock, tilapia, pollock, catfish, flounder and halibut are leaner fish. However, Mitchell suggests making sure to have a mix of both fatty and lean fish in your seafood diet. ( Sodium in fish: lower sodium options include, catfish, cod, salmon, tuna, halibut, flounder, haddock, clams, oysters, mussels, lobster and scallops. ( From the manufacture:  Fish Meal  Earthfish, also called flounder, is a cartilaginous fish. It is named after both eyes are on the side of the body facing upwards. It can detoxify the blood when eaten, and has a beautifying and moisturizing effect. Chicken broth + dried flounder powder Soup There are several ways to make the soup for wontons, depending on the amount of time and effort that you’d like to put into the soup. This is the fastest, easiest recipe for the soup. If you have chicken broth on hand or after poaching chicken, simmer up some of that broth for the wonton soup.  Add in 1-2 tsp. of dried flounder powder and you’re all set! An optional dash of pepper or fish sauce may enhance flavors..  Serve hot!    


  • Bag)

    Dried Shrimp L#378 (16oz/Bag)

    永合豐 干晒虾米 L(16oz/包) 請保持冷藏 Please Keep Refrigerate 海米也称虾米或虾仁,为海产白虾、红虾、青虾加盐水焯后晒干,纳入袋中,扑打揉搓,风扬筛簸,去皮去杂而成,即经加盐蒸煮、干燥、晾晒、脱壳等工序制成的产品。因如舂谷成米,故称海米。以白虾米为上品,色味俱佳,鲜食成美。白虾须长,身、肉皆为白色,故前人有“曲身小子玉腰肢,二寸银须一寸肌”之咏。海米食用前加水浸透,肉质软嫩、味道鲜醇,煎、炒、蒸、煮均宜。 功效作用 虾米味甘、咸、性温; 具有补肾壮阳、理气开胃之功效。 Dried Shrimp L#378 (16 oz/Bag) Prawns are a rich source of selenium, one of the most effective antioxidants at maintaining healthy cells. They also contain high levels of zinc, which is important to develop a healthy immune system. Eating prawns helps build strong bones because they contain phosphorous, copper, and magnesium. ( au) You can use dried shrimp to flavor stir-fries, broths, and even dumplings. I love using it in fried rice, congee, or sticky rice. …soak the shrimp in water for 20 to 30 minutes before using it in stir-fries. This helps to soften the shrimp and release a bit of flavor. Dried baby shrimp are an important ingredient in Thai cooking as well. It is mashed dry and added to oil, lime, and chili pepper to make a dressing for raw green papaya salad. Efficacy: Shrimp is sweet, salty, and warm in nature. It nourishes the kidney/adrenal energy, strengthening yang, regulating qi, and improving flavors.


  • No. 1 Abalone 420g

    No. 1 Abalone 420g

    香港 阿一鲍鱼 吉品蠔皇 6支(420克/罐) 原料选用吉品鲍,形如元宝,营养丰富,肉质丰厚,入口软糯,鲍汁浓郁鲜香。 其汤汁用老母鸡汤经30小时慢火炖至而成,取其精华,口感细腻爽滑,绝非勾芡而成。   No. 1 Abalone  (420g/can) The original materials are Japanese abalones, which are shaped like ingots, rich in nutrition, rich in meat, soft in the mouth, and rich in abalone juice. The sauce is made by simmering the chicken broth over a slow fire for 30 hours. The essence is selected, and the taste is smooth and not thickened.  Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron is essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic, and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.   


  • Star Island Premium Abalone 16oz Star Island Premium Abalone 16oz

    Star Island Premium Abalone 16oz

    吉品 智利 清汤金鲍 6头(16oz) Abalone (marine snail), fresh and oily, are extremely delicious and nutritious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.  Pregnant women who consume Omega-3 may have healthy and intelligent children and it also improves the quality of breast milk. Omega-3 is essential for improving mental and physical health of the baby. When compared to protein sources such as beef, tuna, salmon or eggs, snail protein content is higher than all sources except mutton. Snail contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12. Vitamin A is beneficial for the health of the eyes, while vitamin E may act as an antioxidant. Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that is needed to prevent and control diabetes. Snail provides choline which is an essential component of the nervous system and is a high source of iron. Snail contains high levels of magnesium. Magnesium plays important roles in the body, which is needed for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins and nucleic acids, neural activity, muscle contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism. Chinese cooks add canned snails to soups and stir fries along with pork, dried scallops, mushrooms, chicken or goose meat or prepared sea cucumber. Do not overcook them. They will be tender and delicious.


  • Bag) Bag)

    Shrimp Roe (8 oz/Bag)

    虾籽 海虾子 虾卵 (8 oz/包) 請保持冷冻 Please Keep Frozen 虾籽介绍 是虾子的卵加工而成。凡产虾的地区都能加工虾籽。以辽宁的营口、盘山、江苏的东台、大平、射阳、高邮、洪泽等地区生产较多。每年夏秋季节为虾籽加工时期。虾籽及其制品均可做调味品,味道鲜美。食用方法:一般先用清水洗去灰渣后,可用作烧豆腐、烧肉类、烧鲜菜、蒸蛋、煮汤等。比如烧豆腐,先将猪肉剁烂炒一下,再将豆腐及虾籽、葱、酱油等调味品放入烧熟,起锅放点豆粉汁、味精即成味美可口的虾籽烧豆腐。 虾籽的营养价值 虾籽含高蛋白,因为较高含量的虾青素(虾籽的红颜色的成分,)因此助阳功效甚佳,肾虚者可常食。 虾籽的选购 看颜色:红色或金黄色,干净无杂质的好;摸:干燥不粘手;闻:有淡腥味。 虾籽的烹饪小技巧 虾籽作为一种调料可以搭配其他食物做成美味的菜肴,也可以做成虾籽酱。 Shrimp Roe (8 oz/Bag) Please Keep Frozen   Dried shrimp roe, high in protein and shrimp flavor, is a delicacy used in Cantonese cuisine. Some Hong Kong noodle shops may feature Shrimp Roe Noodles. Fortunately, the simple recipe can be made at home. Chinese Shrimp Roe Noodles Recipe(serves 2) (Prep time: 2 mins  Cook time: 3 mins) Ingredients:  4 portions Cantonese style Egg Noodles 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp lard 1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp dried shrimp roe Add enough water in the pan to generously cover the noodles.  Add the salt. When the water is boiling, slip in the noodles.  When you can shake the dried bundle of noodles completely apart in the water the noodles are done, about 3 minutes.  If using fresh noodles cook for 1-2 minutes.  (It is important that the noodles are al dente. Overcooked noodles will ruin the dish!)  Drain the noodles in a colander then pour them into a large mixing bowl. Add lard and soy sauce to the hot egg noodles. Toss until completely incorporated. Taste and add more soy sauce if needed. Separate noodles onto individual serving dishes, then sprinkle each serving generously with the dried shrimp roe.  Serve while hot and enjoy! From the manufacturer:  Shrimp Roe is processed from shrimp eggs. Shrimp roe can be processed in any area where shrimp is produced, it is produced more often in Yingkou, Panshan, Jiangsu, Daping, Sheyang, Gaoyou, Hongze, and others regions in Jiangsu. Summer and autumn seasons are the periods of shrimp roe processing. Shrimp roe can be used as condiments, which are delicious.   How to eat: Generally, after washing off the ash with clean water, it can be used to cook tofu, meat, fresh vegetables, steamed eggs, and soup. For example, cook with tofu. First, chop the pork and stir fry, then add the tofu, shrimp roe, green onions, soy sauce, and other condiments. The nutritional value of shrimp roe   Shrimp roe is high in protein. Because of the higher content of astaxanthin (the red color component of shrimp seeds), it has a good effect on promoting yang. People with kidney deficiency can eat it regularly. As a seasoning, shrimp roe can be combined with other foods to make delicious dishes, or it can be made into shrimp roe paste.  


  •  7oz

    Dried Black Fungus 6oz/ 7oz

    永合豐 白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz) 白背黑木耳又稱毛木耳(不同於東北黑木耳),别名单葉蔓荆、蔓荆子葉、白背五指柑,正面是黑色,背面是灰白色,且有一層细小的绒毛,屬於低熱量低脂的食材,性平味甘,無毒、利五臟、潤肺益氣,同時含有豐富的B群維生素,鐵質、富含膳食纖維,對於控制體重、降低膽固醇有明顯的幫助,故一向有「血管清道夫」之稱,有補血及祛瘀功能,富含的膳食纖維,能夠吸水膨脹,對於潤腸通便有很好效果。 適量加入平時的飲食烹調中,可煮可炒可煲湯,是養生保持身材的好幫手。 食譜參考: 瘦肉白背黑木耳湯 材料:白背黑木耳10克、瘦肉50克、薑片3片、大棗5粒、清水6碗 做法: 1先把瘦肉飛水、木耳洗净泡至軟身。 2把各材料放入煲内,用文火煲至剩2-3碗汤,加鹽調味. 白背黑木耳減肥湯 材料:白背黑木耳3朶,紅棗10粒,生薑片4-5片,豬腱子肉2件。 做法: 1。先把黑木耳洗净,浸泡至軟身 2。下10碗清水,加入生薑片、红棗去核、黑木耳同煲滚,再下豬腱子肉,用大火煲滚,去除湯上面的浮沫,改中小火煲1個小时左右,加鹽調味即可,每隔天喝1次,連續三次. Dried Black Fungus (6oz/7oz) The white back black fungus also called the wood fungus, is not tree ear or cloud ear mushroom. It is mainly produced in Fujian, China. Functions: White Back Black Fungus can promote vital energy, activate the brain, cleanse the lungs, nourish blood and regulate blood cholesterol level. It is Sweet in taste, mild in nature.Soak the White Back Black fungus for around an hour in water. Cut off the hard bottom parts. Rinse and ready for cooking. White Back Black fungus should be stored in a cool dry place. If it is to be stored for some time before serving, it is better to place it in a refrigerator (0-8˚C). From the manufacturer:  White-backed black fungus is also called hairy fungus (different from northeastern black fungus). It is also known as single leaf vitex, vitex cotyledon, white back five-finger tangerine. The front is black, the back is off-white, and there is a layer of fine hair. It is useful for the treatment and prevention of illness for middle-aged and elderly patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular obstruction diseases. Its effects are for lowering blood lipids and blood pressure and they also are good prevention and treatment for constipation in the elderly. Recipes: Black Fungus Soup  Ingredients:  10g of Dried black fungus, 50g of lean meat, 3 slices of ginger, 5 jujubes, 6 bowls of water  1. Boil the lean meat first, then drain the water 2 Put all the ingredients in a pot, simmer until there are 2-3 bowls of soup left, add salt to taste.  Black Fungus Slimming Soup  Ingredients:  3 black fungus, 10 jujubes, 4-5 slices of ginger, lean pork.  Soak the black fungus until soft  In 10 bowls of water, add sliced ​​ginger, red dates (with seeds), black fungus, and boil, then add the pork, boil over high heat, then change to medium and low heat for 1 and a half hours, add salt to taste. Drink the next day. Once a day drink 3 days in a row.

    $6.99 - $7.25

  • Bag) Bag)

    Dried White Fungus /Xue Er(6 oz/Bag)

    特級雪耳球/银耳/白木耳(6 oz/包) 此品為特級優質銀耳,為淺白黃色或淺米黄色,朵基部呈现黄色、黄褐色,朵形完整,表面無霉變,無蟲蛀,有光澤,沒有雜質。顔色過於偏白的銀耳,一般是使用硫磺熏蒸過的,所以挑選银耳應選天然白中略带黄色的品相。 明清之际,天然品相好的银耳一直是皇帝和达官顯貴養生益壽的佳品,如清代女官德龄所著《御香飘渺录》中所说:“银耳那样的东西,它的市價貴極了,往往一小匣子银耳就要花一二十两银子才能買到。 性味: 甘;淡;平 經脈: 肺經;胃經;腎經 功效 補肺益氣,養陰潤燥。用于病后体虚,肺虚久咳,痰中带血,大便秘结,高血壓,血管硬化等,對於美容養顏,滋陰補氣也極具養生功效。 注意禁忌 風寒咳嗽者及濕熱釀痰致咳者禁用。   食療方 银耳羹 银耳5克,浸泡發開後,用開水川燙過撈出,放入碗中,加少量水,加入紅棗3-5粒一起隔水蒸一個小時,再加適量冰糖,繼續蒸至稠羹状,一次吃完。每晚睡前服用。 涼拌黑白雙耳 材料:木耳,銀耳,芹菜,香菜。做法:将木耳、銀耳用温水泡开淘净,摘去蒂,洗净,切成段。木耳、银耳撕碎。木耳、銀耳、芹菜分别用開水燙過,用醬油,醋,鹽、味精、香油調好口味,裝盤即成。 功效:滋陰,潤肺,生津,涼血,潤腸。 People started cultivating these beautiful mushrooms (a type of fungi) in China in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty but they were collected in the wild as far back as 200 A.D. Tremella (AKA white fungus, snow fungus) has been used for centuries for its beauty-enhancing benefits. Like other mushrooms, tremella is loaded with vitamin D, high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Many of tremella’s health benefits are due to its high amounts of polysaccharides which are antioxidants that can help keep our complexion hydrated and healthy. High amounts of vitamin D in tremella play a role in helping skin cell growth and both repairing and preventing premature skin aging. Vitamin D is also a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it plays a role in keeping skin hydrated and supple.In addition to helping keep skin looking smooth and glowing, tremella has a lot of other health benefits, such as helping to boost the immune system and lower inflammation. Polysaccharides in tremella can help maintain skin integrity and avoid sagging skin, as well as weak bones, and joint stiffness. Tremella’s powerful anti-inflammatory benefits have greater implications for their ability to fight off diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol, and tumors and other health problems caused by inflammation, including acne, respiratory illness, and headache.According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, tremella is sweet and light and enters the Meridians of the Lung Channel; Stomach Channel; Kidney Channel.TCM Indications: Nourishes yin and moistens dryness. It is useful for recovery from illness or surgery resulting in physical weakness, also for chronic cough, bloody sputum, uterine bleeding, constipation, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis. Precautions: people with mushroom allergies should use caution. People with chronic cough with sputum that is either clear and watery (internal cold) or thick and yellow (damp heat) should avoid use and address the underlying imbalance. How to cook tremella:Sweet Tremella SoupTremella has a rather mild, slightly sweet taste. They are especially used in Southeast Asian soups and desserts, though their mild taste makes them good for a variety of dishes. Cooking tremella releases its collagen into the soup. Soak one piece of tremella in water overnight so that it becomes softer, Rinse it carefully. With a knife or scissor remove the darker yellow tough center from the back of the tremella. In a cooking pot of cold water to cover the tremella, bring the water to boil then simmer for 45 minutes. Add a handful of Jujube red dates and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of dried goji berries and simmer for 2 minutes. Serve the dessert soup in a bowl and when cool add raw honey to taste.


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    Selected Dried Mushroom Shiitake (16oz/bag)

    天白花菇 冬菇 椎茸 有人以为,香菇大的才好,却不知大而薄根蒂很长,远不如金钱菇味香而富有营养。金钱菇不但具有清香味鲜的独特风味,而且含有大量的对人体有益的营养物质。具有调节人体新陈代谢、帮助消化、降低血压、减少胆固醇、预防肝硬变、消除胆结石、防治佝偻病等功效。 DRIED MUSHROOM Shiitake mushroom benefits:  Fights obesity Supports immune function Destroys cancer cells Supports cardiovascular health Contains antimicrobial properties Boosts energy and brain function Provides vitamin D Promotes skin health Dried shiitake has an umami flavor that can be described as savory or meaty. Umami is often considered the fifth taste, alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Both dried and fresh shiitake mushrooms are used in stir-fries, soups, stews, and other dishes...  Make a healthy tea by simmering dried shiitake  Drain the soaked shiitake and cut it into quarters. Bring it to a simmer with 2 cups of soaking water or fresh water and a pinch of sea salt or soy sauce. Simmer for 10-20 minutes, or until the liquid has reduced by half. Drink just one-half cup at a time.

    $35.99 - $37.99

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    Dried Mushroom#2 金钱菇 永合丰54251503 Selected Dried Mushroom Shiitake

    Selected Dried Mushroom Shiitake

    精選 天白 金钱菇 冬菇 椎茸 尺寸 size: 4cm- 5cm 种幼小型、未开伞的香菇的商品名。呈小圆形,收缩得很紧扎,肉头厚实,根蒂短小,因像铜板般形状,故得此名。 有人以为,香菇大的才好,却不知大而薄根蒂很长,远不如金钱菇味香而富有营养。金钱菇不但具有清香味鲜的独特风味,而且含有大量的对人体有益的营养物质。具有调节人体新陈代谢、帮助消化、降低血压、减少胆固醇、预防肝硬变、消除胆结石、防治佝偻病等功效。 Dried Mushroom Shiitake mushroom benefits:  Fights obesity Supports immune function Destroys cancer cells Supports cardiovascular health Contains antimicrobial properties Boosts energy and brain function Provides vitamin D Promotes skin health How to prepare dried shiitake mushrooms Cover the mushrooms in boiling water. Soak for 20 minutes.  The mushrooms should double in size. Strain the liquid and use it in stocks, congee, and soups...  Discard the stems – they're too tough to eat. Slice the mushrooms and add to stir-fries, soups, and curries. ( Basic Shiitake Tea Ingredients 3 dried shiitake  3 ½ cups spring or filtered water A few drops of naturally fermented soy sauce or ¼ tsp. miso Soak dried mushrooms in water for 30 minutes, or until they are soft. Finely chop the mushrooms. Place in a pot with the soaking water. Gently bring to boil. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add soy sauce toward the end or add miso when it is warm not simmering.

    $19.35 - $30.39


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