Traditional Herbal
Eucommia Bark / Sichuan Du Zhong (16oz/Box)
特選 四川厚杜仲(16oz/盒) 性味 甘;微辛;性温 功效 为杜仲科植物杜仲的干燥树皮。 主治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 经脉 肝经;肾经 主治 补肝肾,强筋骨,安胎。治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 ①《本经》:主腰脊痛,补中益精气,坚筋骨,强志,除阴下痒湿,小便余沥。 ②《别录》:主脚中酸痛,不欲践地。 ③《药性论》:治肾冷臀腰痛,腰病人虚而身强直,风也。腰不利加而用之。 ④《日华子本草》:治肾劳,腰脊挛。入药炙用。 ⑤王好古:润肝燥,补肝经风虚。 ⑥《本草正》:止小水梦遗,暖子宫,安胎气。 ⑦《玉楸药解》:益肝肾,养筋骨,去关节湿淫。治腰膝酸痛,腿足拘挛。 ⑧《本草再新》:充筋力,强阳道。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或浸酒;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚火旺者慎服。 2.《本草经集注》:恶蛇皮、元参。 3.《本草经疏》:肾虚火炽者不宜用。即用当与黄柏、知母同入。 4.《得配本草》:内热、精血燥二者禁用。 Eucommia Bark/ Sichuan Du Zhong (16 oz/Box) Eucommia ulmoides (EU) (also known as “Du Zhong” in Chinese language) is a plant containing various kinds of chemical constituents such as lignans, iridoids, phenolics, steroids, flavonoids, and other compounds. These constituents of EU possess various medicinal properties and have been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) as a folk drink and functional food for several thousand years. . . The health-promoting properties of EU on cardiovascular system and antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and neuroprotective effects and metabolic modulation on bones and phytoestrogenic properties have attracted much interest in the extraction and functional development of active ingredients of EU. Evidenced based complementary and alternative medicine. From the manufacturer: The taste is sweet, slightly pungent; and it is warming in nature. It is the dry bark of Eucommia ulmoides. Indications are for lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, excessive urination, vaginal discharge, fetal movement [or possible threatened miscarriage], and high blood pressure. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes the liver and kidney, strengthens the bones and muscles, and “relieves pregnancy” [calms the fetus] It has been used to cure lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, restless fetal movement, high blood pressure. TCM references for herbal use of eucommia: ① "Ben Jing": Mainly lumbar and spinal pain, nourishes the middle and nourish vital energy, strengthens the muscles and bones, strengthens the mind, remove itching and dampness under the yin, and [excess urination]. ② "Bie Lu": Soreness in the main foot, do not want to practice the ground. [difficulty walking] ③ "Yao Xing Lun": Treat cold kidney; with buttocks and low back pain, patients with weak waist and stiff body, wind [nerve pain] also. Use it for your waist. ④ "Rihuazi Ben Cao": cures kidney labor, lumbar spinal spasm. Used as medicine. ⑤Wang Haogu: Nourishes the liver dryness, nourishes the liver and wind [nerve pain from deficiency.] ⑥ "Ben Cao Zheng": stops wet dreams, warms the uterus, and relieves fetal gas. ⑦ "Yu Qiu Yao Jie": to benefit the liver and kidney, nourish bones and muscles, to remove joint swelling. Cures waist and knee pain, leg and foot spasm. ⑧ "Ben Cao Zai Xin": Replenishing energy and strengthening Yang Dao. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or soaking in wine; or into pills or powder. Cautions: Be cautious using this with Yin deficiency and fire [fever or inflammation]. "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu": do not use with snake skin, or Yuan Shen ginseng. "Ben Cao Jing Shu": Not suitable for people with kidney deficiency and fire. It should be used together with Huangbo [Cortex Phellodendri] and Zhimu [Rhizoma Anemarrhenae. ] "Depei Ben Cao": Do not use with internal heat and dryness of jing essence and blood.
Gui Pi / Cassia Cinnamon
安南高山大树 玉桂皮 肉桂 为樟科植物天竺桂、阴香、细叶香桂或川桂等的树皮。 性味:辛;甘;性温经脉:脾;胃;肝;肾功效:暖脾胃,散风寒,通血脉。治腹冷胸满,呕吐噎膈,风湿痹痛,跌损瘀滞,血痢肠风。注意禁忌:阴虚火旺忌服,孕妇慎服。 Gui Pi / Cassia Cinnamon Some people use it for erectile dysfunction (ED), hernia, bed-wetting, joint pain, menopausal symptoms, menstrual problems, and to cause abortions. Cassia cinnamon is also used for chest pain, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, cramps, and cancer. People apply cassia cinnamon to the skin to repel mosquitoes. From the manufacturer: This is the dried bark and branch bark of Lauraceae cinnamon. The taste is spicy hot. It enters the Kidney, Spleen, and Bladder meridians. Indications: for replenishing Yuanyang, warming the spleen and stomach, removing cold accumulation, and clearing blood vessels. It has been used to cure “mingmen life-span fire failure,” cold limbs and weak pulse, collapsed yang, abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold hernia, cold pain in the waist and knees, amenorrhea, yin gangrene [slow healing, oozing wound], and floating yang, upper heat and lower cold [feeling as though feverish in the head but with cold lower body and extremities.] Cautions: Avoid taking with Yin-deficiency [fever, chronic thirst and hunger] Huowang, pregnant women should avoid it. Cautions: Avoid this tea during pregnancy
$6.99 - $24.99
Cassia Twig / Gui Zhi (16oz)
桂枝 16oz Cassia Twig 柳桂 川桂枝 桂枝木 桂枝尖 广眉尖 性味 辛;甘;性温 功效 为樟科植物肉桂的嫩枝。 主治风寒表证,肩背肢节酸疼,胸痹痰饮,经闭癥瘕。 经脉 膀胱经;心经;肺经 主治 发汗解肌,温经通脉。治风寒表证,肩背肢节酸疼,胸痹痰饮,经闭癥瘕。 用法用量 内服:煎汤1.5~6g,大剂量,可用至15~30g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 热病高热,阴虚火旺,血热妄行者禁服。 【食疗方】 升压茶 肉桂、桂枝、炙甘草各10g。先将上述三味药,锉成粗末,备用。每次用药末适量放于茶壶中,鲜开水泡约10分钟,即可当茶饮用。代茶频饮,连服1周。 功效:壮心阳,升血压。主治心阳不足所致的头晕,精神困倦,四肢无力,血压低于90/60mmHg等症。 Cassia Twig/Gui Zhi 16oz Cinnamon is warmer in tone and tan in color with a sweet flavor. Cassia is more of a reddish-brown in color and has a more coarse texture, with a stronger, yet more bitter flavor.Common names: Ceylon cinnamon, cassia (Eng), Zimt (Ger), cannelle (Fr), canella (Ital), dalchini (Hindi), darusita, ... It increases saliva, sharpens the appetite and promotes digestion, and encourages a gentle expectoration in ... Primarily warming: good for inducing perspiration and promoting circulation.Cassia has a wide range of pharmacological effects, including anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, anti-diabetic and anti-obesity, antibacterial and antiviral, cardiovascular protective, cytoprotective, neuroprotective, immunoregulatory effects, anti-tyrosinase activity and other effects. Dosage Oral administration: decoction 1.5~6g, large dose, 15~30g; or into pills or powder. Cautions: Do not use this with fever, high fever, yin deficiency and fire, and blood-heat skin rash. Boost tea 10g each of cassia, cinnamon sticks, and roasted licorice. First, grind the above-mentioned three herbs into coarse powder and set aside. Put an appropriate amount of the powder in a teapot each time, soak in freshly boiled water for about 10 minutes, then you can drink it as a tea. Drink frequently instead of tea, it can be taken for 1 week at a time. Efficacy: strengthens heart yang, raises blood pressure. Indications of dizziness, mental drowsiness, weakness of limbs, blood pressure lower than 90/60mmHg and other diseases caused by deficiency of heart yang.
Rou Gui Si / Cinnamon Slice / Cassia Bark
大树玉桂 / 肉桂丝 This is sliced cinnamon, can be used to make tea or bake. 为樟科植物肉桂的干皮及枝皮。 性味 辛甘,热。 经脉 入肾经、脾经,膀胱经。 主治 补元阳,暖脾胃,除积冷,通血脉。治命门火衰,肢冷脉微,亡阳虚脱,腹痛泄泻,寒疝奔豚,腰膝冷痛,经闭癥瘕,阴疽,流注,及虚阳浮越,上热下寒。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺忌服,孕妇慎服。 【食疗方】 山楂肉桂汤 山楂15g,肉桂6g,红糖25g。山楂与肉桂加水共煎,去渣,加红糖稍煎即得。 用于血寒性月经后延,面色苍白等症。肉桂能温肾壮阳,温通经脉,活血行瘀,祛寒止痛。红糖和中散寒,温经活血,三者对血寒型月经错后效果显著。 Rou Gui / Cinnamon Slice / Cassia Bark (4oz) Some people use it for erectile dysfunction (ED), hernia, bed-wetting, joint pain, menopausal symptoms, menstrual problems, and to cause abortions. Cassia cinnamon is also used for chest pain, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, cramps, and cancer. People apply cassia cinnamon to the skin to repel mosquitoes. From the manufacturer: This is sliced cinnamon that can be used to make tea or baked. It is the dried bark and branch bark of Lauraceae cinnamon. The taste is spicy hot. It enters the Kidney, Spleen, and Bladder meridians. Indications: for replenishing Yuanyang, warming the spleen and stomach, removing cold accumulation, and clearing blood vessels. It has been used to cure “mingmen life-span fire failure,” cold limbs and weak pulse, collapsed yang, abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold hernia, cold pain in the waist and knees, amenorrhea, yin gangrene [slow healing, oozing wound], and floating yang, upper heat and lower cold [feeling as though feverish in the head but with cold lower body and extremities.] Cautions: Avoid taking with Yin-deficiency [fever, chronic thirst and hunger] Huowang, pregnant women should avoid it. Diet Therapy Hawthorn Cinnamon Soup Ingredients: Hawthorn 15g, cinnamon 6g, brown sugar 25g. Boil the hawthorn and cinnamon with water for 30 minutes, remove the herbs, add brown sugar and simmer for a while. It is used for “blood-cold menstrual delay” and pale complexion. [when menstruation is delayed due to chills, exposure to exogenous cold temperatures or chronic weakness with pallor. . . Also useful for cramps with sparse, pale menstrual flow.] Cinnamon can warm the kidney and strengthen yang, warm the meridians, promote blood circulation, reduce blood stasis, dispel cold and relieve pain. Brown sugar, dispells cold in the middle, warming menstruation and promoting blood circulation, the three have significant effects on menstrual problems of “blood-cold type.” Cautions: Avoid this tea during pregnancy
$12.99 - $45.99
Suberect Spatholobus Stem / Ji Xue Teng (16oz)
鸡血藤 16oz 马鹿藤、紫梗藤、猪血藤、九层风、血龙藤、过岗龙、五层血 性味 味苦;微甘;性温 功效 为豆科植物密花豆的藤茎。 活血舒筋,养血调经。主手足麻木,肢体瘫痪,风湿痹痛,妇女月经不调,痛经,闭经。 经脉 心经;脾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g,大剂量可用至30g;或浸酒。 注意禁忌 阴虚火亢者慎用。 食疗方 鸡血藤炖肉方 鸡血藤干品10~15克,瘦猪肉150克。二味共炖至肉烂,食肉服汤。每日1次,5天为一疗程。 功效:养血补肝,搜风通络。 Suberect Spatholobus Stem / Ji Xue Teng (16oz) Spatholobus stem aka Millettia Root is warm in nature, bitter and sweet in flavor, and mainly manifests its therapeutic actions in the Liver meridian. Spatholobus stem has active components like flavonoids, triterpenes, anthraquinones, and sterol derivatives Spatholobus stem is often used for conditions like sallow complexion due to blood deficiency, limb numbness, paralysis in the limbs or body, rheumatic joints, irregular menstruation, menstrual pain or missed [menstrual] periods. Studies showed that Spatholobus stem has effects in promoting hematopoiesis function [the production of all types of blood cells including formation, development, and differentiation of blood cells], expanding blood vessels, anti-coagulation, enhancing uterine contraction, reducing blood lipid, anti-tumor, anti-virus, immune modulation, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, tranquilizing and promoting sleep.
Tree Peony Bark / Dan Pi (16oz)
精制 丹皮 16oz Tree Peony Bark 牡丹皮、粉丹皮、木芍药、条丹皮、洛阳花 性味 苦、辛,微寒。 功效 为毛茛科植物牡丹的根皮。 主治热入血分,发斑,惊痫,吐、衄、便血,骨蒸劳热,经闭,癥瘕,痈疡,扑损。 经脉 归心经、肝经、肾经。 主治 清热凉血,和血消瘀。治热入血分,发斑,惊痫,吐、衄、便血,骨蒸劳热,经闭,癥瘕,痈疡,跌打损伤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~9g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 血虚有寒,孕妇及月经过多者慎服。 食療方 1.橘叶丹皮肝 橘叶10克,丹皮10克,羊肝60克,佐料适量。前二味与羊肝加水共煮,肝熟后切片加佐料,作正餐之辅助菜食之。 功效:疏肝理气,清热凉血。 2.柴芍丹皮炖瘦肉 柴胡6克,丹皮6克,白芍10克,瘦猪肉30克,佐料适量。柴胡、丹皮、白芍洗净与瘦肉共炖,至肉烂熟,加佐料适量。饮汤食肉。 功效:疏肝解郁,柔肝清热。 Tree Peony Bark / Dan Pi 16oz Mu Dan Pi (moutan pi) is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to invigorate the blood, eliminate blood stasis, remove excess heat and drain pus. Mu Dan Pi supports circulatory health, promotes healthy liver function, and benefits the immune system. The taste is bitter, pungent, and slightly cold in effect. It is the root bark of the Ranunculaceae plant peony. Indications are heated in the blood [blood acidity causing inflammatory symptoms including rash and others], spotting, epilepsy, vomiting blood, epistaxis, hematochezia, bone steaming fever [inflammatory joint disease], amenorrhea [loss of menses], ulcers, carbuncle ulcers, bruises, and giddiness. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 6-9g; or into pills or powder. Caution: It should be used with caution and professional advice for blood deficiency and cold, pregnant women, and menorrhagia
Eucommia Bark / Du Zhong (16oz)
精選 厚杜仲(16oz) 性味 甘;微辛;性温 功效 为杜仲科植物杜仲的干燥树皮。 主治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 经脉 肝经;肾经 主治 补肝肾,强筋骨,安胎。治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 ①《本经》:主腰脊痛,补中益精气,坚筋骨,强志,除阴下痒湿,小便余沥。 ②《别录》:主脚中酸痛,不欲践地。 ③《药性论》:治肾冷臀腰痛,腰病人虚而身强直,风也。腰不利加而用之。 ④《日华子本草》:治肾劳,腰脊挛。入药炙用。 ⑤王好古:润肝燥,补肝经风虚。 ⑥《本草正》:止小水梦遗,暖子宫,安胎气。 ⑦《玉楸药解》:益肝肾,养筋骨,去关节湿淫。治腰膝酸痛,腿足拘挛。 ⑧《本草再新》:充筋力,强阳道。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或浸酒;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚火旺者慎服。 2.《本草经集注》:恶蛇皮、元参。 3.《本草经疏》:肾虚火炽者不宜用。即用当与黄柏、知母同入。 4.《得配本草》:内热、精血燥二者禁用。 Eucommia Bark/Du Zhong (16 oz/Box) This Chinese medicine comes from the bark of the Chinese rubber tree (Eucommia ulmoides). Du-Zhong is also a popular folk drink and is used as a functional food reinforcing the muscles and lungs, lowering blood pressure, preventing miscarriages, improving liver and kidney tone, and increasing longevity. ( It is known as “Du Zhong” in the Chinese language, a plant containing various kinds of chemical constituents such as lignans, iridoids, phenolics, steroids, flavonoids, and other compounds. These constituents of EU possess various medicinal properties and have been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) as a folk drink and functional food for several thousand years. EU has several pharmacological properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antimicrobial, anticancer, antiaging, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective properties. Hence, it has been widely used solely or in combination with other compounds to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, sexual dysfunction, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and neurological diseases. From the manufacturer: The taste is sweet; slightly pungent; warm in nature and effective. It is the dry bark of Eucommia Ulmoides. Indications: For lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, excessive urination, itchy vaginal discharge, fetal leakage [bleeding during pregnancy], restless fetal movement, high blood pressure. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: It nourishes the liver and kidney, strengthens bones and muscles, and soothes the restless fetus. It has been used to cure lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, excessive urine leakage, wet itching from the vagina, “fetal leakage,” fetal movement, and high blood pressure. Dosage: Oral administration: decocting soup, 6~15g; or soaking in wine; or pill or powder. Cautions: Be cautious about those who have yin deficiency and fire [afternoon fever, night sweats, thirst, dizziness, and headache].
Peel of Chinese Waxgourd / Dong Gua Pi (16oz)
冬瓜皮 白瓜皮 白东瓜皮 性味 味甘;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;脾经;小肠经 功效 为葫芦科植物冬瓜的外层果皮。 清热,利水,消肿。主水肿,小便不利,泄泻,疮肿。 注意禁忌 《四川中药志》:因营养不良而致之虚肿慎用。 Peel of Chinese Waxgourd/ Dong Gua Pi 16oz It clears heat and toxicity: For edema usually due to damp-heat, abdominal distention, urinary difficulty, and summer heat disorders. The taste is sweet, and it is slightly cold in nature It enters the Meridians of Lung, Spleen, and Small Intestine meridians It is the outer skin of winter gourd, a cucurbitaceous plant. It is used to clear heat, increase diuresis, reduce swelling. Mainly used for edema, poor urination, diarrhea, sores, and swelling.
Mangnolia Officinalis / Hou Pu (16oz)
厚朴 16oz 厚皮、重皮、赤朴、烈朴、川朴、紫油厚朴 性味 苦;辛;性温。 功效 本品为木兰科植物厚朴或凹叶厚朴的干燥干皮、根皮及枝皮。 温中,下气,燥湿,消痰。治胸腹痞满胀痛,反胃,呕吐,宿食不消,痰饮喘咳,寒湿泻痢。 经脉 脾经;胃经;大肠经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 孕妇慎用。 Mangnolia Officinalis / Hou Pu 16oz Mangnolia bark appears to have many potential benefits, including anti-cancer properties, improved sleep, treatment of menopause symptoms, relief of stress and anxiety, and protection against oxidation and inflammation. Taking magnolia bark along with drugs that promote sleep or treat anxiety, such as sedatives, sleep medications, and barbiturates, may cause drowsiness. Magnolia Officinalis [aka thick-skinned, heavy-skinned, red pu, Lie pu, Chuan pu, purple oil magnolia] The taste is Bitter; pungent; it is warm in nature. This product is the dried bark, root bark, and branch bark of Magnolia Officinalis or Magnolia Officinalis. Traditional Chinese medicine uses: Warms middle, dries dampness, eliminates phlegm. It has been used to “cure chest and abdomen fullness, pain, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, phlegm, asthma and cough, cold dampness and diarrhea.” It enters the Meridians of Spleen, Stomach, and Large Intestine Channels Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or into pills or powder. Cautions: Pregnant women should use it with caution.
Chinese Starjasmine Stem / Luo Shi Teng (16oz)
络石藤 16oz 石鲮、明石、悬石、云珠、云丹、石磋、略石、领石、石龙藤、耐冬、石血、白花藤、红对叶肾、对叶藤、石南藤、过墙风、石邦藤、骑墙虎、风藤、折骨草、交脚风、铁线草、藤络、见水生、苦连藤、软筋藤、万字金银、石气柑 性味 苦;辛;性微寒 功效 本品为夹竹桃科植物络石的干燥带叶藤茎。 祛风,通络,止血,消瘀。治风湿痹痛,筋脉拘挛,痈肿,喉痹,吐血,跌打损伤,产后恶露不行。 经脉 心经;肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎场,6~15g单味可用至30g;浸酒,30~60g;或入丸、散剂。 外用:适量,研末调敷或捣汁涂。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经集注》:杜仲、牡丹为之使。恶铁落,畏菖蒲、贝母。 ②《药性论》:恶铁精。杀殷孽毒。 ③《本草经疏》:阴脏人畏寒易泄者勿服。 Chinese Starjasmine Stem / Luo Shi Teng 16oz In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), star jasmine stems are plants that belong to the 'Herbs that dispel Wind and Dampness' category. These herbs typically help treat what's called 'bi pain' (i.e. painful obstruction) in TCM. This roughly corresponds to arthritic and rheumatic conditions with pain, stiffness, and numbness of the bones, joints, and muscles. Star jasmine stems are Cool in nature. This means that star jasmine stems tend to help people who have too much ‘Heat’ in their body, Balance between yin and yang is a key health concept in TCM. Those who have too much Heat are said to either have a yang excess: Dryness, constipation, darker more condensed urine, possibly high fever and restlessness or a yin deficiency: Emaciation and weakness, night sweats, restlessness with little energy or energy in spurts, a red tongue with no coat and a fast but empty pulse. Star jasmine stems have a bitter taste. Bitter ingredients like star jasmine stems tend to have a cleansing action on the body promoting elimination via urination or bowel movements. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g single flavor can be used up to 30g; soaking in wine, 30-60g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, grind the powder and adjust the compressor to mash the juice to apply. Cautions: Do not take it if the person is afraid of cold and easily perspires.
Uncaria Stem with Hooks / Gou Teng (16oz)
钩藤 16oz Uncaria Stem with Hooks 双钩藤、鹰爪风、吊风根、金钩草、倒挂刺 性味 甘,凉 功效 本品为茜草科植物钩藤、大叶钩藤、毛钩藤、华钩藤或无柄果钩藤的干燥带钩茎枝。 主治小儿惊痫瘈疭,大人血压偏高,头晕、目眩,妇人子痫 经脉 入肝经、心经。 主治 清热平肝,熄风定惊。治小儿惊痫瘈疭,大人血压偏高,头晕、目眩,妇人子痫。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~12g,入煎剂宜后下。 注意禁忌 ①《本草新编》:最能盗气,虚者勿投。 ②《本草从新》:无火者勿服。 食疗方 1.芍钩冬瓜汤 白芍药2钱、钩陈(钩藤勾)2钱、冬瓜半斤。芍药、钩陈加水熬煮20分钟,再与冬瓜一起下锅熬汤至冬瓜熟透,视个人口味加调味料。 功效:对於长时间使用手指导致的疼痛与心烦、头晕目眩有镇静效果。 2.决明菊花钩藤粥 炒决明子15g,白菊花10g,钩藤10g,粳米100g,冰糖少许。先将决明子入锅中炒至微香,再同菊花、钩藤共煎取汁。将药汁、粳米共煮成粥,调入适量冰糖稍炖即成。每日1剂,连用数日。 功效:息风定惊,平肝阳。用于中风患者。 Uncaria Stem with Hooks/Gou Teng 16oz Uncaria hooks, the dried climbing hooks, and stems of U. sinensis, have sedative and antispasmodic properties. They are used in Chinese medicine for the relief of headaches and dizziness caused by hypertension and for the treatment of convulsions in children. ( Diet therapy Cassia chrysanthemum and Uncaria porridge Stir-fried cassia seeds 15g, white chrysanthemum 10g, Uncaria 10g, add 100g japonica rice, a little rock sugar. Fry the cassia seeds in a pot until slightly fragrant, and then fry together with the chrysanthemum and Uncaria to get the juice. Boil the concoction and japonica rice together into porridge, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, and simmer for a while. Take 1 dose a day for several days. Efficacy: Relieving wind, calming convulsions, calming liver-yang. Used for stroke patients. [Wind in traditional Chinese medicine refers to dizziness, fever, pain, and stroke due to liver inflammation.
Piper Wallichii / Shi Nan Teng (16oz)
石楠藤 16oz 性味 辛,溫。 功效 本品為胡椒科植物毛蒟的乾燥枝葉。 祛風濕,舒筋絡,強腰膝,除痹痛。用於風寒濕痹,筋骨疼痛。腰膝無力,咳嗽氣喘,腎虛咳嗽,陽痿。 经脉 歸肝、脾經。 用法用量 内服:煎场,6~15g单味可用至30g;浸酒,30~60g;或入丸、散剂。 外用:适量,研末调敷或捣汁涂。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经集注》:杜仲、牡丹为之使。恶铁落,畏菖蒲、贝母。 ②《药性论》:恶铁精。杀殷孽毒。 ③《本草经疏》:阴脏人畏寒易泄者勿服。 Piper wallichii / Shi Nan Teng (16oz) Piper wallichii (Miq.) Hand.-Mazz. is a medicinal plant used widely for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory diseases, cerebral infarction, and angina in China. Previous study showed that lignans and neolignans from Piper spp. had potential inhibitory activities on platelet aggregation. As a plant in the genus Piper of the family Piperaceae with vine as the medicinal part, Piper wallichii . . . has wind-cold dispelling, waist and knee strengthening and kidney-yang invigorating functions, which is traditionally used for rheumatic arthralgia, lumbocrural pain, etc. Piper wallichii contains a variety of chemical constituents, including lignins, amide alkaloids, organic acids, ( TCM indications: Dispel rheumatism, relax muscles and collaterals, strengthen waist and knees, and relieve arthralgia. Used for wind, cold and dampness arthralgia, muscle and bone pain. Waist and knee weakness, cough and wheezing, kidney deficiency cough, impotence. It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Spleen channels. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g single flavor can be used up to 30g; soaking in wine, 30-60g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, grind the powder, and adjust the compressor to mash the juice to apply. Cautions: Do not take it if the person is afraid of cold temperatures and is easy to perspire.