极品马骝搣观音皇 #1136
品牌 Brand:
永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds
产地 Origin:
福建省泉州市安溪县Anxi, Quanzhou, Fujian
清香型乌龙茶Fragrant Oolong Tea
春秋两季Spring and Autumn
Caffeine Level:
脱氧保鲜贮藏、冰箱冷藏Deoxidation preservation storage, Refrigeration
保质期Shelf life:
18个月18 months
【茶品简介 Tea Description】
铁观音茶是以铁观音茶树鲜叶进行扦插繁育、栽培和采摘,按照独特传统加工工艺制作而成,具有典型音韵品质特征的乌龙茶,可具体划分为清香型、浓香型和陈香型铁观音。铁观音茶介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,铁观音独具“观音韵”,清香雅韵,冲泡后有天然的兰花香,滋味纯浓,香气馥郁持久,有“七泡有余香”之誉。Tie Guan Yin tea is made from fresh leaves of the Tie Guan Yin tea tree, which are propagated through cutting, cultivated, and harvested. It is processed according to a unique traditional technique, resulting in an oolong tea with typical 'yin' qualities. Tie Guan Yin can be specifically classified into three types: floral-scented, strong-scented, and aged Tie Guan Yin. This tea is a semi-fermented type, falling between green and black tea. Tie Guan Yin has a unique 'Guanyin aroma,' with a fresh, elegant fragrance. When brewed, it reveals a natural orchid scent, with a rich and pure taste, and a lingering fragrance that lasts through multiple infusions, earning the reputation of 'lasting fragrance for seven brews.'
【制作工艺 Production Process】
安溪铁观音初制全过程为:采摘→萎凋→做青→杀青→揉捻→包揉→初烘→复包揉→复烘→定型→烘干。主要分为五个阶段:采摘是品质形成的基础阶段;晒青是品质形成的初始阶段;做青是“构色”“构香”“构味”品质形成的关键阶段:杀青是固定内质的重要阶段;揉烘是外型塑造的关键阶段。The initial processing process of Anxi Tie Guan Yin tea includes the following steps: plucking → withering → shaping → kill-green → rolling → pouching → first drying → second pouching → second drying → shaping → final drying. This process is mainly divided into five stages: plucking, which is the foundational stage for quality formation; withering, which is the initial stage of quality formation; shaping, which is the key stage for 'developing color,' 'developing fragrance,' and 'developing flavor'; kill-green, which is an important stage for stabilizing the internal compounds; and rolling and drying, which are the key stages for shaping the appearance.
【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】
外形条索紧结,重实,色泽青翠。The appearance is tightly rolled, dense, and has a vibrant green color.
【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】
茶汤色金黄、橙黄,透亮,滋味醇厚甘鲜,鲜爽回甘。The tea liquor is golden yellow and orange-yellow, clear and bright. The taste is rich, mellow, and fresh, with a refreshing sweetness in the aftertaste.
【风味 Tea Taste】
汤水清澈,香气馥郁,花香明显,口味醇正。The tea liquor is clear, with a rich fragrance. The floral aroma is distinct, and the taste is smooth and authentic.
【健康益处 Health benefits】
铁观音茶具有降脂减肥、预防心血管疾病,降脂减肥,提神醒脑,杀菌抑菌,抗衰老,预防老年痴呆症等功效。Old Bush Shui Xian tea can improve skin allergies, prevent aging, brighten and refine the skin, and help prevent plaque and cavities. It also helps dissolve fat, contributing to weight loss and slimming effects. Additionally, it has anti-tumor properties and can prevent aging, while eliminating harmful reactive oxygen species that damage beauty and health.
【适合人群 Recommended for】
老少咸宜。Suitable for all ages.
【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】
盖碗。Chinese Gaiwan
【冲泡方式 Brewing method】
一般每120毫升的水投放7~10克左右。冲泡水温一定要沸水。Generally, use 7-10 grams of tea for every 120 milliliters of water. The brewing water temperature should be boiling.
【冲泡次数 Number of brews】
可以反复冲泡1~8泡。Can be steeped for 1 to 8 infusions.
【冲泡次数时间 Brewing time】
每次120毫升水中投放7~10克放进盖碗,用沸水冲泡,首汤10秒即可倒出茶水,以后依次延长5秒,但不可久浸,可连续冲泡6-7次。矿泉水或纯净水冲泡,山泉水泡饮效果最佳。For each infusion, use 120ml of water and add 7 to 10 grams of tea leaves into the Gaiwan. Pour boiling water over the leaves. For the first infusion, steep for 10 seconds, then gradually increase the steeping time by 5 seconds for each subsequent infusion, but do not steep for too long. The tea can be steeped for 6 to 7 infusions. Use mineral or purified water for brewing, but spring water is ideal for the best flavor.
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