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  • Phoenix Dan Cong Honey Orchid Oolong Tea #1132

    Phoenix Dan Cong Honey Orchid Oolong Tea #1132

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 芝兰香 Phoenix Dan Cong Honey Orchid  等级Level: 二级 Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直 Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤 Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳 Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding a long lasting fragrance with unique mountain flavor 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 凤凰单丛茶,广东省潮州市潮安区特产,中国国家地理标志产品。成品茶外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘,具独特的山韵。凤凰单丛茶形美、色翠、香郁、味甘,有诗云“愿充凤凰茶山客,不作杏花醉里仙”。 凤凰单丛茶现有80多个品系,有以叶态命名的,如山茄叶、柚叶、竹叶、锯朵仔等;有以香气命名的,如蜜兰香、黄栀香、芝兰香、桂花香、玉兰香、肉桂香、杏仁香、柚花香、夜来香、姜花香十大香型 Phoenix Honey Orchid Oolong Tea is a top grade tea made entirely by hand from 700 year old tea trees in the Phoenix Mountains. The leaves are carefully handled in a long process resulting in elegant, long, twisted dark leaves. The brew imparts complex flavors with apricot and honey scents. It can be steeped multiple times, maintaining its rich flavor and body with every infusion. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $29.40 - $60.88

  • Three Cups Fragrant Green Tea #1176

    Three Cups Fragrant Green Tea #1176

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 浙江 Zhejiang,China 品名Name: 三杯香 Three Cups Fragrant 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 二级 Regular 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 干茶 Body: 条索紧细,色泽墨绿 Wavy leaves come to a sharp point at the tip 茶汤 Liquor: 鲜爽回甘,清澈香醇,豆香清幽 Jade Green hue, full-bodied and light honeyed-astringent aftertaste 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 三杯香系茶叶的一种,主产于我国浙江南部,有似莲子蕊色;香气清幽,含绿豆清香,滋味浓。它以香高味醇,因冲泡三次后仍有余香而成名,属于炒青绿茶之列。 If translated into English, the name reads as follows: “Three Cups Fragrant Green Tea.” To take advantage of what the tea has to offer, you are able to steep the leaves at least three times to reveal its relaxing, floral aroma. This brew will produce a Jade Green hue, full-bodied and light honeyed-astringent aftertaste. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoon / 2 g  4 g  Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 3 steeps: rinse, 30s, 60s, 90s    

    $15.00 - $52.99

  • Supreme Silver Needle White Tea #1125

    Supreme Silver Needle White Tea #1125

    品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 福建 福鼎Fujian, China 品名 Name: 白毫银针 Silver Needle Bai Hao Yin Zhen 等级 Level: 特级 Supreme 分类 Sort: 白茶 White Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 采摘 Season: 春季 Spring 保质期 Shelf Life: 36 months 干茶Body: 白毫满披,银绿光润,芽叶粗壮Straight and evenly shaped fat buds, covered with abundant white hair 茶汤Liquor: 杏黄明亮,清澈温润,花香清幽,毫香高扬Crisp and clean with an astringent finish and light, fruity undertones 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 白毫银针,创制于1796年,中国六大茶类之一的白茶,原产地在福建,主要产区为福鼎、政和、松溪、建阳等地,属有中国十大名茶的称号,素有茶中“美女”、“茶王”之美称。其外观特征挺直似针,满披白毫,如银似雪。 白毫银针芽头肥壮,遍披白毫,挺直如针,色白似银。福鼎所产茶芽茸毛厚,色白富光泽,汤色浅杏黄,味清鲜爽口。政和所产,汤味醇厚,香气清芬。 Bai Hao Yin Zhen , also known as White Hair Silver Needle, is a white tea produced in Fujian Province in China.   As with all white teas, it is best prepared with water below boiling (at around 75 to 80 degrees Celsius or 167 to 176 degrees Fahrenheit) and produces a slightly viscous glittering pale yellow color with evidence of floating white hairs that reflect light. Baihao Yinzhen is said to smell of "fresh-cut hay", and the flavour is described as sweet, vegetal, and delicate. Steeping should be longer than other white teas; up to 5 minutes per brew, and the volume of tea to be used can be higher. There are few parallels to be drawn as the taste is not similar to any other teas but Bai Mu Dan, except the latter is fuller but not as sweet and delicate. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.5oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  2-4 mins 5 steeps: rinse, 25s, 45s, 70s, 90s, 150s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $108.00 - $410.00

  • Dianhong Black Tea #1124

    Dianhong Black Tea #1124

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名Name: 滇红Dianhong Black Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 36 months 分类Sort: 红茶 Black Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 金黄饱满,金毫显露,条索粗壮 Long and well-twisted strips with golden tips 茶汤 Liquor: 橙红通透,蜜香充足  Complexly nutty, bold, and woodsy 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Dianhong,Black tea from Yunnan province is generally called Dianhong Tea. This  is a type of relatively high-end, gourmet Chinese black tea sometimes used in various tea blends and grown in Yunnan Province, China. The main difference between Dianhong and other Chinese black teas is the amount of fine leaf buds, or "golden tips," present in the dried tea. Dianhong teas produces a brew that is brassy golden orange in colour with a sweet, gentle aroma and no astringency. Cheaper varieties of Dianhong produce a darker brownish brew that can be very bitter. 滇红茶,属大叶种类型的工夫茶,主产云南的临沧、保山、凤庆等地,是中国工夫红茶的后起之秀。以外形肥硕紧实,金毫显露和香高味浓的品质独树一帜,而称着于世。滇红工夫外形条索紧结,肥硕雄壮,干茶色泽乌润,金毫特显,内质汤色艳亮,香气鲜郁高长,滋味浓厚鲜爽,富有刺激性。叶底红匀嫩亮,国内独具一格,系举世欢迎的工夫红茶。 Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 2 g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  2 - 5 mins 6 steeps: rinse, 10s, 10s, 15s, 15s, 25s, 40s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  

    $24.00 - $92.00

  • Special Tie Guan Yin  Oolong Tea #1120

    Special Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea #1120

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 安溪 Fujian, China 品名Name: 官特 奇种鸟咀铁观音 Special Tie Guan Yin  等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 卷曲紧结,条索粗壮 Tightly curled into semi-ball, sand-green color 茶汤 Liquor: 汤色金黄,香气馥郁,回味甘甜 Smooth and robust with nutty notes and a buttery finish 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place   浓香型铁观音具有“香、浓、醇、甘”等特点,色泽乌亮,汤色金黄,香气纯正、滋味厚重,相对清香型而言,浓香型铁观音性温,有止渴生津、健脾暖胃等功效。 Tieguanyin Oolong tea is a semi-oxidized tea that has many different processing methods. As a result, the infusion may produce a reddish-brown, green, or even orange hue. Since oolong teas are semi-fermented, the tea leaves contain a wide variety of polyphenolic compounds that are very beneficial to our body. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s

    $24.00 - $89.99

  • Phoenix Dan Cong Gardenia fragrance  Oolong Tea #1118

    Phoenix Dan Cong Gardenia fragrance Oolong Tea #1118

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 黄枝香Phoenix Dan Cong Gardenia fragrance  等级Level: 二级Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy  茶汤Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place   Phoenix Yellow Stone Oolong Tea is cultivated from tea trees in Guangdong, China that have been there since the Song Dynasty. It is said they were once only reserved for royalty. Today, this tea is still rare due to its limited production but you can now enjoy its rich and complex flavor. Dan Cong is a special type of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $30.00 - $116.00

  • Taiwan Lishan  Oolong Tea #1117

    Taiwan Lishan Oolong Tea #1117

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台湾  Taiwan 品名Name: 台湾梨山乌龙茶  Taiwan Lishan Oolong Tea 等级Level: 特级 Superfine 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽墨绿 Large leaves handmade rolled into tightly even ball shape,glossy and dark green 茶汤 Liquor: 清醇滑润,茶韵持久,耐冲泡 Smooth and robust with nutty notes and a buttery finish 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 梨山烏龍茶通常只採春、冬二季,產量稀少加上品質優良,一直是台灣茶中最受喜愛的茶品。梨山烏龍常年處於低溫環境,茶葉成長緩慢且常受白雪洗禮,茶湯鮮美,清甜爽口。 梨山茶滋味甘醇,滑软耐冲泡,茶汤冷后更能凝聚香甜。 Grown on the mountains of Li Shan in Taiwan, this tea is picked from the top of the tea bush and consists of two or three leaves to a stem. The processed leaves are dried in a way so that the leaves are crumpled up. When infused, the leaves well unfurl to release its fragrant aroma and distinct creamy and nutty tones for the most satisfying cup of tea. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins 8 steeps: rinse, 25s,25s,30s,40s,60s,90s,120s,180s Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $55.80 - $220.00

  • Royal 1&One® Kuding Tea #1116 Royal 1&One® Kuding Tea #1116

    Royal 1&One® Kuding Tea #1116

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 贵州 贵阳  Guizhou, China 品名Name: 特级 苦丁茶  Royal 1&One® Kuding Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 18 months 分类Sort: 花草茶 减肥茶 Diet Herb Tea Caffeine Level: ⭐ 功效:Benefit: 清热消暑、明目益智、生津止渴、利尿强心、降压减肥May promote weight loss, lower blood pressure, and detoxify liver 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 干茶Body: 条索紧实,色泽墨绿Tight  tea leaves, with one bud andone or two leaves 茶汤Liquor: 汤色明亮青绿,先苦后甘,清爽舒适Yellow emerald. Bitter with a pleasantly sweet and crisp finish 苦丁茶(高山岩茶)中含有苦丁皂甙、氨基酸、维生素C、多酚类、黄酮类、咖啡碱、蛋白质等200多种成分。成品茶清香有苦味、而后甘凉,具有清热消暑、明目益智、生津止渴、利尿强心、润喉止咳、降压减肥、抑癌防癌、抗衰老、活血脉等多种功效,素有“保健茶”、“美容茶”、“减肥茶”、“降压茶”、“益寿茶”等美称。 冲饮苦丁茶的要点一是水要开,二是水质要好,最好是矿泉水、泉水或纯净水等优质水。三是选用瓷器或陶器做茶具,味道更佳。四是放的量要少,苦丁茶有量少味浓、耐冲泡的特点。   Ku Ding Tea (AKA (kǔdīng chá;  literally "bitter piece tea") is a famous, cleansing and refreshing Chinese tea made from the wax tree Ligustrum robustum and the holly species ILex kudingcha plant. The long leaf is twisted to make a “rope” like a bitter nail. The former is more commonly grown in Sichuan and Japan while the latter is most commonly grown and used mostly produced in the provinces of Yunnan, Hainan, and Fujian. In Chinese, "ku" means bitter, describing the taste, and "ding" means nail indicating the shape of the dry leaves. Your first impression is strong bitterness that makes your tongue numb followed by a slight bitter/sweet flavor like fresh bitter melon and a cooling refreshing feeling for the face, eyes and throat.  Kuding tea is a health and longevity tea. Because of its bitter, cleansing properties it is a slimming tea. It promotes blood circulation and improves the health of blood vessels. Kuding tea used regularly can reduce inflammation and ease pain, cleanse digestive and other toxins, reduce fat and blood pressure, and keep the body fit. The tea is widely used to cure cold, rhinitis, itching eyes, red eyes, sore throat and headache.  You might add one piece of KuDing tea to a pot of your regular tea and do not steep the first infusion longer than 30 seconds to 1 minute. The bitter taste increases the longer it steeps. Use the KuDing piece several times. As you increase your enjoyment of the bitter taste you can add two pieces as a tea.  Brewing Method: Tea cup Water volume: 12oz / 355ml Temperature: 212°F/100°C Tea Quantity: 1-2 pics Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins

    $18.00 - $67.95

  • Supreme Queen Pearl of Jasmine Green Tea #1113 Supreme Queen Pearl of Jasmine Green Tea #1113

    Supreme Queen Pearl of Jasmine Green Tea #1113

    Supreme Queen Pearl of Jasmine Green Tea #1113 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 福建 福州 Fujian, Fuzhou, China 品名Name: 龍團珠 茉莉花茶皇 Queen Pearl of Jasmine Tea 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月 18months 分類Sort: 花茶 綠茶  Green Tea 等級Level: 特級 Supreme 採摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 乾茶Body: 卷如绣球,圆潤匀整,白毫滿披Hand rolled into pearl shape, with obvious white tips 茶湯Liquor: 香氣鮮靈清雅,口感馥郁香醇,湯色清亮, 回甘佳Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish, sweet after taste 儲存方法Storage: 陰凉、乾燥、防異味Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Best Selling for 30 Years, Quality Assurance! Wing Hop Fung Queen Pearl Jasmine Tea, also known as Dragon Ball Pearl Jasmine Tea, is produced in Fuzhou, Fujian. It uses Fujian Dabaihao Spring Tea before Gu Yu (April 19-20) and single-petal jasmine in midsummer. The color is yellow, and the leaf bottom is thick. Tea Quality characteristics: Supreme grade: hand-rolled, round, tight, firm and uniformly shaped pearls; the inner quality is fresh and rich, the taste is mellow, citrus-like, smooth, with a crisp finish. The "yin" manufacturing system means that tea and flowers are combined and smoked in a 1:1 ratio, and then the tea and flowers are separated. This jasmine dragon ball of WHF has been processed five times in succession so that the tea leaves fully absorb the aroma of jasmine, and it will not overpower the tea fragrance. Storage recommendations: The aroma of jasmine tea is aromatic hydrocarbons and is volatile. Pay attention to avoid moisture during storage. It is recommended to store the tea in a cool, dry, odor-free environment. The shelf life is 18 months. Supreme Queen of Pearl Jasmine Green Tea contains tender silver leaves tightly rolled up into a pearl shape and scented with Jasmine flowers. The blending process usually takes five rounds, each starting with a fresh batch of flowers for optimal fragrance and aroma. Once these pearls are brewed, the leaves unfurl and release an aroma of citrus and jasmine orchards as well as antioxidants that are great for the body and skin. Recommend Brewing Method Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 5g Tea Brewing time:  5 - 8 mins 5 steeps: rinse, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s

    $36.99 - $139.99

  • Sau-Mei (Shou Mei) White Tea#1080 Sau-Mei (Shou Mei) White Tea#1080

    Sau-Mei (Shou Mei) White Tea#1080

    品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 福建 政和 Fujian, China 品名 Name: 政和 壽眉 Sau-Mei  White Tea 等级 Level: 二级Regular 分类 Sort: 白茶 White Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 采摘 Season: 春季 Spring 保质期 Shelf Life: 36 months 干茶 Body: 芽叶连枝,白毫显露,颜色灰绿 Tender tea buds (covered with white hairs) and leaves 茶汤 Liquor: 浅黄澄亮,清爽甘醇,花香淡雅,持久耐泡 Light auburn. Crisp and clean with an astringent finish and light, fruity undertones 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   以大白茶、水仙或群体种茶树品种的嫩梢或叶片为原料,经萎凋、干燥、拣剔等特定工艺过程制成的白茶产品。 其制作工艺关键在于萎凋,要根据气候灵活掌握,以春秋晴天或夏季不闷热的晴朗天气,采取室内自然萎凋或复式萎凋为佳。采摘时期为春、夏、秋三季。其中采摘标准以春茶为主,一般为一芽二叶,并要求“三白”,即芽、一叶、二叶均要求有白色茸毛。 冲泡建议:建议用玻璃茶壶或茶杯,以80°C至90°C水温为宜,可以品尝甘醇鲜爽的滋味,又可欣赏茶叶舒展翻飞的姿态。 寿眉,乃以福鼎大白、福鼎白茶树制成的白茶。寿眉叶张稍肥嫩,芽叶连枝,无老梗,叶整卷如眉,香气清纯。其中用茶芽叶制成的毛茶称为“小白”,以区别于福鼎大白茶、政和大白茶茶树芽叶制成的“大白”毛茶。 Shoumei is white tea made from Fuding Dabai and Fuding white tea trees. Shoumei leaves are slightly plump and tender, with buds and leaves connected to branches, without old stems, and the leaves are rolled like eyebrows, with a pure aroma. Among them, the Maocha made from tea buds and leaves is called "Xiaobai" to distinguish it from the "Dabai" Maocha made from the buds and leaves of Fuding Dabai tea and Zhenghe Dabai tea. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 5 g Tea Brewing time:  5-6 mins 5 steeps: rinse, 25s, 45s, 70s, 90s, 150s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  

    $19.75 - $39.00

  • 2024 Anji Bai Cha Green Tea #1171

    2024 Anji Bai Cha Green Tea #1171

    2024 安吉白茶 綠茶 #1171 2024 新到安吉白茶  數量有限   翠綠油潤    湯色明亮   鮮爽回甘 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 浙江 安吉 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 安吉白茶 Anji Bai Cha  保質期Shelf Life: 18個月 18 months 分類Sort: 烘青綠茶  Green Tea 等級Level: 特級Supreme 採摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 乾茶Body: 外形挺直略扁,色澤翠綠,葉芽如金鑲碧鞘,内裹銀箭Flattened tea leaves, with one bud andone or two leaves 茶湯Liquor: 清香高揚持久,滋味鮮爽,唇齒留香,回味甘而生津Golden jade. Smooth, delectable scents of roasted chestnuts and nutty flavors 儲存方法Storage: 常温、陰凉、乾燥、可長期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 安吉白茶是由一種特殊的白色葉茶品種中,由白色的嫩葉按綠茶的製法加工製作而成的綠茶。安吉白茶外形形似鳳羽,色澤翠綠間黃,光亮油潤,香氣清鮮持久,滋味鮮醇,湯色清澈明亮,葉底芽葉細嫩成朵,葉白脈翠,它既是茶樹的珍稀品種,也是茶葉的名贵品類。 安吉白茶外形挺直略扁,形如蘭蕙;色澤翠绿,白毫顯露;葉芽如金鑲碧鞘,内裹銀箭,十分可人。冲泡後,清香高揚持久,滋味鮮爽,飲畢唇齒留香,回味甘而生津。葉底嫩綠明亮,芽葉朵朵可辨。 安吉白茶富含人体所需18种氨基酸,其氨基酸含量在5~10.6%,高於普通綠茶3-4倍,多酚類少於其他的綠茶,所以安吉白茶滋味特别鮮爽,没有苦澀味。 Anji bai cha  or Anji white tea  is a green tea produced in Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China. Treat yourself to a cup of luxurious tea grown in the Anji County of Zhejiang Province, China. White tea is rarely produced and furthermore, is mostly, if not only originated from China. Among those, Anji’s white tea of any class (Precious, Royal, Supreme, Premium) is highly prized and one of the best teas the region produces. The grading of this tea, Precious, is the highest grade available and is based on the leaf’s size and where on the bush it was harvested. Its long, thin, and straight olive-green tea leaves brews a light yellow hue. According to the manufacturer:  Anji white tea is a green tea made from a special white leaf tea variety made from white tender leaves according to the green tea manufacturing method. It is not only a rare species of tea tree, but also a valuable name for tea. The shape of Anji white tea is straight and flat, like an orchid; the color is emerald green and the pekoe is exposed; the leaf buds are like gold inlaid with green sheaths and silver arrows inside, which are very pleasant. After brewing, the fragrance is high and lasting. The taste is fresh and refreshing, after drinking, the lips and teeth will remain fragrant, and the aftertaste will be sweet and fluid. The bottom of the leaf is bright and green, and the buds and leaves are distinguishable.   Anji white tea is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids needed by the human body. Its amino acid content is 5-10.6%, which is 3-4 times higher than that of ordinary green tea. It has less polyphenols than other green teas. Therefore, Anji white tea has a very fresh taste without bitterness. The tea color is golden jade. The flavor is described as: Smooth, delectable scents of roasted chestnuts and nutty flavors. Store the tea in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place. The shelf life is 18 months.  Tea brewing: the Chinese Gaiwan or Gongfu method of brewing using a small yixing tea pot and little tasting cups. It is a time-honored tea ceremony to be enjoyed with friends. First the pot and cups are warmed by pouring boiling water in them which is discarded. Then dry tea leaves are placed in the empty warm teapot, keeping the lid on for 10-20 seconds to awaken the aroma. Lift the lid to enjoy the fragrance. Then add boiling water to the pot, swish it around, rinse the tea for 5 seconds and discard the water. That prepares the tea leaves. Finally boiling water is added and briefly steeped as shown: Recommend Brewing Method Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  185℉ / 85℃  185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity:  2 g  4 g  Brewing time:  5 - 8 mins  5 steeps: 30s, 30s, 45s, 60s, 80s

    $77.25 - $309.00

  • 30% OFF
    Bi Luo Chun Spring Snail Green Tea #1110 Bi Luo Chun Spring Snail Green Tea #1110

    Bi Luo Chun Spring Snail Green Tea #1110

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 江苏苏州 太湖 洞庭山  Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 品名Name: 苏州 碧螺春 Bi Luo Chun/Pi Lo Chun 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 烘青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 银绿卷曲,白毫显露Curly buds and tiny leaves covered in abundant white fuzz, spiral-shaped like a snail’s shell, tender and thin 茶汤Liquor: 馥郁香醇,花果香清雅悠长,汤色碧绿Sweet, fruity, floral aroma. Light yellowish-green with floating fuzz 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   永合豐的碧螺春选自苏州太湖洞庭山原始产区,是谷雨前的春茶,由专业制茶师精心制作。 太湖水面,水气升腾,雾气悠悠,空气湿润,土壤呈微酸性或酸性,质地疏松,极宜于茶树生长,由于茶树与果树间种,所以碧螺春茶叶具有特殊的花朵香味。 Bi Luo Chun Spring Snail Green Tea #1110 Bi Lo Chun, originates from the west side of the Dong Ting Mountains in the Jiang Su province of China. The area provides an ideal environment of mist and clouds all year round for the growing tea trees and is harvested only once a year in early spring. The name comes from a 17th century Emperor of China who noted that the spiral-shaped leaves looked like tiny snail shells. According to the manufacturer:  Biluochun from Wing Hop Fung is selected from the original producing area of ​​Dongting Mountain in Taihu Lake. It is tea leaves picked in early Spring, carefully made by professional teamakers.  On the surface of Taihu Lake, the water vapor rises, the mist is lingering, the air is humid, the soil is slightly acidic or acidic, and the soil texture is loose. It is very suitable for growing tea trees. Because of the interplanting of tea trees and fruit trees, Biluochun tea has a special flower fragrance. The tea taste is described as: Sweet, fruity, floral aroma, the color Light yellowish-green with floating foam. Store the dry tea leaves in airtight, opaque packaging; in acool, dry place. The shelf life is 18 months.  Tea brewing: the Chinese Gaiwan or Gongfu method of brewing using a small yixing tea pot and little tasting cups. It is a time-honored tea ceremony to be enjoyed with friends. First the pot and cups are warmed by pouring boiling water in them which is discarded. Then dry tea leaves are placed in the empty warm teapot, keeping the lid on for 10-20 seconds to awaken the aroma. Lift the lid to enjoy the fragrance. Then add boiling water to the pot, swish it around, rinse the tea for 5 seconds and discard the water. That prepares the tea leaves. Finally boiling water is added and briefly steeped as shown: Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 176℉ / 80℃ 176℉ / 80℃ Tea Quantity: 3g  4g Brewing time:   2 - 4 mins 3 steeps: 15 s, 20 s, 25 s

    $29.40 - $109.55


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