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Ancient herbal tradition supports health, beauty, and longevity.

250 products

  •  Che Qian Zi 16oz

    Plantain Seed/ Che Qian Zi 16oz

    车前子 16oz 车前实、虾蟆衣子、猪耳朵穗子、凤眼前仁 性味 甘,寒。 功效 为车前草科植物车前或平车前的干燥成熟种子。利水通淋,止泻,清肝明目,清肺化痰。用于水肿胀满,热淋涩痛,暑湿泄泻,目赤肿痛,痰热咳嗽。 经脉 肾经;心包经;脾经;胃经;肺经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~15g,包煎;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,水煎洗或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 凡内伤劳倦,阳气下陷,肾虚精滑及内无湿热者,慎服。 ①《日华子本草》:常山为使。 ②《本草经疏》:内伤劳倦、阳气下陷之病,皆不当用,肾气虚脱者,忌与淡渗药同用。 ③《本草汇言》:肾虚寒者尤宜忌之。 出自:   Plantain Seed/ Che Qian Zi 16oz Plantain seeds come from either the Asiatic plantain or the depressed plantain, a perennial herb native to eastern Asia. Che Qian Zi influences Liver, Kidney, Lung, Small Intestine. Clears heat and promotes urination. Leaches out dampness and unblocks painful urinary dribbling. Improves vision. Dispels phlegm. ( Che Qian Zi promotes urination, clears damp-heat, promotes urination to solidify the stool, clears liver heat, clears the eyes, clears the lungs, expels phlegm, and stops coughing. ( Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 5~15g, package decoction; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, decoct and rinse with water or grind and apply.  Cautions: Use with caution if there are internal injuries, fatigue, depression of yang, kidney deficiency, and no dampness and heat inside [IBS, reflux, gastritis, diarrhea]


  •  Dong Gua Pi 16oz

    Peel of Chinese Waxgourd/ Dong Gua Pi 16oz

    冬瓜皮 白瓜皮 白东瓜皮 性味 味甘;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;脾经;小肠经 功效 为葫芦科植物冬瓜的外层果皮。 清热,利水,消肿。主水肿,小便不利,泄泻,疮肿。 注意禁忌 《四川中药志》:因营养不良而致之虚肿慎用。   Peel of Chinese Waxgourd/ Dong Gua Pi 16oz It clears heat and toxicity: For edema usually due to damp-heat, abdominal distention, urinary difficulty, and summer heat disorders. The taste is sweet, and it is slightly cold in nature  It enters the Meridians of  Lung, Spleen, and Small Intestine meridians  It is the outer skin of winter gourd, a cucurbitaceous plant. It is used to clear heat, increase diuresis, reduce swelling. Mainly used for edema, poor urination, diarrhea, sores, and swelling. 


  •  Lai Fu Zi 16oz

    Radish Seed/ Lai Fu Zi 16oz

    莱菔子 16oz 萝卜子 芦菔子 萝卜种 杜萝卜子 炒莱菔子 炒萝卜子 萝白子 性味 味辛;甘;性平 经脉 脾经;胃经;肺经;大肠经 功效 为十字花科植物莱菔的成熟种子。 下气定喘,消食化痰。治咳嗽痰喘,食积气滞,胸闷腹胀,下痢后重。 用法用量 内服,煎汤5~10g,或入丸、散。外用研末调敷。 气虚及无食积、痰滞者慎用;脾虚而无食积者,不宜与人参同用,以免降低人参补气效力。   Radish Seed/ Lai Fu Zi 16oz Radish seed pods can be eaten raw in salads or quickly sautéed for a stir fry. Another way of preparing the pods is pickled. The taste is pungent/sweet; it is neutral. It enters the Meridians of Spleen, Stomach, Lung Channel; Large Intestine Channel. It is the mature seed of Brassica rapa in the cruciferous family. It is used to send lung qi downward to relieve asthma, eliminate food stagnation and resolve phlegm. It has been used to cure cough, phlegm, and asthma, stagnation of qi due to poor food digestion, chest tightness and abdominal distension, diarrhea, and excess weight.  Dosage Take orally, decoction 5~10g, or pill or powder. The powder is adjusted and applied for external use.  Cautions: It should be used with caution for those with qi deficiency, no food accumulation, and phlegm stagnation; for those with spleen deficiency and no food accumulation. [Avoid use with weakness, shortness of breath, and diarrhea due to weakness] it is not advisable to use it together with ginseng, so as not to reduce the effect of ginseng for nourishing Qi.  


  • Zhong Bao Brand Rhizoma Dioscoreae 7 piece Zhong Bao Brand Rhizoma Dioscoreae 7 piece

    Zhong Bao Brand Rhizoma Dioscoreae 7 piece

    7支 中 宝 牌 河 南 淮 山  薯藇、署预、薯蓣、山芋、诸署、署豫、玉延、修脆、山薯、王薯、薯药、怀山药、蛇芋、白苕、九黄姜、野白薯、山板薯、扇子薯、佛掌薯 性味 甘;平 功效 为薯蓣科植物山药的块茎。 主治脾虚泄泻,久痢,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精、带下,小便频数。 经脉 肺经;脾经;肾经 主治 补脾养胃,生津益肺,补肾涩精。用于脾虚食少、久泻不止、肺虚喘咳、肾虚遗精、白带过多、尿频、虚热消渴。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,15~30g,大剂量60~250g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷。补阴,宜生用;健脾止泻,宜炒黄用。 注意禁忌 有实邪者忌服。   食疗方 1.山药粥 干山药50g(或鲜山药100g),粳米100g。将山药和粳米淘洗干净,加清水,先以武火煮沸,继以文火煎熬20~30分钟,以米熟为度。作早晚餐,温热服食。 功效:补益脾胃,滋养肺紧。主治脾胃虚弱所致的食少、久泻久痢和肺肾亏虚所致的干咳少痰、潮热盗汗等症。 2.山药茯苓包子 山药、茯苓各100g,面粉200g,白糖150g,猪油、青丝、红丝各适量。将山药、茯苓研粉,加水浸泡成糊状。另取面粉发酵作包子面坯。再将山药、茯苓上笼蒸半小时后,调入面粉、白糖、猪油、青丝、红丝,拌匀成馅,作成包子,再把包子上笼蒸熟即可。每天早晨随意食用。 功效:益脾胃、补气阴、涩精气。主治脾气虚弱所致的食少、便溏、消渴、尿频、遗尿、遗精等症。 3.山药桂圆粥 鲜山药100g,桂圆肉(龙眼肉)15g,荔枝肉3~5个,五味子3g,白糖适量。先将山药去皮切成片,与桂圆、荔枝、五味子同煮,加入适量白糖。每日晚临睡前1小时食之。 功效:补益心肾,止渴固涩。主治心肾之阴不足而引起的消渴、小便频数、心悸失眠、腰部酸痛等症。 4.山药蛋黄粥 山药30g,鸡蛋黄2个,大米120g。先将山药洗净蒸熟,切碎备用。把大米淘净入锅,加入山药同煮,待煮熟快起锅前,将鸡蛋黄打入碗中,去掉鸡蛋清,将蛋黄打散,倒入粥中搅匀即可。每日作早餐食用。 功效:补益脾胃,养心安神,补血养阴。主治脾胃虚弱所致心烦失眠、手足心热、心悸不宁、久泻、脱肛等症。健康人食用能增强记忆力,增强体质。 DIOSCOREA OPPOSITA THUNB/Sliced Chinese Yam(16oz) As an herbal treatment, Chinese yam is mainly used to target the stomach and spleen, but also thought to help the lungs and kidneys.It can help treat: poor appetite. chronic diarrhea. asthma. dry coughs. frequent urination. diabetes. ( “Preliminary tests in vitro revealed that YP-1 could stimulate ConA-induced T lymphocyte proliferation and its branches are extremely important for the expression of the enhancement of the immunological activity.” - Structural features and immunological activity of a polysaccharide from Dioscorea opposita Thunb roots Dioscorea, Chinese white yam, is often combined with herbs used to treat chronic digestive and/or menstrual issues. For example Sweet Soup 清補涼 (Qing Bu Liang Herbal Soup) cooling, cleansing, tones digestion, improves breathing, weight loss,  From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet and mild. It is the tuber of the white yam of the Dioscoreaceae plant. Indications: for spleen deficiency, diarrhea, chronic dysentery, cough due to fatigue, thirst, nocturnal emission, bleeding, frequent urination. It enters the Lung, Spleen and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes the spleen and stomach, nourishes body fluid and lungs, nourishes the kidney and astringes the Jing essence. Used for spleen deficiency, poor appetite, chronic diarrhea, lung deficiency and cough, kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, excessive leucorrhea, frequent urination, deficiency heat and thirst.  


  • Lung Moisturization Soup Package 6oz

    Lung Moisturization Soup Package 6oz

    润肺汤药包 6oz 成分: 百合,麥冬, 北沙參, 防風, 海玉竹, 北耆, 桔梗, 蘆根, 牛蒡, 海底椰, 生薑,陳皮. 做法: 先将药材浸泡20分钟, 瘦肉滚水煮去上沫, 放入药材煲内, 加至8碗水, 大火煲滚, 转细火, 煲60至90分钟, 分为3碗. 功效: 清肺化痰, 益气养阴,预防呼吸道疾病. 用法: 每日一碗, 可供一家3人服, 每周1~2次, 可与其他汤水交替服用.  Lung Moisturization Soup Package 6oz Lily Bulb, Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber, Glehnia Root, Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root, Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal, Astragalus, Prime Platycodon Root,  Rhizoma Phragmitis, Root of Great Burdock, Sea Coconut, Ginger, Dried Tangerine Peel. Method: Soak the herbs for 20 minutes, boil the lean meat to remove foam, put it into the herb pot, add to 8 bowls of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, boil for 60 to 90 minutes, and divide into 3 bowls.Efficacy: clearing lung and resolving phlegm, nourishing qi and nourishing yin, preventing respiratory diseases.Usage: One bowl a day, can be taken by a family of 3, 1~2 times a week, can be taken alternately with other soups.


  • Xue lian zi (16oz)

    Snow lotus seed/Xue lian zi (16oz)

    1 review

    云南 特级 野生 雪莲子(16 oz) 雪莲子又名皂角米。果实粘稠,色泽晶莹,口味鲜美富含胶原蛋白,蛋白质、藻角质、氨基酸。 具有养心通脉、清肝明目、健脾滋肾、祛痰开窍、疏肠利尿、润肤养颜、提神补气等功效。老少皆宜,特别适合糖尿病患者食用。 《本草纲目》中记载雪莲子有辛温、祛痰、抗菌活血、降血压、养心性之作用是保肝润肺养颜美容的食品。 食用方法 1、可加入燕窝,人参放入盅内蒸煮可成为燕窝或人参雪莲盅,雪莲银耳汤、雪哈莲子汤、冰糖莲子汤、红枣枸杞莲子汤。 2、高极甜品木瓜翅.糖水饮料等,煮成的产品具有粘度高,口感好.微甜润口,营养丰富的特点 3、可烹饪养颜椰汁雪莲、雪莲果浓汤、银杏天山雪莲粥、天山雪莲子汤、银耳雪莲子煲冰糖、蛤炖雪莲子 4、煮粥。取适量皂仁,淘净,温水浸泡2-3小时后,再加(如:糯米,花生米,大枣,薏米,莲子,绿豆等)合煮为稀粥,加冰糖。 5、清炖。按每人5克皂仁,淘净,温水浸泡2-3小时,和莲汁一起盛入盘中,在锅里炖熟兑2-3倍冷开水,加糖。 6、煮鸡肉汤或排骨汤。可按每只鸡配10-15克皂仁,淘净后直接与鸡肉或排骨煮熟,加食盐食用。 7、煮鸡肝或猪肝。按每斤肝配10克皂仁煮熟,加食盐即可食用,可清肝明目。 8、可用保温壶泡饮。取15-20克皂仁,淘净,放入八磅保温壶里,注入刚烧开的开水,6小时后,即可加糖食用。 9、茶杯饮用。取10克,放入茶杯或保温杯中,开水泡饮,皂角仁熟透后,可直接食用,此方法可治牙痛、咽喉痛、解烟酒等。    Snow lotus seed/Xue lian zi (16 oz) Snow lotus seed (aka Saussurea involucrate, acacia rice) The fruit is sticky, shiny and delicious, rich in collagen, protein, algal cutin and amino acid. Compendium of Materia Medica records that snow lotus seeds have the functions of warming, removing phlegm, antibacterial and activating blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and nourishing the heart, which is a food for protecting the liver, moistening the lungs and nourishing the face. Snow lotus seeds are soaked and cooked with birds nest or used as an ingredient in dishes such as Snow lotus wine. Women also soak it and apply it topically to the face to reduce aging, dryness and wrinkles.  In TCM “Herbs that invigorate the Blood” are used to help the circulation of blood in cardiovascular conditions or menstrual irregularities as well as to treat acute pains caused by “blood stagnation.” They can also be used to treat “blood stasis” in the case of certain tumors, cysts and hardened clots. Furthermore snow lotus are plants that are warm in nature but not over-healing.  Studies have found that crude ethanolic extract of Snow Lotus possess anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity and support the rationale behind the traditional use of these plants in inflammatory conditions. Phytomedicine. 9 (5): 433–7. doi:10.1078/09447110260571689. From the manufacturer:  Snow lotus seeds are also known as saponified rice. The fruit is viscous, the color is crystal clear, and the taste is delicious. It is rich in collagen, protein, algal cutin, and amino acids.      It has the functions of nourishing the heart and blood, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, strengthening the spleen and kidney, eliminating phlegm and resuscitation, soothing the intestines and diuresis, moisturizing the skin, nourishing the skin, refreshing and replenishing qi. Suitable for all ages, especially suitable for diabetics.      The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that Saussurea seeds have the functions of pungent warming, expectorant, antibacterial and activating blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and nourishing the heart. Cooking Directions for snow lotus seed Soups:  Add bird's nest, ginseng can be steamed in the cup to become bird's nest or ginseng snow lotus cup; snow lotus white fungus soup; snow lotus seed soup; rock sugar lotus seed soup; or red date, wolfberry, lotus seed soup.  High-quality desserts, such as cooked with papaya; syrup drinks, etc.  The cooked products have the characteristics of high viscosity, good taste, slightly sweet and moist, and rich in nutrition.    It can be used for cooking beauty coconut milk snow lotus; snow lotus soup; Ginkgo snow lotus porridge; Snow lotus seed soup; white fungus snow lotus seeds in rock sugar; or clam stewed snow lotus seeds  Cooking porridge:  Take an appropriate amount of snow lotus seeds), wash them off, soak them in warm water for 2-3 hours, then add (such as: glutinous rice, peanuts, jujubes, barley, lotus seeds, mung beans, etc.) and cook into a gruel, add rock sugar.  Clear stew:  Take 5 grams of Snow lotus seeds, wash them, soak them in warm water for 2-3 hours, put them in a plate with lotus juice, simmer in a pot, add 2-3 times cold water, add sugar.  Boiled chicken soup or rib soup:  You can mix 10-15 grams of Snow lotus seeds for each chicken, and cook them directly with chicken or ribs after washing, and eat with salt.  Boil chicken liver or pork liver:  With 10 grams of Snow lotus seeds per catty of liver, cooked, add salt to taste: it can clear the liver and improve eyesight.  It can be used to soak in a heat preservation pot.  Take 15-20 grams of soap kernels, wash them out, put them in an eight-pound heat-preserving pot, and pour in freshly boiled water. After 6 hours, you can add sugar and eat.  Drink in a teacup.  Take 10 grams, put it in a teacup or a thermos, and soak in boiling water. After the Snow lotus seeds are ripe, they can be eaten directly. This method can cure toothache, sore throat, anti-smoking and alcohol.  


  •  La Mu Zi (16 OZ)

    Moringa Oleifera Seed / La Mu Zi (16 OZ)

    天然辣木籽 辣木籽的种子和叶子中含有丰富的营养成分,不过,由于辣木籽本身含有生物碱、辣木黄酮,高血压、糖尿病患者及孕妇等最好经医师指示后酌量食用。 辣木籽含有很多的蛋白质、脂肪、以及糖类,正常人食用会给人甘甜的口感,但是身体内出现了某些病灶,食用辣木籽就会出现不同的口味,通过辣木籽吃出的味道可以判断出你身体的症状,即“入口五味辨症”,辣木籽也因这“一籽五味”的神奇检测功效而出名。如果吃出的是“酸”味,说明心脏小肠耗弱。如果吃出的是“苦”味,说明肝功能劳损。如果吃起来发“涩”,你要注意脾脏肠肺失衡。而如果吃起来作“呕”,那么要注意脑神经和体弱。而吃起来发“腥”,说明肾脏膀胱亏虚。吃出这五味,就需要日常生活中多加注意和调理。 辣木籽的“五味辩症”告诉我们,如果第一次吃辣木籽是甜的,说明你身体健康。 Moringa Seeds/ La Mu Zi 16oz Moringa oleifera is one of the most valuable plants known to mankind.  The Moringa tree has been popularly called  “The Miracle Tree in Asia.” It is rich in nutrients like vitamin B6, beta carotene, vitamin C, magnesium, and protein. Moringa seeds are obtained from the pods of the Moringa tree. They can be steamed, boiled, or roasted for various purposes Moringa seeds are nutrient-dense and come with many benefits: • Improves Sleep: Steep moringa leaves in hot water for 15 minutes and drink before you go to bed for a good night's rest. • Fiber: Moringa seeds are high in fiber, and help in moving food along your digestive system," • Blood Sugar: Moringa seeds are a great source of zinc and can regulate blood sugar levels which can help manage or even prevent diabetes." • Great Source of Iron: A single serving of moringa has almost three times the amount of iron as spinach • Reduces Joint Pain: Moringa seeds make for a great supplement of calcium and help those suffering from joint pain.  • Lowers Cholesterol: Some plants have been known to reverse bad cholesterol and according to research, moringa is among them, • Induces Death of Cancer Cells: The seeds are well known for their anti-carcinogenic effects. • Promotes Heart Health: Scientists have proved that moringa seeds can reduce the number of oxidized lipids in our body and take care of our cardiac health by safeguarding the heart tissues from constructional damages, • A Powerhouse of Antioxidants: The oil extracted from moringa seeds contains almost 30 antioxidants.  • Promotes Healthy Skin: Moringa seeds are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties and are thus, very beneficial for skin care. How to eat it:  Moringa seeds need to be peeled, the shell can be soaked in water, eat 5-8 grains a day, drink 300-500ml of warm water after each meal because it is rich in nutrients, it needs water to decompose, otherwise, it will dry mouth.  Moringa seeds are pure natural green foods that contain all the nutrients needed by the human body. It can replace multi-vitamins, calcium supplements, cod liver oil, etc.  It is especially useful for high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, gout, etc. Moringa seeds can help improve and prevent diseases, improve sleep, enhance memory, delay aging, and can also be used to treat diseases in the liver, spleen, meridians, and collaterals.  It also has the effects of treating bad breath and sobering up after drinking too much.  Moringa seed powder has been used to purify water: Soak, peel, dry, and powder 2 seeds and add them to 1 liter of water overnight then strain the purified liquid. 


  • 20% OFF
    Shandong Pingyin Dried Rose #1107 Shandong Pingyin Dried Rose #1107

    Shandong Pingyin Dried Rose #1107

    山东平阴 大红玫瑰花 #1107 Chinese Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young in order to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, Chinese Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion. 玫瑰花茶是一種清新淡雅的花茶,美容功效非常好,所以它非常受女性朋友的歡迎。只要加入開水,浸泡5分鐘後即可飲用。 玫瑰花茶的味道清香幽雅,能令人緩和情緒、紓解抑鬱中醫認為,玫瑰花具有疏肝解鬱、健脾降火、潤腸通便、行氣活血和消除疲勞的功效。長期飲用,對治療口臭及改善睡眠也有很好效果。

    $12.40 - $44.80

  • 20% OFF
    Tian Qi Flower Tea #1207

    Notoginseng flower/Tian Qi Flower Tea #1207

    云南 田七花茶#1207 田七花可降血压、血脂、减速肥、防癌、咽喉炎等,生津止渴、提神补气、提高心机供氧能力,增强机体免疫功能。每次取10至13朵,开水冲泡,可反复浸泡,直至无甘苦味后换用。或用10至20朵花浸泡20分钟可炒肉。 性味 味甘;性凉 功效 本品为五加科植物三七的干燥花。清热生津;平肝降压。主津伤口渴;咽痛音哑;高血压病 用法用量 内服:适量,开水泡服。   Notoginseng flower/Tian Qi Flower Tea #1207 Tian qi Flower tea has a distinctive look and taste. Its appearance is a small greenish bud that looks like dried broccoli flowers. The taste is vegetal, cooling, and slightly minty. It has similar taste and benefits as American ginseng. Tian Qi is highly prized throughout Asia for its traditional use of relieving pain, its healing properties, and in aiding in retaining fluid levels. It is used to make Essence of Tienqi Flower instant beverage recommended for easing headache, hypertension, stiff jaw and tooth-grinding during sleep, also facial acne and nervousness.  Tianqihua can lower blood pressure, blood lipids, and help maintain a normal weight.  It has been shown to help prevent cancer, pharyngitis, etc., It promotes body fluids and quenches thirst, refreshes energy, improves oxygen supply capacity which enhances the body's immune function. Take 10 to 13 flowers each time, brew in boiling water. It can be steeped repeatedly many times until there is no bitterness and sweetness. Or use 10 to 20 flowers to steep for 20 minutes and add them to cook meat. The taste is sweet; It is cooling in nature. This product is the dried flower of the Araliaceae plant Panax notoginseng.  It is used to clear away heat and produce fluids; calms the liver and lowers blood pressure. It is used for chronic thirst; sore throat; dull voice; and hypertension. Dosage Oral administration: Take proper amount, steep in boiled water.

    $21.60 - $84.00

  • 20% OFF
     Gynostemma Pentaphyllum #1332  Gynostemma Pentaphyllum #1332

    Jiao Gu Lan Tea / Gynostemma Pentaphyllum #1332

    绞股蓝茶#1332 绞股蓝茶是我国一种古老的中草药和常饮茶,采摘绞股蓝嫩叶和嫩芽,经由现代中药加工工艺与古法炒茶工艺相结合炮制而成绞股蓝茶,茶汤碧绿,稍带清香、微苦,入喉回甘。具有降血压、降血脂、降血糖、延缓衰老等功效。   Jiao Gu Lan Tea / Gynostemma Pentaphyllum #1332 Jiao Gu Lian, also known as miracle grass, is an herbaceous vine indigenous to southern China, Korea, and Japan. It is best known as a herbal medicine reputed to have powerful antioxidant and adaptogenic effects that increase longevity. It contains no caffeine and has been used to help lower high blood pressure. Its taste is sweet like stevia and can be slightly bitter and sour. Jiaogulan (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) is a climbing vine native to China believed to have healing properties. Used in traditional Chinese medicine, the herb is said to offer anti-aging benefits and aid many common health conditions, including diabetes, high cholesterol, and anxiety. . . Jiaogulan is generally regarded as safe, though it may cause side effects including nausea and an increase in bowel movements. People with diabetes who are taking insulin or other blood-sugar-lowering medications should use jiaogulan with caution, as it may lead to hypoglycemic episodes.  

    $6.80 - $25.60

  • 20% OFF
    Dried Chinese Rose #1328

    Dried Chinese Rose #1328

    2 reviews

    云南安宁 玫瑰花 #1328  玫瑰花茶是一種清新淡雅的花茶,美容功效非常好,所以它非常受女性朋友的歡迎。只要加入開水,浸泡5分鐘後即可飲用。 玫瑰花茶的味道清香幽雅,能令人緩和情緒、紓解抑鬱中醫認為,玫瑰花具有疏肝解鬱、健脾降火、潤腸通便、行氣活血和消除疲勞的功效。長期飲用,對治療口臭及改善睡眠也有很好效果。   Dried Chinese Rose #1328 Chinese Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result, they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, Chinese Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion. Rose tea is a fresh and elegant scented tea with very good beauty benefits, so it is very popular with female friends. Just add boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, inhale the delicious aroma, and drink it any time of day. Rose tea has a delicate fragrance and elegant taste, which can help treat emotional upset and prevent depression. Chinese medicine believes that roses soothe the liver and relieve depression, strengthen the spleen and reduce inflammation, help soothe stomach upset and constipation, promote qi and blood circulation and eliminate fatigue. Long-term drinking prevents bad breath and improves sleep.

    $11.00 - $33.60

  • Dampness Soup Package 6Oz

    Dampness Soup Package 6Oz

    健康祛湿汤煲 成分: 五指毛桃, 淮山, 花旗参, 赤小豆, 白术, 茯苓, 炒薏米, 炒白扁豆, 生姜, 陈皮.做法: 先将药材浸泡20分钟, 瘦肉滚水煮去上沫, 放入药材煲内, 加至8碗水, 大火煲滚, 转细火, 煲60至90分钟, 分为3碗.功效: 健脾祛湿, 益气扶正, 预防呼吸道疾病.用法: 每日一碗, 可供一家3人服, 每周1~2次, 可与其他汤水交替服用. Dampness Soup Package 6Oz Ingredients: Five-finger Fig Root, Dioscorea opposita, American Ginseng, Vigna umbellata, Atractylodes, Poria, Fried Barley, Fried White Lentil, Ginger, Orange Peel.Method: Soak the herbs for 20 minutes, boil the lean meat to remove foam, put it into the herb pot, add to 8 bowls of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, boil for 60 to 90 minutes, and divide into 3 bowls.Efficacy: invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, invigorating Qi and strengthening the body, preventing respiratory diseases.Usage: One bowl a day, can be taken by a family of 3, 1~2 times a week, can be taken alternately with other soups.  



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