Gift Sets

Treat yourself or share your love with a Wing Hop Fung Gift Set. Natural health and beauty items include delicious Teas, Delicacies from the Sea, and more!!


Best Picks for Gifting Best Picks for Gifting Give the best gift of love and kindness to your family and friends.

Treat yourself or share your love with a Wing Hop Fung Gift Set. Natural health and beauty items include delicious Teas, Delicacies from the Sea, and more!!

25 products

  • 15% OFF
    WHF Lunar New Year Prosperity Box WHF Lunar New Year Prosperity Box

    WHF Lunar New Year Prosperity Box

    永合豐 2025 年靈蛇獻寶糖果禮盒 2025 年靈蛇悄然降臨,帶來神秘、優雅與靈動。永合豐為您獻上充滿祥瑞與甜蜜的靈蛇獻寶糖果禮盒。 我們精心挑選了一系列最令人陶醉的糖果,為新的一年增添甜蜜氛圍,寓意著平安、歡樂和吉祥。每一颗糖果都如同靈蛇帶來的珍寶,飽含著對您和您的家人的美好祝福。 願您與您的摯愛一同分享這份靈蛇獻寶禮盒,在歡聲笑語中創造溫馨而難忘的回憶,開啟充滿喜悅的 2025 年。 Candy Gift Box of the Spiritual Snake Presenting Treasure Celebrating the Year of the Snake Welcome to the mysterious year of Wood-Snake. The year of Snake brings wonderful opportunities to meet your personal goals, changes, and improvements.  To celebrate, Wing Hop Fung proudly presents our exclusive Lunar New Year Prosperity Box. Thoughtfully curated, this box is filled with a selection of the finest, most delightful candies/snacks to infuse your new year with sweetness. Each treat represents peace, happiness, and prosperity. Share this gift with your loved ones to create cherished memories filled with laughter and joy.  Product(产品) Weight(重量) Lucky Meaning(寓意) Oolong Tea 台灣高山烏龍 Tin White Rabbit Candy 大白兔糖 3.6oz For delightful sweetness带来愉悦的甜蜜 lucky candy 利是糖 3.5oz For health,happiness and good fortune象征健康、幸福和好运 mini twists小麻花 2.6oz For unity and prosperity寓意团结和繁荣 jujube with walnut紅棗夾核桃 2.5oz For strength and vitality象征力量和活力 WHF hawthorn snacks 山楂餅 2.65oz For a happy tummy有益于肠胃健康,带来好心情 pistachio 開心果 4oz For happiness寓意幸福


  • 15% OFF
    WHF Lunar New Year Lucky Swiftlet Prosperity Box WHF Lunar New Year Lucky Swiftlet Prosperity Box

    WHF Lunar New Year Lucky Swiftlet Prosperity Box

    永合豐 2025年 紫燕吉祥糖果礼盒 2025 年,紫燕翩然而至,攜來祥瑞、優雅與生機。永合豐敬獻充滿福澤與甜蜜之 “紫燕吉祥大禮盒”。 吾輩悉心甄選一系列最是迷人之佳餚美饌,為新歲增添喜悅氛圍,其蘊含平安、歡愉、康泰之美意。每一款美食皆似紫燕銜來之珍寶,滿載著對君及府上之誠摯祝願。 願君偕同親眷共享此 “紫燕吉祥糖果礼盒”,於笑語歡歌中營造溫馨難忘之回憶,邁向充滿祥瑞的 2025 年新程。 WHF Lunar New Year Lucky Swiftlet Prosperity Box Celebrating the Year of the Snake Welcome to the mysterious year of Wood-Snake. The year of Snake brings wonderful opportunities to meet your personal goals, changes, and improvements.  To celebrate, Wing Hop Fung proudly presents our exclusive Lunar New Year Prosperity Box. Thoughtfully curated, this box is filled with a selection of the finest, most delightful candies/snacks to infuse your new year with sweetness. Each treat represents peace, happiness, and prosperity. Share this gift with your loved ones to create cherished memories filled with laughter and joy.  Product(产品) Weight(重量) Lucky Meaning(寓意) Black Tea 九曲紅梅 Tin White Rabbit Candy 大白兔糖 3.6oz For delightful sweetness带来愉悦的甜蜜 lucky candy 利是糖 3.5oz For health,happiness and good fortune象征健康、幸福和好运 mini twists小麻花 2.6oz For unity and prosperity寓意团结和繁荣 jujube with walnut紅棗夾核桃 2.5oz For strength and vitality象征力量和活力 WHF hawthorn snacks 山楂餅 2.65oz For a happy tummy有益于肠胃健康,带来好心情 pistachio 開心果 4oz For happiness寓意幸福


  • WHF Gift Box 05 WHF Gift Box 05

    WHF Gift Box 05

    永合豐 鸿运当头 节日礼盒 05 精选圆桃胶 16oz,宁夏枸杞子 8oz,一级龙眼干 16oz,新疆珍珠枣 16oz   A Delicious Sweet Treat for Healthy Beauty Delight loved ones with this thoughtful gift of rejuvenating tonic herbs, a traditional Chinese recipe for healthy, glowing skin, a happy pain-free body, and improved eyesight.  Contents:  Peach gum 16oz  Ningxia wolfberry (goji berry) 8oz Top-grade dried longan fruit 16oz  Xinjiang pearl jujube date 16oz Peach gum, the sap from peach trees, is a concentrated source of collagen. Goji, longan, and jujube are sweet-flavored fruits that enhance blood production and circulation.  Use one handful of each ingredient.  Rinse a handful of peach gum and soak them overnight until softer then rinse again.  Add the other ingredients and about 2 cups of water and simmer for 20 minutes.  Enjoy the smooth, sweet-flavored dessert or tea anytime.


  • WHF Gift Box 10 WHF Gift Box 10

    WHF Gift Box 10

    永合豐 鸿运当头 节日礼盒 10 新陵濾茶杯(15 fl oz)華盛頓牌 美國威州 原枝花旗參茶(24包)華盛頓牌 美国威州 精選花旗參粉(8 oz/瓶)永合豐 新西兰 達華麗蜂蜜 (500g) 九曲紅梅(3oz) Elegant Superfoods from Land and Sea Contents: Tea Cup (15 fl oz) American Ginseng Root Tea(24bags) Premium American Ginseng Powder (8 oz) WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g) Special JiuQu HongMei 3oz./Tin  Delight your loved ones with this precious gift box which features American ginseng tea and powder. American ginseng is healthful, moistening, and refreshing for dry skin and thirst. Also included is a tin of Jiu Qu Hong Mei black tea.


  • WHF Gift Box 14 WHF Gift Box 14

    WHF Gift Box 14

    永合豐 鸿运当头 节日礼盒 14 華盛頓牌 美國花旗參粉(8 oz/瓶)永合丰 新西兰 麦卢卡蜂蜜(膏体500g)華盛頓牌 美國威州 原枝花旗參茶(24包)话梅姜 (200g) 甘甜话梅(120g) Elegant Superfoods from Land and Sea Contents: Premium American Ginseng Powder (6oz/Bottle) WHF Manuka Honey - Creamed (500g) American Ginseng Root Tea (24 Teabags) Dandy's Preserved Ginger(200g) Dandy's Preserved Dried Plums(120g) Delight your loved ones with this precious gift box which features delicious sweet and pungent flavors that support vibrant health. American ginseng is moistening and refreshing for dry skin and thirst. Ginger aids digestion and dried red plum adds sparkle to any tea. Manuka honey is a superstar health treat.


  • WHF Gift Box 08 WHF Gift Box 08

    WHF Gift Box 08

    永合豐 鸿运当头 节日礼盒 08 金钱菇 7oz 特級 長白山 無根小朵黑木耳 8oz金装发菜16oz厨之宝极品XO干贝酱寶馬海皇玉鮑 16 oz Elegant Superfoods from Land and Sea Contents: Selected Dried Mushroom Shiitake 7oz Dried Black Fungus Wood Ear Mushrooms 8oz Black Moss/ Fa Cai (2 oz/bag) Premium Dried Scallop X.O source Precious Gt Top Shellfish  


  • WHF Gift Box 07 WHF Gift Box 07

    WHF Gift Box 07

    永合豐 鸿运当头 节日礼盒 07 天白花菇 7oz 特级甘肃发菜 4oz6头智利黄油鲍 16oz Elegant Superfoods from Land and Sea Contents: Premium Dried Mushroom Shiitake 7oz Black Moss/ Fa Cai Gift Box (4 oz/box) Star Island Premium Abalone 16oz  


  • WHF Sea food Combo Gift Box WHF Sea food Combo Gift Box

    WHF Sea food Combo Gift Box

    年年有余 海味礼盒 礼盒内容:天白花菇 ,日本深海瑶柱,帝皇牌鲍鱼   WHF Seafood Combo Gift Box Give your friends and family an oceanic vacation with light, delicious seafood. A super nutritious treat!  This gift box contains:  Shiitake mushrooms  Deep-sea scallops  Canned Emperor brand abalone The ingredients can be enjoyed separately or combined to make a tasty soup or stir fry. 


  • WHF Sea Food Combo Gift Box 08

    WHF Sea Food Combo Gift Box 08

    吉祥如意 海味礼盒 成分:加州湾腰参 0.3lb、日本北海道干贝0.3lb WHF Seafood Combo Gift Box   Offer friends and family good health and good luck with this treasured gift.  Ingredients: California Gulf Sea Cucumber 0.3lb,  Japanese Hokkaido Dried Scallop 0.3lb Both are rich in protein and low fat. Sea cucumber provides collagen to beautify skin and support healthy joints. Dried scallop has a rich taste and concentrated sea minerals.   


  • WHF Sea Food Combo Gift Box 01

    WHF Sea Food Combo Gift Box 01

    年年有余 海味礼盒 成分:加州湾腰参 0.3lb、非洲野生金鲈鱼鳔 0.1lb   WHF Seafood Combo Gift Box For Vibrant Health and Beauty  Give your friends and family an oceanic vacation with light, delicious seafood. A super nutritious treat!  Ingredients:  California Sea Cucumber 0.3lb, African Wild Fish Maw 0.1lb


  • Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces

    Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces

    宜兴紫砂 一陶一社  真意套組 200ml 尺寸/size (inch) 茶壶 Tea pot with lid: 4.9 * 2.7 * 3.5 /1pcs 茶杯 Tea cups: 2 * 1.8  /2 pcs Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces The Yixing pronounced (E-Shing) teapot was the first vessel designed specifically for brewing tea during the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644). The first Yixing teapots originated west of Taihu, the great lake in the Jiangsu province around 100 miles from Shanghai. ... Pottery has been produced in Yixing since neolithic times. Yixing teapots are intended for pu’er, black, and oolong teas. They can also be used for green or white teas, however, the heat retention characteristics of Yixing make the brewing process extremely difficult; and in such cases, the water must be heated to no greater than 85 °C (185 °F), before pouring into the teapot. A famous characteristic of Yixing teapots is their ability to absorb trace amounts of brewed tea flavors and minerals into the teapot with each brewing. Over time, these accumulate to give each Yixing teapot its own unique interior coating that flavors and colors future brewings. It is for this reason that soap is never recommended for cleaning Yixing teapots, but instead, fresh distilled water and air drying. Many tea connoisseurs will steep only one type of tea in a particular Yixing teapot so that future brewings of the same type of tea will be optimally enhanced Yixing teapots are smaller than their western counterparts as the tea is often brewed using the gongfu style of brewing: shorter steeping durations with smaller amounts of water and smaller teacups (compared to western-style brewing). Traditionally, the tea from the teapot is poured into either a small pitcher, from which it is then poured into a teacup that holds approximately 30 ml or less of liquid, allowing the tea to be quickly and repeatedly ingested before it becomes cooled or into several teacups for guests.  


  • Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces

    Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces

    宜兴紫砂 一陶一社  蘭韻套組 200ml 尺寸/size (inch) 茶壶 Tea pot with lid: 5 * 3 * 2.8 /1pcs 茶杯 Tea cups: 1.8 * 1.6  /2 pcs Yixing Clay (Zi Sha) Tea Set 3 Pieces The Yixing pronounced (E-Shing) teapot was the first vessel designed specifically for brewing tea during the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644). The first Yixing teapots originated west of Taihu, the great lake in the Jiangsu province around 100 miles from Shanghai. ... Pottery has been produced in Yixing since neolithic times. Yixing teapots are intended for pu’er, black, and oolong teas. They can also be used for green or white teas, however, the heat retention characteristics of Yixing make the brewing process extremely difficult; and in such cases, the water must be heated to no greater than 85 °C (185 °F), before pouring into the teapot. A famous characteristic of Yixing teapots is their ability to absorb trace amounts of brewed tea flavors and minerals into the teapot with each brewing. Over time, these accumulate to give each Yixing teapot its own unique interior coating that flavors and colors future brewings. It is for this reason that soap is never recommended for cleaning Yixing teapots, but instead, fresh distilled water and air drying. Many tea connoisseurs will steep only one type of tea in a particular Yixing teapot so that future brewings of the same type of tea will be optimally enhanced Yixing teapots are smaller than their western counterparts as the tea is often brewed using the gongfu style of brewing: shorter steeping durations with smaller amounts of water and smaller teacups (compared to western-style brewing). Traditionally, the tea from the teapot is poured into either a small pitcher, from which it is then poured into a teacup that holds approximately 30 ml or less of liquid, allowing the tea to be quickly and repeatedly ingested before it becomes cooled or into several teacups for guests.  



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