Food & Beverage
Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy 1LB/6oz
Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy 1LB/6oz 太子牌 原粒花旗参糖礼袋 1LB/6oz 本品选用百分百纯正美国威斯康辛州高品质原枝花旗参切粒,配以高品质葡萄糖精制而成。让你在日常生活节奏中,轻轻松松地享用原枝花旗参清甘芬芳的味道。 威斯康辛州气候适宜、地广人稀,未受污染的处女地使之成为种植花旗参最理想的场地。百年以来,威州一直被誉为全美洲产参圣地,加上当地参农经验丰富,因此所出产的花旗参质量更优良。 成份:砂糖、葡萄糖、纯正美国威斯康辛州花旗参粒,薄荷及花旗参香精。 两款包装分别净重:1lb /454g 或 6oz/170g Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy Enjoy the smooth refreshing taste of our chewable American Ginseng Root Candy. Every piece is plentifully packed with real ginseng root chunks. Prince of Peace® Wisconsin American ginseng roots have been carefully selected from high quality roots. Wisconsin has the ideal climate and mineral-rich soil conditions for growing the perfect ginseng roots. Being the No. 1 selling brand in the U.S.A. for more than 20 years, Prince of Peace® Wisconsin American Ginseng Roots Candy are the perfect gifts to your friends and families! Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose, Pure Wisconsin American Ginseng Chunks (Panax Quinquefolium), Peppermint, and American Ginseng Flavor. Net Weight: 1lb /454g & 6oz/170g (Info. from:
$4.75 - $9.89
Chrysanthemum Floral Tea
Chrysanthemum Floral Tea 生津润肺茶(金银花,罗汉果,菊花 茶饮) 無任何人工添加、自然甘甜味、 是秋季滋陰潤燥最佳首選飲品 清热解毒 清肝明目 润肺止咳 生津止渴 成份:金银花、罗汉果、杭菊花 金银花:清热解毒、散结消肿、抗炎止血,对牙齿周围组织的炎症有控制舒缓的作用,有助排毒美颜 罗汉果:化痰止咳、清肺润肠、生津止渴 菊花:清肝火、明目 做法简单,不需要加糖,味道清香甘甜,特别清热解渴。 做法:食材略洗,加入1000cc清水,煮滚后,转中小火续煮20分钟左右。关火焖15分钟风味更浓。可热饮或冻饮,各具特色。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Chrysanthemum Floral Tea Ingredients: Honeysuckle, monk fruit, Hangzhou chrysanthemum. Honeysuckle: clears heat and detoxifies, reduces swelling, has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, helps alleviate inflammation around the teeth, and aids in detoxification and enhancing complexion. Monk Fruit: relieves cough and phlegm, clears the lungs and moistens the intestines, quenches thirst. Chrysanthemum: clears liver heat and improves vision. This drink is simple to prepare, requires no added sugar, and has a fragrant, sweet taste. It is especially effective for clearing heat and quenching thirst. **According to U.S. medical and health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product should not be used for medical interpretation and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
DengQiHui LaoRen ShuiHao Sugar Free Herbal Tea/ 3g x12 bags
DengQiHui LaoRen ShuiHao Sugar Free Herbal Tea/ 3g x12 bags 鄧奇輝 老人睡好茶 3g x 12包 天然安全配方 草本精華 安神助眠 無糖茶包型袋泡茶 方便携帶冲泡 本品以酸棗仁、白茯苓、蓮子、桂圓肉、百合、桑椹為原料,經科學方法加工而成,尤其適合中老年人。
Wang Lao Ji Herbal Candy/ Run Hou Tang 56g
Wang Lao Ji Herbal Candy/ Run Hou Tang 56g 王老吉潤喉糖 56克 清涼草本潤喉糖 口感獨特舒爽 緩解喉嚨不適 成份:菊花、羅漢果、金銀花、天然薄荷腦、仙草、甘草等草本植物製成 不含任何色素、香精、防腐剂,安全有保障 鉄盒包装+内包装+錫纸包装,三重包装保護,携帶方便 Cooling Herbal Throat Lozenges Unique and Refreshing Taste, Relieves Throat Discomfort Ingredients: Chrysanthemum, Luo Han Guo, Honeysuckle, Natural Menthol, Mesona, Licorice, and other herbal plants" No any artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, ensuring safety and quality Tin box packaging + inner packaging + foil packaging, triple-layer protection, easy to carry。
H.E.I. Kamwo Herbal Tea 3oz/85g
H.E.I. Kamwo Herbal Tea 3oz/85g 漢寳 甘和茶 85g (8.5gx10 小盒) 成份:黃芩、陳皮、荊芥、金櫻根、崗梅花、水翁花 用法:開水泡服或煎服,每次1至3小盒,一日1至2次 Ingredients: Baikal Skullcap Root, Orange Peel, Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, Cherokee Rose Root, Roughhaired Holly Flower, Operculate Cleistocalyx Immature Flower Direction of Usage: Prepared by pouring 8oz of boiling water over one package of tea, let stand 15 minutes then serve.
Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage 10gx16 bags
Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage 160g (10gx16 bags) 葛仙翁 下火王冲劑 160g (10gx16小袋) 主要成份:金銀花、菊花、胖大海、梔子、桑葉、淡竹葉、白茅根、魚腥草、白砂糖 飲用方法:開水冲飲,一次1-2袋,一日3-4次 儲存方式:請置於陰涼乾燥處 產品規格:10g*16袋 **產品的説明信息未經美國食品药物管理局(FDA)的评估審查,不宜作藥用注解。懷孕及哺乳期婦女、嬰幼兒或 正在服用處方藥物者在使用前請咨詢醫師****產品包裝、價格、保質期、规格等訊息如有調整,恕不另行通知。如未能及時更新產品訊息,請以收到的實 物產品為准。產品包裝説明可能含有更多本網站上沒有涵蓋的產品訊息。請在使用或服用前,閲讀產品所附說明、標簽及注意事項。 Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage (10gx16 bag) Ingredients: Honeysuckle, Chrysanthemum Flower, Boat-fruited Sterculia Seed, Cape Jasmine Fruit, Mulberry leaf, Common Lophatherum Herb, Lalang Grass Rhizome, Heartleaf Houlttuynia Herb. Direction: Dissolve one or two bags in a cup of boiled water, 3 or 4 times daily when needed.
Ban Lan Gen Herbal Tea/Natural Herbs Beverage 4.5oz (8gx16bags)
Ban Lan Gen Herbal Tea/Sugar Free Natural Herbs Beverage 4.5oz (8gx16bags) 雙錢牌 板藍根涼茶 無蔗糖冲劑 4.5oz (8gx16小包) 成份:板藍根、大青葉、麥芽糊精 用法用量:每次1-2包,每日多次,用開水冲飲 Ingredients: Isatidis Root, Isatidis Leaf, Malt Dextrin Usage & Dosage: Take 1-2 packets each time, multiple times a day, dissolved in hot water.
Wang Lao Ji Herbal Tea (3.5oz/100g)
Wang Lao Ji Herbal Tea (10gx10bags) 王老吉 廣東涼茶顆粒100g (10g x 10袋) 清熱解毒 解暑降火 涼茶植物飲料 怕上火喝王老吉 夏季清火消暑 沖劑 茶包 涼茶 “王老吉”廣東涼茶顆粒,是中國一種廣受歡迎的天然草藥補充飲品,經現代科學方法提煉精裝修製而成,有助於清熱解毒、祛濕生津。 用法用量:成人每次1包,一日1-2次,用開水冲溶飲用 禁忌:孕婦禁服 儲存:置於陰涼乾燥處 Wang Lao Ji Herbal Tea (3.5oz/100g) "Wanglaoji" Guangdong herbal tea granules are a widely popular natural herbal supplement drink in China. They are refined and prepared using modern scientific methods and help to clear heat, detoxify, remove dampness, and promote fluid production. Usage and Dosage: Adults should take 1 packet each time, 1-2 times a day, dissolved in hot water. Note : Not suitable for pregnant women. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.
Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag
葛仙翁 强力去濕茶160g (10gx16袋) 本品選用藿香、紫蘇等氣味藥食同源植物為原料,采用現代科學方法精製而成。 配料:藿香、紫蘇、白芷、茯苓、橘皮、桔梗、甘草、白砂糖 飲用方法:開水冲飲,一次1-2袋,一日3-4次 產品規格:10g*16袋 Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag This product is made from medicinal and edible plants such as Agastache rugosa and Perilla frutescens, refined using modern scientific methods. Ingredients: Agastache rugosa, Perilla frutescens, Angelica dahurica, Poria, Tangerine peel, Platycodon, Licorice, Sugar. Direction: Dissolve one or two bags in a cup of boiled water, 3 or 4 times daily when needed.
City Aroma Dried Seaweed 50g
City Aroma Dried Seaweed 50g 滿城香 無沙紫菜 50g 本產品採用於深海水域的晚秋幼芽紫菜,經過多層次冲洗、脫水、製片成型,烘烤發泡精製而成,最大程度保持了海洋紫菜特有的風味,其質香鮮嫩脆,純净無沙,無雜質的特點,是大衆日常生活的方便理想食品。 儲存方法:開封後請盡早食用,以免受潮,或保存於冰箱或密閉容器内,以保持原風味鮮美,避免高溫、潮濕、陽光直射。 This product is made from late autumn young buds of seaweed harvested in deep-sea waters. After undergoing multi-stage washing, dehydration, forming, and meticulous roasting, the seaweed is processed to retain its unique oceanic flavor to the greatest extent. It is characterized by its fragrant, fresh, tender, and crispy texture, being pure, sand-free, and without impurities, making it an ideal and convenient food for everyday consumption. Storage Method: After opening, please consume as soon as possible to avoid moisture. Alternatively, store in a refrigerator or airtight container to maintain its original fresh flavor. Avoid high temperatures, humidity, and direct sunlight.
Dried Seaweed 3oz
Dried Seaweed / 無砂紫菜 3oz A Healthy Food - Zero Cholesterol, High Protein and Low Fat & Calories 零膽固醇 高蛋白質 低脂肪 低熱量的健康食品 紫菜, 俗稱"長壽菜", 富含蛋白質, 碘, 磷, 钙, 铁及多種维生素, 在天然食品中,蛋白質含量高又零膽固醇者以紫菜之最。 紫菜脂肪含量低,含有豐富的食物纖維,維生素A是牛奶的67倍,還有維生素C的含量是高麗菜的70倍。 最重要的是非常容易料理,最簡單的煮法就是紫菜蛋花湯,也可以加入各種餡料裏面增添風味。 Seaweed/Nori/Zi Cai, commonly known as "longevity vegetable," is rich in protein, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and various vitamins. Among natural foods, nori has the highest protein content and zero cholesterol. Nori is low in fat and rich in dietary fiber, containing 67 times more vitamin A than milk and 70 times more vitamin C than cabbage. Most importantly, it is very easy to cook. The simplest way to prepare it is nori egg drop soup, and it can also be added to various fillings to enhance flavor.
Hokkaido Dried Seaweed 8oz
Hokkaido Dried Seaweed 8oz/ 日本北海道昆布 8oz 昆布是調整酸性體質的最佳天然鹼性食品 昆布含熱量低,礦物質含量非常豐富,是牛奶的23倍,鈣約是39倍。顏色呈灰黑色,為細長昆布中產量最多的一種。肉厚味美,燉煮後仍能保持鮮味及韌度,口感中稍微帶有一點甜味。在日本西元797年,當時昆布是被當作貢品,是相當珍貴的。昆布是生長在寒帶海域的一種海藻,市場上所食用的昆布約有 90 % 是產自北海道。同時含有幫助恢復疲勞、提高思考力及美肌作用。昆布也是很好鹼性食品,能夠讓我們因為攝取大量肉類或加工食品而傾向酸性的體質,保持為健康的弱鹼性體質。適合煮湯和涼拌,都非常美味,有這麼多的好處,是我們日常飲食不可或缺的健康養生食材。使用方法:將昆布浸泡於水中待軟,即可用於各式烹調料理中。 昆布外面有一層白霜樣物質原是由海帶體內滲出的甘露醇 ,甘露醇易溶於水,在泡發海帶的時間不可過長更不要洗 除,應儘量保留以利吸收利用。 Kombu--The Best Natural Alkaline Food to Adjust Acidic Physique Kombu is a low-calorie food rich in minerals, containing 23 times more minerals and about 39 times more calcium than milk. It is dark grey in color and is the most abundantly produced type of slender kombu. It has thick, flavorful seaweed that retains its freshness and firmness even after stewing, with a slightly sweet taste. In Japan, as early as 797 AD, kombu was considered a precious tribute. Kombu is a type of seaweed that grows in cold seas, with approximately 90% of the kombu consumed on the market coming from Hokkaido. Kombu helps relieve fatigue, enhance cognitive function, and improve skin health. It is also an excellent alkaline food, helping to maintain a healthy weak alkaline physique, especially for those whose bodies tend to become acidic due to the intake of large amounts of meat or processed foods. Kombu is suitable for making soups and cold dishes, both of which are delicious. With so many benefits, kombu is an indispensable health food in our daily diet. Usage Instructions: soak the kombu in water until it softens, then it can be used in various culinary dishes. The white powdery substance on the outside of the kombu is actually mannitol, which seeps out from the seaweed itself. Mannitol is easily soluble in water, so do not soak the seaweed for too long or wash it off. It should be retained as much as possible to facilitate absorption and utilization.