Dried Sea Cucumbers

8 products

  • JP Kansai Sea Cucumber M(16Oz)#517 JP Kansai Sea Cucumber M(16Oz)#517

    JP Kansai Sea Cucumber M(16Oz)#517

    日本关西刺参(M)#517 尺寸 Size:20~25 支/磅 海参富含蛋白质,烟酸和核黄素,并含有影响人体健康的一些物质,包括:硫酸软骨素(存在于人类软骨中)腔积液(其功能类似于人白细胞)棕榈酸,硬脂酸和亚油酸(具有强抗氧化作用的脂肪酸)角鲨烯(充当类固醇前体的化合物)三萜类化合物(一类化合物被认为可以减缓癌症的生长)海参可预防多种疾病,包括关节炎,心血管疾病,便秘,勃起功能障碍,牙周炎,牙龈疾病和某些类型的癌症。海参可抵抗炎症,促进伤口愈合并减缓衰老过程。传统用途:海参具有滋阴养阳的功能,如滋补肾,精,滋血,润燥,滋养胎儿,促进劳动。它可以提高男性的内分泌能力,改善女性的新陈代谢,促进性激素的分泌,并改善性功能。注意事项:海参具有稀释血液的作用(它会降低有害的胆固醇)。对贝类过敏的人应避免食用。在怀孕和哺乳期间避免使用它或在医生的指导下使用。  Caribbean Sea Cucumber#517 Size:20-25 pieces/pound Sea cucumber is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal (pepino do mar.) The preparation takes several days of soaking, cleaning and cooking and the nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate Chinese New Year soups and the famous soup “Monk jumps over the wall.” It has been used as an aphrodisiac that supplies sexual hormones, protects the prostate, and tones female metabolism.   Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process.  Traditional Uses:  Because sea cucumber is warm in nature, it has the functions of nourishing yin and yang, such as nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, nourishing the fetus and promoting labor. It can improve the endocrine ability of men and improve the metabolism of women, promote the secretion of sex hormones, and improve sexual function. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies.


  • Alaska Wild Sea Cucumber #431 Alaska Wild Sea Cucumber #431

    Alaska Wild Sea Cucumber #431

    阿拉斯加 深海野生 红刺参#431 尺寸 Size:15~18 支/磅 因为海参性温,具有补肾益精、滋阴健阳,补血润燥、养胎利产等阴阳双补功效。能提高男性内分泌能力,提高女性的新陈代谢,促进性激素分泌能力,提高性功能。 海参泡发 首先准备工具:纯净水或者矿泉水,绝对保证无油的器皿。干海参若干。 第一步 常温泡 常温下的纯净水或者矿泉水一起放到无油的器皿发泡24小时,每隔8小时换次水 24小时后,把海参拿起来用手捏一下,如果完全捏的透,没有硬块儿了,就说明第一步泡好了。如果还有硬块就继续泡,直到泡软无硬块。 第二步 去内脏 沿着海参的开口处用无油的剪刀剪开,剪开后去掉沙嘴和牙齿,沙嘴和牙齿类似石灰质。 第三步 热水煮 把清理的海参清洗干净后放入纯净水锅中,加热。水开后,改小火,盖上盖子焖煮25-30分钟,煮完后关火,继续盖上焖2个小时就完成了。 第四步 冰水泡 把煮好的海参,换新的纯净水加冰块放入冰箱的保鲜层,冰水泡持续24-48小时即可。每隔8小时换次水。一般2天后海参即泡发完成。 泡好海参后沥干水,用保鲜膜单独一个一个裹起来,然后放冰箱冷冻即可,每次食用,拿出来,凉水泡开即可按照您喜欢的方式食用,方便快捷!   Alaska Wild Sea Cucumber #431 Size:15~18 pieces/pound Nutritionally, sea cucumbers have an impressive profile of valuable nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), and minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. . .  Sea cucumber protein, specially produced from the body wall, is rich in glycine, glutamic acid, and arginine. Glycine can stimulate the production and release of IL-2 and B cell antibody and thus contributes to enhancing phagocytosis. Glycine and glutamic acid are essential components for cells to synthesize glutathione which can stimulate activation and proliferation of NK cells. Arginine can enhance cell immunity by promoting the activation and proliferation of T-cell. Due to these amino acid components, sea cucumbers have remarkable function in immune regulation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3210605/ From the manufacturer:  Because sea cucumbers are warm in nature, they have the yin and yang tonic effects such as nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing yin and yang, nourishing blood and moisturizing dryness, nourishing the fetus, and benefiting reproduction. It can improve male endocrine capacity, increase female metabolism, promote sex hormone secretion capacity, and improve sexual function.   


  • Australia Sea Cucumber #422 (16oz)

    Australia Sea Cucumber #422 (16oz)

    澳洲 特大豬婆參  尺寸 Size:1~2 支/磅猪婆参,分白猪婆参、花猪婆参和黑猪婆参三种,其中花猪婆参又叫麻石参,它们的名字是由加工后的干参的表面颜色来划分的,顾名思义,白猪婆参就是表皮白色的,花猪婆参是表皮有花纹,黑猪婆参是表皮黑色。猪婆参因其腹部两侧各有一排粗壮的刺,类似母猪的乳头,并且鲜活的猪婆参因个体很大,趴在海底远远看去,类似趴窝的小猪,因而起名叫猪婆参。 猪婆参营养很高,口感好,广东地区高档婚宴就是用猪婆参,也是名菜佛跳墙中的海参原料,干参泡发后色泽白中带黄,肉多而软滑;可以补肾益精 养血降压。对高血压与冠心病、消痔疮、治疗胃溃疡、预防癌症等都有一定的疗效。可滋阴补肾, 壮阳温补,对胆固醇过高及糖尿病患者, 中老人有很好的食疗功效,特别已婚的女性多需补血,为生育或是产后进补和保健必备, 猪婆参是最适合孕产妇食用的海参,对产妇少奶有很好的催奶效果。 在营养价值上,以澳洲最好,东南亚最次(比如印尼产猪婆参),澳洲产猪婆参,干参饱满,表面光滑,肉质肥厚,泡发量很高,而东南亚出产的猪婆参,参体瘦小,参体表面多褶皱,泡发量小很多,营养更大打折扣。 Australia Sea Cucumber #422(16oz) Size:1~2 pieces/poundSea Cucumber, one of the earth’s oldest living creatures (it has existed for over 500 million years), the slug of the sea has developed an extraordinary immune system–one that, surprisingly, resembles that of humans. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer), and Portugal. The preparation takes several days of soaking, cleaning, and cooking, and its nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often prepared in elaborate Chinese New Year soups.  Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid functions similarly to human white blood cells Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid have potent antioxidant effects Squalene is a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids Triterpenoids are a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease, and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process.  Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood-thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use it under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • Spiky Sea Cucumber #527 (16oz)

    Spiky Sea Cucumber #527 (16oz)

    加勒比海 刺皇參 #527 尺寸 Size:20-32 支/磅 海参富含蛋白质,烟酸和核黄素,并含有影响人体健康的物质,包括:硫酸软骨素(存在于人类软骨中)腔积液(其功能类似于人白细胞)棕榈酸,硬脂酸和亚油酸(具有强抗氧化作用的脂肪酸)角鲨烯(充当类固醇前体的化合物)三萜类化合物(一类化合物被认为可以减缓癌症的生长)预防多种疾病,包括关节炎,心血管疾病,便秘,勃起功能障碍,牙周炎,牙龈疾病和某些类型的癌症。海参可抵抗炎症,促进伤口愈合并减缓衰老过程。传统用途:由于海参具有滋阴养阳的功能,如滋补肾,精,滋血,润燥,滋养胎儿等。它可以提高男性的内分泌能力,改善女性的新陈代谢,促进性激素的分泌,并改善性功能。注意事项:海参具有稀释血液的作用(它会降低有害的胆固醇)。对贝类过敏的人应避免食用。在怀孕和哺乳期间避免使用它或在医生的指导下使用。 Spiky Sea Cucumber #527 Size:20-32 pieces/ LBSea cucumbers are ocean dwellers, though some inhabit the shallows and others live in the deep ocean on or near the ocean floor—sometimes partially buried beneath it. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal (pepino do mar.) The preparation takes several days of soaking and cooking and the nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate Chinese New Year soups.  Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process.  Traditional Uses:  Because sea cucumber is warm in nature, it has the functions of nourishing yin and yang, such as nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, nourishing the fetus and promoting labor. It can improve the endocrine ability of men and improve the metabolism of women, promote the secretion of sex hormones, and improve sexual function. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 


  • Hokkaido Sea Cucumber (16 oz) Hokkaido Sea Cucumber (16 oz)

    Hokkaido Sea Cucumber (16 oz)

    特級日本北海道 野生刺參 1磅/盒 日本北海道产海参是与干鲍鱼和鱼翅等并列的高级食材的之一。北海道产出的日本刺参参体的背面均匀的分布着六排刺,日本刺参的腹部比较平坦,并且个头也不大,但是日本刺参的肉质非常的厚实,因为日本刺参的生长年限比较短,因此刺参的体内聚集的营养价值相对比较高。日本海参一直保持着无添加剂的工艺,拥有最好的淡干海参的加工法则,加工工艺并不复杂,只是全部手工和天然。  Hokkaido Sea Cucumber 1lb/Box Known in Japan as Namako, Manamako, Akako, Aoko or Kaiso—all of which mean "sea rat," Namako is considered an “ocean delicacy” among sushi connoisseurs and is treasured in some cultures for its medicinal value. Known for its unique, crunchy texture, when fresh these sea creatures are best enjoyed in the winter months in Japan. In Japan, sea cucumber is often served raw as sunomono, a sea cucumber salad with ponzu sauce and seaweed to create a light, flavorful dish. However, this dried Japanese sea cucumber is popular throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate lunar New Year soups.  Hokkaido sea cucumber is considered one of the highest-quality ingredients alongside dried abalone and shark fin. It has long been used as an aphrodisiac and natural health supplement.  Six rows of spines are evenly distributed on the back of the Japanese sea cucumber body produced in Hokkaido. The belly of the Japanese sea cucumber is relatively flat and not large, but the meat of the Japanese sea cucumber is very thick because of the years of growth of the Japanese sea cucumber. It is relatively short, so the concentrated nutritional value of the sea cucumber is relatively high. Japanese sea cucumbers have always maintained an additive-free process and have the best processing rules for light dried sea cucumbers. The processing technology is not complicated, just all handmade and natural. Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Sea cucumber is used to prevent and treat a variety of illnesses and discomforts, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process. Nutritionally, sea cucumbers have an impressive profile of valuable nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), and minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

    $1,088.00 - $1,588.00

  • Sea Cucumber #672 (16oz)

    Sea Cucumber #672 (16oz)

    加州灣大腰參  16oz 尺寸 Size:20 ~ 25 支/磅 海参富含蛋白质,烟酸和核黄素,并含有影响人体健康的物质,包括:硫酸软骨素(存在于人类软骨中)腔积液(其功能类似于人白细胞)棕榈酸,硬脂酸和亚油酸(具有强抗氧化作用的脂肪酸)角鲨烯(充当类固醇前体的化合物)三萜类化合物(一类化合物被认为可以减缓癌症的生长)预防多种疾病,包括关节炎,心血管疾病,便秘,勃起功能障碍,牙周炎,牙龈疾病和某些类型的癌症。海参可抵抗炎症,促进伤口愈合并减缓衰老过程。注意事项:海参具有稀释血液的作用(它会降低有害的胆固醇)。对贝类过敏的人应避免食用。在怀孕和哺乳期间避免使用它或在医生的指导下使用。   Sea Cucumber #672 Size:20 ~ 25 pieces/pound Sea cucumbers are ocean dwellers, though some inhabit the shallows and others live in the deep ocean on or near the ocean floor—sometimes partially buried beneath it. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal. The preparation takes several days of soaking and cooking and their nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate Chinese New Year soups.  Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process.  Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • Sea Cucumber #697(16oz) Sea Cucumber #697(16oz)

    Sea Cucumber #697(16oz)

    墨西哥刺參 南美刺参16oz 海参富含蛋白质,烟酸和核黄素,并含有影响人体健康的一些物质,包括:硫酸软骨素(存在于人类软骨中)腔积液(其功能类似于人白细胞)棕榈酸,硬脂酸和亚油酸(具有强抗氧化作用的脂肪酸)角鲨烯(充当类固醇前体的化合物)三萜类化合物(一类化合物被认为可以减缓癌症的生长)海参可预防多种疾病,包括关节炎,心血管疾病,便秘,勃起功能障碍,牙周炎,牙龈疾病和某些类型的癌症。海参可抵抗炎症,促进伤口愈合并减缓衰老过程。传统用途:海参具有滋阴养阳的功能,如滋补肾,精,滋血,润燥,滋养胎儿,促进劳动。它可以提高男性的内分泌能力,改善女性的新陈代谢,促进性激素的分泌,并改善性功能。注意事项:海参具有稀释血液的作用(它会降低有害的胆固醇)。对贝类过敏的人应避免食用。在怀孕和哺乳期间避免使用它或在医生的指导下使用。   Sea Cucumber #697(1Lb) Sea cucumbers have been on earth for 500 million years. Sea cucumbers are ocean dwellers, though some inhabit the shallows and others live in the deep ocean on or near the ocean floor—sometimes partially buried beneath it. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal (pepino do mar.) The preparation takes several days of soaking and cooking and their nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate Chinese New Year soups.  Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process.  Traditional Uses:  Because sea cucumber is warm in nature, it has the functions of nourishing yin and yang, such as nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, nourishing the fetus and promoting labor. It can improve the endocrine ability of men and improve the metabolism of women, promote the secretion of sex hormones, and improve sexual function. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • Dried Sea Cucumber #674 (16oz)

    Dried Sea Cucumber #674 (16oz)

    阿拉斯野生深海红刺参 16oz 尺寸 Size:32 ~ 40 支/磅 阿拉斯加红刺参纵横肌发达(海参筋),俗称桂花蚌。是高档料理的重要选料之一,内含丰富的海参皂甙成分,食疗效果显著   Dried Sea Cucumber #674 (16oz) Size:32 - 40 pieces/pound Sea cucumbers are very low in calories and fat and high in protein, making them weight-loss food. They also contain many powerful substances, including antioxidants, which are good for your health. Sea cucumbers are high in protein, with most species comprising 41–63% protein. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/sea-cucumber#nutrition Sea cucumber is a marine invertebrate found all over the world. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fatigue, impotence, constipation, frequent urination, and joint pain. It is also a rich source of mucopolysaccharides, especially chondroitin sulfate, commonly used for arthritis. https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/integrative-medicine/herbs/sea-cucumber Slowly cook the soaked sea cucumber in boiling water for 20 to 30 minutes. Turn off the heat afterward, cover, and let cool. Cut it open and remove the organs inside. If the sea cucumber still feels hard, repeat the boiling process two or three times, until it turns completely soft. https://guide.michelin.com/en/article/features/ingredient-sea-cucumber



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