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  • Big Red Robe Oolong (8oz)

    Big Red Robe Oolong (8oz)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 武夷山市  Fujian, China 品名Name: 大红袍 Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) 等级Level: 二级 Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结壮实,乌润有光泽Neat and tight, glossy fat strips in dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 汤色橙黄,岩韵醇厚,回味甘爽,香气悠长Orange red, Toasty and nutty with mild creamy notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。 The name Big Red Robe originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by a tea. As a result, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities. This tea is not to be missed when available. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ / 100℃  212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 4 g Tea 8 g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  8 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • PPX Flowever Jasmine Tea XueLong 200g(100g*2) PPX Flowever Jasmine Tea XueLong 200g(100g*2)

    PPX Flowever Jasmine Tea XueLong 200g(100g*2)

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    品品香 香朵朵 茉莉雪龙 100克*2 花好月圆 简装/礼盒装 厂名:福建品品香茶业有限公司 厂址:福建省福鼎市桐城资国寺村山下 配料表:绿茶, 茉莉鲜花 储藏方法:常温,避光,干燥,密封存放  保质期:18个月 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香,茉莉雪龙 系列:特种烘青魔力花茶 包装方式: 罐装 包装种类: 简装/礼盒装 茶种类: 茉莉花茶 级别: 特级 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省   PPX Flowever Jasmine Tea XueLong  Jasmine tea is one of the top ten famous teas in China. Green tea is picked in spring along with blooming jasmine flowers. After a number of careful baking and drying stages. The tea is cured with jasmine flowers so that the smooth, fresh, citrus crisp flavor of jasmine permeates the tea. It has the aroma of spring flowers and the freshness of tea leaves. It is a sweet and popular tea. Stored in a cool, dry place. The shelf life is 18 months.

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  • 【永合丰】即溶柠檬姜茶 Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea with honey Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea (25sachets )

    Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea (25sachets )

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    永合豐 速溶 柠檬蜂蜜姜茶 25包 Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea (18g*25sachets ) Wing Hop Fung brand Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea is made from select special grade ginger blended with a touch of honey. Ginger is known to increase the body's energy level and is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Ingredient: Special grade ginger, cane sugar, pure honey, Lemon Flavor. (Contains: 25 sachets x 18g) In the hot summer, people tend to love cold drinks. However, eating cold foods and staying in cold air for too long can easily damage the spleen and stomach yang, manifested by stiffness, nerve pain, chills, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and phlegm.  Drinking a little ginger tea at this time can dispel cold and heat, improve appetite and relieve diarrhea. Wing Hop Fung Lemon Ginger Tea is a pure natural beverage refined from Chinese Grade A ginger, honey, etc. The taste is sweet, sour, and slightly spicy, suitable for men, women, and children in all seasons. 夏季炎热,人们往往贪凉饮冷。而过食寒凉、吹空调过冷过久,都容易损伤脾胃阳气,表现为恶风怕冷、疲乏无力、腹疼腹泻、食欲不振、口中黏腻等。这时喝一点姜茶,可起到散寒祛暑、开胃止泻的作用。 永合豐檸檬薑茶是採用中國甲級老薑、蜂蜜、等精煉而成的純天然飲品。口感酸甜微辣,男女老少四季皆宜。  

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