Lotus Seed, Dried Lian Zi

Lotus Seed, Dried Lian Zi

, by Web Admin, 3 min reading time

Lotus Seed, Dried Lian Zi 蓮子 Lotus Seed nourishes and calms body and mind. Lotus seed is often cooked in soups, deserts or boiled and served with raw honey. Lotus seeds, called Lian Zi, the mature seed of the water lily, tastes mildly sweet and is astringent.


Crunchy, Mildly Sweet Tasting and Fortifying

Lotus Seed nourishes and calms body and mind. Lotus seed is often cooked in soups, deserts or boiled and served with raw honey. Lotus seeds, called Lian Zi, the mature seed of the water lily, tastes mildly sweet and is astringent. They were brought to China over 2,000 years ago and are a popular food and herbal medicine. In Buddhist traditions, the “Sacred Lotus” flower is a symbol of vitality and purity. The seeds symbolize fertility and renewal, which mirrors their health effects. 

Western Medical Research:  

According to numerous studies on anti-oxidation in lotus seed and its anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects, lotus seeds contain the anti-aging enzyme L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase, which helps to repair damaged proteins and kaempferol, a natural flavonoid which prevents inflammation. 

Lotus Seeds’ many health benefits include: 

  • Powerful antioxidants and help fight inflammation and aging
  • Inhibitory effect on nasopharynx cancer (head and neck cancer)
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Significant cardiac effects-antiarrhythmic effects
  • Great tonic, especially for bedridden patients, postpartum woman, or the frail elderly
  • Reduce incontinence, nocturnal urination and emission of semen 
  • Can help fight the herpes 1 virus

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Because lotus seeds are astringent they are used to decrease abnormal fluid leakage due to weakness from organs such as the spleen, kidney and heart. Their energetic effects include:

  • Tonify Spleen & Kidneys (chronic diarrhea due to deficient spleen, spermatorrhea and leukorrhea due to deficient kidneys)
  • Nourish Heart (reduce excessive dreams, insomnia, forgetfulness, agitation)
  • Help to strengthen the digestive process and stop diarrhea
  • Stabilize essence - lotus seeds strengthen the kidneys which protects the essence
  • Calm the spirit: sedative or calming properties, used to treat insomnia or restlessness 
  • Are used to treat sexual conditions due to deficient kidney function 

Traditional Chinese herbalists have used dried lotus seed for treating:  

  • Edema 
  • Under-functioning organs
  • Chronic indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Nocturnal emission
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Spermatorrhea
  • Leucorrhea
  • Restlessness
  • Panic 
  • Chronic insomnia

Hot Humid Weather 

When the weather is overly hot and humid our bodies are affected, especially heart, which can cause agitation, restlessness and insomnia. The lotus seed inner core is considered cooling. Its isoquinoline alkaloids, which have antispasmodic and calming effects, help to dilate blood vessels, thus reducing blood pressure.

Lotus Seed Nutritional Benefits include: 

  • Good source of protein, magnesium, thiamine, potassium, phosphorus
    Trace elements including iron and zinc
    Low in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol
  • Contains no sugar
  • In 1 ounce lotus seed: 18.3 g of carbohydrates and 4.4 g of protein 



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