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211 products

  • 999 JinLianHua KouFuYe 999 JinLianHua KouFuYe

    999 JinLianHua KouFuYe

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    999金莲花口服液(10ml X 10支) 产品说明:【成份】金莲花。辅料为纯化水、蔗糖、苯甲酸钠、轻苯乙酪。【性状】本品为棕红色澄清液体;味苦、微甜。【功能主治1清热解毒。用于上呼吸道感染,咽炎,扁桃体炎。【规格】每支10毫升【用法用且】口服,一次j支,一日3次,用时摇匀。【不良反应】尚不明确 【禁忌】尚不明确【注意事项】1. 食烟酒、辛辣、油腻食物。2. 如疑咽部有肿物所致疼痛应去医院就诊。3.按照用法用量服用,糖尿病患者、儿童、孕妇、喃乳期妇女、 老人应在医师指导下服用。4.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。5.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。6.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。7.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。8.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用, 详情请咨询医师或药师。【贮藏】密封。【包装】钠钙玻璃管制口服液体瓶。每盒装10支。【有效期】30个月。

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  • KGS An Shen Bu Xin(300 pill) KGS An Shen Bu Xin(300 pill)

    KGS An Shen Bu Xin(300 pill)

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    中华验方 安神補心丸(300片) 本品爲滋養心血,安神鎮静的中藥制品。適用于作爲調理心悸、耳鳴、頭昏和難以入睡人士的鎮静心神保健品。The ingredients in this product are of the highest quality and purity. If you are looking for a product which will completely soothe you during or after a busy day, Soothwell is the dietary supplemtnt for you.*服法用量:每次15粒,每日3次,以温開水送服。 Directions: As a dietary supplement take 15 pills 3 times a day with warm water.

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  • JHT Tribulus & Chrysanthemum Combo(120 Pills) JHT Tribulus & Chrysanthemum Combo(120 Pills)

    JHT Tribulus & Chrysanthemum Combo(120 Pills)

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    真和堂 內障眼明丸(120粒) Do not use if the bottle seal is broken or missing.散風明目,消障退翳。*A dietary supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy vision system.* 服法和用量:每日3次,每次8粒, 以溫開水送服。孕婦忌服。Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 8 pills 3 times a day with warm water. Do not use if you are pregnant.

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  • CNI Tongkat Ali Ginseng Coffee (20packs) CNI Tongkat Ali Ginseng Coffee (20packs)

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  • Chinese Brand Duck Liver Sausage 10oz(284g)

    Chinese Brand Duck Liver Sausage 10oz(284g)

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    喜上喜 一級鴨肝腸 10oz(284g) Cooking Instructions:Steam Product over Boiling Water For About 15 Minutes or Until Internal Temperature Reaches 166°F or AboveIngredients:Pork, Duck Liver, Turkey Liver, Sugar, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Wheat, Salt, Sodium Benzoate) Double Black Soy Sauce (Water Molasses, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Salt, Wheat Flour), Salt, Color Caramel)), Fen Chiew (Spirits Distilled from Sorghum, Pea, Rice, Wheat), Vinegar, Cooking Caramel Sauce (Caramel Color, Water, Salt, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Salt, Wheat Flour)), Salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Ginger Celery Powder, Sea Salt, Spices, Dried Cinnamon Powder. Encased in Collagen Casing.ONTAINS: SOY, WHEAT, SULFITES

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  • Bodega Montecillo Gran Reserva 2011

    Bodega Montecillo Gran Reserva 2011

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    Winemaker Notes Ruby red with a noticeable rim. Excellent brightness and clarity. On its first contact with oxygen, it appears clean but reticent. Then, sweet notes of oak appear, cinnamon, clove and candied fruits. Infinite nuances that change with the passage of time. On the palate, it is subtle and pleasant, with great finesse upon entry and through the mid-palate. The tannins are extremely well polished and it has a serene acidity that maintains a long finish. Pair with white meat, oven-baked fish, cured meat and dark chocolate desserts. Blend: 92% Tempranillo, 8% Graciano

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  • Qinggan Lidan Koufuye Herbal Supplement 120ml Qinggan Lidan Koufuye Herbal Supplement 120ml

    Qinggan Lidan Koufuye Herbal Supplement 120ml

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    Qinggan Lidan Koufuye Herbal Supplement 120ml 香雪 清肝利胆口服液 120ml(10ml x12瓶) 適用:清利肝膽濕熱。用于濕熱蘊結肝膽所致的納呆、疲倦、乏力、尿黃、苔膩、脈弦 成份:茵陳、山銀花、梔子、厚樸、防己 性狀:本品為棕紅色澄明液體;味苦甜 用法用量:口服,每支裝10毫升,一次20-30毫升,一日2次,連續10天為一療程 注意事項:忌烟酒及辛辣油膩飲食 儲存:避光、密封,置於陰涼處  

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