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Ancient herbal tradition supports health, beauty, and longevity.

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  • 37.5 克) bag)

    Panax notoginseng Slice Medium / San Qi (4 oz/bag)

    三七/ 田七 片M (4 oz/包) Panax notoginseng / San Qi 为五加科人参属植物三七的块根。 尺寸 50-55片/4 oz 性味 甘微苦,温。 经脉 入肝经、胃经、大肠经。 主治 止血,散瘀,消肿,定痛。治吐血,咳血,衄血,便血,血痢,崩漏,癥瘕,产后血晕,恶露不下,跌扑瘀血,外伤出血,痈肿疼痛。 注意禁忌 孕妇忌服。 【食疗方】 1.鱼鳔田七方 黄花鱼鳔适量、三七末3克、黄酒适量,黄花鱼鳔用香油炸脆,压碎为末,每次5克,与田七末一同用黄酒冲服。每天1剂,连服15~20剂为1疗程。 本方可用于食道癌患者之血瘀内结型。 2.鸡蛋三七汤 三七末3克,鸡蛋1只。藕汁1小杯,料酒半小杯。鸡蛋打入碗内,加入三七末、藕汁、料酒,搅匀,加水搅拌稀释,放锅内隔水炖熟。当点心食用。 功效:补血活血止血。主治血虚血瘀所致的吐血衄血、血色紫、夹血块等。 3.灵芝三七饮 灵芝15g,三七粉4g。将灵芝洗净,放入砂锅,加清水适量,浸泡2小时,煎煮60分钟,取汤送服2g三七粉。锅中再加清水适量,煎煮40分钟,送服剩下的2g三七粉。每日1剂,早晚各服1次。 功效:益养心,活血能脉。主治心虚夹瘀所致的心悸心痛、形寒肢冷、唇舌发紫、脉涩或结代等。   Panax notoginseng Slice Medium / San Qi (4 oz/bag) During the Ming Dynasty, Sanqi was worth more than gold. It is a Chinese medicinal treasure. Panax notoginseng is used to stop or slow down bleeding. It is sometimes taken by people who have nosebleeds, vomit up or cough up blood, or find blood in their urine or feces. Panax notoginseng is also used to relieve pain; and to reduce swelling and blood pressure. ( Panax notoginseng is used for chest pain (angina), strokes and bleeding in the brain, buildup of fat in the blood vessels, heart attacks, and some kinds of liver disease. From the manufacturer:  It is the root tuber of Panax notoginseng in the genus Araliaceae. (aka: san qi, tian qi) The taste is sweet and bitter. It is warm. It enters the Liver, Stomach and Large Intestine meridians.  Indications:  It is used to stop bleeding, dispel blood stasis, reduce swelling, and relieve pain. It has been used to cure vomiting blood, hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematochezia, bloody dysentery, uterine bleeding, symptom, postpartum haemorrhage, lochia, stasis, traumatic bleeding, carbuncle pain.  Cautions: Avoid use during pregnancy.  Diet Therapy Yellow Croaker Maw Panax notoginseng  Ingredients: Right amount of yellow croaker maw, 3 grams of panax notoginseng powder, appropriate amount of rice wine,  Fry the yellow croaker maw until it is fragrant. Crush it to make a powder. Gradually add 5 grams fish maw powder mixed with Tianqi powder and add yellow wine.  Dosage: 1 dose a day, and take 15-20 doses continuously as a course of treatment.   This prescription can be used for blood stasis in patients with esophageal cancer.  Egg Panax notoginseng Soup   Ingredients: 3 grams of Panax notoginseng, 1 egg. 1 small cup of lotus root juice, half a small cup of cooking wine.  Beat the eggs into a bowl, add the powdered Panax notoginseng, lotus root juice, and cooking wine, stir well, add water and stir to dilute. Put it in a pot and simmer in water. Serve as a snack.  Efficacy: Enriching blood and promoting blood circulation, also used to stop bleeding.  Indications: for blood deficiency and blood stasis caused by vomiting blood, purple blood, bruises, blood clots, etc. Lingzhi Panax notoginseng Drink   Ingredients:  Ganoderma 15g, Panax notoginseng powder 4g.  Wash the Ganoderma lucidum, put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, soak for 2 hours, decoct for 60 minutes, and drink the soup. Add 2g of Panax notoginseng powder and appropriate amount of water to the pot, cook for 40 minutes, and serve the remaining 2g of Panax notoginseng powder.  Take 1 dose a day, 1 time each morning and evening.   Efficacy: It is used to nourish the heart, invigorate blood circulation.  Indications: for heart palpitations, angina, cold limbs, purple lips and tongue, irregular pulse or congestion caused by heart deficiency and blood stasis.  


  • 37.5 克) bag)

    Panax notoginseng Slice Small / San Qi (4 oz/bag)

    三七/ 田七 片 S (4 oz/包) Panax notoginseng / San Qi 为五加科人参属植物三七的块根。 尺寸 88-92片/ 4 oz 性味 甘微苦,温。 经脉 入肝经、胃经、大肠经。 主治 止血,散瘀,消肿,定痛。治吐血,咳血,衄血,便血,血痢,崩漏,癥瘕,产后血晕,恶露不下,跌扑瘀血,外伤出血,痈肿疼痛。 注意禁忌 孕妇忌服。 【食疗方】 1.鱼鳔田七方 黄花鱼鳔适量、三七末3克、黄酒适量,黄花鱼鳔用香油炸脆,压碎为末,每次5克,与田七末一同用黄酒冲服。每天1剂,连服15~20剂为1疗程。 本方可用于食道癌患者之血瘀内结型。 2.鸡蛋三七汤 三七末3克,鸡蛋1只。藕汁1小杯,料酒半小杯。鸡蛋打入碗内,加入三七末、藕汁、料酒,搅匀,加水搅拌稀释,放锅内隔水炖熟。当点心食用。 功效:补血活血止血。主治血虚血瘀所致的吐血衄血、血色紫、夹血块等。 3.灵芝三七饮 灵芝15g,三七粉4g。将灵芝洗净,放入砂锅,加清水适量,浸泡2小时,煎煮60分钟,取汤送服2g三七粉。锅中再加清水适量,煎煮40分钟,送服剩下的2g三七粉。每日1剂,早晚各服1次。 功效:益养心,活血能脉。主治心虚夹瘀所致的心悸心痛、形寒肢冷、唇舌发紫、脉涩或结代等。   Panax notoginseng Slice Small / San Qi (4 oz/bag) During the Ming Dynasty, Sanqi was worth more than gold. It is a Chinese medicinal treasure. Panax notoginseng is used to stop or slow down bleeding. It is sometimes taken by people who have nosebleeds, vomit up or cough up blood, or find blood in their urine or feces. Panax notoginseng is also used to relieve pain; and to reduce swelling and blood pressure. ( Panax notoginseng is used for chest pain (angina), strokes and bleeding in the brain, buildup of fat in the blood vessels, heart attacks, and some kinds of liver disease. From the manufacturer:  It is the root tuber of Panax notoginseng in the genus Araliaceae. (aka: san qi, tian qi) The taste is sweet and bitter. It is warm. It enters the Liver, Stomach and Large Intestine meridians.  Indications:  It is used to stop bleeding, dispel blood stasis, reduce swelling, and relieve pain. It has been used to cure vomiting blood, hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematochezia, bloody dysentery, uterine bleeding, symptom, postpartum haemorrhage, lochia, stasis, traumatic bleeding, carbuncle pain.  Cautions: Avoid use during pregnancy.  Diet Therapy Yellow Croaker Maw Panax notoginseng  Ingredients: Right amount of yellow croaker maw, 3 grams of panax notoginseng powder, appropriate amount of rice wine,  Fry the yellow croaker maw until it is fragrant. Crush it to make a powder. Gradually add 5 grams fish maw powder mixed with Tianqi powder and add yellow wine.  Dosage: 1 dose a day, and take 15-20 doses continuously as a course of treatment.   This prescription can be used for blood stasis in patients with esophageal cancer.  Egg Panax notoginseng Soup   Ingredients: 3 grams of Panax notoginseng, 1 egg. 1 small cup of lotus root juice, half a small cup of cooking wine.  Beat the eggs into a bowl, add the powdered Panax notoginseng, lotus root juice, and cooking wine, stir well, add water and stir to dilute. Put it in a pot and simmer in water. Serve as a snack.  Efficacy: Enriching blood and promoting blood circulation, also used to stop bleeding.  Indications: for blood deficiency and blood stasis caused by vomiting blood, purple blood, bruises, blood clots, etc. Lingzhi Panax notoginseng Drink   Ingredients:  Ganoderma 15g, Panax notoginseng powder 4g.  Wash the Ganoderma lucidum, put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, soak for 2 hours, decoct for 60 minutes, and drink the soup. Add 2g of Panax notoginseng powder and appropriate amount of water to the pot, cook for 40 minutes, and serve the remaining 2g of Panax notoginseng powder.  Take 1 dose a day, 1 time each morning and evening.   Efficacy: It is used to nourish the heart, invigorate blood circulation.  Indications: for heart palpitations, angina, cold limbs, purple lips and tongue, irregular pulse or congestion caused by heart deficiency and blood stasis.  


  • Pu Gong Ying 8oz

    Dandelion/Pu Gong Ying 8oz

    原棵带花 蒲公英 (8 oz/包) Dandelion/ Taraxaci / Pu Gong Ying(8 oz/Bag) 为菊科植物蒲公英的带根全草。 性味 味苦;甘;性寒 经脉 归肝经;胃经 主治 清热解毒,利尿散结。治急性乳腺炎,淋巴腺炎,瘰疬,疔毒疮肿,急性结膜炎,感冒发热,急性扁桃体炎,急性支气管炎,胃炎,肝炎,胆囊炎,尿路感染。 注意禁忌 阳虚外寒、脾胃虚弱者忌用。 菊花银花公英茶 菊花15克,银花(金银花)20克,蒲公英30克,甘草3克,绿豆20克。将诸味共入锅中,水煎去渣取汁即成。每日1剂,连用5~7日为一疗程。 功效:清热解毒,抗感染。主治妇女乳痈初起热毒较甚者。   Dandelion/Pu Gong Ying(8 oz/Bag) Dandelion is a powerhouse of nutrition and antioxidants, including beta-carotene and polyphenols, that detoxifies the body. Dandelion greens are an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K. They also contain vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins and provide a substantial amount of several minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Dandelion root is rich in the carbohydrate inulin, which is a type of soluble fiber found in plants that supports the growth and maintenance of a healthy bacterial flora in the intestinal tract. Dandelion helps to regulate blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. It has protective effects for the liver and supports healthy digestion and elimination. Some research indicates that dandelion may have antimicrobial and antiviral properties, which could support the body’s ability to fight infection. Several test-tube studies found that dandelion extract significantly reduced the ability of viruses to replicate. Parboil dried dandelion in boiling water for 5 -10 minutes before use. Rinse. Simmer in water for 5 minutes and pour over green or other teas or enjoy its mildly bitter flavor plain or sweetened with honey.  Dandelion and dandelion tea may be applied topically to reduce signs of skin aging. One test-tube study showed that dandelion root extract increased the generation of new skin cells, which could slow the aging process. Additional research indicates that dandelion extract may reduce skin inflammation and irritation while also increasing hydration and collagen production. This may be useful in preventing and treating certain types of acne.  From the manufacturer:  It is the whole plant with roots of the Compositae plant dandelion. The taste is bitter, sweet; and it is cold in nature. It enters the Liver and Stomach meridians. Indications:  for clearing away heat and for detoxification, and diuresis. It has been used to cure acute mastitis, lymphadenitis, scrofula, furunculosis, acute conjunctivitis, cold and fever, acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, and urinary tract infection.  Cautions: Avoid or use with caution for people with yang deficiency, common cold and weak spleen and stomach. [chronic diarrhea, nausea, poor appetite, digestive weakness, etc] Diet Therapy Chrysanthemum, Silver Flower, Dandelion Tea   Ingredients:  15 grams of chrysanthemum flower, 20 grams of silver flower (honeysuckle), 30 grams of dandelion, 3 grams of licorice root, and 20 grams of mung beans.  Put all the ingredients into a pot, simmer in water until the beans are soft. Strain the mixture and get the juice.  Dosage: 1 dose a day for 5-7 days as a course of treatment.  Efficacy: clearing away heat and detoxifying, anti-infection. Useful for women with severe febrile toxicity at the beginning of breast carbuncle and abscess.


  • Qian Shi 16oz

    Gordon Enryale Seed/Qian Shi 16oz

    特大 芡实/鸡头米(16oz/包) 卵菱、鸡癕、鸡头实、雁喙实、鸡头米、雁头、蔿子、鸿头、水流黄、水鸡头、肇实、刺莲藕、刀芡实、鸡头果、苏黄、黄实、鸡咀莲、鸡头苞、刺莲蓬实 性味 甘、涩,平。 经脉 归脾经、肾经。 主治 益肾固精,补脾止泻,祛湿止带。用于梦遗滑精,遗尿尿频,脾虚久泻,白浊,带下。 【食疗方】 神仙粥 山药30g,芡实30g,韭菜30g,粳米100g。将韭菜切成细末,芡实煮熟去壳并捣碎,山药捣碎,以上三味与粳米相和,慢火煮粥。每日2次,温热服之。 功效:壮阳补虚,益气强志,丰肌,润肤,明目,聪耳。主治虚损羸瘦,皮肤粗糙,耳目不聪。  Gordon Enryale Seed/Qian Shi(16oz/Bag) Euryale seed, also called fox nuts, is considered sweet, astringent and neutral (neither too heating nor cooling.) It tonifies the spleen and kidney meridians. Its main functions are to stop diarrhea, strengthen the kidney/adrenal energy and control the (jing) our vitality; and to dispel dampness (sluggish digestion, bloating, gas and edema.) It is said to be especially useful for childhood diarrhea.  Euryale seed enters the meridians of the spleen and kidney. Indications include, tonifying the spleen to stop chronic diarrhea, dampness leukorrhea (either a watery or thick vaginal discharge.) It is used for spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, incontinence and frequent urination. Recipes as below- Porridge : Ingredients: 30g of Chinese yam discorea, 30g of Gorgon fox nuts, 30g of sliced leek, and 100g of japonica rice.  Cut the leeks into fine slices. Boil and mash the white yam. The above three flavors are compatible with japonica rice. Cook the porridge slowly. Take it warm twice a day. Efficacy: aphrodisiac tonic, for qi deficiency. It improves strong muscles, skin quality, eyesight, and hearing.


  • Red Ling Zhi (16 oz) Red Ling Zhi (16 oz)

    Lucid Ganoderma/Red Ling Zhi (16 oz)

    纯天然 散装 整枝赤灵芝(16 oz)   免费切片,切块,如需服务请留言。 本品为多孔菌科真菌赤芝的干燥子实体。 性味 甘;平;无毒 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。   Lucid Ganoderma/Red Ling Zhi (16 oz) Size:18-24cm A large study published in 2018 in Molecules reprinted by NIH found reishi (aka lingzhi, Ganoderma luc.) polysaccharides to have significant beneficial effects for tumors, HIV, depression, anxiety, numerous health issues and life expectancy. Red Reishi has been proven to be the most effective in improving one’s overall health by enhancing the immune system, many bodily functions, and vital organs. Black Reishi (Ganoderma sinensis), is fairly common and can be found in most Chinese herbal shops. While it still possesses some value as a moderate herbal tonic, black Reishi is considered to be inferior to red Reishi because of its lower polysaccharide content. From the manufacturer:  This product is the dried fruiting body of the fungus Ganoderma lucidum of the Polyporaceae family. The taste is sweet; It is neutral in effect and non-toxic. It enters the Lung, Heart, Spleen, and  Kidney meridians.  Indications: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and strengthen the spleen and stomach. It has been used to correct chronic weakness mainly due to fatigue, also palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, chronic cough, asthma, coronary heart disease, silicosis, and tumors.


  •  Cassia Cinnamon  Cinnamon

    Gui Pi/ Cassia Cinnamon

    安南高山 大树玉桂皮 肉桂 为樟科植物天竺桂、阴香、细叶香桂或川桂等的树皮。 性味 辛;甘;性温 经脉 脾;胃;肝;肾 功效 暖脾胃,散风寒,通血脉。治腹冷胸满,呕吐噎膈,风湿痹痛,跌损瘀滞,血痢肠风。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺忌服,孕妇慎服。    Gui Pi/Cassia Cinnamon  Some people use it for erectile dysfunction (ED), hernia, bed-wetting, joint pain, menopausal symptoms, menstrual problems, and to cause abortions. Cassia cinnamon is also used for chest pain, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, cramps, and cancer. People apply cassia cinnamon to the skin to repel mosquitoes. ( From the manufacturer:  This is the dried bark and branch bark of Lauraceae cinnamon. The taste is spicy hot. It enters the Kidney, Spleen, and Bladder meridians.  Indications: for replenishing Yuanyang, warming the spleen and stomach, removing cold accumulation, and clearing blood vessels. It has been used to cure “mingmen life-span fire failure,” cold limbs and weak pulse, collapsed yang, abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold hernia, cold pain in the waist and knees, amenorrhea, yin gangrene [slow healing, oozing wound], and floating yang, upper heat and lower cold [feeling as though feverish in the head but with cold lower body and extremities.]  Cautions: Avoid taking with Yin-deficiency [fever, chronic thirst and hunger] Huowang, pregnant women should avoid it. Cautions: Avoid this tea during pregnancy    

    $6.88 - $25.99

  •  Cinnamon Slice

    Rou Gui Si / Cinnamon Slice /Cassia Bark

    大树玉桂 /肉桂丝 This is sliced cinnamon, can be used to make tea or bake. 为樟科植物肉桂的干皮及枝皮。  性味 辛甘,热。 经脉 入肾经、脾经,膀胱经。 主治 补元阳,暖脾胃,除积冷,通血脉。治命门火衰,肢冷脉微,亡阳虚脱,腹痛泄泻,寒疝奔豚,腰膝冷痛,经闭癥瘕,阴疽,流注,及虚阳浮越,上热下寒。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺忌服,孕妇慎服。 【食疗方】 山楂肉桂汤 山楂15g,肉桂6g,红糖25g。山楂与肉桂加水共煎,去渣,加红糖稍煎即得。 用于血寒性月经后延,面色苍白等症。肉桂能温肾壮阳,温通经脉,活血行瘀,祛寒止痛。红糖和中散寒,温经活血,三者对血寒型月经错后效果显著。 Rou Gui / Cinnamon Slice /Cassia Bark (4 oz) Some people use it for erectile dysfunction (ED), hernia, bed-wetting, joint pain, menopausal symptoms, menstrual problems, and to cause abortions. Cassia cinnamon is also used for chest pain, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, cramps, and cancer. People apply cassia cinnamon to the skin to repel mosquitoes. ( From the manufacturer:   This is sliced ​​cinnamon that can be used to make tea or baked. It is the dried bark and branch bark of Lauraceae cinnamon. The taste is spicy hot. It enters the Kidney, Spleen, and Bladder meridians.  Indications: for replenishing Yuanyang, warming the spleen and stomach, removing cold accumulation, and clearing blood vessels. It has been used to cure “mingmen life-span fire failure,” cold limbs and weak pulse, collapsed yang, abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold hernia, cold pain in the waist and knees, amenorrhea, yin gangrene [slow healing, oozing wound], and floating yang, upper heat and lower cold [feeling as though feverish in the head but with cold lower body and extremities.]  Cautions: Avoid taking with Yin-deficiency [fever, chronic thirst and hunger] Huowang, pregnant women should avoid it. Diet Therapy Hawthorn Cinnamon Soup   Ingredients: Hawthorn 15g, cinnamon 6g, brown sugar 25g.  Boil the hawthorn and cinnamon with water for 30 minutes, remove the herbs, add brown sugar and simmer for a while.   It is used for “blood-cold menstrual delay” and pale complexion. [when menstruation is delayed due to chills, exposure to exogenous cold temperatures or chronic weakness with pallor. . . Also useful for cramps with sparse, pale menstrual flow.] Cinnamon can warm the kidney and strengthen yang, warm the meridians, promote blood circulation, reduce blood stasis, dispel cold and relieve pain. Brown sugar, dispells cold in the middle, warming menstruation and promoting blood circulation, the three have significant effects on menstrual problems of “blood-cold type.” Cautions: Avoid this tea during pregnancy 

    $12.50 - $45.99

  • Sea Coconut 3oz

    Lodoicea maldivica/Sea Coconut 3oz

    海椰子/海底椰片 3oz 功效 清燥热、止咳、滋阴补肾、润肺养颜、强壮身体机能。可治热病之后,余热未清,虚烦不安,失眠多梦等症。    Lodoicea Maldivica/Sea Coconut  (3 oz) Sea Coconut is a common soup ingredient during summer; it nourishes the lungs, clears internal heat and relieves coughing. ... Due its various amino acid components, sea coconut has high medicinal values. It has the function of helping people strengthen their immune system and is anti-aging. ( It has been used for cholera, jaundice, colic, heart disease, and as an aphrodisiac. It is cooling and immune-boosting. Effects:  [It has been used in cough remedies] to clear dry heat, relieve cough, nourish yin and nourish kidney, nourish lungs and nourish skin, and strengthen body functions. It can treat symptoms such as residual heat, restlessness, insomnia and weakness after fever.  


  •  Shan Zha 12oz

    Hawthorn Fruit / Shan Zha 12oz

    山楂片(12 oz/包)  性味 酸、甘,微温。 归经 归脾、胃、肝经。 功效 消食健胃,行气散瘀,化浊降脂。 主治 用于肉食积滞,胃脘胀满,泻痢腹痛,瘀血经闭,产后瘀阻,心腹刺痛,胸痹心痛,疝气疼痛,高脂血症。焦山楂消食导滞作用增强。用于肉食积滞,泻痢不爽。 相关配伍 1、治一切食积:山楂四两,白术四两,神曲二两。上为末,蒸饼丸,梧于大,服七十丸,白汤下。(《丹溪心法》) 2、治食肉不消:山楂肉四两,水煮食之,并饮其汁。(《简便单方》) 3、治诸滞腹痛:山楂一味煎汤饮。(《方脉正宗》) 4、治肠风:酸枣并肉核烧灰,米饮调下。(《百一选方》) 5、治老人腰痛及腿痛:棠梂子、鹿茸(炙)等分。为末,蜜丸梧子大,每服百丸,日二服。(《本草纲目》) 6、治寒湿气小腹疼,外肾偏大肿痛:茴香、柿楂子。上等分为细末,每服一钱或二钱,盐、酒调,空心热服。(《百一选方》) 食疗方 1.山楂枸杞饮 山楂、枸杞各15g。二者加沸水冲泡。每日频饮。 适用于病后体虚乏力,食欲不振,消化不良,腰膝酸软,目暗昏花等症。枸杞含有多种不饱和脂肪酸、氨基酸、维生素等成分,具有养阴补血,益精明目之功效,还可保肝、降血压、降血糖,与山楂共用,具有补肝益肾,补血益脑功能。 2.山楂核桃饮 核桃仁150克,山楂50克,白糖200克。核桃仁加水少许,用石磨磨成浆,装入容器中,再加适量凉开水调成稀浆汁。山楂去核,切片,加水500毫升煎煮半小时,滤出头汁,再煮取二汁 ,一、二汁合并,复置火上,加入白糖搅拌,待溶化后,再缓缓倒入核桃仁浆汁,边倒边搅匀,烧至微沸即可。早晚各服1次,温服为宜。 功效:补肺肾,润肠燥,消食积。用于肺虚咳嗽、气喘,腰痛,便干,食积,经少腹痛等。也可作为冠心病、高血压、高脂血症及老年便秘等患者的保健饮料。 3.山楂决明荷叶汤 山楂、决明子各15g,荷叶半张。山楂切片,荷叶切丝,与决明子加水共煎。取汁代茶饮。 适用于冠心病、高血压、高血脂、肥胖症等。决明子能抑制血清胆固醇的升高,抑制主动脉粥样硬化斑块的形成,其水浸液具有降压作用。荷叶有止渴、散瘀血、助脾胃、消水肿等功效,与山楂合用,可祛脂降压,减肥健身,为高血压之头晕目眩等症之药膳良方。   Hawthorn Fruit / Shan Zha (12 oz/bag) Hawthorn is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. Some people use hawthorn for digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. ( It is loaded with antioxidants; may have anti-inflammatory properties, lower blood pressure, decrease blood fats. Used to aid digestion. Helps prevent hair loss. May reduce anxiety. Used to treat heart failure. ( Hawthorn is used to treating both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol. ( Hawthorn antioxidants include oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs) and quercetin. Antioxidants destroy free radicals that occur naturally in the body and increase in number as we age. Free radicals damage cells and their DNA. Antioxidants in hawthorn defeat free radicals particularly those that lead to heart disease. Hawthorn berries are also a good source of triterpenic acid which lowers LDL cholesterol. Hawthorn syrup used as a sweetener alternative along with a heart-healthy diet is a smart addition to the health conscience dieter. ( Caution: Hawthorn is counter-indicated for patients using beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrate-based medication, or medication for male sexual function as it lowers blood pressure. Hawthorn Syrup Recipe Ingredients 1/2 cup Hawthorn berries (dried) 1 1/2 cups water 1 1/2 cups honey 2 oz brandy 1 Tbs cayenne tincture (ginger tincture may be substituted) Pour the hawthorn berries into the cook pot with the water and soak overnight. [Rinse and use fresh water for cooking.] Put the cook pot on the stove and cook on lowest setting, covered, for one hour. Remove cook pot from stove and allow to cool thoroughly. Mash hawthorn berries. Add brandy. Cover pot and return to stove on low and allow hawthorn to steep a minimum of 20 minutes or until water darkens. Place 2 layers of cheesecloth in the strainer. Pour hawthorn through the strainer and keep 1 1/2 cups of infused water/brandy for syrup. Add honey and infused water to make syrup. More honey may be added for a sweeter syrup. Stir cayenne tincture into to cooled product. Pour finished product into bottle and label clearly. Storage and Use Store Hawthorn Syrup in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Children under 12: Take 1 teaspoon of syrup no more than 4 times daily. Adults: Take 1 tablespoon of syrup no more than 4 times daily. Not intended for children under age 2. The taste is sour, sweet, and it is lukewarm in effect. It enters the Spleen, Stomach and Liver meridians.  Effect: It helps with digestion and invigorates the stomach, promotes qi and dissipates blood stasis, reduces turbidity and reduces fat.  Indications: It has been used for stagnant circulation, stomach fullness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, blood stasis amenorrhea, postpartum stasis, heart and abdomen tingling, chest pain, hernia pain, hyperlipidemia. The effect of Jiaoshan Hawthorn on digestion and stagnation is enhanced.  Related Uses  Cures all food accumulation : [stuck digestion]  2 tael hawthorn, 2 tael atractylodes. Used in the steamed cake pill, Wu Yuda, the seventy pill, and the white soup. ("Danxi Heart Method")  Hawthorn meat: 4 taels hawthorn meat is boiled in water, and drink its juice.  3.Stagnant abdominal pain: Hawthorn decoction. ("Fangmai Authentic")  Treatment of bowel wind: Simmer jujube and bonemeal and rice 2-3 hours. Add brown sugar to taste. ("Hundred One Selection Party")  Treat the elderly with low back pain and leg pain: Divide the tang bangzi and deer antler powder into equal parts. After cooking add honey to make pill. Wuzi is big, with one hundred pills per serving, two servings a day. ("Compendium of Materia Medica")  Treat cold and damp lower abdomen pain, for large external kidney swelling and pain: Ingredients: fennel, persimmon and hawthorn. The ingredients are cooked and mashed, one or two cups per serving, adding salt, wine; serve hot. ("One Hundred One Selection Party")


  • Sheng Di 16oz

    Drying Rehmannia Root L/Sheng Di 16oz

    原个大生地 生地黃 L(16 oz/包) 性味 味甘;苦;微寒 功效 为玄参科植物地黄的块根。用于热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 经脉 归心经;肝经;肾经 主治 滋阴清热,凉血补血。主热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g,大剂量可用至30g;赤可熬膏或入丸、散;或浸润后捣绞汁饮。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 脾虚泄泻、胃虚食少、胸膈多痰者慎服。   Drying Rehmannia Root /Sheng Di (16 oz/Bag) Rehmannia is commonly found in herbal combinations used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rehmannia is used for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), "tired blood" (anemia), fever, weakened bones (osteoporosis), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and allergies. ( This is raw, unprocessed rehmannia, sheng di huang, is energetically cold, sweet, and bitter. It works in the heart, kidney, and liver channels. ... It also works in the heart, kidney, and liver channels, and is said to tonify the blood and nourish the yin. . .There are two preparations: raw rehmannia, called Sheng Di Huang, and prepared rehmannia, called Shu Di Huang. Both raw and prepared rehmannia nourish yin and blood; however, the raw sheng di huang is used more to dissipate heat, allowing the body to generate more fluids, while the prepared shu di huang is used more to nourish the body when deficiencies of yin qualities of cool and moist result in too much heat or dryness in the system. The taste is sweet, bitter and it is slightly cold in effect [anti-inflammatory] It is the root tuber of Scrophulariaceae plant Rehmannia glutinosa. It is used for fever polydipsia, internal heat diminishment, bone steaming and labor [inflammatory and rheumatoid arthritis], febrile disease spots [rash], hematemesis, uterine bleeding, hematuria, blood in the stool caused by blood heat, blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, blood loss and amenorrhea.  It enters Guixin [Lu 9 acupuncture pt], Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes yin and clears away heat, cools and nourishes blood.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g, large doses can be up to 30g; Or can boil ointment or pill or powder, or mash and drink after infiltration.      External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.  Cautions: Patients with spleen deficiency and diarrhea, stomach deficiency, poor appetite, and thoracic and diaphragmatic sputum should use caution.  


  • reishi  永合丰 黑 灵芝片(10oz) reishi  永合丰 黑 灵芝片(10oz)

    Sliced Black Ling Zhi / Ganoderma Lucidum 10oz

    黑 灵芝片(10 oz) 黑灵芝是灵芝中的一种,是药食两用真菌,在中国作为广受关注的传统药材和健康食品,使用已经有几千年的历史。 食用方法: 1、黑灵芝酒 用黑灵芝泡酒即成。对养血安神、治神经衰弱、失眠、消化不良、咳嗽、老年慢性支气管炎等病症有很好的作用。 2、黑灵芝茶 将黑灵芝切片,沸水冲泡代茶饮。 能够补中益气,益寿延年。 3、黑灵芝膏 可以直接在药店处购买制好的黑灵芝膏,十分方便,同时具有养心益肺,保肝补脾的功效。 4、黑灵芝胶囊 黑灵芝一般不直接吃,因为它是一味十分苦的草药,一般都是在药店买中成药,如灵芝胶囊。它主要药用于调节神经、睡眠,以及提高免疫力,强心,降压,降脂。但一般主要是针对神经、睡眠功能。 5、黑灵芝炖肉 无论猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉,都可以加入黑灵芝炖,按各自的饮食习惯加入调料喝汤吃肉,有益于肝硬化。 6、黑灵芝银耳羹 黑灵芝与银耳同炖。治咳嗽,心神不安,失眠梦多、怔忡、健忘等症,同时还能滋补肺、胃,活血润燥,强心补脑,克防癌抗癌,降血压血脂,预防冠心病。   Sliced Black Ling Zhi / Ganoderma Lucidum Reishi is called the mushroom of Immortality A large study published in 2018 in Molecules reprinted by NIH found reishi (aka lingzhi, Ganoderma luc.) polysaccharides to have significant beneficial effects for tumors, HIV, depression, anxiety, numerous health issues and life expectancy.   Black Ganoderma is Ganoderma lucidum, a fungus for medicine and food. It has been used as a traditional medicinal material and health food in China for thousands of years.   How to consume it:   Black Lingzhi Wine   Serve black Ganoderma lucidum steeped in wine or brandy. It has a good effect on nourishing blood and calming nerves, curing neurasthenia, insomnia, indigestion, coughing, chronic bronchitis in the elderly and other diseases.   Black Lingzhi Tea   Slice the black Ganoderma lucidum and brew the tea in boiling water. It can nourish the middle [digestion] nourish qi, and prolong life.   Black Lingzhi Capsules GANOHERB Ganoderma Extra Capsules It is mainly used to regulate nerves, sleep, improve immunity, strengthen heart, lower blood pressure, and lower lipids. But generally, it is mainly for nerve and sleep function. Black Lingzhi Stew with Pork Cooked with pork, beef, mutton, or chicken, you can add black Ganoderma lucidum to stew for a nourishing soup; add seasonings to the meat according to their type. It is beneficial for liver cirrhosis.   Black Ganoderma and Tremella Soup   Black Ganoderma and Tremella can be stewed together. It can cure cough, restlessness, insomnia, sleepiness, forgetfulness and other symptoms. At the same time, it can nourish the lungs and stomach, promote blood circulation and moisturize dryness, strengthen the heart and brain, prevent cancer, reduce blood pressure and blood lipids, and prevent coronary heart disease.  


  • reishi  永合丰 天然赤灵芝片(10oz) reishi 永合丰 天然赤灵芝片(10oz)

    Sliced LingZhi /Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) 10oz

    天然赤灵芝片(10oz) 功效 本品为多孔菌科真菌赤芝或紫芝的干燥子实体。 主治虚劳;心悸;失眠;头晕;神疲乏力;久咳气喘;冠心病;矽肺;肿瘤。 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;研末,2~6g;或浸酒。    Sliced LingZhi /Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) (10oz) Reishi mushroom extract (ganoderma lucid) offers immune balancing, anti-cancer and skin beautifying benefits such as reducing skin inflammation, puffiness, wrinkles and free radical damage, while also promoting cell regeneration. A staple in traditional Chinese medicine, reishi, which translates to “spiritual potency,” is known as the herb of immortality. Natural Ganoderma Lucidum (10oz)    This product is the dried fruit body of the Ganoderma lucidum, aka reishi, lingzhi mushroom.  Indications  Ganoderma is used for exhaustion; heart palpitations; insomnia; dizziness; chronic fatigue and recovery from illness; chronic cough and asthma; coronary heart disease; silicosis (lung fibrosis caused by the inhalation of dust containing silica.); and tumors.  It enters the meridians of the  Lung, Heart, Spleen, and Kidney Channels. Indications  Benefit qi and blood, rest assured, strengthen spleen and stomach.  Oral Dosage:  Decoction: Simmer 10-15 grams of sliced ganoderma in water for 2 -8 hours to make a water extract that can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days. Drink 1 -3 cups daily.  Or add 10~15grams ground powder to cook with foods Or add 2~6g soaked 1 -2 weeks in 60 proof or higher alcohol to make an extact



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