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2216 products

  •  Niu Xi (16oz)

    Achyranthes Root / Niu Xi (16oz)

    淮牛膝(16 oz) 淮夕 怀膝 牛磕膝 怀夕 脚斯蹬 铁牛膝 杜牛膝 真夕 红牛膝 牛克膝 牛盖膝 粘草子根 牛胳膝盖 野牛充膝 牛盖膝头 淮牛膝 怀牛膝 百倍 牛茎 本品为苋科植物牛膝的干燥根。 性味 苦、酸,平。 经脉 归肝经、肾经。 主治 补肝肾,强筋骨,利尿通淋,引血下行。治淋病,尿血,经闭,癥瘕,难产,胞衣不下,产后瘀血腹痛,喉痹,痈肿,跌打损伤,四肢拘挛,痿痹。 注意禁忌 凡中气下陷,脾虚泄泻,下元不固,梦遗失精,月经过多,及孕妇均忌服。 食疗方 1.牛膝酒 怀牛膝500克,糯米1000克。牛膝煎煮取汁,去渣,以部分药汁浸糯米,另一部分汁于糯米蒸熟后,拌和甜酒曲时加入,于温暖处发酵为米劳糟。每日2次,每次取50克煮食。 功效:补益肝肾,活血通脉。 2.牛膝当归蜜膏 牛膝50克,肉苁蓉500克,当归50克,蜂蜜适量。牛膝、肉苁蓉、当归加水适量浸泡透发,再加热煎煮,每20分钟取煎液一次,加水再煎,共取3次,合并煎液,再以小火煎熬浓缩成稠膏时,加蜂蜜1倍,至沸停火,待冷装瓶备用。 功效:温阳通便。   Achyranthes Root/ Niu Xi (16oz) Achyranthes bidentata is recommended to reinforce the muscles and bones, improve the tone of the liver and kidneys, promote blood flow and remove blood stasis, and increase longevity. From the manufacturer:  This product is the dried root of Achyranthes bidentata Blume. The taste is bitter, sour, and flat. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications:  Invigorates the liver and kidney, strengthens the bones and muscles, diuresis, and difficult birth. It has been used to cure gonorrhea, hematuria, amenorrhea, dyscrasia, dystocia, insomnia, postpartum stasis, abdominal pain, larynx, carbuncle, bruises, spasms of limbs, paralysis of limbs.  Cautions: It is forbidden to take it if the qi sinks, with spleen deficiency, diarrhea, spleen deficiency, loss of sperm in dreams, menorrhagia, and pregnant women. Diet Therapy  Achyranthes Wine Ingredients: 500 grams of Achyranthes, 1000 grams of glutinous rice.  Cook a decoction of the Achyranthes to get the juice, remove the dregs, soak the glutinous rice with part of the concoction, and add the other part of the juice to the glutinous rice after it is steamed.  Take 50 grams of cooked rice twice a day.   Efficacy: It nourishes the liver and kidney, promotes blood circulation, and channels pulse.  Achyranthes Angelica Honey Cream   Ingredients: 50 grams of Achyranthes, 500 grams of Cistanche, 50 grams of Angelica, appropriate amount of honey.  Add water to soak the achyranthes, cistanche, angelica, and then heat and cook a decoction. Take the decoction once every 20 minutes. Add water and decoct a total of 3 times.  Combine the decoctions and simmer them over a low fire. Stop the fire, add the honey, and bottle it for later use.   Efficacy: warming and laxative.


  •  Jue Ming Zi (16oz)

    Cassia Seed / Jue Ming Zi (16oz)

    决明子/草决明(16oz) 性味 咸苦;平凉;无毒 功效 为豆科植物决明和小决明的成熟种子。 清肝,明目,利水,通便。主治风热赤眼,青盲,雀目,高血压,肝炎,肝硬化腹水,习惯性便秘。 经脉 肝经;胆经;肾经 注意禁忌 泄泻和血压低者慎用。 食疗方 菊花决明粥 取白菊花、草决明各10克,大米100克,冰糖少许。将草决明炒香,与菊花同煎取汁,放入大米煮成稀粥,待熟后调入冰糖,再稍煮即可。每日服食1次。 此粥可清肝、明目、降压,还可治疗目赤肿痛、怕光流泪、头痛头晕、大便秘结等。 决明苁蓉蜂蜜茶 炒决明子、肉苁蓉各10 g,蜂蜜适量。将决明子、肉苁蓉共入茶杯中,沸水冲泡,盖焖10分钟,调入蜂蜜适量即成。代茶频饮。 功效:润肠通便。主治习惯性便秘和老年性便秘。 山楂决明荷叶汤 山楂、决明子各15g,荷叶半张。山楂切片,荷叶切丝,与决明子加水共煎。取汁代茶饮 功效 适用于冠心病、高血压、高血脂、肥胖症等。决明子能抑制血清胆固醇的升高,抑制主动脉粥样硬化斑块的形成,其水浸液具有降压作用。荷叶有止渴、散瘀血、助脾胃、消水肿等功效,与山楂合用,可祛脂降压,减肥健身,为高血压之头晕目眩等症之药膳良方。     Cassia Seed / Jue Ming Zi (16oz) Jue Ming Zi is adored by many women as it aids weight loss. It is also used to treat constipation by removing toxins and lowering blood fat and helps control blood pressure.  The seed of Sickle Senna: The taste is salty and bitter; Pingliang [flat tasting and cooling] It is detoxifying. It is the mature seeds of the legumes Cassia and small Cassia.  Indications: wind-heat red painful eyes, night blindness, hypertension, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ascites, habitual constipation. It enters the Liver, Gallbladder, and Kidney meridians. It is used to clear liver inflammation, improve eyesight, diuresis, laxative. Cautions: Use with caution for those with diarrhea and low blood pressure.  Diet Therapy  Chrysanthemum Cassia Porridge Ingredients: 10 grams each of white chrysanthemum flower and cassia seed, 100 grams of rice, and a little rock sugar.  Stir-fry the grass cassia seed to become fragrant, fry together with the chrysanthemum flower, add the rice and cook into a gruel, add rock sugar after it is cooked. Take it once a day.   This porridge can clear the liver inflammation and toxins, improve eyesight, lower blood pressure, and can also treat red eyes, swelling and pain, fear of light [photophobia] and tearing, headache, dizziness, and constipation.    Cassia Cistanche Honey Tea   Ingredients: 10g each of cassia seed and cistanche and honey appropriate amount. Stir fry cassia seeds and cistanche and put them in a teacup, add boiling water, cover, and steep for 10 minutes. Add honey and serve. Drink it frequently as tea.   Efficacy: moisturizing the intestines and laxative. Indications: for habitual constipation and senile constipation.   Hawthorn Cassia Lotus Leaf Tea   Ingredients:  15g each of Hawthorn berries and cassia seeds, half piece lotus leaf.  Slice the hawthorn, shred the lotus leaf, and fry together with the cassia seeds. Add boiling water and steep it for 10 minutes. Use this juice instead of tea.  Efficacy: It is suitable for coronary heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, etc. Cassia seed can inhibit the increase of serum cholesterol and the formation of aortic atherosclerotic plaque, and its water extract has a hypotensive effect. The lotus leaf has the effects of quenching thirst, dispelling blood stasis, helping the spleen and stomach, and reducing edema. It can be used in combination with hawthorn to remove fat and reduce blood pressure, lose weight, and for fitness. It is a medicated remedy for hypertension and dizziness.


  •  Bai Zhu (16oz)

    Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome / Bai Zhu (16oz)

    白术/山蓟(16oz/包) 山蓟、杨枹蓟、山芥、天蓟、山姜、山连、山精、乞力伽、冬白术、于术、冬术、浙术、种术性味: 苦甘,温。经脉: 入脾经、胃经。 主治: 补脾,益胃,燥湿,和中,安胎。治脾胃气弱,不思饮食,倦怠少气,虚胀,泄泻,痰饮,水肿,黄疸,湿痹,小便不利,头晕,自汗,胎气不安。 注意禁忌: 阴虚燥渴,气滞胀闷者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.白术薏米粥白术30克,白米50克,薏苡仁50克,白糖适量。先煎白术去渣,后入诸米熬煮成粥,早晚食用。功效:可健脾化湿、开胃消食。 2.益脾饼红枣肉250克,鸡内金60克、生白术120克、干姜粉60克;将鸡内金、白术洗净,以文火焙干,研成细末,加入干姜粉和枣内,同捣如泥,制成小饼,放入烤箱内烘干,即可食用。功效 具补脾温中、健胃消食;适用于消化性溃疡病尚无出血。  Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome Atractylodes is used for indigestion, stomachache, bloating, fluid retention, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss due to cancer, allergies to dust mites, and joint pain (rheumatism). It has scientifically proven antioxidant benefits. Rhizoma Atractylodes macrocephala has effective antioxidant ability which may be responsible for its various pharmacological effects. It exerts its antioxidant effect through metal-chelation and radical-scavenging actions which occur via donation of hydrogen atoms (H•) and electrons (e). Its metal-chelation may result from its flavonoids, while its radical-scavenging is attributed to the presence of phenolic acids, especially caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and protocatechuic acid. This dried herb tastes  bitter/sweet, and is warming. It enters the spleen meridian and stomach meridian. Indications: To invigorate the spleen, benefit the stomach, dry dampness, harmonize digestion, and relieve fetus aggitation. It is said to “Cure weak spleen and stomach, poor appetite, fatigue, lack of qi vital energy, swelling, diarrhea, phlegm, edema, jaundice, dampness i.e., swelling and water retention, dysuria, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, uneasy fetus.” Cautions: The herb should be avoided by people with yin deficiency, fever, dryness and thirst, qi stagnation and swelling, rib and chest pain, jaundice.   Diet Therapy   Atractylodes barley porridge   Ingredients:  30 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 50 grams of white rice, 50 grams of coix seed, appropriate amount of sugar.  First, fry Atractylodes macrocephala to remove the residue, then add the rice to boil into porridge, eat it in the morning and evening.   Efficacy: It can invigorate the spleen, dispel dampness, improve appetite and eliminate food stagnation i.e., abdominal pain and bloating.    Largehead Atractylodes Cake   Ingredients: 250 grams of red jujube, 60 grams of chicken's Gizzard-membrane, 120 grams of raw Atractylodes macrocephala, 60 grams of dried ginger powder.  Wash the chicken's Gizzard-membrane and Atractylodes macrocephala. Dry the sliced herb with a slow fire, and grind it into powder. Add dried ginger powder and jujube then pound it like a mash, make into a small cake, put it in the oven and bake it, and then enjoy   Efficacy: It can nourish the spleen and warm the middle, invigorate the stomach and eliminate food stagnation; it is suitable for peptic ulcer disease without bleeding.


  • Feng Shi Gu Tong Tea (4oz)

    Strong Bones and Muscles /Feng Shi Gu Tong Tea (4oz)

    風濕骨痛茶/汤药茶 (Feng Shi Gu Tong Herbal Tea): Strong Bones and Muscles 成分:骨碎补﹐鸡血藤﹐淫羊﹐威灵仙﹐延胡索﹐杜仲﹐桑寄生﹐川木瓜﹐独活﹐甘草。 功效:补肝肾、强筋骨、止痺痛、舒筋活络。 用法:六碗水煎至一碗。   Strong Bones and Muscles  風濕骨痛茶 (Feng Shi Gu Tong Herbal Tea) Effect: warming liver and kidney tonic, strengthens muscles and bones There are Chinese herbs that are used to help prevent osteoporosis, weak, strained muscles, aching back and legs, low energy, and related depression. This is a boon for aging, tired, overworked people, others who have damaged their Qi with medicines like steroids or smoking, people who tend to have bone fractures and chronic pain or falling injuries related to Qi weakness. This is a warming tonic, not to be used with fever, colds/flu or chronic inflammation illnesses. If you are pregnant or currently taking medication, check with your health specialist before using herbal remedies.  Most of the herbs in Strong Bones and Muscles are warming tonics. The blood-enhancing herbs Angelica sinensis (dong quai) is also slightly warming and used to stimulate blood circulation. Epimedium (yin yang huo, lusty goat weed) stimulates “kidney yang” with symptoms of chronic fatigue, sore aching lower back and legs, sexual weakness and low libido; it is a precursor to testosterone. This warming, energizing formula may be a comfort during winter or cold inclement weather. Winter months tend to increase calcium loss in long bones and increase bone pain due to lack of sunshine. Strong Bones and Muscles may be used by men or women who have no fever, hot flashes, active cancer or inflammatory symptoms. Persons taking medical drugs should check with their doctor or herbal specialist. The formula may prove to be especially useful for aging and debility and recovery from surgery or for chronic debilitating illness with resulting aches.  Ingredients: Drynariae Rhizoma, Spatholobus Stem, Epimedium Herb, Clematis Root, Corydalis Rhizoma, Eucommia Bark, Herba Taxilli, Flowering quince fruit, Radix Angelica sinensis, Licorice root Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: For long term muscle or bone weakness, osteopenia and osteoporosis or for injuries a stronger decoction is recommended. The traditional method of cooking is “六碗水煎至一碗: Boil six bowls of water to one” which makes a concentrated somewhat bitter brew. For people unused to Chinese herbs, it may be better to cook it twice, first for 20 minutes and after getting used to the taste, cook it again for one to two hours. It keeps in the refrigerator for up to 5 days and can be frozen. Start with one cup to become accustomed to the taste and effects. Slowly increase the dose as needed to no more than 3 cups per day. If irritability or insomnia result, reduce the dosage. You might also add the Strong Bones and Muscles ingredients to slow cook in a crockpot when making bone broth. Add left over bones from chicken, beef or pork, celery, carrot, parsley, oregano and onion to slow cook for the broth. Add the formula either as dried herbs or the decoction while cooking at low heat for 8-10 hours. Bone broth and the combination of these herbs take the healing qualities of the herbs directly to bones and muscles. Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • Yang Xin An Shen Tea

    Yang Xin An Shen Tea

    御方 养心安神茶/汤药茶 Gentle Heart / Yang Xin An Shen Tea 成分:五味子、桂圆肉、茯神、合欢花、灵芝、莲子、夜交藤、丹参、甘草、酸枣仁 功效:养心安神。 用法:五碗水煎至一碗。   Gentle Heart 養心安神茶 (Yang Xin An Shen Herbal Tea) Effect: soothes nerves, protects against stress, protects the heart Here is a tea that calms nervous tension, enhances immunity and protects the heart. It provides premium herbal health benefits for modern life.  Ingredients: Schisandra fruit, Longan fruit, Poria/fuling/tuckahoe, Silktree Albizia Flower ,Ganoderma, reishi, Lotus nut, Polygonum multiflorum, Salvia root, Licorice root, Spine Date Seed, jujube seed Directions: Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: As an everyday tea, simmer the herbs in water for up to 20 minutes and drink as needed between or with meals. For treatment of severe weakness, low immunity, low energy and chest discomforts simmer the herbs for an hour or more and drink 1 cup once a day and increase the dose gradually as needed to no more than 3 cups per day. Gentle Heart can be taken the same day as heart medications. However to avoid interactions, separate the herbs and drugs by two hours. The herbs are not blood thinners, but tend to balance energy and build resilience and endurance. They will help you to maintain a healthy exercise routine. Monitor your heart health with regular checkups with your doctor.  Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • Zhuang Yao Jian Shen Tea

    Zhuang Yao Jian Shen Tea

    御方 壮腰壮阳 健腎茶/汤药茶 A Strong Back, Muscles and Bones / Zhuang Yao Jian Shen Tea 成分:杜仲,熟地,枣皮,续断,淫羊藿,芡实,枸杞,首乌,巴戟 功效:补肝肾,益精髓,强骨健筋 用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 A Strong Back, Muscles and Bones 壯腰健腎茶 (Zhuang Yao Jian Shen Herbal Tea): Effect: For weakness or pain in the lower body: low back pain, weak back, hips, knees, legs, weak tendons. A Strong Back, Muscles, and Bones may prove to be a useful fall/winter tonic for weak or aging people or anyone who suffers from chills and weakness, and chronic deep aches and pains that improve with the application of heat and gentle massage. Chinese doctors recommend this remedy for people with kidney yang and kidney qi deficiency: 补肝肾、益精髓、强骨健筋 which may manifest as the body’s inability to support strong muscles and bones with many resulting health issues ranging from chronic diarrhea, bone fractures, back and leg pain, poor circulation, low sexual vitality, and osteoporosis. Since the Kidney/adrenal Qi impacts many aspects of health in the body, there may be accompanying troubles such as low immunity, depression, obesity, heart weakness, or being accident-prone. Either men or women may use A Strong Back, Muscles, and Bones for exhaustion with chronic pain and weakness. However a warming tonic will have side-effects for people who already have inflammation issues. It should be avoided during a cold or flu, fever, headache, acne, or other internal heat discomforts. Inflammatory heat feels hot, burning, pounding, unrelenting, and sometimes disorienting. Otherwise heating sexual tonic herbs such as epimedium (lusty goat weed) may be used by men or women when balanced, as it is in this formula, with cooling, moistening rejuvenating herbs such as wolfberry (goji berry) Polygonum multi. (fo-ti) and rehmannia. (If you want a formula to tone energy and blood without warming herbs see Ten Warriors. ) Cautions and Contraindications: Heating. Avoid during a cold or flu Ingredients :  Eucommia Bark, Rehmannia Root Tuber, Fructus Corni, Himalayan Teasel Root, Epimedium Herb,  Euryale Seed, fox nuts, Wolfberry Fruit, Sharpleaf Galangal, Polygonum multiflorum, Morinda Root Directions: Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: The traditional method of cooking this herbal tonic is to make a strong water extract: 五碗水煎至一碗 : Boil five bowls of water to one. It makes a strong-tasting brew that some people prefer. However it can be cooked twice by blanching the herbs in hot water, simmering them the first time for 30 minutes, drinking the tea, then cooking a second time for up to two hours for a stronger beverage. The beverage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Add some to your home-cooked bone broth. The herbs may be added to a liter of vodka to make an alcohol tincture. Add all the herbs to an air-tight glass container and keep it away from heat and light for 2 weeks. The dosage for an alcohol tincture is from 10 – 20 drops in a wine glass of water. Please consult your physician before using this product.


  •  Wei Ning Tea (4.5oz)

    Digestive Comfort Tea / Wei Ning Tea (4.5oz)

    御方胃寧茶 Digestive Comfort Tea / Yu Fang Wei Ning Herbal Tea 成份: 夏枯草, 木贼 , 薄荷, 威灵仙, 甘草, 党参, 海漂蛸, 延胡索, 白芍, 蒲公英, 救必应  功效:舒肝和胃,理氣止痛 用法:煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Digestive Comfort Tea 御方胃寧茶 (Yu Fang Wei Ning Herbal Tea) Effect: Supports liver and stomach, regulates Qi and relieves pain Several natural painkiller herbs are used in Digestive Comfort Tea and have been combined with herbs in order to the direction their action to improve digestion and address cramps and digestive irregularities. Clematis is anti-inflammatory, normally used for joint pain and stiffness (rheumatism), headaches, varicose veins, gout, bone disorders, ongoing skin conditions, and fluid retention. Cuttlefish bone is astringent (absorbs excess fluid) that stops leucorrhea (vaginal discharge), uterine bleeding, nocturnal emission, and premature ejaculation from kidney deficiency. In this formula it controls acidity and alleviates stomach pain, distasteful belching, acid reflux, and stops diarrhea due to kidney deficiency or dysentery with cramps.  Herbs for digestive discomforts in the formula include corydalis known to Chinese herbalists as a calming painkiller herb sometimes given post surgery to ease tensions. The final garden herb in Digestive Comfort Tea is holly bark jiu bi ying (Cortex Ilicis rotundae).  Chinese herbals describe the bark as bitter, cold; entering the lung, stomach, large intestine and liver meridians. Its actions are to clear heat and remove toxicity and alleviate pain. It has been used for rheumatic arthritis, traumatic injury, sores and boils, sore throat, diarrhea due to damp-heat, abdominal distension, and fever due to digestive disturbance.  Ingredients:  Spica Prunellae, Herba Equiseti Hiemalis, Mint, Clematis Root, licorice root, Radix Codonopsis, Sepiae Endoconcha, Corydalis Rhizoma, White peony root, Dandelion, Ilicis Rotundae Cortex Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: The cleansing herbs in this formula are rather bitter. The traditional way to prepare them is to make a strong water extract. “五碗水煎至一碗 Boil five bowls of water to one.” However, we suggest that you gradually get used to their healing benefits: Simmer the herbs in water for 20 minutes. Steam your face to help prevent skin blemishes and inhale the aroma. Let it cool somewhat and drink a small cup. It may taste better cold or with a little lemon. Cook it a second time for  45 minutes to one hour and drink a small cup before meals as needed to ease digestion. It keeps in the refrigerator for up to three days. If you are creative you might make ice cubes from the liquid and add them to a Bloody Mary instead of bitters.  Please consult your physician before using this product.  


  • Hangzhou Chrysanthemum  永合丰 杭白菊

    Premium Hangzhou Chrysanthemum (8oz)

    精选 桐乡原产 杭白菊 (8oz) 桐乡是杭白菊原产地,被誉为“中国杭白菊之乡”,有300多年的种植历史,因其特殊的自然地理条件和不断改进的生产加工工艺,杭白菊在色香味形等多方面均明显优于其他地方同类商品菊,古时曾为贡品。味道清醇甘美,具有散风清热、平肝明目等功效。 性味 味甘;苦;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;肝经 主治 疏风,清热,明目,解毒。治头痛,眩晕,目赤,心胸烦热,疔疮,肿毒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或泡茶。 外用:适量,煎水洗;或捣敷。 注意禁忌 《本草汇言》:气虚胃寒,食少泄泻之病,宜少用之。凡阳虚或头痛而恶寒者均忌用。 【食疗方】 1.鸡蛋菊花汤 鸡蛋1个,菊花5克,藕汁适量,陈醋少许。 鸡蛋液与菊花、藕汁、陈醋调匀后,隔水蒸炖熟后即成,每日1次。 功效:具有止血活血,消肿止痛。适用于食管癌咳嗽加重、呕吐明显者。 2.红花桑叶菊花汤 红花3克,桑叶、菊花各10克。将桑叶、菊花、红花共置杯中,开水冲泡,盖焖片刻,先熏患眼,薰后温服。每日2次,连用3日。 功效:散热消肿,止痛明目。主治急性传染性结膜炎等症。 3.菊花甘草汤 白菊花(或菊花)120克,甘草12克。加水煎汤,分3~4次服。 功效:清热解毒。主治疔疮肿痛。     Premium Hangzhou Chrysanthemum (8oz) Chrysanthemum flowers have been grown in China as flowering herbs since the 15th century. They are harvested in the fall when they are in full bloom. When brewed as a beverage, Chrysanthemums produce honey-sweet scents and a soothing wintergreen-like flavor that instills a calming effect on the body. The resulting brew is fragrant, refreshing, mellow, and naturally sweet.According to the manufacturer:Hangbai chrysanthemum, a traditional Chinese tea, is the best variety in chrysanthemum tea. Researched by modern medicine, it has been used to stop diarrhea. It has anti-inflammatory effects for improving eyesight, lowering blood pressure, reducing fat, and strengthening the body. It can be used to treat damp-heat jaundice, stomach pain, lack of appetite, edema, oliguria, etc. Taking a bath with chrysanthemum decoction can remove itching and swelling to improve skincare and beauty.Chrysanthemum enters the Lung meridian and Liver meridian. Indications: It relieve wind [nerve pain,] clears heat [inflammation,] improves eyesight, and detoxifies the liver. It has been used to “cure headache, dizziness, red eyesight, irritability, boils, swelling and poison.”Diet Therapy1. Chrysanthemum licorice tea Ingredients:120 grams of white chrysanthemum (or chrysanthemum) and 12 grams of licorice. Add water and make a decoction by simmering for at least 45 minutes. Drink this 3 to 4 times daily. Efficacy: clears away heat [inflammation] and can be used for detoxification. Indications for boils, swelling, and pain. 2. Double Flower Tea Ingredients:50 grams of honeysuckle flower, 100 grams of Hangzhou chrysanthemum flower, appropriate amount of honey. Rinse the honeysuckle and chrysanthemum flowers to remove impurities. After draining them, put them in a pot and fry them. After cooling, they will be stored in a clean bottle. Take a small amount when used. Place the flowers in a cup with boiling water and add honey to taste. Drink this 2 to 3 times a day. Efficacy: clears away heat and wind [inflammatory pain], improves eyesight and reduces blood pressure. Indications: It has been used for heat polydipsia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, palpitations, insomnia, sore throat, cold and cough. It can also be used as a refreshing drink for preventing heatstroke in summer.


  • Du Zhong (Eucommia ulmoides Oliver)  杜仲 Box)

    Eucommia Bark / Sichuan Du Zhong (16oz/Box)

    特選 四川厚杜仲(16oz/盒) 性味 甘;微辛;性温 功效 为杜仲科植物杜仲的干燥树皮。 主治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 经脉 肝经;肾经 主治 补肝肾,强筋骨,安胎。治腰脊酸疼,足膝痿弱,小便余沥,阴下湿痒,胎漏欲堕,胎动不安,高血压。 ①《本经》:主腰脊痛,补中益精气,坚筋骨,强志,除阴下痒湿,小便余沥。 ②《别录》:主脚中酸痛,不欲践地。 ③《药性论》:治肾冷臀腰痛,腰病人虚而身强直,风也。腰不利加而用之。 ④《日华子本草》:治肾劳,腰脊挛。入药炙用。 ⑤王好古:润肝燥,补肝经风虚。 ⑥《本草正》:止小水梦遗,暖子宫,安胎气。 ⑦《玉楸药解》:益肝肾,养筋骨,去关节湿淫。治腰膝酸痛,腿足拘挛。 ⑧《本草再新》:充筋力,强阳道。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或浸酒;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚火旺者慎服。 2.《本草经集注》:恶蛇皮、元参。 3.《本草经疏》:肾虚火炽者不宜用。即用当与黄柏、知母同入。 4.《得配本草》:内热、精血燥二者禁用。     Eucommia Bark/ Sichuan Du Zhong (16 oz/Box) Eucommia ulmoides (EU) (also known as “Du Zhong” in Chinese language) is a plant containing various kinds of chemical constituents such as lignans, iridoids, phenolics, steroids, flavonoids, and other compounds. These constituents of EU possess various medicinal properties and have been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) as a folk drink and functional food for several thousand years. . . The health-promoting properties of EU on cardiovascular system and antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and neuroprotective effects and metabolic modulation on bones and phytoestrogenic properties have attracted much interest in the extraction and functional development of active ingredients of EU. Evidenced based complementary and alternative medicine. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, slightly pungent; and it is warming in nature. It is the dry bark of Eucommia ulmoides. Indications are for lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, excessive urination, vaginal discharge, fetal movement [or possible threatened miscarriage], and high blood pressure. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes the liver and kidney, strengthens the bones and muscles, and “relieves pregnancy” [calms the fetus] It has been used to cure lumbar spine pain, weak feet and knees, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, restless fetal movement, high blood pressure.   TCM references for herbal use of eucommia:  ① "Ben Jing": Mainly lumbar and spinal pain, nourishes the middle and nourish vital energy, strengthens the muscles and bones, strengthens the mind, remove itching and dampness under the yin, and [excess urination].      ② "Bie Lu": Soreness in the main foot, do not want to practice the ground. [difficulty walking]     ③ "Yao Xing Lun": Treat cold kidney; with buttocks and low back pain, patients with weak waist and stiff body, wind [nerve pain] also. Use it for your waist.      ④ "Rihuazi Ben Cao": cures kidney labor, lumbar spinal spasm. Used as medicine.      ⑤Wang Haogu: Nourishes the liver dryness, nourishes the liver and wind [nerve pain from deficiency.]      ⑥ "Ben Cao Zheng": stops wet dreams, warms the uterus, and relieves fetal gas.      ⑦ "Yu Qiu Yao Jie": to benefit the liver and kidney, nourish bones and muscles, to remove joint swelling. Cures waist and knee pain, leg and foot spasm.      ⑧ "Ben Cao Zai Xin": Replenishing energy and strengthening Yang Dao. Dosage   Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or soaking in wine; or into pills or powder.    Cautions:  Be cautious using this with Yin deficiency and fire [fever or inflammation].      "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu": do not use with snake skin, or Yuan Shen ginseng.      "Ben Cao Jing Shu": Not suitable for people with kidney deficiency and fire. It should be used together with Huangbo [Cortex Phellodendri] and Zhimu [Rhizoma Anemarrhenae. ]     "Depei Ben Cao": Do not use with internal heat and dryness of jing essence and blood.


  • Herbal Flu Tea 4oz

    Herbal Flu Tea 4oz

    抗流感茶(4oz/包) Flu Fighter Tea / Herbal Flu Tea (4oz/Bag) 材料 :荊界、川芎、紫蘇葉、防風、北茋、廣皮、薄荷、茯苓、灸草、川樸、黨蔘 功效:固本, 用以预防流感及防止轻症流感的转变。 用法:煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Flu Fighter Tea  Herbal Flu Tea 抗流感茶 Effect: Improves lung health, reduces cough and tones immunity vs. flu   Ingredients :  Fineleaf schizonepeta herb, ligusticum root, Perilla Leaf, Divaricate Saposhniovia Root, Astragalus root slices, Tangerine peel, Mint, Poria, fuling, licorice root, Glycyrrhizae preparata, Magnoliae bark, Codonopsis root Directions: Flu Fighter Tea 固本扶肺止咳、抗流感: strengthens and frees breathing and enhances immunity. The traditional method of cooking this recipe is to make a strong medicine, a water extract: 五碗水煎至一碗 Boiled five bowls of water to one.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: we suggest starting its use as a light beverage tea by simmering the herbs in water for up to 15 minutes. Inhale the steam. The mint leaves will be refreshing. Drink it warm or cool between meals. The second cooking should be longer in order to release the benefits of the roots. Simmer with water for up to two hours. The tea can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days. Drink it between meals for the best benefits.  Please consult your physician before using this product.  


  •  Long Ya Bai He (8oz)

    Premium Bulbus Lily / Long Ya Bai He (8oz)

    精选 特级龙牙百合(8oz) 性味 甘;微苦;微寒 功效 本品为百合科植物卷丹、百合或细叶百合的干燥肉质鳞叶。 主治肺燥或阴虚久嗽,咳唾痰血;热病后余热来清,虚烦惊悸,神志恍惚;脚气浮肿。 经脉 心经;肺经 主治 养阴润肺,止咳,清心安神。治肺燥或阴虚久嗽,咳唾痰血;热病后余热来清,虚烦惊悸,神志恍惚;脚气浮肿。 (1)润肺止咳:用于肺燥或阴虚之咳嗽、咯血,常配川贝。 (2)清心安神:用于热性病后余热不清、虚烦不眠、神志恍惚,常配地黄。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;或入丸、散;亦可蒸食、煮粥。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 风寒咳嗽及中寒便溏者忌服。  食疗方 1.百合桂圆红枣粥 百合六钱、桂圆(龙眼肉)一两、红枣15个、白米1杯。百合洗净泡软,红枣洗净拍裂去子,桂圆肉掰散。白米淘净沥干,晾约20分钟。白米入锅,加水约6碗熬粥,约待四分熟时即加入百合、红枣、桂圆,滚沸1分钟加入冰糖调味再续煮2至3分钟即可。 功效 适宜夜睡不稳、精神不宁、意志不集中、多汗等,可调和经络循环、和颜润色并适合更年期妇女所患之精神焦虑症。 2.百合红枣银杏羹 百合50克,红枣10枚,白果50克,牛肉300克,生姜两片,盐少许。 将新鲜牛肉用滚水洗干净之后,切薄片,备用。白果去壳,用水浸去外层薄膜,再用清水洗净,备用。 3.百合、红枣和生姜分别用清水洗干净。红枣去核;生姜去皮,切两片,备用。瓦煲内加入适量清水,先用猛火煲至水滚,放入百合、红枣、白果和生姜片,改用中火煲百合至将熟,加入牛肉,继续煲至牛肉熟,即可放入盐少许,盛出即食。 功效 补血养阴,滋润养颜,润肺益气,止喘,涩精。 3.百合粥 鲜百合30~50克,粳米50克,冰糖适量。将粳米洗净,入锅内,加水适量,置武火上浇沸后改文火煮40分钟,放入百合煮熟即可。食时加入冰糖。早晚各服1次。 功效 补肺益脾,定喘止咳。主治肺阴不足、脾气虚弱引起的咳嗽、少痰、气喘、乏力、食欲不佳而时有虚热烦躁者。 Premium Bulbus Lily / Long Ya Bai He  (8oz) Pleasant tasting, sweet; slightly bitter; Its actions are slightly cooling.This product is called dried succulent lily bulb, leaves of lily plant, lily of the valley, or lily. It treats lung dryness or chronic “yin deficiency,” coughing, spitting bloody phlegm, following fever with residual inflammation, anxiety, palpitations, dizziness and edema. It enters the Heart and Lung Channels. Indications Nourishes Yin (enhances fluids and tissue in lung, stomach and kidney,) nourishes the lungs, relieves cough, and calms the mind. It improves chronic lung dryness. Major herbal combinations: (1) For cough and hemoptysis from lung dryness or yin deficiency, it is often used with Chuan Bei Mu (Tendrilled Fritillaria Bulb)(2) For Clearing the mind and calming the nerves, “turbid heat” mental confusion after fever, insomnia, spaciness it is often used with Rehmannia glutinosa. Dosage Oral: Jiantang, 6~12g; or pill and powder; steamed or made with porridge. Topical: Appropriate amount, apply. Cautions: People with cough from colds/influenza with diarrhea should not take it.


  • box) box)

    Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box (72 pcs/box)

    西藏 珍品 冬蟲夏草 禮盒 72條 性味 甘,平。 归经 归肺、肾经。 功效 补肾益肺,止血化痰。 主治 1、阳痿遗精,腰膝酸痛:本品补肾益精,有兴阳起痿之功。用治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛。 2、久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血:本品甘平,为平补肺肾之佳品,功能补肾益肺、止血化痰、止咳平喘,尤为劳嗽痰血多用。 相关配伍 1、治肾阳不足,精血亏虚之阳痿遗精、腰膝酸痛可单用浸酒服,或与淫羊藿、杜仲、巴戟天等补阳药配成复方用。 2、治劳嗽痰血多用。可单用,或与沙参、川贝母、生地、麦冬等同用。若肺肾两虚,摄纳无权,气虚作喘者,可与人参、黄芪、胡桃肉等同用。 3、治病后体虚不复或自汗畏寒,可以本品与鸡、鸭、猪肉等炖服,有补肾固本,补肺益卫之功。 Tibetan Cordyceps Gift Box (72 pcs/box) 6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science May Boost Exercise Performance. ...  Anti-Aging Properties. ...  Potential Anti-Tumor Effects. ...  May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes. ...  Possible Benefits for Heart Health. ...  May Help Fight Inflammation. When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and it can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best of the cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function.Note: This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. This product contains 72 pcs of cordyceps, weight might varies. From the manufacturer:  The main active ingredient of Cordyceps sinensis is cordycepin, which has many functions such as regulating immune system function, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, nourishing lung and kidney, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm, enhancing essence and nourishing qi. Edible methods include powder, soaking in wine, and soaking in water.  Cordyceps is mainly produced in the alpine regions and snow-capped grasslands of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and other provinces and autonomous regions in mainland China.  Cordyceps sinensis is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of replenishing deficiency and loss, replenishing vital energy, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, anti-cancer and anti-aging, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-asthmatic, strengthening heart, and lowering blood pressure. Stewed spareribs with cordyceps can treat osteoporosis. Folks often use Cordyceps stewed fish or chickens and ducks to treat yang deficiency and weakness and post-illness.



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