永合豐 雀石茗茶 WHF Twin Birds
云南 凤庆 Yunnan, China
蜜香 黄金芽 滇红Golden Tip Dianhong
保质期Shelf Life:
36 months
红茶 Black Tea
Caffeine Level:
芽头均匀粗壮,金毫显露,色泽金黄,花香清雅Dark leaves with golden tips,
观汤金红透亮,如陈年琥珀色泽The soup is a brilliant red, translucent like aged amber
常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place
In crafting Dian Hong Xiaojinya tea, the process has been refined to enhance quality. Unlike the previous method that led to fragmented leaves, the improved technique involves selecting a single tender bud, followed by deep natural rolling. This creates a distinct curved and semi-spiral shape, ensuring intact leaves.
The tea's unique appeal lies in its full-bodied yet non-greasy taste. Offering a clear and elegant aroma, it provides a refreshing and smooth experience, distinct from typical overly sweet Dian Hong. Suitable for any occasion, this tea brings comfort, making it ideal for both winter warmth and summer refreshment, as well as leisurely afternoons or post-work relaxation.
Moreover, it serves well after heavy meals, aiding digestion by clearing the palate with its sweet and refreshing notes. Additionally, it helps regulate spleen and stomach imbalances caused by consuming cold foods. In essence, Dian Hong Xiaojinya tea elevates the tea-drinking experience with its improved quality and diverse applications.
滇红小金芽茶叶的制作中,改进了原先的制作工艺:使用一芽两叶的原料制作茶叶, 制成毛茶后再重新摘出细小的芽头,破坏的过程导致茶叶略有细碎。而改进后的制作工艺:只采摘茶树早春单个的嫩芽,再经过深度的自然揉捻,制作成弯曲半螺的形状。改进前的工艺导致茶叶略有细碎,影响冲泡体验。改进后的工艺能制作出完整而自然弯曲的形状。深度揉捻后的茶叶内含物质容易冲破植物细胞壁的阻挡,在冲泡时更容易释放香气和滋味,提供更好的品味体验。同时使用了浅发酵的工艺,减少发酵损耗,茶叶色泽亮丽的同时再保留了更多的香气和滋味,带来了更清甜爽口的口感,使品质和口感得到了显著提升。
这种茶的独特之处在于它的口感丰满而不腻,茶汤初入口时,清雅的香气在口腔中弥漫开来,带着清爽顺滑的口感,而不同于普通滇红过于甜腻。随时随地,滇红小金芽都是你的绝佳选择。无论是在寒冷的冬季还是需要清凉解渴的夏季,是在悠闲的下午茶时光,还是在一天劳累之后需要放松身心,一杯清甜茶汤,能够令人身心舒畅,让你感受到茶生活的美好。同时它也适合用于餐后解腻和调理脾胃虚寒的情况:1. 餐后解腻:大鱼大肉等油腻食物消化后容易让人感到胃乏腻口,此时饮用滇红小金芽茶可以帮助消化重油重脂,疏通肠胃的梗阻感。茶中的清甜味道和爽口口感能够清洁口腔,带走油腻残留,使口口腔恢复清爽。2. 调理脾胃虚寒:在饮食生冷食物导致脾胃虚寒的情况下,滇红小金芽茶可以起到调理作用。发酵类茶中的温热性质有助于恢复脾胃的暖热,快速缓解冷缩绞痛不适,长期饮用可慢慢恢复身体的平衡。肠胃不好,饮食不规律的人更要多喝茶。
Brewing Method:
Tea cup
Chinese Gaiwan
Water volume:
12oz / 355ml
3.8oz / 110ml
194℉ / 90℃
194℉ / 90℃
Tea Quantity:
3 g Tea
5 g Tea
Brewing time:
2 - 5 mins
7 steeps: 10s, 15s, 25s, 35s, 50s, 70s, 100s
Rinse time is around 5 seconds
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