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HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian Cao (8 oz/Bag)


金钱草/寸骨七/遍地黄/对座草(8 oz/包) 

Lysimachia christinae Hance












HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian Cao (8 oz/Bag)

As an herbal remedy, Lysimachia helps treat a variety of urinary disorders, ranging from painful urination and frequent urination to stones in the urinary tract. It is also used sometimes to treat jaundice and may be applied externally to treat boils and skin infections. (

It can also be used as an antiseptic, healing wash for wounds and sores. Made up into an ointment, it is said to be useful for fading scars. Lysimachia has a reputation for healing eye ailments and is said to be able to restore sight in certain conditions. (

Traditionally, Gold Coin Grass (GCG) has been commonly used for dampness and heat in the body. The herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to help increase urination, lessen fever and treat sexually transmitted ailments. (

From the manufacturer:

This product is the dry whole grass of the Primulaceae plant Guoluhuang. The taste is sweet, salty, and it is slightly cold. It enters the Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, and Bladder meridians. 

Indications:  To clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and relieve leaching (oozing wounds), dehumidification, and yellowing [jaundice,] dissipating blood stasis and swelling. It has been used to cure jaundice, edema, bladder stones, malaria, pulmonary carbuncle, cough, vomiting blood, drenching turbidity, vaginal discharge, rheumatic arthralgia, malnutrition, epilepsy, carbuncle, sore, and eczema.


Product form

金钱草/寸骨七/遍地黄/对座草(8 oz/包)  Lysimachia christinae Hance 本品为报春花科植物过路黄的干燥全草。  性味 甘、咸,微寒。 经脉 归肝经、胆经、肾经、膀胱经。 主治 清热解毒,利尿通淋,除湿退黄,散瘀消肿。治黄疸,水肿,膀胱结石,疟疾,肺痈,咳嗽,吐血,淋浊,带下,风湿痹痛,小儿疳积,惊痫,痈肿,疮癣,湿疹。 注意禁忌 《福建民间草药》:凡阴疽诸毒,脾虚泄泻者,忌捣汁生服。     HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian... Read more

SKU: 410153ORIGIN: China

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    金钱草/寸骨七/遍地黄/对座草(8 oz/包) 

    Lysimachia christinae Hance












    HERBA LYSIMACHIAE/ Jin Qian Cao (8 oz/Bag)

    As an herbal remedy, Lysimachia helps treat a variety of urinary disorders, ranging from painful urination and frequent urination to stones in the urinary tract. It is also used sometimes to treat jaundice and may be applied externally to treat boils and skin infections. (

    It can also be used as an antiseptic, healing wash for wounds and sores. Made up into an ointment, it is said to be useful for fading scars. Lysimachia has a reputation for healing eye ailments and is said to be able to restore sight in certain conditions. (

    Traditionally, Gold Coin Grass (GCG) has been commonly used for dampness and heat in the body. The herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to help increase urination, lessen fever and treat sexually transmitted ailments. (

    From the manufacturer:

    This product is the dry whole grass of the Primulaceae plant Guoluhuang. The taste is sweet, salty, and it is slightly cold. It enters the Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, and Bladder meridians. 

    Indications:  To clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and relieve leaching (oozing wounds), dehumidification, and yellowing [jaundice,] dissipating blood stasis and swelling. It has been used to cure jaundice, edema, bladder stones, malaria, pulmonary carbuncle, cough, vomiting blood, drenching turbidity, vaginal discharge, rheumatic arthralgia, malnutrition, epilepsy, carbuncle, sore, and eczema.


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