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  • Shen Jin Cao(16oz)

    Common Clubmoss Herb/Shen Jin Cao(16oz)

    伸筋草 性味 苦;辛;温;无毒;平 功效 为石松科植物石松、华中石松及灯笼草的全草。 主治风寒湿痹,关节酸痛,皮肤麻木,四肢软弱,水肿,跌打损伤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或浸酒。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 《四川中药志》:孕妇及出血过多者忌服。 Common Clubmoss Herb/Shen Jin Cao(16oz) Shen Jin Cao is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to dissipate wind-damp, soothe tendons and activate collaterals. Shen Jin Cao benefits digestive health, may ease headaches, and supports a healthy immune system. It has anti-inflammatory analgesic, muscle relaxant, and hypotensive effects. ( Modern research: Chinese club moss contains huperzine A, a chemical found to be deficient in patients suffering from memory loss, and may also protect brain cells from certain poisons. . . Do not confuse club moss (Lycopodium clavatum) and Chinese club moss (Lycopodium chensis), as they are different species. Only Chinese club moss contains the constituent huperzine A that is known for its boosting of short-term concentration as well as its long-term support of cognitive brain function, including memory function. Both types of club moss are effective for treating fevers, pain, and swelling. The Chinese use club moss Shen Jin Cao to treat fevers and inflammation.  Research in China suggests that the constituent huperzine A is effective in improving memory impairment with patients suffering from mild to moderate vascular dementia. From the manufacturer:  The taste is bitter; pungent; It is warming. It is the whole plant of, Lycopodium Chinese and Peruviana. Indications: It is used for wind, cold, and dampness [nerve pain that feels worse from cold, damp weather or cold foods; edema], joint soreness, skin numbness, weak limbs, edema, bruises.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 9~15g; or soaking in wine.     External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Cautions: "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine": Pregnant women and those with excessive bleeding should not take it.  


  • bag)

    Apocynum venetum/Luo Bu Ma (16 oz/bag)

    罗布麻叶(1磅/包) 性味 甘、苦,凉。 性状 本品多皱缩卷曲,有的破碎,完整叶片展平后呈椭圆状披针形或卵圆状披针形,长2~5cm,宽0.5~2cm,淡绿色或灰绿色,先端钝,有小芒尖,基部钝圆或楔形,边缘具细齿,常反卷,两面无毛,叶脉于下表面突起;叶柄细,长约4mm。质脆。气微,味淡。 功效 本品为夹竹桃科植物罗布麻的干燥叶。 主治心脏病,高血压,神经衰弱,肝炎腹胀,肾炎浮肿。 经脉 归肝经。 用法用量 3~10克。水煎服;单味浸泡代茶服。 注意禁忌 脾虚慢惊者慎用。 罗布麻叶的药方 ①治肝炎腹胀:罗布麻二钱,甜瓜蒂一钱五分,延胡索二钱,公丁香一钱,木香三钱。共研末,一次五分,一日二次,开水送服。(《新疆中草药手册》) ②治神经衰弱,眩晕,脑震荡后遗症,心悸,失眠,高血压,肝硬化腹水,浮肿:罗布麻一至三钱。开水冲泡当茶喝,不可煎煮。(《新疆中草药手册》) ③降压茶:罗布麻叶6克、大山楂15克、五味子5克、冰糖适量,肥胖者不放糖,以开水冲泡代茶用。 功效 此药膳茶平肝熄风,活血化瘀,滋肾敛肺,可治高血压,失眠,头晕,降低血脂,此茶还可防治冠心病。   Apocynum venetum/Luo Bu Ma (16 oz/bag) Apocynum is a Chinese herb that has a long history of use in Europe as a tea for supporting normal blood pressure levels. This herb also contains antioxidant properties. Luo Bu Ma Pian is recommended for those with water retention and for supporting normal cardiovascular function. Luo Bu Ma Pian may be used for the following: Supports normal cardiovascular function High blood pressure Water retention Constipation ( From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, bitter, and it is cold in effect.  This product is mostly shrunken and curled, and some are broken. After the intact leaves are flattened, they are elliptical-lanceolate or ovoid-lanceolate, 2.5cm long, 0.5.2cm wide, light green or gray-green, with a blunt tip and blunt or wedge-shaped base. It is finely toothed at the edges, often recurved, glabrous on both sides, leaf veins protruding from the lower surface; the petiole is thin, about 4mm long. It has a crisp fragrance and is tasteless. This product is the dry leaves of Apocynaceae plant Apocynum. Indications: for heart disease, hypertension, neurasthenia, hepatitis, abdominal distension, nephritis and swelling. It enters the Liver meridian. Dosage  3-10 grams. Decoction in water; or brewed instead of tea. Cautions: Use with caution for those with spleen deficiency. [weakness, diarrehea, nausea, poor appetite, etc.] The classical use of Luo Bu Ma  ① Treatment of hepatitis and abdominal distension: simmer with watermelon seed, corydalis, clove; twice a day, served with boiling water. ("Xinjiang Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine")      ② Treatment of neurasthenia, dizziness, sequelae of concussion, palpitations, insomnia, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, ascites, edema: apocynum venetum one to three dollars. Brew in boiling water for tea, not decoction. ("Xinjiang Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine")      ③Antihypertensive tea: 6 grams of Apocynum venetum leaf, 15 grams of hawthorn, 5 grams of schisandra, appropriate amount of rock sugar, without sugar for obese people, use boiling water to make tea instead. Efficacy This medicated tea can calm the liver and eliminate wind, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, nourish the kidneys and restrain the lungs. It can cure high blood pressure, insomnia, dizziness, and reduce blood lipids. This tea can also prevent coronary heart disease.  


  •  Ba Wang Hua  (8oz)

    Lily Flowder/ Ba Wang Hua (8oz)

    霸王花(8oz/包) 为仙人掌科植物量天尺的花。 性味 甘;性微寒 功效 为仙人掌科植物量天尺的花。用于肺热咳嗽,肺痨,瘰疬,痄腮。 经脉 肺经 霸王花猪肉汤 原料 霸王花50克(1两),猪肉400克(8两),粉肠150克(3两),蜜枣4粒,南北杏2汤匙。   做法 1.粉肠切去肥油,将4粒蜜枣放入粉肠内,在粉肠另一端摧出,洗净出水过冷河。 2.猪肉放落滚水中,煮5分钟取起洗净。 3.霸王花用清水浸软,洗净抹干水,切短度。 4.把适量清水煲滚,放下全部材料猛火煲滚,再用慢火煲3小时,下盐调味。 功效 此汤清凉健肺去痰火,清热气。 Lily Flowder/ Ba Wang Hua  (8 oz) Sold in dried form, ba wang hua (dried night-blooming cereus) is a flower that is used in traditional Chinese medicine to help with detoxification and reduce lung inflammation. The flowers are usually used in soups. When boiled, they add a sweet and slight thickening effect to soup.  (tnp.sq) From the manufacturer:  This is the flower of the cactus family. The taste is sweet; it is slightly cold in nature. It is used for lung-heat cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, scrofula. It enters the Lung meridian. It is frequently cooked in soups.  This recipe is used to clear lung inflammation and enhance immunity. Bawang Flower Pork Soup 1.8 liters of water (for blanching) 2 pork bones (500g), cracked into two 500g spare ribs (cut into 7cm by 8cm pieces) 3.8 liters of water 100g ba wang hua, well-rinsed 10 small red dates (17g) 1 honey date (20g) 4 chilled figs (60g) 20g nan bei xing (Chinese apricot kernels) 1 heaping tsp salt Bring 1.8 liters of water to a boil in a pot. Blanch the pork bones and spare ribs until there is no visible blood. Discard the water, rinse the pork bones and spare ribs and set aside. Bring 3.8 liters of water to a boil in a clean pot. Place the blanched pork bones and spare ribs inside. Add the ba wang hua, red dates, honey date, figs and nan bei xing. Cover and bring to a boil. Then simmer covered for 1 1/2 hours. Season with salt. Stir well and cover for five minutes. Turn off the heat and serve.


  • Bag)

    Frangipani/ Ji Dan Hua(16 oz/Bag)

    鸡蛋花/蛋黄花(16 oz/包) 性味 甘;微苦;性凉 经脉 肺;大肠经 主治 清热利湿,解暑。主感冒发热,肺热咳嗽,湿热黄疸,泄泻痢疾,尿路结石,预防中暑。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~10g。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 凡暑湿兼寒,寒湿泻泄,肺寒咳嗽,皆宜慎用。 鸡蛋花的药方 治痢疾,夏季腹泻:鸡蛋花干品四至八钱,水煎服。   Frangipani/ Ji Dan Hua(16 oz/Bag) Frangipani flower is an ingredient in Five Flowers Tea  五花茶 (Wu Hua Herbal Tea) used for reducing sore throat, congestion, and eye strain. The flowers can also be made into teas after being sun-dried, which is normally called the frangipani tea; and the tea has the effects of curing fever, wiping out diarrhea, cleaning the lungs, and detoxification. ( Frangipani flower tea is brewed with or without tea is believed beneficial effect cool, cool and good for digestion. Frangipani flower tea so is best eaten regularly for someone who wants to be healthy naturally.  Fresh frangipani flowers are cooked as vegetables provide a complementary savory flavor, giving therapeutic effects and health benefits. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, slightly bitter, and cool in nature. It enters the Lung and Large Intestine meridians. Indications: It clears heat and dampness [edema, slow digestion]. Mainly used for cold and fever, lung heat cough, damp-heat jaundice [inflammatory], diarrhea and dysentery, urinary tract stones, prevention of heatstroke.  Dosage:  Oral administration: decoction, 5-10g.      External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Cautions: It should be used with caution in all cases of heat and dampness, cold dampness and diarrhea, lung cold, and cough.  Recipe for Frangipani tea:  It cures dysentery, summer diarrhea: Simmer 4-8 dried frangipani flowers decocted in water.  


  •  Yi Mu Cao 16oz

    Motherwort / Yi Mu Cao 16oz

    益母草(16 oz/包)  Motherwort Herb 益母 三角胡麻 四楞子棵 茺蔚草 益母蒿 益母艾 红花艾 坤草 茺蔚 益明 大札 贞蔚 苦低草 性味 苦、辛,微寒。 归经 归肝、心包、膀胱经。 功效 活血调经,利尿消肿,清热解毒。 主治 用于月经不调,痛经经闭,恶露不尽,水肿尿少,疮疡肿毒。   HERBA LEONURI/ Motherwort / Yi Mu Cao (16 oz/Bag) The tea Invigorates blood and regulates menses for gynecological issues - PMS, abdominal pain, irregular menses, abdominal masses, infertility, postpartum abdominal pain w/lochioschesis, stasis from blood deficiency. Promotes urination and reduces swelling - acute systemic edema. . . Avoid during pregnancy. [Women who are weak, anemic, have chronic chills and diarrhea should use caution and consult with a medical professional/herbalist.] From the manufacturer:  The taste is bitter, pungent, and it is slightly cold. It enters the Liver, Pericardium, and Bladder meridians. Effects: Promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation, diuresis, and swelling, clearing heat, and detoxification. Indications: It has been used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, inexhaustible lochia, edema, oliguria, sore swelling, and toxicity.  


  • Bag)

    Sauropus rostrata Miq./Long Li Ye(16 oz/Bag)

    龍脷葉(16 oz/包) 【功效分类】清热药;止咳药 【性味】 ①《陆川本草》:"性平,味淡。" ②《南宁市药物志》:"甘,平。" 【归经】肺经。 【药理作用】100%煎剂对金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌有抑制作用。 【主治】肺热咳喘痰多;口干;便秘。 【功效】清热润肺;化痰止咳。 各家论述:1.《陆川本草》:清肺,治肺热咳嗽。 2.《南宁市药物志》:止痰火咳嗽哮喘。治内伤肺痨失音,喉痛。 【用法用量】内服:煎汤,6-15g。 Sauropus rostrata Miq./Long Li Ye(16 oz/Bag) This is a “heat-clearing” medicine and cough medicine  Classical references: ① "Lu Chuan Ben Cao": "Plain in nature, light in taste."  ② "Nanning Shi Yao Wu Zhi": "Gan, Ping." [sweet and mild tasting] It enters the Lung meridian.  Pharmacological action: The 100% decoction has an inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococcus. Indications: Lung-heat, coughing, wheezing and excessive phlegm; dry mouth; constipation.  Efficacy: Used for clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs; reducing phlegm and relieving cough.  Various discussions:  "Lu Chuan Ben Cao": Clears lungs, treats lung heat and cough.  "Nanning Shi Yao Wu Zhi": Relieves phlegm, fire, cough, and asthma. Cures internal injury, tuberculosis, aphonia, sore throat. Usage and Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g.  


  • 20% OFF
    Dried Chinese Rose #1328

    Dried Chinese Rose #1328

    2 reviews

    云南安宁 玫瑰花 #1328  玫瑰花茶是一種清新淡雅的花茶,美容功效非常好,所以它非常受女性朋友的歡迎。只要加入開水,浸泡5分鐘後即可飲用。 玫瑰花茶的味道清香幽雅,能令人緩和情緒、紓解抑鬱中醫認為,玫瑰花具有疏肝解鬱、健脾降火、潤腸通便、行氣活血和消除疲勞的功效。長期飲用,對治療口臭及改善睡眠也有很好效果。   Dried Chinese Rose #1328 Chinese Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result, they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, Chinese Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion. Rose tea is a fresh and elegant scented tea with very good beauty benefits, so it is very popular with female friends. Just add boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, inhale the delicious aroma, and drink it any time of day. Rose tea has a delicate fragrance and elegant taste, which can help treat emotional upset and prevent depression. Chinese medicine believes that roses soothe the liver and relieve depression, strengthen the spleen and reduce inflammation, help soothe stomach upset and constipation, promote qi and blood circulation and eliminate fatigue. Long-term drinking prevents bad breath and improves sleep.

    $11.00 - $33.60

  • Bag)

    HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian Cao (8 oz/Bag)

    金钱草/寸骨七/遍地黄/对座草(8 oz/包)  Lysimachia christinae Hance 本品为报春花科植物过路黄的干燥全草。  性味 甘、咸,微寒。 经脉 归肝经、胆经、肾经、膀胱经。 主治 清热解毒,利尿通淋,除湿退黄,散瘀消肿。治黄疸,水肿,膀胱结石,疟疾,肺痈,咳嗽,吐血,淋浊,带下,风湿痹痛,小儿疳积,惊痫,痈肿,疮癣,湿疹。 注意禁忌 《福建民间草药》:凡阴疽诸毒,脾虚泄泻者,忌捣汁生服。     HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian Cao (8 oz/Bag) As an herbal remedy, Lysimachia helps treat a variety of urinary disorders, ranging from painful urination and frequent urination to stones in the urinary tract. It is also used sometimes to treat jaundice and may be applied externally to treat boils and skin infections. ( It can also be used as an antiseptic, healing wash for wounds and sores. Made up into an ointment, it is said to be useful for fading scars. Lysimachia has a reputation for healing eye ailments and is said to be able to restore sight in certain conditions. ( Traditionally, Gold Coin Grass (GCG) has been commonly used for dampness and heat in the body. The herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to help increase urination, lessen fever and treat sexually transmitted ailments. ( From the manufacturer: This product is the dry whole grass of the Primulaceae plant Guoluhuang. The taste is sweet, salty, and it is slightly cold. It enters the Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, and Bladder meridians.  Indications:  To clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and relieve leaching (oozing wounds), dehumidification, and yellowing [jaundice,] dissipating blood stasis and swelling. It has been used to cure jaundice, edema, bladder stones, malaria, pulmonary carbuncle, cough, vomiting blood, drenching turbidity, vaginal discharge, rheumatic arthralgia, malnutrition, epilepsy, carbuncle, sore, and eczema.  


  • Box)

    Kweifeng Ji Sheng Cha/Dried Ramulus Taxilli (500 g/Box)

    广西 桂峰牌 正地道 寄生茶 桑寄生 Mistletoe(500克/盒) 性味 苦;甘;性平 功效 为桑寄生科植物桑寄生、四川寄生、红花寄生、毛叶钝果寄生的枝叶。 补肝肾,强筋骨,除风湿,通经络,益血,安胎。治腰膝酸痛,筋骨痿弱,偏枯,脚气,风寒湿痹,胎漏血崩,产后乳汁不下。 经脉 肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或浸酒;或捣汁服。 外用:适量,捣烂外敷。 食疗方 桑寄生煲鸡蛋 桑寄生15 g,鸡蛋2枚。精盐适量。将桑寄生、鸡蛋各洗净,共入砂锅,加水用文火煎煮,至鸡蛋熟后去壳再煮10分钟,稍加精盐即成。饮汤吃蛋。功效:补益肝肾,强壮筋骨,养血安胎。主治肝肾亏虚所致的腰膝酸痛、四肢麻木、筋骨痿弱、胎动不安或胎漏等。   Kweifeng Ji Sheng Cha/Dried Ramulus Taxilli (500 g/Box) Ji Shen Cha is known in many Chinese medical classics as preserving health and increasing lifespan. (AKA Mulberry Mistletoe, Chinese Stem & Leaf, mulberry mistletoes, Chinese Taxillus Twig, Herba Taxilli; Ramulus,  White Mulberry Twig; Botanical Name:  Taxillus chinensis) Function: Sang Ji Sheng expels wind and dampness, invigorates the liver and kidney, strengthens tendons and bones and prevents miscarriage. Application: Sang Ji Sheng is used for joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, especially useful in the treatment of pain and weakness in waist and knees. ( Sang Ji Sheng supports cardiovascular health, promotes circulation and relieves heat-wind symptoms such as joint pain. The taste is bitter, and it is considered neutral. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Components:  flavonons, avicullarin, quercetin, d-catechol, quertitrin, hyperin, oleanolic acid, beta-amyrin, mesoinositol lupeol, myristic acid, flavonas, arobinose, resveratrol, moracin. (   


  • 20% OFF
    盒) Caulis dendrobii flowers

    Dried Iron Sheet Dendrobium Nobile Flower(2oz/box)

    1 review

    特級 鐵皮 石斛花(2oz/盒) 主要功效 理气:气清而不浊,和而不猛,疏畅气机,改善调节功能,舒缓胸臆。 安神:神安则不乱,则精不妄耗。减缓压力,恢复身体的应变能力。 益血:气行则行,气滞则血滞,以先天之精,养后天之气血。 石斛花最显著的功效是解郁。石斛花中含有多种挥发油,具有挥发性,能使人心情开朗,更能缓解精神压力大、易疲劳、心情烦躁、抑郁等症状。人们工作压力大,应酬多,饮食生活不规律,加上越来越炎热的天气,人们易烦躁、抑郁、乏力、大便不通畅、面色不好等。因此用石斛花泡水喝,不仅口感最好,保健功效也最强。 Dried Iron Sheet Dendrobium Nobile Flower Among its many uses, the Chinese use dendrobium orchid flower tonic for longevity. It is believed that dendrobium when mixed with licorice root and made into a tea transmits healing energy to all parts of the body.  “Dendrobium helps moisten and nourish the skin and prevents dryness and flaky skin. . . Dendrobium flowers are a source of tonic, astringent, analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory substances, and have been traditionally used as medicinal herbs in the treatment of a variety of disorders, such as, nourishing the stomach, enhancing production of body fluids or nourishing Yin.” From the manufacturer:  Main effects: Regulating Qi: Qi is clear but not turbid, harmonious but not violent, smooths the Qi circulation, improves the regulating function, and relieves chest congestion. Soothes the nerves: If you are calm you will not be chaotic, and you will not waste your spirit. Relieves stress and restores the body's resilience. Replenishes blood: the movement of qi leads to action, stagnation of qi leads to stagnation of blood and innate essence. it nourishes the acquired qi [jing qi] and blood. The most significant effect of Dendrobium is to relieve depression.  Dendrobium flower contains a variety of volatile oils which can make people feel cheerful and relieve symptoms such as high mental pressure, fatigue, irritability, and depression. It is useful for people who are under pressure at work, have a lot of tiring entertainment, irregular eating habits, and increasingly hot weather, people are prone to irritability, depression, fatigue, poor bowel movements, and poor complexion. Therefore, steeping dendrobium flowers in water not only tastes the best, but also has the strongest health benefits.


  • 20% OFF

    Dried Sticks Dendrobium Nobile Flower(2oz/Box)

    特级 鼓锤 石斛花(2 oz/盒) 主要功效 野生特級鼓錘石斛花,性甘平 歸脾經胃經,清熱養陰,安神明目,理氣益血。 石斛花中含有多種揮發油,具有揮發性,最顯著的功效是解鬱,能使人心情開朗,能舒緩因精神壓力大造成易疲勞,心情煩躁,抑鬱等症狀。用石斛花泡水喝,不僅口感好,花色鮮黃有視覺效果,保健功效也絕佳。 石斛益胃生津,滋陰清熱,具有很高的藥用價值。石斛花和靈芝,人參,冬蟲夏草等被列爲上品中藥,素有植物黃金,花中瑰寶美譽。 鼓錘石斛花經傳統工藝烘焙而成,花氣清香,味道甘甜,冲泡多次,可直接嚼甘甜爽口。是泡水,泡茶,做菜的好東西。 Among its many uses, the Chinese use dendrobium orchid flower tonic for longevity. It is believed that dendrobium when mixed with licorice root and made into a tea transmits healing energy to all parts of the body.  “Dendrobium helps moisten and nourish the skin and prevents dryness and flaky skin. . . Dendrobium flowers are a source of tonic, astringent, analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory substances, and have been traditionally used as medicinal herbs in the treatment of a variety of disorders, such as, nourishing the stomach, enhancing production of body fluids or nourishing Yin.” From the manufacturer:  Main effects: Regulating Qi: Qi is clear but not turbid, harmonious but not violent, smooths the Qi circulation, improves the regulating function, and relieves chest congestion. Soothes the nerves: If you are calm you will not be chaotic, and you will not waste your spirit. Relieves stress and restores the body's resilience. Replenishes blood: the movement of qi leads to action, stagnation of qi leads to stagnation of blood and innate essence. it nourishes the acquired qi [jing qi] and blood. The most significant effect of Dendrobium is to relieve depression.  Dendrobium flower contains a variety of volatile oils which can make people feel cheerful and relieve symptoms such as high mental pressure, fatigue, irritability, and depression. It is useful for people who are under pressure at work, have a lot of tiring entertainment, irregular eating habits, and increasingly hot weather, people are prone to irritability, depression, fatigue, poor bowel movements, and poor complexion. Therefore, steeping dendrobium flowers in water not only tastes the best, but also has the strongest health benefits.


  • 20% OFF
    Jin Yin Hua 6oz

    Premium Honeysuckle Flower/Jin Yin Hua 6oz

    2 reviews

    特级 山东 金银花 忍冬花 (6 oz/包) 忍冬花、鹭鸶花、银花、双花、二花、金藤花、双苞花、金花、二宝花 金银花春末夏初开花不绝,花的颜色是先白后黄,黄白相映,故此才称为“金银花”。通过自然晒干的金银花颜色为黄白色,用机器脱水烘干后的颜色为淡绿色,功效相差不大。  性味 甘;寒 功效 为忍冬科植物忍冬的花蕾。 主治温病发热,热毒血痢,痈疡,肿毒,瘰疬,痔漏。 经脉 肺经;胃经 主治 清热,解毒。治温病发热,热毒血痢,痈疡,肿毒,瘰疬,痔漏。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒及气虚疮疡脓清者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.银花绿豆饮 绿豆60克,加水煎汤取汁,加金银花10克,蜂蜜适量。煎20~30分钟,去渣服用。 功效:清热除烦,解暑止渴。主治暑热烦渴,小便短赤,或痱子热痒。并可用于预防中暑。 2.菊花银花公英茶 菊花15克,银花20克,蒲公英30克,甘草3克,绿豆20克。将诸味共入锅中,水煎去渣取汁即成。每日1剂,连用5~7日为一疗程。 功效:清热解毒,抗感染。主治妇女乳痈初起热毒较甚者。 3.二花茶 金银花50克,杭菊花100克,蜂蜜适量。将金银花、菊花拣去杂质,淘洗后放锅内略炒一下,凉后放干净瓶中保存,用时取其少许,放杯内用开水冲泡,加蜂蜜适量调味,即可饮用。每日2~3次。 功效:清热祛风,明目降压。主治暑热烦渴,高血压病,冠心病,心悸失眠,咽喉肿痛,感冒咳嗽。也可作为夏季防暑之清凉饮料。 4.忍冬汤 金银花120克,甘草45克。以水或酒煎汤服。主治 "一切内外痈肿",如肠痈、乳痈、疖疮等。 In traditional Chinese medicine, honey suckle/ Lonicera japonica is called rěn dōng téng or jīn yín huā. Alternative Chinese names include er hua and shuang hua. The dried leaves and flowers (Flos Lonicerae Japonicae) are employed in traditional Chinese medicine, being used to treat fever, headache, cough, thirst, and sore throat. It is included in herbal remedies for skin issues including acne and eczema. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic herb that is strongly anti-inflammatory. Excess use can cause nausea and diarrhea. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet; and it is cold [anti-inflammatory] in nature. It is the bud of the honeysuckle plant of the honeysuckle family. Indications of febrile disease, fever, febrile dysentery, carbuncle ulcer, swelling and toxin, scrofula, hemorrhoids.  It enters the Lung, Stomach meridians  Indications include, Detoxification. It has been used to cure febrile disease, fever, febrile dysentery, carbuncle ulcer, swelling and toxins [abscess], scrofula, hemorrhoids.  Cautions: Avoid use with Spleen-stomach deficiency, internal cold and Qi deficiency and oozing sores  Diet Therapy   Silver Flower Mung Bean Drink   Ingedients:  60 grams of mung beans, 10 grams honeysuckle flower Add water and cook the beans to make a decoction. Set the juice aside and add the honeysuckle. Simmer for 20-30 minutes adding the cooking juice to prevent sticking; Remove the residue and drink the soup.  Efficacy: clearing away heat and eliminating inflammatory symptoms; it relieves heat and thirst.  Indications: Heat polydipsia, inadequate urine, or itchy prickly heat. It can also be used to prevent heat stroke.    Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle, and Dandelion Tea   Ingredients: 15 grams of chrysanthemum flower, 20 grams of silver flower (honeysuckle flower), 30 grams of dandelion, 3 grams of licorice, 20 grams of mung beans.  Put all the flavors into the pot, simmer in water to remove the residue and get the juice.  Take 1 dose a day for 5-7 days as a course of treatment.   Efficacy: clearing away heat, detoxifying, anti-infection. It is helpful for women with severe febrile toxicity at the beginning of breast carbuncle and abscess. Two flower tea   Ingredients: 50 grams of honeysuckle, 100 grams of chrysanthemum flower, appropriate amount of honey.  Rinse the honeysuckle and chrysanthemum to remove impurities. After draining, put them in a pot and fry them. After cooling, they will be stored in a clean bottle.  Take a small amount when used. Place the flowers in a cup with boiling water and add honey to taste. Drink it 2 to 3 times a day.  Efficacy: clearing away heat and wind [irritation or infection], improving eyesight and reducing blood pressure.  Indications for heat polydipsia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, palpitations, insomnia, sore throat, cold and cough. It can also be used as a refreshing drink for preventing heatstroke in summer.    Honeysuckle soup   Ingredients: 120 grams of honeysuckle, 45 grams of licorice.  Take the decoction with water or wine.  Indications "all internal and external carbuncle" such as intestinal carbuncle, breast carbuncle, furuncle and so on. 



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