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  • New Product
    TRT Yi Mu Cao Ke Li 15g x 8 bags TRT Yi Mu Cao Ke Li 15g x 8 bags

    TRT Yi Mu Cao Ke Li 15g x 8 bags

    TRT Yi Mu Cao Ke Li 15g x 8 bags 同仁堂 益母草颗粒 15g x 8 袋/盒 成份:益母草,辅料为蔗糖、糊精。 用于:活血调经,以及血瘀所致的月经不调,症见经水量少。 用法用量:开水冲服,一次1袋,一日2次。 **使用本品前请详阅说明书及注意事项 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • New Product
    BYS BiTong Nasal Spray 30ml

    BYS BiTong Nasal Spray 30ml

    广州白云山 采芝林 鼻通喷剂 30ml 通鼻   鼻腔不适   通鼻神器   鼻炎药喷雾剂 鼻涕鼻塞肿胀   鼻子不通气   鼻腔清洗 外用品,勿口服、勿接触眼睛 注意:请勿至于儿童易取处,3岁以下儿童禁用,孕妇禁用 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 BYS BiTong Nasal Spray 30ml Clears the nose, relieves nasal discomfort, nasal decongestant, nasal spray for rhinitis. Runny nose, nasal congestion, nasal blockage, nasal cleansing. For external use only, do not ingest or contact eyes. Note: Keep out of reach of children, not for use by children under 3 years old, not for use by pregnant women. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • 15% OFF
    Japan Sakura Dried Tiny Shrimp 4oz Japan Sakura Dried Tiny Shrimp 4oz

    Japan Sakura Dried Tiny Shrimp 4oz

    日本岩手 樱花虾 4oz 产自日本岩手县,成分天然,无添加人工色素和防腐剂,营养丰富 烹饪百搭王,炒菜、蒸蛋、上汤,鲜美无比 又称"海鲜调味品"  令餸菜开胃提鲜  樱花虾的名称来源于它的颜色,这种自然的粉红色让人联想到樱花。樱花虾是一种带壳晒干的小虾。由于它们味道浓郁,加入它们可以制作出美味的高汤。樱花虾是一种独特的品种,不要与小型的长臂虾或毛虾混淆。略清洗后,以小火烘干炒香后,直接撒在上面,提鲜开胃,还可以用于“御好烧”面糊中或用来制作油炸食品。 Japan Sakura Dried Tiny Shrimp Produced in Iwate Prefecture, Japan, this product is made from natural ingredients without any artificial coloring or preservatives. It is rich in nutrients and enhances the flavor of dishes, making them more appetizing.  A versatile cooking ingredient, it is perfect for stir-frying, steaming eggs, or making soups and stock. Its exceptional umami flavor has earned it the nickname "seafood seasoning." The name Sakura-ebi comes from its color, a natural pink hue that is reminiscent of cherry blossoms. Sakura-ebi are small tiny shrimp that are dried in their shells. With their rich flavor, they can be used to make a delicious dashi (soup stock). Sakura-ebi is a unique variety and should not be confused with other small shrimp. After a light rinse, they can be lightly toasted over low heat to enhance their aroma and then sprinkled directly on top of dishes for added flavor and appeal. They can also be used in okonomiyaki batter or for deep-fried foods.


  • 10% OFF
    6oz 6oz

    Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy 1LB/6oz

    Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy 1LB/6oz 太子牌 原粒花旗参糖礼袋 1LB/6oz 本品选用百分百纯正美国威斯康辛州高品质原枝花旗参切粒,配以高品质葡萄糖精制而成。让你在日常生活节奏中,轻轻松松地享用原枝花旗参清甘芬芳的味道。 威斯康辛州气候适宜、地广人稀,未受污染的处女地使之成为种植花旗参最理想的场地。百年以来,威州一直被誉为全美洲产参圣地,加上当地参农经验丰富,因此所出产的花旗参质量更优良。 成份:砂糖、葡萄糖、纯正美国威斯康辛州花旗参粒,薄荷及花旗参香精。 两款包装分别净重:1lb /454g 或 6oz/170g Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy Enjoy the smooth refreshing taste of our chewable American Ginseng Root Candy. Every piece is plentifully packed with real ginseng root chunks. Prince of Peace® Wisconsin American ginseng roots have been carefully selected from high quality roots. Wisconsin has the ideal climate and mineral-rich soil conditions for growing the perfect ginseng roots. Being the No. 1 selling brand in the U.S.A. for more than 20 years, Prince of Peace® Wisconsin American Ginseng Roots Candy are the perfect gifts to your friends and families! Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose, Pure Wisconsin American Ginseng Chunks (Panax Quinquefolium), Peppermint, and American Ginseng Flavor. Net Weight: 1lb /454g & 6oz/170g (Info. from:

    $4.75 - $9.89

  • Only 5 left!
    Walden Electric Ceramic Pot for Chinese Herbs 3750cc

    Walden Electric Ceramic Pot for Chinese Herbs 3750cc

    Walden Electric Ceramic Pot for Chinese Herbs 哑巴媳妇 电子陶瓷煎药壶 3750cc


  • 10% OFF
    Chrysanthemum Floral Tea Chrysanthemum Floral Tea

    Chrysanthemum Floral Tea

    Chrysanthemum Floral Tea 生津润肺茶(金银花,罗汉果,菊花 茶饮) 無任何人工添加、自然甘甜味、 是秋季滋陰潤燥最佳首選飲品 清热解毒   清肝明目   润肺止咳   生津止渴 成份:金银花、罗汉果、杭菊花 金银花:清热解毒、散结消肿、抗炎止血,对牙齿周围组织的炎症有控制舒缓的作用,有助排毒美颜 罗汉果:化痰止咳、清肺润肠、生津止渴 菊花:清肝火、明目 做法简单,不需要加糖,味道清香甘甜,特别清热解渴。 做法:食材略洗,加入1000cc清水,煮滚后,转中小火续煮20分钟左右。关火焖15分钟风味更浓。可热饮或冻饮,各具特色。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Chrysanthemum Floral Tea Ingredients: Honeysuckle, monk fruit, Hangzhou chrysanthemum. Honeysuckle: clears heat and detoxifies, reduces swelling, has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, helps alleviate inflammation around the teeth, and aids in detoxification and enhancing complexion. Monk Fruit: relieves cough and phlegm, clears the lungs and moistens the intestines, quenches thirst. Chrysanthemum: clears liver heat and improves vision. This drink is simple to prepare, requires no added sugar, and has a fragrant, sweet taste. It is especially effective for clearing heat and quenching thirst. **According to U.S. medical and health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product should not be used for medical interpretation and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  • MUHI Mopiko S Ointment (Red) 18g MUHI Mopiko S Ointment (Red) 18g

    MUHI Mopiko S Ointment (Red) 18g

    日本强力無比膏/强力无比膏 (红) 18g MUHI 强力無比膏,是一种高效的外用药膏,旨在快速缓解昆蟲叮咬、小面積燒傷、皮炎等所引起的輕微皮膚刺激和搔癢。使用時有清凉感和舒缓效果,有助於減少紅腫情況,非常適合濕疹、蕁麻疹、痱子等各種皮膚狀況。 使用方法:每日3-4次,將適量藥膏塗抹於患處。注意事项:僅供外用。避免塗抹在傷口或破損的皮膚上。避免接觸眼睛和黏膜部位。存放于25°C以下,并放置在兒童無法觸及的地方。 MUHI Mopiko S Ointment (Red) 18g MUHI Mopiko-S Ointment, also known as 強力無比膏, is a highly effective topical ointment designed to provide quick relief from skin irritations and itching caused by insect bites, minor burns, minor cuts, and dermatitis. This ointment offers a cooling sensation and soothing relief, making it ideal for treating various skin conditions such as eczema, hives, heat rash, and nettle rash. Benefits: Relieves itching and pain from insect bites and minor skin irritations. Helps reduce redness and swelling. Suitable for use on skin allergies, including contact dermatitis and eczema. Usage: Application: Apply an appropriate amount to the affected area 3-4 times daily. Precautions: For external use only. Avoid applying to wounds or damaged skin. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Store below 25°C and keep out of reach of children.


  • Dried Octopus L. 5oz

    Dried Octopus L. 5oz

    Dried Octopus L. 5oz 鴻昌隆大鱆魚干/章鱼干 5oz 風乾章魚乾是由新鮮章魚曬乾後製成的。 中醫認為章魚(octopus)有補血益氣、收斂生肌、滋陰養胃、補虛潤膚的作用,凡體質虛弱,尤其是氣血兩虛者食之最宜。章魚干性平味甘,無毒,可以入藥,能補氣血、收斂生肌,是產後補虛生乳及催乳的理想食材,對於男性強精養氣都有幫助; 而且章魚含有豐富的鈣、磷、鐵元素,對骨骼發育和造血十分有益,可預防貧血,還可緩解疲勞,恢複視力,改善肝臟功能,非常適合青少年兒童、繁忙的白領人士食用。 章魚干中不但蛋白質含量高,還含有多種氨基酸,特別是牛磺酸的含量特別高,這種物質能促進智力發育,也能提高記憶力,對老年癡呆、記憶力下降、健忘等症狀都有不錯的調理功效。 優質章魚乾以天然生曬方式製成,以保持原色原味,香氣十分濃烈,常用來煲湯、蒸餸、燜肉和焗飯皆可,食譜推介章魚蓮藕排骨湯、節瓜章魚綠豆湯,章魚粒蒸肉餅等味道一流!  


  • 20% OFF
    Dried Sea Cucumber #336

    Dried Sea Cucumber #336

    南美洲刺參#336 天然捕撈的野生南美洲刺參,肉質肥厚細膩,口感軟糯鮮美,是海参中的極品. 100%野生海底捕撈,經天然淡干工藝處理,無任何化學添加劑,參體肥壯,發漲率高,參肉厚實,口感爽滑,是烹飪和藥用俱佳的極品。 海參享有「海中人參」之美譽,更具有獨有海參皂苷,而且性質溫和,補而不燥、滋而不膩,適合任何體質人士每日食用,有助長期養生保健。 海參中的膠原蛋白質、精氨酸、硫酸軟骨素、磷、硒、維他命B3、矽等具有消除疲勞、防治皮膚衰老等功效,亦有促成人體細胞再生和機體損傷修復的能力。 Dried Sea Cucumber #336 16oz Wild-caught South American sea cucumbers have thick, delicate flesh with a soft and delicious texture, making them a premium choice among sea cucumbers. These are 100% wild-caught from the seabed and processed using natural drying techniques without any chemical additives. The sea cucumbers are plump, have a high rehydration rate, and feature thick, making them an excellent choice for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Sea cucumbers are renowned as the "ginseng of the sea" and are unique for their sea cucumber saponins. They are gentle in nature, nourishing without causing heatiness, and rich without being greasy, making them suitable for daily consumption by people of all constitutions, promoting long-term health and wellness. The collagen, arginine, chondroitin sulfate, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B3, and silicon found in sea cucumbers have the effects of eliminating fatigue and preventing skin aging. They also have the ability to promote the regeneration of human cells and repair body damage.  


  • TRT Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan 6gx10bags TRT Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan 6gx10bags

    TRT Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan 6gx10bags

    TRT Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan 6gx10bags 同仁堂加味逍遙丸 6gx10袋 舒肝清熱,健脾養血。 用於肝鬱血虛,肝脾不和,兩肋脹痛,頭暈目眩,倦意食少,月經不調,臍腹脹痛。 成份:柴胡、當歸、白芍、白朮(麩炒)、茯苓、甘草、牡丹皮、梔子(薑炙)、薄荷。輔料為生薑。 性狀:為黃棕色的水丸,味甜。 規格:每100丸重6g 用法用量:口服,一次1袋(6克),一日2次


  • 15% OFF
    TRT Niu Huang Jie Du Pian 30 Tablets TRT Niu Huang Jie Du Pian 30 Tablets

    TRT Niu Huang Jie Du Pian 30 Tablets

    TRT Niu Huang Jie Du Pian 30 Tablets 同仁堂牛黃解毒片 薄膜衣片 30片 (10片x3板)               清熱解毒        散風止痛  適用:用於肺胃蘊熱引起︰頭目眩暈,口鼻生瘡,風火牙痛,咽喉疼痛,大便秘結,皮膚刺痛。(詳見說明書) 成份:菊花、甘草、石膏、金銀花、荊芥穗、桔梗、連翹、大黃、施覆花、梔子(姜炙)、人工牛黃等 服法用量:口服,一次3片,一日2-3次 規格:片芯重0.27克    包裝:鋁塑板裝,每板裝10片


  • Lacidophilin Tablets 64 Tablets Lacidophilin Tablets 64 Tablets

    Lacidophilin Tablets 64 Tablets

    Lacidophilin Tablets 64 Tablets 江中製藥 利活乳酸菌素片 64片 改善腸道環境   酸甜可口老少皆宜   要想腸道好   有益菌還得自己養 成份:本品每片含主要成份乳酸菌素0.4克、輔料為蔗糖、阿斯帕坦、香精、硬脂 性狀:為淡黃色或淡黃棕色片,味酸 適應:用於腸内異常發酵、消化不良、腸炎和小兒腹瀉 用法用量:嚼服。成人一次3-6片,一日3次;小兒:一次1-2片,一日3次



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