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Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea


Delicacies of the World Delicacies of the World Experience various exotic delicacies and healthy food from all over the world

Delight in treasures for health and beauty from land and sea

120 products

  • Dried Cole(16Oz) Dried Cole(16Oz)

    Dried Cole(16Oz)

    白菜干(16 OZ/包) 产品功效 1. 白菜干具有较高营养价值,含有丰富的多种维生素和矿物质,特别是维C和钙,膳食纤维含量非常丰富 2. 对于护肤、养眼、防止女性乳腺癌、润肠排毒、促进人体对动物蛋白的吸收等有着极大功效 3. 具有养胃生津、除烦解渴、利尿通便、清热解毒,能预防和治疗便秘、痔疮及结肠癌等疾病 4. 也可用于感冒、百日咳、消化性溃疡出血、燥热咳嗽、咽炎声嘶等 营养价值: 现代营养学认为它含粗纤维,可溶性蛋白、脂肪油、多种维生素,能养心调血,除烦止渴有消燥除热、通利 肠胃、下气消食的作用


  • bag) bag)

    Camellia /Dried Mushroom 4cm-5cm (16oz/bag)

    茶花菇4-5cm(16oz/包)  Size: 4cm-5cm 茶花菇一般是指香菇中的花菇的一种,花菇是菌中之星、菇中皇后。茶花菇的由来是因为初期裂开的花纹受到淋雨,会遇水氧化,慢慢愈合变得不明显形成的,比普通花菇肉更厚、香气更浓郁。 茶花菇味道鲜美,不仅可以用来做烹制主菜,还可以做配菜来调味. 含有蛋白质和脂肪、粗纤维、维生素、磷。花菇还富含钙和铁,一些蛋白质, Dried Mushroom /Camellia  (16oz/bag) Size: 4cm-5cm   Softer in texture and easier to cook than Shiitake; it is suitable for stir-frying and soups.  Camellia mushrooms are delicious and can be used not only for cooking main dishes but also as side dishes for seasoning.  Contains Protein and fat Crude fiber Vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, and iron  Camellia mushroom generally refers to a kind of mushroom called the star of mushrooms and the queen of mushrooms. The origin of the camellia mushroom is that the initial cracked pattern is exposed to rain and is oxidized in water so that the faceted pattern appears on top. It is thicker and more fragrant than ordinary mushrooms. Dried mushroom benefits:  Fights obesity Supports immune function Supports cardiovascular health Contains antimicrobial properties Boosts energy and brain function Provides vitamin D Promotes skin health


  • 磅) 磅)

    South American Dried Fish Maw #564 (50-55 pcs/Lb)

    南美深海 花膠筒#564 (50-55頭/磅)  花胶的主要成分为高级胶原蛋白、多种维生素及钙、锌、铁、硒等多种微量元素。其蛋白质含量高达84.2%,脂肪仅为0.2%,是理想的高蛋白低脂肪食品。 从中医角度,花胶极有滋补食疗作用,《本草纲目》记载:花胶能补肾益精,滋养筋脉,能治疗肾虚滑精及产后(产后食品)风痉。花胶含丰富的蛋白质及胶质,具滋阴养颜,补肾,强壮机能。腰膝酸软,身体虚弱,最适宜经常食用。   South American Dried Fish Maw #564 (50-55 pcs/Lb) Fish maw is a good source of collagen, proteins, and nutrients. Collagen provides a wide variety of skin benefits, such as helping to improve skin tone, and tissue health. Furthermore, many Chinese people considered fish maw as a traditional delicacy that represents fortune and health... Fish maw contains phosphor and calcium. It nourishes 'yin', replenishes kidneys, and boosts stamina. It is effective in healing weak lungs and kidneys, anemia, etc. It is suitable for consumption by any age group of either gender and is a kind of therapeutic food. Soak fish maw overnight, cut it into pieces and cook it with soup or rice until soft. It has a very mild flavor.   

    $139.00 - $278.00

  • Hokkaido Sea Cucumber (16 oz) Hokkaido Sea Cucumber (16 oz)

    Hokkaido Sea Cucumber (16 oz)

    特級日本北海道 野生刺參 1磅/盒 北海道产海参是是与干鲍鱼和鱼翅等并列的高级食材的之一。北海道产出的日本刺参参体的背面均匀的分布着六排刺,日本刺参的腹部比较平坦,并且个头也不大,但是日本刺参的肉质非常的厚实,因为日本刺参的生长年限比较短,因此刺参的体内聚集的营养价值相对比较高。日本海参一直保持着无添加剂的工艺,拥有最好的淡干海参的加工法则,加工工艺并不复杂,只是全部手工和天然。  Hokkaido Sea Cucumber  Known in Japan as Namako, Manamako, Akako, Aoko or Kaiso—all of which mean "sea rat," Namako is considered an “ocean delicacy” among sushi connoisseurs and is treasured in some cultures for its medicinal value. Known for its unique, crunchy texture, when fresh these sea creatures are best enjoyed in the winter months in Japan. In Japan, sea cucumber is often served raw as sunomono, a sea cucumber salad with ponzu sauce and seaweed to create a light, flavorful dish. However, this dried Japanese sea cucumber is popular throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate lunar New Year soups.  Hokkaido sea cucumber is considered one of the highest-quality ingredients alongside dried abalone and shark fin. It has long been used as an aphrodisiac and natural health supplement.  Six rows of spines are evenly distributed on the back of the Japanese sea cucumber body produced in Hokkaido. The belly of the Japanese sea cucumber is relatively flat and not large, but the meat of the Japanese sea cucumber is very thick because of the years of growth of the Japanese sea cucumber. It is relatively short, so the concentrated nutritional value of the sea cucumber is relatively high. Japanese sea cucumbers have always maintained an additive-free process and have the best processing rules for light dried sea cucumbers. The processing technology is not complicated, just all handmade and natural. Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Sea cucumber is used to prevent and treat a variety of illnesses and discomforts, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process. Nutritionally, sea cucumbers have an impressive profile of valuable nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), and minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

    $1,088.00 - $1,588.00

  • lb)

    South American Dried Fish Maw #469 (6-8pcs/lb)

    特級非洲黃花筒膠 花膠#469 (6-8頭/磅)  花胶的主要成分为高级胶原蛋白、多种维生素及钙、锌、铁、硒等多种微量元素。其蛋白质含量高达84.2%,脂肪仅为0.2%,是理想的高蛋白低脂肪食品。 从中医角度,花胶极有滋补食疗作用,《本草纲目》记载:花胶能补肾益精,滋养筋脉,能治疗肾虚滑精及产后(产后食品)风痉。花胶含丰富的蛋白质及胶质,具滋阴养颜,补肾,强壮机能。腰膝酸软,身体虚弱,最适宜经常食用。


  • Lb) Lb)

    South American Dried Fish Maw #466 (30-36 pcs/Lb)

    南美深海 花膠筒#466(30-36頭/磅)  花胶的主要成分为高级胶原蛋白、多种维生素及钙、锌、铁、硒等多种微量元素。其蛋白质含量高达84.2%,脂肪仅为0.2%,是理想的高蛋白低脂肪食品。 从中医角度,花胶极有滋补食疗作用,《本草纲目》记载:花胶能补肾益精,滋养筋脉,能治疗肾虚滑精及产后(产后食品)风痉。花胶含丰富的蛋白质及胶质,具滋阴养颜,补肾,强壮机能。腰膝酸软,身体虚弱,最适宜经常食用。   South American Dried Fish Maw #466 (30-36 pcs/Lb) Fish maw can be soaked to soften, cut into pieces then added to cook with soups or stir-fried. Fish maw is a good source of collagen, proteins, and nutrients. Collagen provides a wide variety of skin benefits, such as helping to improve skin tone, and tissue health. Furthermore, many Chinese people considered fish maw as a traditional delicacy that represents fortune and health. ( Fish maw contains rich proteins and nutrients such as phosphor and calcium. It nourishes 'yin', replenishes the kidney, and boosts stamina. ... Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health-enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. (

    $170.00 - $330.00

  • Dried Velvet Mushroom 16oz

    Dried Velvet Mushroom 16oz

    鹿茸菇 16oz/包 鹿茸菇菌肉肥厚细腻、清香扑鼻,是一种食药兼用的名贵食用菌,它口感脆滑、味道鲜美、营养丰富、干制后营养和口感不变。食法很多,烧、炒、炖、蒸、熘、拌、扒、烩、煮汤均可。食用时鲜甜可口,香味浓郁,醇香满口,别具风味。   Fragrant and delicious wild Velvet Pioppini mushrooms are available in the summer through fall, while the cultivated versions are available year-round. Velvet Pioppini mushrooms, botanically classified as Agrocybe aegerita, are wild, edible mushrooms that belong to the Strophariaceae family. Also known as the Black Poplar mushroom, Poplar mushroom, Tea Tree mushroom, Yanagi-matsutake, Cha Shu Gu, Zhuzhuang-tiantougu, and Pholiote du Peuplier, Velvet Pioppini mushrooms are highly favored for their firm texture and are commonly added to pasta, soups, and stews.  Velvet Pioppini mushrooms are rich in copper, fiber, and vitamin B5, and also contain potassium, biotin, folate, iron, selenium, and vitamins B2 and B3. Additionally, they have anti-fungal and antibiotic properties.


  • WHF Sea food Combo Gift Box WHF Sea food Combo Gift Box

    WHF Sea food Combo Gift Box

    年年有余 海味礼盒 礼盒内容:天白花菇 ,日本深海瑶柱,帝皇牌鲍鱼   WHF Seafood Combo Gift Box Give your friends and family an oceanic vacation with light, delicious seafood. A super nutritious treat!  This gift box contains:  Shiitake mushrooms  Deep-sea scallops  Canned Emperor brand abalone The ingredients can be enjoyed separately or combined to make a tasty soup or stir fry. 


  • Dried Sand Worm

    Dried Sand Worm

     广西北海 上等 沙虫干 沙虫,其名不美貌不雅,但其营养、味道及医药与食疗价值都不亚于其他名贵海产珍品,有“海洋虫草”的美誉。它富含蛋白质,多肽成分,17种氨基酸,其中人体必需的氨基酸含量很高,除此之外还含有钙、磷、铁、锌、锰、镁等12种微量元素以及虫草素等具有抗氧化,抗菌,抗辐射,抗病毒,抗疲劳,防癌,调节免疫,延缓衰老作用的营养成分。 功效 沙虫具有滋阴降火、清肺止咳、健脾利尿、补充营养、美容养颜的功效,适用于阴虚盗汗、骨蒸潮热、阴虚劳损、肾虚腰痛、牙龈肿痛、肺痨咳嗽、胸闷痰多、小孩子尿床、水肿、慢性痢疾等人群。 产品选购 沙虫干跟据长度和厚度分3个等级。 6cm以下为下等。 6cm至8cm以下为中等。 8cm至11cm为上等。 沙虫干瑶柱煲猪骨汤 材料 沙虫干20g          枸杞5g          瑶柱5颗           猪脊骨300g            姜两片  做法 1.沙虫干下锅炒至表面金黄,剪开清洗干净里面的沙子;2.瑶柱泡温水30分钟,拍扁,撕成丝;3.水烧开,下入猪骨焯水,捞出待用;4.锅内加适量水,放入猪骨、沙虫干、瑶柱和姜,盖上锅盖,大火煲十分钟左右。5.加入枸杞搅拌均匀,盖上锅盖,中火煲20分钟;6.加入适量盐调味,完工。   Dried Sand Worm Sandworm, a marine worm, has an unfamiliar name and is less recognized than abalone and sea cucumber, but its nutrition, taste, and medical and dietary value are no less than these precious seafood treasures. The sandworm is rich in protein and peptide components. It also contains 17 kinds of amino acids, which is also the source of its umami taste. Among them, the human body has a high content of essential amino acids. In addition, the sandworm also contains 12 trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and cordycepin, which have antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-radiation, anti-viral, anti-fatigue, anti-cancer, and regulation. Nutritional ingredients for immune and anti-aging effects. Pork Bone Soup with Sandworm and Dried Scallop Ingredients:  Dried sandworm 20g, wolfberry 5g, 5 dried scallops, 300g pork spine, two slices of ginger Dry the sandworms and fry them until the surface is golden, cut and clean out the sand inside;  Soak the scallops in warm water for 30 minutes, pat flat, and tear them into silk pieces Bring the water to a boil, add the pig bones to blanch in the water, remove it for later use;  Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add pork bones, dried sand insects, scallops, and ginger, cover the pot, and boil on high heat for about ten minutes.  Add wolfberry and stir evenly, cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes on medium heat;  Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste and finish.


  • 永合丰 大鲽鱼肚 lb)

    Dried Fish Maw #392 (22-25 pcs/lb)

    南美 秘鲁大蝶鱼肚#392(22-25 頭/磅) 鱼肚食疗功效高,含有丰富的蛋白质、胶质、磷质及钙质,女士视为养颜珍品。对身体各部分均有补益能力,是补而不燥之珍贵佳品。 鱼肚味甘、性平,入肾、肝经; 具有补肾益精,滋养筋脉、止血、散瘀、消肿之功效。 Dried Fish Maw #392 (22-25 pcs/lb) Fish maw is a good source of collagen, proteins, and nutrients. Collagen provides a wide variety of skin benefits, such as helping to improve skin tone, and tissue health. Furthermore, many Chinese people considered fish maw as a traditional delicacy that represents fortune and health. ( Fish maw contains rich proteins and nutrients such as phosphor and calcium. It nourishes 'yin', replenishes the kidney, and boosts stamina. ... Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health-enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. ( From the manufacturer:  South America Peruvian Big Butterfly Fish Maw #392 (13-16 heads/lb)  Fish maw has a high therapeutic effect and is rich in protein, colloid, phosphorus, and calcium. It is regarded as a treasure for women. It has the ability to nourish all parts of the body, and it is a precious product that nourishes and moisturizes. Fish maw is sweet in taste and mild in nature, enters the kidney and liver meridian; It has the effects of nourishing the kidneys and jing essence [hormone balance, immunity, and longevity], nourishing muscles, hemostasis, removing blood stasis, and reducing swelling.  


  • BAG) BAG)

    Dried Agaric Mushroom 2CM-4CM (16OZ/BAG)

    干草菇 冬菇 椎茸 尺寸 size: 2cm- 4cm 有人以为,香菇大的才好,却不知大而薄根蒂很长,远不如金钱菇味香而富有营养。金钱菇不但具有清香味鲜的独特风味,而且含有大量的对人体有益的营养物质。具有调节人体新陈代谢、帮助消化、降低血压、减少胆固醇、预防肝硬变、消除胆结石、防治佝偻病等功效。 Dried Agaric Mushroom Shiitake mushroom benefits:  Fights obesity Supports immune function Destroys cancer cells Supports cardiovascular health Contains antimicrobial properties Boosts energy and brain function Provides vitamin D Promotes skin health Dried shiitake has an umami flavor that can be described as savory or meaty. Umami is often considered the fifth taste, alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Both dried and fresh shiitake mushrooms are used in stir-fries, soups, stews, and other dishes...  Make a healthy tea by simmering dried shiitake  Drain the soaked shiitake and cut it into quarters. Bring it to a simmer with 2 cups of soaking water or fresh water and a pinch of sea salt or soy sauce. Simmer for 10-20 minutes, or until the liquid has reduced by half. Drink just one-half cup at a time.


  • BAG) BAG)

    Dried Mushroom/Shiitake 4-5CM (16OZ/BAG)

    Dried Mushroom/Shiitake 4-5CM (16OZ/BAG) Size: 4cm-5cm   Shiitake mushroom is a kind of shiitake mushroom, and it is also a good nutritional product. It contains many essential elements for human body, such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and so on. Long-term consumption can fight cancer and lower blood pressure. The usual practice is to wash it first, soak it until soft, and then make soup or stir-fry it with chicken or beef. Contains Protein and fat Crude fiber Vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, and iron  Dried mushroom benefits:  Fights obesity Supports immune function Supports cardiovascular health Contains antimicrobial properties Boosts energy and brain function Provides vitamin D Promotes skin health



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