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  •  Du Huo 16oz

    Root of Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica/ Du Huo 16oz

    独活 16oz Root of Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica 胡王使者、独摇草、独滑、长生草、川独活、肉独活、资历邱独活、巴东独活、香独活、绩独活、大活、山大活、玉活 性味 味苦;辛;性微湿 功效 本品为伞形科植物重齿毛当归的干燥根。 主治风寒湿痹,腰膝酸痛,手脚挛痛,慢性气管炎,头痛,齿痛。 经脉 归膀胱经;肾经 主治 祛风,胜湿,散寒,止痛。治风寒湿痹,腰膝酸痛,手脚挛痛,慢性气管炎,头痛,齿痛。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或浸酒;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,煎汤洗。 注意禁忌 阴虚血燥者慎服。 【食疗方】 二活川芎酒 羌活15克,独活15克,川芎20克,黑豆30克,大麻仁(火麻仁)30克,米酒200毫升。将上药精加工,捣碎为末,置净瓶中,入酒浸泡,密封21日后开启,过滤去渣留溶剂化物备用。每日早、晚各1次,每次饮服10~25毫升。 功效:祛风,活血,解痉。中风初得,颈项强直,肩背酸痛,肢体拘急,时有恶风,发热。   Root of Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica/ Du Huo 16oz The roots and rhizomes are anodyne, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, carminative, nervine and vasodilator. A decoction is used to promote menstruation, to treat rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, headache, toothache and abscesses. . . Angelica is used for heartburn, intestinal gas (flatulence), loss of appetite (anorexia), arthritis, circulation problems, "runny nose" (respiratory catarrh), nervousness, plague, and insomnia. Some women use angelica to start their menstrual periods. Sometimes this is done to cause an abortion. (   Diet Therapy  Erhuo Chuanxiong Liquor 15 grams of Qianghuo, 15 grams of Pubescent Angelica, 20 grams of Chuanxiong, 30 grams of black beans, 30 grams of hemp seeds, 200 ml of rice wine. Mash it to [a fine powder], put it in a clean bottle, soak it in wine, seal it for 21 days, open it, filter to remove the residue, and leave the solvate for later use.  Take 10~25ml each time in the morning and evening.  Efficacy: expelling wind, invigorating blood, antispasmodic.


  • Dang Gui XXL

    Chinese Angelica Root Premium /Dang Gui XXL

    原色 正陕西 当归 当归头 XXL 干归、马尾当归、秦哪、马尾归、云归、西当归、岷当归 尺寸 5-7头/磅 性味 味甘;辛;苦;性温 功效 本品为伞形科植物当归的干燥根。 治月经不调,经闭腹痛,癥瘕结聚,崩漏;血虚头痛,眩晕,痿痹;肠燥便难,赤痢后重;痈疽疮窃,跌扑损伤。 经脉 归肝经;心经;脾经 主治 补血活血,调经止痛,润肠通便。用于血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,月经不调,经闭痛经,虚寒腹痛,肠燥便秘,风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤,痈疽疮疡。 酒当归活血通经,用于经闭痛经,风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤。当归身功效为补血,用于血虚萎黄,经少,眩晕,经络不利,崩漏。当归尾功效为活血祛瘀,用于瘀血阻滞,经少经闭,经行腹痛,跌扑损伤,瘀滞经络,痈疽疮疡。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;或入丸、散;或浸酒;或敷膏。 注意禁忌 湿阻中满及大便溏泄者慎服。 【食疗方】 1.牛膝当归蜜膏 牛膝50克,肉苁蓉500克,当归50克,蜂蜜适量。牛膝、肉苁蓉、当归加水适量浸泡透发,再加热煎煮,每20分钟取煎液一次,加水再煎,共取3次,合并煎液,再以小火煎熬浓缩成稠膏时,加蜂蜜1倍,至沸停火,待冷装瓶备用。 功效:温阳通便。 2.参归腰子 猪肾1只,人参、当归身各15克。先将人参、当归洗净,装入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口,放在砂锅内,加入清水适量,浸泡2小时。剖开猪肾,挖去白色筋膜和臊腺,清洗干净,放入砂锅内一并加热清炖。先用武火煮沸,再用文火过煮30~40分钟。捞出猪肾,待冷后切成薄片,酌加适量酱油、醋、香油、姜丝、蒜末等调料。吃腰片,喝汤。 功效:补肾益气,养血安神。用治肾气虚弱,气血不足,阳萎,遗精,腰酸膝软,头晕目眩,面色苍白,心悸气短,失眠,自汗、乏力。 3.归身黄花菜猪肉汤 当归身15克,黄花菜根15克,瘦猪肉150克。食盐、菜油、味精各适量。猪肉洗净,切丝;黄花菜根洗净;当归饮片洗净,装入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口。将猪肉、黄花菜根和当归药袋一并放入锅内,加入清水,先用武火煮沸,再用文火炖煮30分钟左右。酌加菜油、食盐等调料。待肉熟烂后停火,捞去药袋,加入味精少许。当点心食用,喝汤,吃肉、菜。 功效:益气补血,和血通脉。主治气血亏虚所致的身体瘦弱、头晕止眩、疲倦乏力、闭经、胎萎不长等。 4.当归山鸡汤 当归15克,山鸡肉250克,熟地(熟地黄)15克,女贞子12克,料酒、精盐、味精、姜片、胡椒粉、鸡清汤各适量。先将山鸡肉洗净,放入沸水中焯一下,捞出洗净血水,斩块。再将当归、熟地、女贞子洗净,装入纱布袋扎口。锅中加入鸡汤,放入山鸡肉、药袋、料酒、精盐、味精、姜片、胡椒粉,武火烧沸,文火炖到肉熟,去药袋、姜片,盛入汤盆中即成。食肉喝汤。 功效:可滋血气,强筋健骨,调经活血。主治妇女肾阴虚引起的崩漏带下之症。对于跌打损伤等外科疾患,食此汤菜有辅助治疗作用。   Chinese Angelica Root Premium /Dang Gui Radix Angelica Sinensis, the dried root of Angelica Sinensis (Danggui), is a herb used in Chinese medicine to enrich the blood, promote blood circulation and modulate the immune system. It is also used to treat chronic constipation of the elderly and debilitated as well as menstrual disorders. Research has demonstrated that Danggui and its active ingredients, as anti-atherosclerotic, anti-hypertensive, antioxidant anti-inflammatory agents which would limit platelet aggregation, are effective in reducing the size of cerebral infarction and improving neurological deficit scores. Danggui may be useful in treating the cerebral infarction type of stroke. From the manufacturer:    The taste is sweet, pungent, bitter; It is warm in nature. It enters the Liver, Heart, and Spleen meridians.  Indications: Replenishing blood and promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening the intestines, and laxative. It is used for blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, deficiency and cold abdominal pain, dry intestinal constipation, rheumatic arthralgia, bruises, carbuncles, slow healing sores. Angelica Sinensis has the effect of replenishing blood and has been used for lack of menstruation and uterine bleeding.  Caution: It should not be taken if dampness is full [edema] and loose stools. Diet therapy   Achyranthes Angelica Honey Cream   Ingredients: 50 grams of Achyranthes, 500 grams of Cistanche, 50 grams of Angelica, honey.  Add water to soak the Achyranthes root, Cistanche, and Angelica in a proper amount of water, then heat and cook a decoction. Take the decoction once every 20 minutes, add water and decoct for a total of 3 times, combine the decoctions, and then decoct it over a low fire to concentrate it into a thick paste.  Add the honey until it boils and stop cooking. Bottle it for later use.  Efficacy: It is warming and laxative. This soup may be useful to help ease low back pain, poor circulation, and arthritis that feels worse from cold weather and raw foods.   Angelica and kidney   Ingredients: 1 pig kidney, 15 grams each of ginseng, and Angelica Sinensis.  First, wash the ginseng and angelica, put it in a gauze bag, tie the bag tightly, put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, and soak for 2 hours. Cut open the pig kidney, remove the white fascia and glands. Clean it, soak it in salty water for 30 minutes. Put it in a casserole and heat it to stew. Bring the herbal liquid to a boil over fire, then simmer for 30-40 minutes.  Remove the pig kidneys and cut them into thin slices after cooling. Add the appropriate amount of soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, ginger, minced garlic, and other seasonings. Eat the kidney and drink the soup.   Efficacy: It is used to nourish the kidney and nourish qi, nourish blood and calm the nerves. It is used to treat weak kidney qi, lack of qi and blood, impotence, spermatorrhea, backaches and knees, dizziness, pale complexion, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia, spontaneous sweating, fatigue. Angelica,  Daylily with Pork Soup   Ingredients: 15 grams of angelica, 15 grams of day lily root, 150 grams of lean pork. Add salt, vegetable oil, and optional MSG. Wash the pork and shred it; wash the daylily root; wash the angelica pieces, put it into a gauze bag, and tie the bag tightly. Put the pork, day lily root, and angelica medicine bag into the pot together, add water, first boil over a fire, then simmer for about 30 minutes. Add vegetable oil, salt, and other spices as appropriate. After the meat is cooked, stop the fire, remove the medicine bag, and add a little MSG. Eat it as a snack, drink the soup, eat meat and vegetables.   Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, and raise the pulse. Indications: This soup can be used for body weakness, dizziness and relieving vertigo, fatigue, amenorrhea, and threatened miscarriage caused by the deficiency of qi and blood.  

    $17.99 - $119.00

  •  San Qi (75 g)

    Tian Feng Panax notoginseng Slice / San Qi (75 g)

    天峰牌 三七/田七 片(二两/75克) Tian Feng Panax notoginseng Slice  / San Qi (75 g)  主要功效与医学功能 性味归经:味甘微苦,性温,归肝、胃经,以根、根状茎入药。是名贵中药材,生用可止血化瘀、消肿止痛,是云南白药主要成分,同棵植物的花叶也能入药,当茶饮。 (1)具有良好的止血功效、显著的造血功能; (2)能加强和改善冠脉微循环,扩三七入药历史悠久,作用奇特被历代医家视为药中之宝,故有“金不换”之说法。 三七“味微甘而苦,颇似人参之味。”“凡杖扑伤损,瘀血淋漓者,随即嚼烂罨之即止,青肿者即消散。若受杖时,先服一、二钱,则血不冲心,杖后尤宜服之,产后服亦良。大抵此药气温,味甘微苦,及阳明、厥阴血分之药,故能治一切血病”。     Tianfeng Brand Panax Notoginseng/ SanQi/Tianqi (75g)  During the Ming Dynasty, Sanqi was worth more than gold. It is a Chinese medicinal treasure. Panax notoginseng is used to stop or slow down bleeding. It is sometimes taken by people who have nosebleeds, vomit up or cough up blood, or find blood in their urine or feces. Panax notoginseng is also used to relieve pain; and to reduce swelling and blood pressure. ( Panax notoginseng is used for chest pain (angina), strokes and bleeding in the brain, buildup of fat in the blood vessels, heart attacks, and some kinds of liver disease. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet and slightly bitter, and warm in nature. It enters the  Liver and Stomach meridians. The root and rhizome are used as medicine. It is a precious Chinese medicinal material. It can stop bleeding, remove blood stasis, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is the main ingredient of Yunnan Baiyao. The flowers and leaves of the same plant can also be used as medicine.   (1) It has a good hemostatic effect and significant hematopoietic function;   (2) It can strengthen and improve coronary microcirculation. The expansion of notoginseng has a long history of being used as a medicine. The peculiar effect is regarded as the treasure of medicine by the doctors of the past dynasties.   Panax notoginseng has a slightly sweet and bitter taste, which resembles the taste of ginseng. "If the wound is injured and bloody, it will stop bleeding after chewing the herb and the bruise will disappear. If you receive the puncture wound, take one dose, the blood does not rush to the heart. It is especially suitable to take after cuts, and it is good after delivery [childbirth]. It . . . [treats] Yangming and Jueyin meridian blood, so it can cure all blood diseases."  

  •  包)

    Panax notoginseng XL / San Qi (37.5 g)

    特大 三七/ 田七头/山漆 (37.5 克/ 包) Panax notoginseng / San Qi 为五加科人参属植物三七的块根。 性味 甘微苦,温。 经脉 入肝经、胃经、大肠经。 主治 止血,散瘀,消肿,定痛。治吐血,咳血,衄血,便血,血痢,崩漏,癥瘕,产后血晕,恶露不下,跌扑瘀血,外伤出血,痈肿疼痛。 注意禁忌 孕妇忌服。 【食疗方】 1.鱼鳔田七方 黄花鱼鳔适量、三七末3克、黄酒适量,黄花鱼鳔用香油炸脆,压碎为末,每次5克,与田七末一同用黄酒冲服。每天1剂,连服15~20剂为1疗程。 本方可用于食道癌患者之血瘀内结型。 2.鸡蛋三七汤 三七末3克,鸡蛋1只。藕汁1小杯,料酒半小杯。鸡蛋打入碗内,加入三七末、藕汁、料酒,搅匀,加水搅拌稀释,放锅内隔水炖熟。当点心食用。 功效:补血活血止血。主治血虚血瘀所致的吐血衄血、血色紫、夹血块等。 3.灵芝三七饮 灵芝15g,三七粉4g。将灵芝洗净,放入砂锅,加清水适量,浸泡2小时,煎煮60分钟,取汤送服2g三七粉。锅中再加清水适量,煎煮40分钟,送服剩下的2g三七粉。每日1剂,早晚各服1次。 功效:益养心,活血能脉。主治心虚夹瘀所致的心悸心痛、形寒肢冷、唇舌发紫、脉涩或结代等。 Panax notoginseng  XL / San Qi (37.5 g) During the Ming Dynasty, Sanqi was worth more than gold. It is a Chinese medicinal treasure. Panax notoginseng is used to stop or slow down bleeding. It is sometimes taken by people who have nosebleeds, vomit up or cough up blood, or find blood in their urine or feces. Panax notoginseng is also used to relieve pain; and to reduce swelling and blood pressure. ( Panax notoginseng is used for chest pain (angina), strokes and bleeding in the brain, buildup of fat in the blood vessels, heart attacks, and some kinds of liver disease.   From the manufacturer:  It is the root tuber of Panax notoginseng in the genus Araliaceae. (aka: san qi, tian qi) The taste is sweet and bitter. It is warm. It enters the Liver, Stomach and Large Intestine meridians.  Indications:  It is used to stop bleeding, dispel blood stasis, reduce swelling, and relieve pain. It has been used to cure vomiting blood, hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematochezia, bloody dysentery, uterine bleeding, symptom, postpartum haemorrhage, lochia, stasis, traumatic bleeding, carbuncle pain.  Cautions: Avoid use during pregnancy.  Diet Therapy Fish Maw Tian Qi fang  Ingredients: Appropriate amount of yellow croaker maw, 3 grams of panax notoginseng powder, appropriate amount of rice wine,  Fry the yellow croaker maw until it is fragrant. Crush it to make a powder. Gradually add 5 grams fish maw powder mixed with Tianqi powder and add yellow wine.  Dosage: 1 dose a day, and take 15-20 doses continuously as a course of treatment.   This prescription can be used for blood stasis in patients with esophageal cancer.   Egg panax notoginseng soup   Ingredients: 3 grams of panax notoginseng, 1 egg. 1 small cup of lotus root juice, half a small cup of cooking wine.  Beat the eggs into a bowl, add the powdered panax notoginseng, lotus root juice, and cooking wine, stir well, add water and stir to dilute. Put it in a pot and simmer in water. Serve as a snack.  Efficacy: Enriching blood and promoting blood circulation, also used to stop bleeding.  Indications: for blood deficiency and blood stasis caused by vomiting blood, purple blood, bruises, blood clots, etc.   Lingzhi Panax notoginseng  Drink   Ingredients:  Ganoderma 15g, Panax notoginseng powder 4g.  Wash the Ganoderma lucidum, put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, soak for 2 hours, decoct for 60 minutes, and drink the soup. Add 2g of Panax notoginseng powder and appropriate amount of water to the pot, cook for 40 minutes, and serve the remaining 2g of Panax notoginseng powder.  Take 1 dose a day, 1 time each morning and evening.   Efficacy: It is used to nourish the heart, invigorate blood circulation.  Indications: for heart palpitations, angina, cold limbs, purple lips and tongue, irregular pulse or congestion caused by heart deficiency and blood stasis.


  •  Chi Shao Yao 16oz

    Red Peony Root/ Chi Shao Yao 16oz

    赤芍药 16oz Red Peony Root 木芍药、赤芍药、红芍药、草芍药 性味 苦,微寒。 功效 本品为毛茛科植物芍药或川赤芍的干燥根。行瘀,止痛,清热凉血,消肿。治瘀滞经闭,疝瘕积聚,腹痛,胁痛,衄血,血痢,肠风下血,目赤,痈肿。 经脉 归肝经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,4~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 不宜与藜芦同用。血虚无瘀之症及痈疽已溃者慎服。 1.《本草经集注》:恶石斛、芒硝。畏消石、鳖甲、小蓟。反藜芦。 2.《本草衍义》:血虚寒人,禁此一物。 3.《本草经疏》:赤芍药破血,故凡一切血虚病,及泄泻,产后恶露已行,少腹痛已止,痈疽已溃,并不宜服。 出自:   Red Peony Root/ Chi Shao Yao 16oz Red Peony Root is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb used to clear heat, cool blood, clear liver fire and dispel blood stasis. Red Peony Root benefits coronary health, promotes normal circulation, boosts the immune system, promotes normal glucose levels, benefits liver health, and eases pain. (  This product is the dried root of the ranunculaceae plant Paeonia lactiflora or Sichuan Paeonia lactiflora.  Traditional Chinese medicine uses: Removes blood stasis, relieves pain, clears heat and cools blood, reduces swelling.  It has been used to “cure blood stasis and amenorrhea, hernia accumulation, abdominal pain, hypochondriac pain, epistaxis, bloody dysentery, blood under intestinal wind [nerve pain], red eyes, carbuncle swelling.  It enters the Meridian of the liver.  Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 4~10g; or into pills or powder.  Cautions: Not suitable for use with Veratrum. Avoid use with blood deficiency, internal cold, and if no blood stasis and those with ulcer have ulcerated. "Materia Medica Sutra": red peony root breaks the blood, Avoid use with all blood deficiency diseases, and diarrhea, postpartum lochia, abdomen pain, and the ulcer has been ulcerated. From:


  •  Chuan Xu Duan 16oz

    Himalayan Teasel Root/ Chuan Xu Duan 16oz

    川续断 16oz Himalayan Teasel Root 龙豆、属折、接骨、南草、接骨草、鼓锤草、和尚头、川断、川萝卜根、马蓟、黑老鸦头、小续断、山萝卜 性味 味苦;辛;性微温 功效 为川续断科植物川续断的根。 补肝肾,续筋骨,调血脉,续折伤,止崩漏。治腰背酸痛,足膝无力,胎漏,崩漏,带下,遗精,跌打损伤,金疮,痔漏,痈疽疮肿。酒续断多用于风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤。盐续断多用于腰膝酸软。 经脉 归肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:鲜品适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 1.《本草经集注》:地黄为之使。恶雷丸。 2.《得配本草》:初痢勿用,怒气郁者禁用。 【食疗方】 川断杜仲煲猪尾 川断30克,杜仲30克,猪尾1~2条。猪尾去毛洗净,与川断、杜仲共加水用瓦罐煮熟,放盐少许调味食用。 功效:温肾壮阳。 出自:   Himalayan Teasel Root/ Chuan Xu Duan 16oz XU DUAN - Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Dipsaci. Common English: Dipsacus Japanese Teasel Root, Himalayan Teasel Root ... Its functions are to tonify the liver and kidneys, promote blood circulation, and strengthen the bones and tendons. Teasel root can be used internally or externally. In traditional Chinese medicine, teasel root is affiliated with the Liver and Kidney meridians, and has bitter, pungent and warm properties. Internally, teasel root treats pain and weakness in the knees and lower back helps repair damaged tissues such as bones and ligaments and can control bleeding during a woman's pregnancy. As a tonic, it is used to control a "restless fetus" [threatened miscarriage] in pregnant women, often in combination with eucommia bark, astragalus, Chinese angelica and other herbs. Externally, it can be combined into a poultice with drynaria and dragon's blood to reduce swelling and relieve pain. TCM uses: Nourishes the liver and kidneys, renews the bones and muscles, regulates the blood vessels, renews breaks [helps repair bones fractures], and stops uterine bleeding. It has been used to cure low back pain, weakness of the feet and knees, threatened miscarriage, metrorrhagia, vaginal discharge, nocturnal emission, bruises, hemorrhoids, and ulcers. Liquor Dipsacus is mostly used for rheumatic arthralgia, fall and bruise injury. Dipsacus salt is mostly used for sore waist and knees.  It enters the Meridians of Liver and Kidney meridian  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or into pills or powder. External use: Appropriate amount of fresh product, pound, and compress.


  •  Zi Wan 16oz

    Tatarian Aster Root/ Zi Wan 16oz

    紫菀 16oz Tatarian Aster Root 青菀、紫葥、返魂草根、夜牵牛、紫菀茸、关公须 性味 味苦;辛;性温 功效 为菊科植物紫菀的根及根茎。 温肺,下气,消痰,止咳。治风寒咳嗽气喘,虚劳咳吐脓血,喉痹,小便不利。 经脉 肺经; 用法用量 内服:煎汤,4.5~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 有实热者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:款冬为使。恶天雄、瞿麦、雷丸、远志。畏茵陈蒿。 ②《唐本草》:恶蒿本。 ③《本草正》:劳伤肺肾、水亏金燥而咳喘者非所宜。 出自:   Tatarian Aster Root/ Zi Wan 16oz The root contains triterpenes and triterpene saponins, and is a stimulant expectorant herb for the bronchial system, helping to clear infections. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antitussive, expectorant and stimulant. ( Aster Root is a traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb used to moisten the lungs to resolve phlegm and ease cough. Aster root benefits include the immune system. ( AKA: Green vine, bignonia, soul-returning grass-root, night glory, aster velvet, Guan Gong's whiskers  The taste is bitter  pungent; It is warming in effect  It is the root and rhizome of Aster, a Compositae plant.  It has been used to warm lungs, lower lung qi to reduce coughing; eliminate phlegm, relieve cough.  TCM uses: to cure wind, cold cough, asthma, cough, and vomiting of pus and blood due to fatigue, throat numbness, and increase urination.  It enters the Lung meridian  Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 4.5~10g; or into pills or powder.  Cautions:  People who have real heat [fever, rash, sweats, etc] should not take it. "Materia Medica": It is not suitable for those who strain the lungs and kidneys, who have reduced fluids, dryness and cough, and asthma.


  •  Qiang Huo 16oz

    Incised Notopterygium/ Qiang Huo 16oz

    羌活 16oz Incised Notopterygium 羌青 护羌使者 胡王使者 羌滑 退风使者 黑药 川羌 西羌活 大头羌 竹节羌 蚕羌 性味 辛苦,温。 功效 为伞形科植物羌活或宽叶羌活的根茎和根。 用于阳痿遗精,遗尿尿频,腰膝冷痛,肾虚作喘,五更泄泻;外用治白癜风,斑秃。解表散寒,祛风胜湿,止痛。 经脉 归膀胱经;肾经 主治 散表寒,祛风湿,利关节。治感冒风寒,头痛无汗,风寒湿痹,项强筋急,骨节酸疼,风水浮肿,痈疽疮毒。用于阳痿遗精,遗尿尿频,腰膝冷痛,肾虚作喘,五更泄泻;外用治白癜风,斑秃。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 血虚痹痛忌服。   Incised Notopterygium/ Qiang Huo 16oz Qiang Huo is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to release the exterior [move qi toward the skin surface to increase sweating or bring out rash], disperse cold, rid wind-damp and ease pain. Qiang Huo benefits winter discomforts, supports joints and may ease upper extremity pain and body aches. Qiang Huo contains analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. ( It is used to disperse cold, unblock painful obstructions caused by wind/damp/​cold pain, and serves as a guiding herb to the governing vessel and greater yang​ . ( [It reduces stiffness, chills, and pain aggravated by cold damp weather and cold, raw diet choices.] Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or into pills or powder. Caution: Avoid use with blood deficiency arthralgia.


  •  Jie Geng 16oz

    Prime Platycodon Root/ Balloon Flower Roots / Jie Geng 16oz

    特大 桔梗片 16oz 苦梗 白桔梗 梗草 利如 符蔰 卢茹 房图 荠世纪 苦桔梗 大药 玉桔梗 性味 味苦;辛;性平 功效 为桔梗科植物桔梗的根。 主治外感咳嗽,咽喉肿痛,肺痈吐脓,胸满胁痛,痢疾腹痛。 经脉 归肺经;胃经 主治 开宣肺气,祛痰排脓。治外感咳嗽,咽喉肿痛,肺痈吐脓,胸满胁痛,痢疾腹痛。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,烧灰研末敷。 注意禁忌 阴虚久嗽、气逆及咳血者忌服。   Prime Platycodon Root/ Balloon Flower Roots / Jie Geng 16oz Balloon Flower Roots are commonly used for treating bronchitis, asthma, hypertension, tuberculosis, diabetes, and other inflammatory diseases in Korea. They are used as a cough suppressant and expectorant for common colds, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis, and chest congestion in China. . . Jie Geng is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb used to expel pus, rid phlegm and disseminate Lung Qi. It supports respiratory health and benefits the throat. Jie Geng contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, expectorant, and immune-boosting properties.  



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