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  •  Hu Lu Cha

    Bamboo shell tea/cucurbit tea/Zhu Ke Cha/ Hu Lu Cha

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    竹殼茶 葫蘆茶 竹壳茶(原名葫芦茶),竹壳茶广东紫金的出品。 以整片竹箨(竹壳)包扎成五个连珠葫芦状,底部贴上红纸标签,过去在广州市中药店悬挂出售,颇为引人注目,是广东民间凉茶之一。这些年因利润低微,且外观“老土”,故在广州已难觅踪迹。可它却是真材实料之品。竹壳茶,内含鸭脚木叶、葫芦茶、鸡骨草、金银花、车前草、金不换、救必应等中草药,据说民间已有近四百年的饮用历史。 功效 清热解暑 茶功擅清热消暑,利湿消滞,用治感受暑热、感冒食滞、大肠湿热等病症。 帮助消化 三四口之家,每次取茶丸两个,加水煎滚5分钟即可饮用。汤味苦中带甘,醇和宜人。尚可煎水外洗以清热止痒。 竹壳茶主要原料是葫芦茶。葫芦茶属草本植物,叶片外形如倒转葫芦;采叶晒干为茶叶,性味微苦、涩、凉,有清肺利咽、清热利湿、消滞杀虫的功效,能治咽喉肿痛,肺燥咳嗽痰血,湿热泻痢,暑湿证,小儿疳积、消化不良。常与其它药配成清暑消滞类凉茶,也可单方100至150克煎水当茶饮。 防虫保健 葫芦茶的全草能防腐杀虫,《岭南采药录》记载:“干置衣箱中,辟蠹去蛀虱。”广东民间用它腌制咸鱼和肉类,以防蝇蛆。 竹壳茶现已制成袋泡剂和冲剂等新剂型,前者易名为“保健茶”,加入了现代广东民间凉茶的行列。   Bamboo shell tea/cucurbit tea/Zhu Ke Cha/ Hu Lu Cha A combination of traditional plant medicine herbs to support healthy digestion, wrapped in a bamboo leaf.  From the manufacturer:  Bamboo shell tea (formerly known as gourd tea), bamboo shell tea produced by Guangdong Zijin. The whole piece of bamboo sheath (bamboo shell) is wrapped into five lianzhu gourds, and the bottom is affixed with a red paper label. In the past, it was hung and sold in Guangzhou Chinese medicine stores. It is quite eye-catching and one of the folk herbal teas in Guangdong. In recent years, because of low profits and "old-fashioned" appearance, it has been difficult to find it in Guangzhou. But it is a real product.  Bamboo shell tea contains Chinese herbal medicines such as duck's foot knobs, gourd tea, chicken bone grass, honeysuckle [anti-biotic], plantain, Jinbuhuan, Jiu Bing [anti-parasite], etc. It is said that [this tea has been used for 400 years]. [Canton love-pes vine (aka chicken bone grass, Abrus Frutus Losus herb,) improves liver function, clears dampness, reduces bloating, improves general wellbeing. ( ] Effects: The tea is used to relieve heat [inflammation, fever, etc] Tea Gong is good at clearing heat, eliminating dampness and stagnation, and is used to treat symptoms such as heat, cold and food stagnation, damp heat of the large intestine. Improve digestion  For a family of three or four, take two tea pills at a time, add water and boil for 5 minutes before drinking. The soup tastes bitter, sweet, mellow, and pleasant. It can [be used topically] with decoction to clear heat [skin redness] and relieve itching. The main raw material of bamboo shell tea is gourd tea. Gourd tea is a herbaceous plant, the shape of the leaves is like an inverted gourd; the leaves are picked and dried into tea. The taste is slightly bitter, astringent, and cool.  It has the effects of clearing the lungs and throat, clearing heat and dampness, eliminating stagnation and [treating infections], and can cure sore throat, lung dryness, cough, sputum and blood, damp-heat diarrhea, heat-damp syndrome, malnutrition in children, and indigestion. It is often mixed with other medicines to make herbal tea for clearing heat and dissipating stagnation. It can also be used as a single prescription of 100 to 150 grams of decoction for tea. Insect health care: The whole plant of gourd tea can be antiseptic and insecticidal.  The "Lingnan Collection of Medicines" records: "Dry it in the suitcase to remove moths." The Guangdong folk use it to pickle salted fish and meat to prevent fly maggots. Bamboo shell tea has now been made into new dosage forms such as pouches and granules. The former was renamed "health tea" and joined the ranks of modern Guangdong folk herbal teas.  


  • Anji Baicha Green Tea Gift Set Anji Baicha Green Tea Gift Set

    Anji Baicha Green Tea Gift Set

    春江花月 安吉白茶 春茶礼盒 安吉白茶外形挺直略扁,形如兰蕙;色泽翠绿,白毫显露;叶芽如金镶碧鞘,内裹银箭,十分可人。冲泡后,清香高扬且持久。滋味鲜爽,饮毕,唇齿留香,回味甘而生津。叶底嫩绿明亮,芽叶朵朵可辨。 安吉白茶是由一种特殊的白色叶茶品种中由白色的嫩叶按绿茶的制法加工制作而成的绿茶。它既是茶树的珍稀品种,也是茶叶的名贵品名。 安吉白茶富含人体所需18种氨基酸,其氨基酸含量在5—10.6%,高于普通绿茶3-4倍,多酚类少与其他的绿茶,所以安吉白茶滋味特别鲜爽,没有苦涩味。   Anji Baicha Green Tea Gift Set Anji bai cha or Anji white tea is a green tea produced in Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China. Treat yourself to a cup of luxurious tea grown in the Anji County of Zhejiang Province, China. White tea is rarely produced and furthermore, is mostly, if not only originated from China. Among those, Anji’s white tea of any class (Precious, Royal, Supreme, Premium) is highly prized and one of the best teas the region produces. The grading of this tea, Precious, is the highest grade available and is based on the leaf’s size and where on the bush it was harvested. Its long, thin, and straight olive-green tea leaves brews a light yellow hue.


  • Fu Ding Shou Mei White Tea Cake 2012 Fu Ding Shou Mei White Tea Cake 2012

    Fu Ding Shou Mei White Tea Cake 2012

    福鼎白茶 老壽眉 白茶饼 2012年 以福鼎大白茶、大白毫的一芽二、三葉爲主要原料,經萎凋和乾燥兩道工序精心加工製成,其製品外形較爲瘦小,形似眉毛而得名,也稱作“小白”。本產品在存放過程中發生酶促反應,形成獨特口感,茶性轉爲溫和,口感更醇厚,回味甘甜而持久。 外形:餅形圓潤飽滿,葉張稍肥,葉整緊卷如眉 色澤:烏褐油潤,葉張主脈迎光透視呈紅色 香氣:陳韻濃香 湯色:橙黃明亮 滋味:醇和順滑帶甘甜 葉底:柔軟嫩亮   Fu Ding Shou Mei White Tea Cake 2012 Benefits of White Tea It's Rich in Antioxidants.  May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease. Could Help You Lose Weight.  Help Protect Your Teeth from Bacteria.   Has Compounds That May Fight Cancer.  May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance. Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis.  May Help Combat Skin Aging. EGCG, which is found in white tea, has been linked with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. EGCG may help fight inflammation and prevent proteins from clumping and damaging nerves, two conditions linked with these disorders. The product undergoes an enzymatic reaction during storage, forming a unique taste, the tea becomes milder, the taste is more mellow, and the aftertaste is sweet and lasting.   Appearance: pie-shaped, round and plump, the leaves are slightly fat, and the leaves are tight and curled like eyebrows  Color: dark brown and oily, the main veins of the leaves are red in perspective   Tea color: bright orange and yellow  Taste: Mellow and smooth with sweetness   Leaf: soft and tender


  • Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set

    Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set

    1 review

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 江苏苏州 洞庭山  Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 品名Name: 洞庭春晓 碧螺春礼盒 Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 烘青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 银绿卷曲,白毫显露Curly buds and tiny leaves covered in abundant white fuzz,spiral-shaped like a snail’s shell, tender and thin 茶汤Liquor: 馥郁香醇,花果香清雅悠长,汤色碧绿Sweet, fruity, floral aroma,Light yellowish-green with floating fuzz 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Bi Lo Chun, originates from the west side of the Dong Ting Mountains in the Jiang Su province of China. The area provides an ideal environment of mist and clouds all year round for the growing tea trees and is harvested only once a year in early spring. The name comes from a 17th century Emperor of China who noted that the spiral-shaped leaves looked like tiny snail shells.Based upon its look, ""Green Spring Snail Tea"" was giving this name by a Chinese emperor in the seventeenth century. Bi Lou Chun tea is mainly produced in Dong Ting East and West hills near the beautiful Taihu Lake. 碧螺春为洞庭山产,太湖水面,水气升腾,雾气悠悠,空气湿润,土壤呈微酸性或酸性,质地疏松,极宜于茶树生长,由于茶树与果树间种,所以碧螺春茶叶具有特殊的花朵香味。  Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  176℉ / 80℃ 176℉ / 80℃ Tea Quantity: 3g Tea 4g Tea Brewing time:  2-3 mins 5 steeps:  15s, 25s, 35s, 50s, 70s


  • 20% OFF
    Oolong & Pu-Erh Tea Gift Set Oolong & Pu-Erh Tea Gift Set

    Oolong & Pu-Erh Tea Gift Set

    乌龙戏珠 铁观音&家藏普洱  茗茶礼盒 Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea (24 g) & Pu-Erh Tea (24 g) Oolong tastes bracing, exciting, fragrantly delicious Pu-Erh is earthy, grounding, digestive and comforting Oolong Tea Benefits You Didn't Know About Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease. Researchers have found a connection in drinking oolong tea and lowering cholesterol levels. ...  Lowers Risk of Cancer. ...  Decreases Inflammation. ...  Helps Fight Obesity. ...  Diabetes Prevention. ...  Boosts Energy. ...  Improves Tooth and Skin Health. ( Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea Increases Energy. Thanks to the caffeine in Pu-erh tea, drinking a cup a day can help to increase your energy levels and focus. ...  Promotes a Healthy Heart. ...  Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals. ...  Prevents Cancer. ...  Protects Bone Health. ...  Aids in Weight Loss. ...  Reduces Stress. ...  Prevents Illness. (


  • First Flush 2024 頭茶
    2024 Shi Feng Mountain First Flush West Lake Longjing Tea (250g) 2024 Shi Feng Mountain First Flush West Lake Longjing Tea (250g)

    2024 Shi Feng Mountain First Flush West Lake Longjing Tea (250g)

    1 review

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 杭州 獅峰山產區Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 獅峰山 西湖龍井 群體種Shi Feng Longjing 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月18months 分類Sort: 炒青綠茶  Green Tea 等級Level: 特一級 Supreme 採摘Season: 清明前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 乾茶 扁平光潔,匀長挺直, 嫩綠帶黄 茶湯 香氣濃郁,豆香、栗香悠長,鮮甜甘爽 Body: Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves Liquor: Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 儲存方法 陰涼、乾燥、儲存在4~10℃ 的冰箱 Storage: Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place; refrigerator at 4~10℃ 建议:为保证口感,请尽快饮用. suggestion: To ensure the taste, please drink as soon as possible. 2024年 龙井头茶 狮峰山 "狮"字号产区 西湖龙井 群体种头茶(250克/包) 狮峰山龙井群体种,是自有记载以来,最古老的龙井茶树品种,已有1000余年历史,闻名于世的狮峰山上的18棵茶树就是此品种。群体种的采摘时间略晚一些,大约在清明节左右,产量有限,风味独特,除了浓郁的豆香和兰花香,还有伴有花果香,层次丰富,韵味悠长。  数量有限,售完即止。茶是农产,望天吃饭,敬请谅解! Shi Feng Mountain- 2024 First Flush West Lake Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea QunTi (250g) Shifeng Mountain West Lake Longjing Qunti tea is the oldest Longjing tea species on record. Its history dates more than 1,000 years. There are only 18 tea trees on the world-famous Shifeng Mountain that make up this tea. The harvest of this special tea is around the Ching Ming Festival in early April. The yield is limited and the flavor is unique. In addition to the strong aroma of beans and orchids, there are also floral and fruit aromas, rich in layers and with long-lasting flavor. This precious tea is in limited quantities! 西湖龙井茶的五大核心产区: “西湖龙井茶” 产区范围广阔辖区纵深。不仅包括以西湖风景名胜区以内的:狮、龙、云、虎、梅、为代表的五大核心一级产区,也包括龙坞、留下、转塘、周浦、等二级产区。 The five core producing areas of West Lake Longjing Tea: The "West Lake Longjing Tea" production areas have a wide range of jurisdiction and depth. The terrain includes not only the five core first-level production areas represented by the West Lake scenic area: lion, dragon, cloud, tiger, and Mei, but also the second-level production areas such as Longwu, Liuxia, Zhuantang, and Zhoupu. ● “狮” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州狮峰山及周边地带。含:狮峰山、龙井村、棋盘山、上天竺、等地的龙井茶。● “狮” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:汤色绿中透黄,呈嫩黄绿色,俗称 “糙米色”;滋味鲜醇香浓;栗香明显香气高锐持久;制茶时不讲究外形,成为它的显著特点;“狮” 字号是西湖龙井茶中品质最佳的 “极品”。 ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Shifeng Mountain and surrounding areas. Including Longjing tea from Shifeng Mountain, Longjing Village, Qipan Mountain, Shangtianzhu, and other places. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area: The color is green and yellowish in color, commonly known as "brown rice color"; the taste is fresh and mellow; the chestnut fragrance is sharp and long-lasting; the balanced flavor is emphasized which is its distinguishing feature. The "Lion" brand name is West Lake Longjing Tea’s extremely best quality. ● “龙” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州龙井山及周边地带。含:翁家山、杨梅岭、满觉垅、白鹤峰、等地的龙井茶。该区域与 “狮” 字号区域接近,所产的西湖龙井茶,品质也佳。特别是白鹤峰所产之西湖龙井茶,可与狮峰山的相媲美,也深为消费者的喜爱。● “龙” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:与 “狮” 字号西湖龙井茶的品质特征相同。 ● West Lake Longjing tea from the "Dragon" production area: Produced in Longjing Mountain and surrounding areas in Hangzhou. Including Longjing tea from Wengjiashan, Yangmeiling, Manjuelong, Baihefeng, and other places. This area is close to the "Lion" brand area, and the West Lake Longjing tea produced is of good quality. In particular, the West Lake Longjing tea produced by Baihefeng is comparable to that of Shifeng Mountain, and it is also deeply loved by consumers. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Dragon" production area: The quality characteristics of the "Lion" brand West Lake Longjing tea are the same. ● “梅” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州梅家坞及周边地带。是西湖龙井茶的主产地,产量约占全部西湖龙井茶的三分之一左右。● “梅” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:外形挺秀扁平光滑、色泽绿中显翠;滋味鲜醇鲜爽顺滑;汤色碧绿;豆香清新,略逊于狮字号;做工细腻讲究;已成为西湖龙井茶的主要产区。 ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Meijiawu and surrounding areas. It is the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea, and its output accounts for about one-third of all West Lake Longjing tea. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: The tea leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, the color is green; the taste is very fresh and smooth; the tea color is green; slightly inferior to the “lion” brand; This has become the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea. ● “云” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州云栖、五云山、瑯珰岭、及边周围地带。云字号西湖龙井茶与梅字号西湖龙井茶的风格基本一致,因它们原本就是一家,只是以后才 “分家” 的。● “云” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:外形挺秀、扁平光滑、色泽翠绿;滋味鲜醇爽口;汤色碧绿;做工细腻讲究;也是最具代表性的西湖龙井茶。 ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Cloud" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Yunqi, Wuyun Mountain, Langguiling, and the surrounding areas. The styles of "Cloud" Longjing tea and "Mei" Longjing tea are basically the same, because they originally belonged to the same family, but only later "separated". The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Cloud" production area: The leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, and the color is emerald green; the taste is mellow and refreshing; the tea color is green; it is also the most representative West Lake Longjing tea. ● “虎” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶 :产于杭州虎跑、四眼井、赤山埠、三台山、等地的龙井茶。后来中天竺、白乐桥、茅家埠、黄龙洞、等地所产的西湖龙井茶也一律划归为虎字号。● “虎” 字号产区的西湖龙井茶品质特征:芽叶肥壮,芽锋显露。 ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Tiger" production area: Longjing tea is produced in Hangzhou Hupao, Siyanjing, Chishanbu, Santaishan, and other places. The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Tiger" production area: The buds and leaves are fat and strong.


  • First Flush 2024 頭茶
    2024 Weng Jia Mountain First Flush West Lake Longjing Tea(250g) 2024 Weng Jia Mountain First Flush West Lake Longjing Tea(250g)

    2024 Weng Jia Mountain First Flush West Lake Longjing Tea(250g)

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    2024年 龍井頭茶 翁家山 "龍"字號產區 西湖龍井 43号(250克/包) Weng Jia Mountain- 2024 First Flush West Lake  Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea #43 (250g) 西湖龍井43號是中國農業科學院研究所,從龍井群體中選育出來的國家級品種。 永合豐为您精選這款龍井,是清明前的頭茶,採摘自西湖龍井的“龍”字號核心產區--翁家山;翁家山的茶農經過數百年的實踐,積累了精湛的採茶製茶工藝。 進入三月中旬,雨水充足,氣溫適中,茶園裏的茶樹齊齊地抽出嫩芽,翁家山村進入開摘第一批明前龍井的最佳時機。傳統手工製作,這樣製作出來的頭採明前龍井,味道清甜可口,入口柔和清香,能給人一種清新自然之感。 有道是“明前茶,貴如金”是衆多龍井綠茶愛好者,翹首期盼一品當季龍井最大的盛典。 特點:香味和濃度都適宜,香氣高揚,濃度適宜,回甘持久,湯色青翠明亮。 數量有限,售完即止。茶是農業,敬請諒解!   West Lake Longjing No. 43 is a national-level tea selected from the Longjing population by the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This Longjing tea, selected by Wing Hop Fung, is picked from Wengjia Mountain, the core production area of "Dragon" in Longjing, West Lake. It is the first tea harvested before Qingming (April 4th). It is traditionally hand-crafted, has a high aroma, suitable concentration, long-lasting sweetness, and a clear, bright green color. This precious tea is in limited quantities! The five core producing areas of West Lake Longjing Tea:The "West Lake Longjing Tea" production areas have a wide range of jurisdiction and depth. The terrain includes not only the five core first-level production areas represented by the West Lake scenic area: lion, dragon, cloud, tiger, and Mei, but also the second-level production areas such as Longwu, Liuxia, Zhuantang, and Zhoupu. ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area:Produced in Hangzhou Shifeng Mountain and surrounding areas. Including Longjing tea from Shifeng Mountain, Longjing Village, Qipan Mountain, Shangtianzhu, and other places.The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Lion" production area: The color is green and yellowish in color, commonly known as "brown rice color"; the taste is fresh and mellow; the chestnut fragrance is sharp and long-lasting; the balanced flavor is emphasized which is its distinguishing feature. The "Lion" brand name is West Lake Longjing Tea’s extremely best quality. ● West Lake Longjing tea from the "Dragon" production area:Produced in Longjing Mountain and surrounding areas in Hangzhou. Including Longjing tea from Wengjiashan, Yangmeiling, Manjuelong, Baihefeng, and other places.This area is close to the "Lion" brand area, and the West Lake Longjing tea produced is of good quality. In particular, the West Lake Longjing tea produced by Baihefeng is comparable to that of Shifeng Mountain, and it is also deeply loved by consumers.The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Dragon" production area: The quality characteristics of the "Lion" brand West Lake Longjing tea are the same. ● West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Meijiawu and surrounding areas. It is the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea, and its output accounts for about one-third of all West Lake Longjing tea.The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Mei" production area: The tea leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, the color is green; the taste is very fresh and smooth; the tea color is green; slightly inferior to the “lion” brand; This has become the main producing area of West Lake Longjing tea. ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Cloud" production area: Produced in Hangzhou Yunqi, Wuyun Mountain, Langguiling, and the surrounding areas. The styles of "Cloud" Longjing tea and "Mei" Longjing tea are basically the same, because they originally belonged to the same family, but only later "separated".The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Cloud" production area: The leaf appearance is pretty, flat, and smooth, and the color is emerald green; the taste is mellow and refreshing; the tea color is green; it is also the most representative West Lake Longjing tea. ● West Lake Longjing Tea from the "Tiger" production area: Longjing tea produced in Hangzhou Hupao, Siyanjing, Chishanbu, Santaishan, and other places.The quality characteristics of West Lake Longjing tea in the "Tiger" production area: The buds and leaves are fat and strong.


  • Ao Fu Hou Dancong Oolong Tea Gift Box (8g*22) Ao Fu Hou Dancong Oolong Tea Gift Box (8g*22)

    Ao Fu Hou Dancong Oolong Tea Gift Box (8g*22)

    雀石 生态礼盒 凹富后單樅 乌龙茶(8克*22包) “凹富后”,是潮州地区方言,它在生长在海拔700多米的茶园里。因为品质优秀,逐渐受到欢迎;后来茶农为了让名字好听些,就根据当地方言谐音改为“凹富”,于是称为“凹富后”。 凹富后的香型是属于黄枝香的香型,但是在这个基础上它还有拥有自己的独特的风格一甜 。它的香气悠扬自然,回甘底力好。 冲泡时黄栀花香明显,茶汤汤色橙黄,滋味甘醇爽口,唇口留香,耐泡程度也是十分好的。冲泡清香持久,一泡冲十几遍,仍有良久回甘。 Ao Fu Hou Dancong Oolong Tea Gift Box (8 g*22) In the world of oolong tea, there are four main types – Tie Guanyin from southern Fujian province; Wuyi Mountain oolongs from northern Fujian; Taiwanese oolongs; and Dan Cong from Guangdong province.  What makes Dan Cong special is the unique aroma sub-varieties available within Dan Cong. In general, all these sub-varieties fall into 1 of 3 main categories – fruity, floral and herbal aromas.  Ao Fu Hou is a rare Dan Cong Oolong from the Phoenix mountains (Fenghuang shan). Ao Fu Hou Dan Cong is characterized by its particularly fruity aroma and a subtle fragrance of flowers. This Oolong is like other Dan Cong teas is only slight twisted and not rolled into beads. Another unique feature that makes Dan Cong teas amazing is that there are no artificial flavors, additives or essential oils added to create their vibrant flavors. The tea flavors have been developed by generations of selective tea cultivation, tea plants chosen in order to bring out the naturally fragrant flavors.  The word "Dan Cong" literally means "single stem." If you look at an actual Dan Cong tea plant, it differs from your standard tea plant in that Dan Cong are all single trunk trees as opposed to long interconnected tea bushes. The whole idea of Dan Cong teas is that all varieties stem from a series of ancient "mother trees." Ao Fu Hou Dan Cong is a mother tree of Huang Zhi Xiang (mushu)).


  •  Tin)

    TX Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea (100g/ Tin)

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 100g罐装 工夫红茶 TX Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea (100g/ Tin) Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained notice worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."


  • Original Hand-Made Dan Cong Oolong Tea Original Hand-Made Dan Cong Oolong Tea

    Original Hand-Made Dan Cong Oolong Tea

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅) 鳳凰單樅茶屬於烏龍茶的一種,是中國傳統的名茶之一,它產自廣東省的鳳凰山地區,鳳凰山區的高海拔、雲霧繚繞以及特有的土壤條件,賦予鳳凰單樅茶獨特的品質。 烏龍茶是一類發酵程度,介於綠茶和紅茶之間的茶葉,具有獨特的花香和果香特色和口感而聞名。鳳凰單樅茶的香味濃郁而持久,細心欣賞,可以聞到棗、桂花和橄欖的怡人香氣,口感甘甜而豐滿。 鳳凰單樅茶的外形,呈現出完整的條索狀,茶葉扁平而彎曲,色澤深綠帶黃。其雜亂的外觀,表現其天然野生的茶葉特質。與熱帶氣候和富含有機質的土壤相結合,這些特質使得鳳凰單樅茶在茶界中獨樹一幟。 鳳凰單樅茶具有許多保健效果。首先,它富含維生素C和茶多酚等營養物質,具有抗氧化和養胃的作用。其次,鳳凰單樅茶還含有茶氨酸和咖啡碱等成分,對於提神醒腦有一定效果;此外还能清凉解渴、消暑降火。 鋸朵仔—又名杏仁香,名字得來是杏仁香單樅茶樹,其葉片細小有明顯的鋸齒形狀,所以叫“鋸朵仔“,原產於鳳凰鎮南管區橋頭村,為鳳凰單樅茶十大香型之一,是鳳凰單樅茶中最為精緻美麗的茶款。鋸朵仔茶樹葉片細小,人工采摘過程中耗時耗力,茶農一天辛苦只能采摘二三斤,相較於其他茶葉每天采摘十來斤,可謂生產和製作成本高。鋸朵仔的製作發酵工藝不重,葉底仍可見砂綠色,成品茶隱約可見玉葉金邊的烏龍茶特徵,十分清秀迷人,因其葉片極小,在鳳凰茶鄉有“做前蝦米,做后牙籤”之稱。香味口感:冲泡時,杏仁果香味與奶香味交相輝映,茶湯金黃明亮、喉韻飽滿、入口甘潤、質感柔軟、滋味腴醇、回甘綿長。 蜜蘭香,香氣味道帶有芝蘭花香、蜜味香濃。是產自廣東潮安鳳凰山,是烏龍茶中名貴品種,「單樅」是指經過多年品鑒後,為具有多種自然花香味的茶株,采收時按不同的植株和風味,進行單株采摘,單株烘乾而成的高級名茶。鳳凰單樅條索粗壯、匀整、挺直,色澤淺金褐色,油潤有光,汎硃砂紅點。冲色后有「三黃誘」之稱號即湯色橙黃、葉底邊緣朱紅、葉腹黃亮,片片綠茶紅鑲邊,滋味濃爽回甘,芳香持久,七泡仍有香有味,帶有天然花香的獨特「山韻」,高級品質量稀少。此茶有助提神醒腦、清熱降火、溫脾胃,常飲有助於消食解膩、促進新陳代謝、潤膚潤喉等。   Original Hand-Made Oolong Tea (Almond Aroma+Honey Orchid+Ya Shi Xiang+Dan Cong) Wing Hop Fung offers a choice of four highly select top quality Dan Cong oolong teas from China. Almond aroma is #121164; Honey Orchid is #121165; Ya Shi Xiang is #121166; and Dan Cong is #121167.  In the world of oolong tea, there are four main types – Tie Guanyin from southern Fujian province; Wuyi Mountain oolongs from northern Fujian; Taiwanese oolongs; and Dan Cong from Guangdong province.  What makes Dan Cong special is the unique aroma sub-varieties available within Dan Cong. There are said to be at least 10 different aroma sub-varieties of Dan Cong, each with unique taste and flavor profiles. And in general, all these sub-varieties fall into 1 of 3 main categories – fruity, floral and herbal aromas.  Another unique feature that makes Dan Cong amazing is that there are no artificial flavors, additives or essential oils added to create their vibrant flavors. All of the different varieties come straight from the tea leaves and no other additives. The tea flavors have been developed by generations of selective tea cultivation, tea plants chosen in order to bring out the naturally fragrant flavors.  The word "Dan Cong" literally means "single stem." If you look at an actual Dan Cong tea plant, it differs from your standard tea plant in that Dan Cong are all single trunk trees as opposed to long interconnected tea bushes. The whole idea of Dan Cong teas is that all varieties stem from a series of ancient "mother trees." Legends developed around these famous teas. For example, Ya Shi Xiang “duck shit flavor” tea was given that name by a farmer who feared that his prized tea plants would be stolen unless he made the tea less attractive. Other teas in the area were traditionally called such names as “thieves’ shit” for the same reason.

    $29.99 - $39.99

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    Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea

    老仓 有机普洱茶包 三角袋泡茶 20袋/盒 (茉莉/玫瑰/糯香/熟普) Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea 4 Varieties: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh About the product Organic Tea with 4 varieties to choose from Flavors Included: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh Storage Condition: Store in a clean, ventilated and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Shelf Life: 24 Month USDA Organic and Fair Trade Certified Teas.  The perfect introduction to the Tea experience. Beautifully packaged and always appreciated, How To Brew a good of Tea?   Boil water above 90 degree (200 Fahrenheit)  Fix a teabag in cup  Pour boiling water  Drink after 15 seconds. Repeat step 3-4

  • WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Classical Gift Box WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Classical Gift Box

    WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Classical Gift Box

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    永合豐 雀石 古风 极品普洱茶礼盒 WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Classical Gift Box This valuable gift set contains premium Yunnan Pu'erh Tea and Yiwu Dingjiazhai Ancient Pu'erh Tea Pu’erh teas are as valuable and expensive as collectable wines. In China the ultimate in luxury, long aged Pu'erh tea sells for up to $10,000/kg. Ancient tea trees, originating in Yiwu mountain range in Yunnan province, may be 100 – 200 years old. Pu’erh tea is green (short aged) or “cooked” meaning long-aged, the longer the better. The aging process peaks at about 60 years.  Drinking Pu-erh tea on a regular basis may help relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It's been shown to lower blood sugar, reduce obesity, and boost immunity. Plus, it lowers cholesterol and prevents free radical damage. In other words, it helps tackle all five of the syndrome's factors. This attractive tea set is reminiscent of Pu’erh tea’s origins when it was packed in burlap bags and sent by donkey from Yunnan to all parts of China and Tibet. During the journey the tea fermented which resulted in a rich, delicious, earthy flavor and enhanced the tea’s digestive benefits. It contains lovastatin, a natural organic statin that reduces harmful cholesterol. Pu’erh has been enjoyed by tea connoisseurs for the last 700 or 800 years. 特级云南普洱茶 易武丁家寨古树生茶普洱    

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