Hawthorn Fruit / Shan Zha (12oz)


山楂片(12 oz/包) 














核桃仁150克,山楂50克,白糖200克。核桃仁加水少许,用石磨磨成浆,装入容器中,再加适量凉开水调成稀浆汁。山楂去核,切片,加水500毫升煎煮半小时,滤出头汁,再煮取二汁 ,一、二汁合并,复置火上,加入白糖搅拌,待溶化后,再缓缓倒入核桃仁浆汁,边倒边搅匀,烧至微沸即可。早晚各服1次,温服为宜。





Hawthorn Fruit / Shan Zha (12 oz/bag)

Hawthorn is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. Some people use hawthorn for digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

It is loaded with antioxidants; may have anti-inflammatory properties, lower blood pressure, decrease blood fats. Used to aid digestion. Helps prevent hair loss. May reduce anxiety. Used to treat heart failure.

Hawthorn is used to treating both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol.

Hawthorn antioxidants include oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs) and quercetin. Antioxidants destroy free radicals that occur naturally in the body and increase in number as we age. Free radicals damage cells and their DNA. Antioxidants in hawthorn defeat free radicals particularly those that lead to heart disease. Hawthorn berries are also a good source of triterpenic acid which lowers LDL cholesterol. Hawthorn syrup used as a sweetener alternative along with a heart-healthy diet is a smart addition to the health conscience dieter.

Caution: Hawthorn is counter-indicated for patients using beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrate-based medication, or medication for male sexual function as it lowers blood pressure.

Hawthorn Syrup Recipe


  • 1/2 cup Hawthorn berries (dried)
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cups honey
  • 2 oz brandy
  • 1 Tbs cayenne tincture (ginger tincture may be substituted)
  • Pour the hawthorn berries into the cook pot with the water and soak overnight. [Rinse and use fresh water for cooking.]
  • Put the cook pot on the stove and cook on lowest setting, covered, for one hour.
  • Remove cook pot from stove and allow to cool thoroughly.
  • Mash hawthorn berries.
  • Add brandy.
  • Cover pot and return to stove on low and allow hawthorn to steep a minimum of 20 minutes or until water darkens.
  • Place 2 layers of cheesecloth in the strainer.
  • Pour hawthorn through the strainer and keep 1 1/2 cups of infused water/brandy for syrup.
  • Add honey and infused water to make syrup.
  • More honey may be added for a sweeter syrup.
  • Stir cayenne tincture into to cooled product.
  • Pour finished product into bottle and label clearly.

Storage and Use

Store Hawthorn Syrup in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Children under 12: Take 1 teaspoon of syrup no more than 4 times daily.

Adults: Take 1 tablespoon of syrup no more than 4 times daily.

Not intended for children under age 2.

The taste is sour, sweet, and it is lukewarm in effect. It enters the Spleen, Stomach and Liver meridians. 

Effect: It helps with digestion and invigorates the stomach, promotes qi and dissipates blood stasis, reduces turbidity and reduces fat. 

Indications: It has been used for stagnant circulation, stomach fullness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, blood stasis amenorrhea, postpartum stasis, heart and abdomen tingling, chest pain, hernia pain, hyperlipidemia. The effect of Jiaoshan Hawthorn on digestion and stagnation is enhanced. 

Related Uses 

  1. Cures all food accumulation : [stuck digestion] 

2 tael hawthorn, 2 tael atractylodes. Used in the steamed cake pill, Wu Yuda, the seventy pill, and the white soup. ("Danxi Heart Method") 

  1. Hawthorn meat: 4 taels hawthorn meat is boiled in water, and drink its juice. 

3.Stagnant abdominal pain: Hawthorn decoction. ("Fangmai Authentic") 

  1. Treatment of bowel wind: Simmer jujube and bonemeal and rice 2-3 hours. Add brown sugar to taste. ("Hundred One Selection Party") 
  2. Treat the elderly with low back pain and leg pain: Divide the tang bangzi and deer antler powder into equal parts. After cooking add honey to make pill. Wuzi is big, with one hundred pills per serving, two servings a day. ("Compendium of Materia Medica") 
  3. Treat cold and damp lower abdomen pain, for large external kidney swelling and pain: Ingredients: fennel, persimmon and hawthorn. The ingredients are cooked and mashed, one or two cups per serving, adding salt, wine; serve hot. ("One Hundred One Selection Party")
Product form

山楂片(12 oz/包)  性味 酸、甘,微温。 归经 归脾、胃、肝经。 功效 消食健胃,行气散瘀,化浊降脂。 主治 用于肉食积滞,胃脘胀满,泻痢腹痛,瘀血经闭,产后瘀阻,心腹刺痛,胸痹心痛,疝气疼痛,高脂血症。焦山楂消食导滞作用增强。用于肉食积滞,泻痢不爽。 相关配伍 1、治一切食积:山楂四两,白术四两,神曲二两。上为末,蒸饼丸,梧于大,服七十丸,白汤下。(《丹溪心法》) 2、治食肉不消:山楂肉四两,水煮食之,并饮其汁。(《简便单方》) 3、治诸滞腹痛:山楂一味煎汤饮。(《方脉正宗》) 4、治肠风:酸枣并肉核烧灰,米饮调下。(《百一选方》) 5、治老人腰痛及腿痛:棠梂子、鹿茸(炙)等分。为末,蜜丸梧子大,每服百丸,日二服。(《本草纲目》) 6、治寒湿气小腹疼,外肾偏大肿痛:茴香、柿楂子。上等分为细末,每服一钱或二钱,盐、酒调,空心热服。(《百一选方》) 食疗方 1.山楂枸杞饮 山楂、枸杞各15g。二者加沸水冲泡。每日频饮。... Read more

SKU: 400288ORIGIN: China
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    山楂片(12 oz/包) 














    核桃仁150克,山楂50克,白糖200克。核桃仁加水少许,用石磨磨成浆,装入容器中,再加适量凉开水调成稀浆汁。山楂去核,切片,加水500毫升煎煮半小时,滤出头汁,再煮取二汁 ,一、二汁合并,复置火上,加入白糖搅拌,待溶化后,再缓缓倒入核桃仁浆汁,边倒边搅匀,烧至微沸即可。早晚各服1次,温服为宜。





    Hawthorn Fruit / Shan Zha (12 oz/bag)

    Hawthorn is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. Some people use hawthorn for digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

    It is loaded with antioxidants; may have anti-inflammatory properties, lower blood pressure, decrease blood fats. Used to aid digestion. Helps prevent hair loss. May reduce anxiety. Used to treat heart failure.

    Hawthorn is used to treating both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol.

    Hawthorn antioxidants include oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs) and quercetin. Antioxidants destroy free radicals that occur naturally in the body and increase in number as we age. Free radicals damage cells and their DNA. Antioxidants in hawthorn defeat free radicals particularly those that lead to heart disease. Hawthorn berries are also a good source of triterpenic acid which lowers LDL cholesterol. Hawthorn syrup used as a sweetener alternative along with a heart-healthy diet is a smart addition to the health conscience dieter.

    Caution: Hawthorn is counter-indicated for patients using beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrate-based medication, or medication for male sexual function as it lowers blood pressure.

    Hawthorn Syrup Recipe


    • 1/2 cup Hawthorn berries (dried)
    • 1 1/2 cups water
    • 1 1/2 cups honey
    • 2 oz brandy
    • 1 Tbs cayenne tincture (ginger tincture may be substituted)
    • Pour the hawthorn berries into the cook pot with the water and soak overnight. [Rinse and use fresh water for cooking.]
    • Put the cook pot on the stove and cook on lowest setting, covered, for one hour.
    • Remove cook pot from stove and allow to cool thoroughly.
    • Mash hawthorn berries.
    • Add brandy.
    • Cover pot and return to stove on low and allow hawthorn to steep a minimum of 20 minutes or until water darkens.
    • Place 2 layers of cheesecloth in the strainer.
    • Pour hawthorn through the strainer and keep 1 1/2 cups of infused water/brandy for syrup.
    • Add honey and infused water to make syrup.
    • More honey may be added for a sweeter syrup.
    • Stir cayenne tincture into to cooled product.
    • Pour finished product into bottle and label clearly.

    Storage and Use

    Store Hawthorn Syrup in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Children under 12: Take 1 teaspoon of syrup no more than 4 times daily.

    Adults: Take 1 tablespoon of syrup no more than 4 times daily.

    Not intended for children under age 2.

    The taste is sour, sweet, and it is lukewarm in effect. It enters the Spleen, Stomach and Liver meridians. 

    Effect: It helps with digestion and invigorates the stomach, promotes qi and dissipates blood stasis, reduces turbidity and reduces fat. 

    Indications: It has been used for stagnant circulation, stomach fullness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, blood stasis amenorrhea, postpartum stasis, heart and abdomen tingling, chest pain, hernia pain, hyperlipidemia. The effect of Jiaoshan Hawthorn on digestion and stagnation is enhanced. 

    Related Uses 

    1. Cures all food accumulation : [stuck digestion] 

    2 tael hawthorn, 2 tael atractylodes. Used in the steamed cake pill, Wu Yuda, the seventy pill, and the white soup. ("Danxi Heart Method") 

    1. Hawthorn meat: 4 taels hawthorn meat is boiled in water, and drink its juice. 

    3.Stagnant abdominal pain: Hawthorn decoction. ("Fangmai Authentic") 

    1. Treatment of bowel wind: Simmer jujube and bonemeal and rice 2-3 hours. Add brown sugar to taste. ("Hundred One Selection Party") 
    2. Treat the elderly with low back pain and leg pain: Divide the tang bangzi and deer antler powder into equal parts. After cooking add honey to make pill. Wuzi is big, with one hundred pills per serving, two servings a day. ("Compendium of Materia Medica") 
    3. Treat cold and damp lower abdomen pain, for large external kidney swelling and pain: Ingredients: fennel, persimmon and hawthorn. The ingredients are cooked and mashed, one or two cups per serving, adding salt, wine; serve hot. ("One Hundred One Selection Party")

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