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  •  Cang Er Zi 16oz

    Siberian Cocklour Fruit / Cang Er Zi 16oz

    苍耳子 16oz Siberian Cocklour Fruit, Fruit of Siberian Cocklebur 葈耳实、牛虱子、胡寝子、苍郎种、棉螳螂、苍子、胡苍子、饿虱子、苍棵子、苍耳蒺藜、苍浪子、老苍子 性味 味苦;甘;辛;性温;小毒 功效 苍耳子为菊科植物苍耳的成熟带总苞的果实。 散风,止痛,祛湿,杀虫。治风寒头痛,鼻渊,齿痛,风寒湿痹,四肢挛痛,疥癞,瘙痒。 经脉 归肺经;肝经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷;或煎水洗。 注意禁忌 1.血虚之头痛、痹痛忌服。 2.《唐本草》:忌猪肉、马肉、米泔。 3.《本草从新》:散气耗血,虚人勿服。 【食疗方】 薄荷苍夷白芷茶 薄荷6克,苍耳子12克,辛夷6克,白芷6克,葱白3根,茶叶2克。上述诸药共入锅中,水煎去渣取汁即成。代茶饮用。 功效 疏风通窍。主治鼻炎、鼻窦炎等病症。 出自:   Siberian Cocklour Fruit, Xanthium sibiricum, Cang Er Zi Property Pungent, bitter and warm, toxic; lung meridian entered. Actions Disperse wind-cold, relieves nasal obstruction, and stop pain. Indications Wind-cold exterior syndrome It has a minor function to expel wind-cold therefore it is not commonly used for common cold due to wind-cold. But because of the action to relieve nasal obstruction and stop pain, it is often used for wind-cold syndrome manifested as headache and body pain, nasal stuffiness with discharge together with Qiang Huo, Bai Zhi and other herbs to disperse wind-cold. Nasal Stuffiness and discharge It has a good effect on free nasal obstruction and relieves nasal stuffiness. It can also stop turbid nasal discharge, stop pain and relieve distention pain of forehead and nasal cavity with its warm and dry property. It can be applied either internally or externally with multiple effects for both symptoms and pathological changes such as nasal stuffiness, continuous turbid nasal discharge, loss of sense of smell and forehead pain. It has been regarded as an important medicine for treating nasal stuffiness since ancient times. The disease sinusitis is often caused by exterior wind-heat attack or damp-heat stagnation. For this disease, Cang Er Zi is often used with wind-heat-dispersing herbs such as Bo He, Ju Hua, Huang Qin or with heat-clearing herbs. It's also frequently used for other rhinopathy such as acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis. In addition, it can dispel wind-damp and stop pain of arthralgia to assist other wind-damp-dispersing herbs. It’s commonly used for wind-cold-damp arthralgia. It can also be used to treat pruritus and headache due to wind cold. Dosage and Administrations Decoct 3~10g or make it into pills and powder. It should be roasted and ground to get thorns for better prescription and decoction of the active components and less toxin. Cautions Not suitable for headaches due to blood deficiency. Overdose will lead to toxication.  


  • Chun Sha Ren (3 oz)

    Amomum villosum Lour/Chun Sha Ren (3 oz)

    正 春砂仁/阳春砂(3 oz)  功效 本品为姜科植物产自广东阳春蟠龙金花坑的阳春砂的干燥成熟果实。 用于湿浊中阻,脘痞不饥,脾胃虚寒,呕吐泄泻,妊娠恶阻,胎动不安。 性味 辛,温。 经脉 归脾、胃、肾经。 主治 化湿开胃,温脾止泻,理气安胎。用于湿浊中阻,脘痞不饥,脾胃虚寒,呕吐泄泻,妊娠恶阻,胎动不安。 ①《药性论》:主冷气腹痛,止休息气痢,劳损,消化水谷,温暖脾胃。 ②《本草拾遗》:主上气咳嗽,奔豚,惊痫邪气。 ③《日华子本草》:治一切气,霍乱转筋,心腹痛。 ④张元素:治脾胃气结滞不散。 ⑤杨士瀛:和中,行气,止痛,安胎。 ⑥《本草蒙筌》:止恶心,却腹痛。 ⑦《纲目》:补肺醒脾,养胃益肾,理元气,通滞气,散寒次胀痞,噎膈呕吐,止女子崩中,除咽喉口齿浮热,化铜铁骨哽。 ⑧《医林纂要》:润肾,补肝,补命门,和脾胃,开郁结。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~6g(不宜久煎),后下;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 阴虚有热者忌服。 ①《海药本草》:得诃子、鳖甲、豆蔻、白芜荑等良。 ②《本草经疏》:凡腹痛属火,泄泻得之暑热,胎动由于血热,咽痛由于火炎,小儿脱肛由于气虚,肿满由于湿热,上气咳嗽由于火冲迫肺而不由于寒气听伤,皆须详察鉴别,难以概用。 ③《药品化义》:肺有伏火忌之。 ④《得配本草》:气虚肺满禁用。 【食疗方】 1.砂仁糖醋益母羹 砂仁10克,益母草15克,米醋15克,红砂糖30克。将益母草、砂仁共煎去渣取汁,再加入米醋、红糖炖至成羹。日分2次服,连用3~5日。 功效:理气活血止痛。主治气滞血瘀型痛经,症见少腹疼痛,月经淋漓不断,血色紫黑挟块,胸胁作胀等。 2.砂仁粥 砂仁若干,粳米50~100克。将砂仁研为细末备用。先以粳米煮粥,待熟时放入砂仁末3~5克,再炖片刻,至粥稠熟烂即成。供早晚餐温热服食。 功效:暖脾胃,助消化,调中气。主治脾胃虚寒性腹痛泻痢,消化不良,脘腹胀满,食欲不振,气逆呕吐等症。 3.砂仁内金桔皮粥 鸡内金、干桔皮(陈皮)各5克,砂仁3克,粳米60克,白糖适量。将鸡内金、干桔皮、砂仁共研成细末,待粥熬至将熟时下入,直至粥熟烂离火,调入白糖即成。每日1剂,连用7~10日。 功效:消食导滞。主治 小儿疳积,胃纳减少,恶心呕吐,消化不良,烦躁哭闹等症。   Amomum villosum Lour/Chun Sha Ren (3 oz) Sha Ren influences Spleen, Stomach, Kidney. Transforms dampness [nausea] and restores appetite. Warms the Spleen and stops diarrhea. Regulates Qi and calms the fetus. ( Pharmaceutical name: fructus amomi Properties: acrid, warm, aromatic . . .  Chinese therapeutic actions: regulates Qi, dissolves dampness, strengthens the spleen, warms the middle, stops diarrhea, stabilizes pregnancy ( From the manufacturer:  This product is the dried and mature fruit of the ginger family plant from the Yangchun sands of Panlong Jinhua Pit, Yangchun, Guangdong. Used for damp turbidity, no hunger, spleen and stomach deficiency, vomiting and diarrhea, dysfunction of pregnancy, fetal dysfunction. Taste  Xin, Wen [spicy, warm]. It enters the Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney meridians.  Indications: Reduces dampness and improves appetite, warms the Spleen and relieves diarrhea, regulates qi and [improves] pregnancy Used for damp turbidity, no hunger, Spleen, and Stomach deficiency, vomiting and diarrhea, dysfunction of pregnancy, fetal movement.  


  •  Dong Gua Pi 16oz

    Peel of Chinese Waxgourd/ Dong Gua Pi 16oz

    冬瓜皮 白瓜皮 白东瓜皮 性味 味甘;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;脾经;小肠经 功效 为葫芦科植物冬瓜的外层果皮。 清热,利水,消肿。主水肿,小便不利,泄泻,疮肿。 注意禁忌 《四川中药志》:因营养不良而致之虚肿慎用。   Peel of Chinese Waxgourd/ Dong Gua Pi 16oz It clears heat and toxicity: For edema usually due to damp-heat, abdominal distention, urinary difficulty, and summer heat disorders. The taste is sweet, and it is slightly cold in nature  It enters the Meridians of  Lung, Spleen, and Small Intestine meridians  It is the outer skin of winter gourd, a cucurbitaceous plant. It is used to clear heat, increase diuresis, reduce swelling. Mainly used for edema, poor urination, diarrhea, sores, and swelling. 


  •  Che Qian Zi 16oz

    Plantain Seed/ Che Qian Zi 16oz

    车前子 16oz 车前实、虾蟆衣子、猪耳朵穗子、凤眼前仁 性味 甘,寒。 功效 为车前草科植物车前或平车前的干燥成熟种子。利水通淋,止泻,清肝明目,清肺化痰。用于水肿胀满,热淋涩痛,暑湿泄泻,目赤肿痛,痰热咳嗽。 经脉 肾经;心包经;脾经;胃经;肺经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~15g,包煎;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,水煎洗或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 凡内伤劳倦,阳气下陷,肾虚精滑及内无湿热者,慎服。 ①《日华子本草》:常山为使。 ②《本草经疏》:内伤劳倦、阳气下陷之病,皆不当用,肾气虚脱者,忌与淡渗药同用。 ③《本草汇言》:肾虚寒者尤宜忌之。 出自:   Plantain Seed/ Che Qian Zi 16oz Plantain seeds come from either the Asiatic plantain or the depressed plantain, a perennial herb native to eastern Asia. Che Qian Zi influences Liver, Kidney, Lung, Small Intestine. Clears heat and promotes urination. Leaches out dampness and unblocks painful urinary dribbling. Improves vision. Dispels phlegm. ( Che Qian Zi promotes urination, clears damp-heat, promotes urination to solidify the stool, clears liver heat, clears the eyes, clears the lungs, expels phlegm, and stops coughing. ( Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 5~15g, package decoction; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, decoct and rinse with water or grind and apply.  Cautions: Use with caution if there are internal injuries, fatigue, depression of yang, kidney deficiency, and no dampness and heat inside [IBS, reflux, gastritis, diarrhea]


  •  Lai Fu Zi 16oz

    Radish Seed/ Lai Fu Zi 16oz

    莱菔子 16oz 萝卜子 芦菔子 萝卜种 杜萝卜子 炒莱菔子 炒萝卜子 萝白子 性味 味辛;甘;性平 经脉 脾经;胃经;肺经;大肠经 功效 为十字花科植物莱菔的成熟种子。 下气定喘,消食化痰。治咳嗽痰喘,食积气滞,胸闷腹胀,下痢后重。 用法用量 内服,煎汤5~10g,或入丸、散。外用研末调敷。 气虚及无食积、痰滞者慎用;脾虚而无食积者,不宜与人参同用,以免降低人参补气效力。   Radish Seed/ Lai Fu Zi 16oz Radish seed pods can be eaten raw in salads or quickly sautéed for a stir fry. Another way of preparing the pods is pickled. The taste is pungent/sweet; it is neutral. It enters the Meridians of Spleen, Stomach, Lung Channel; Large Intestine Channel. It is the mature seed of Brassica rapa in the cruciferous family. It is used to send lung qi downward to relieve asthma, eliminate food stagnation and resolve phlegm. It has been used to cure cough, phlegm, and asthma, stagnation of qi due to poor food digestion, chest tightness and abdominal distension, diarrhea, and excess weight.  Dosage Take orally, decoction 5~10g, or pill or powder. The powder is adjusted and applied for external use.  Cautions: It should be used with caution for those with qi deficiency, no food accumulation, and phlegm stagnation; for those with spleen deficiency and no food accumulation. [Avoid use with weakness, shortness of breath, and diarrhea due to weakness] it is not advisable to use it together with ginseng, so as not to reduce the effect of ginseng for nourishing Qi.  


  • Wu Hua Guo (9oz) Wu Hua Guo (9oz)

    Dried Figs/Wu Hua Guo (9oz)

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    无花果(9oz/包) 加州特产,清凉润肺 性味 甘;平 功效 清热生津,健脾开胃,解毒消肿,用于咽喉肿痛;燥咳声嘶;乳汁稀少;肠热便秘;食欲不振;消化不良,泄泻痢疾;痈肿;癣疾 经脉 肺;胃;大肠经 此无花果干无任何化学添加剂,味道浓厚、甘甜。无花果汁、饮料具有独特的清香味,生津止渴,老幼皆宜。  Dried Figs/Wu Hua Guo (9oz) Figs are high in natural sugars, minerals and soluble fiber. Figs are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper and are a good source of antioxidant vitamins A and K that contribute to health and wellness.  From the manufacturer:   Dried figs are cooling and nourishing for lungs; The taste is sweet. They clear heat and promote fluid, invigorate the spleen and improve appetite. They are detoxifying and reduce swelling. Figs can be used for sore throat, dry cough and hoarseness; sparse mother’s milk; intestinal heat and constipation; loss of appetite; indigestion, diarrhea and dysentery; carbuncle; ringworm  Figs enter the Lung; Stomach and Large Intestine meridians. This dried fig has no chemical additives and has a strong and sweet taste. It is suitable for both young and old.  

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  • Box)

    Monk Fruit/Luo Han Guo L (20 pcs/Box)

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    广西 罗汉果 大(20枚/盒) Lo Han Guo (羅漢果), also known as "Monk Fruit", used in TCM over thousand years. Chinese loves to use it to make herbal tea or stew soup for the treatment of cough, sore throat caused by lung infection or by a cold due to seasonal weather variations. 1. Crush 1 pc Lo Han Gou shell 2. Add about 1 liters of water in the pot, 3. Put in the crushed Lo Han Gou (shell and seeds) into the the water and bring to boil under high heat 4. Once boiled, turn to medium heat and boil another 20 ~ 30 minutes. 5. After cold down, filter with strainer, the dross can be boil for the second time from 45 to 1 hour. 6. You can enjoy when it warm, or you can store in refrigerator, it can keep about 2 ~ 3 weeks. 7. Please note that the Lo Han Gou is sweeter than the sugar. If you find it's still too sweet, you can add hot or cold water to dilute. 8. Some people will boil it with other herbs, such as goji berries, dried longan, chrysanthemum. 为葫芦科植物罗汉果的果实。 性味 味甘;性凉 经脉 归肺经;脾经 主治 清肺利咽,化痰止咳,润肠通便。主肺热痰火咳嗽,扁挑体炎,急性胃炎,咽痛失音,肠燥便秘。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者忌服。

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  • Bag)

    Smoked Chinese Dates/ Jujube (16 oz/Bag)

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    乌枣/熏枣 16 oz/包 此乌枣是鲜枣的干制品,它选用熟鲜的红枣,经水煮、窑熏、阴凉等工艺精制而成。其色泽乌紫明亮,花纹细密,带有特殊的香甜味。含氨基酸、蛋白质、膳食纤维、总糖、黄胴、胡萝卜素等人体所需元素,有防癌补血之功效。乌枣性热,为滋补珍品。它营养丰富,含有蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、多种维生素等。以含维生素C和钙质、铁质最多。有很高的药用价值。多用于补血和作为调理药物,对贫血、血小板减少、肝炎、乏力、失眠有一定疗效。    

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