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  • 15% OFF
    Phoenix Dan Cong (3g*30Tea Bag) Phoenix Dan Cong (3g*30Tea Bag)

    Phoenix Dan Cong (3g*30Tea Bag)

    鳳凰單樅茶(3g*30包) 凤凰单丛茶的采摘初制工艺,是手工或手工与机械生产相结合。制作过程是晒青、晾青、做青、杀青、揉捻、烘焙6道工序。成品茶外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘,具独特的山韵。凤凰单丛茶形美、色翠、香郁、味甘. Phoenix Dancong Tea (3g*30 packs) The primary process of picking Phoenix Dancong tea is manual or a combination of manual and mechanical production. The finished tea has a strong, even and straight appearance, yellowish-brown color, oily and shiny, and has red spots of cinnabar; the brewing fragrance is long-lasting, the taste is strong and fresh, the throat is moistened and sweet, and it has a unique mountain rhythm. Phoenix Dancong tea is beautiful in shape, green in color, fragrant and sweet.


  • Only 2 left!
    Longjing Tea Gift Box Longjing Tea Gift Box

    Longjing Tea Gift Box

    小獅芯 明前龍井 貢茶禮盒(12小罐) 貢茶禮盒甄選自核心產區龍井村獅峰山,明前精選開園頭采之好茶,西湖龍井山炒製中心手工炒製,貢茶禮盒提供產地證書。 選用天然實木材質,采用鎏金圖文和鋼琴烤漆工藝;盒内標配12金色小罐,小罐采用鋁合金材質,鋁箔紙拉絲開口,金屬質感,嚴實合縫,精緻小巧,金殿奢華。 獅峰山茶區是西湖龍井中品質最佳的“極品”,其品質特徵湯色綠中透黃,呈嫩黃綠色;滋味鮮醇香濃、栗香明顯,茶葉芽頭肥壯,秀氣精緻、呈寶光色,茶湯鮮醇爽口,清香持久。 茶是農產,數量有限,售完即止,敬請諒解! Longjing Tea Gift Box The gift box is natural solid wood with gilt graphics and finished with ebony black lacquer. The box contains 12 small metal tins of heavenly Longjing green tea. The tea is selected from Shi Feng Mountain, Longjing Village, the core production area for this tea. The tea is first to flush, picked before April 4th at the beginning of the Longjing season.  Longjing tea is a high-quality product that has been praised even before the Ming Dynasty. The tea buds are plump and delicate with a bright color, the tea soup is light and refreshing, and the fragrance is lasting.  Wing Hop Fung has a limited quantity while stocks last.


  • 20% OFF
    PPX SHOU MEI WHITE TEA Brick 324g(27g*12) PPX SHOU MEI WHITE TEA Brick 324g(27g*12)

    PPX SHOU MEI WHITE TEA Brick 324g(27g*12)

    品品香 花好月圆 迷你寿眉茶砖 324克(27g*12) 2018年 配料表:福鼎白茶寿眉 储藏方法:常温,阴凉,干燥,密封存放 保质期:15年 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列:家家乐 规格: 品品香 紧压寿眉 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 盒装 茶种类: 寿眉 级别: 一级 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 PPX SHOU MEI WHITE TEA Brick  This white tea is like drinking a refreshing sweet plum juice. The stronger you brew the tea, the better the flavor becomes. It never gets bitter or astringent. The tea liquor is nearly clear. The flavor is fresh with a prominent sweetness, honey aroma coupled with jujube flavor, smooth and soft, producing saliva and leading to a sweet aftertaste. White Tea Health Benefits:  Rich in Antioxidants.  May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease.  Improves Weight Loss.  Help Protect Teeth from Bacteria.  Contains Compounds That May Fight Cancer.  May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance.  Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis.  May Help Combat Skin Aging


  • 20% OFF
    bag) bag)

    2023 Shifeng Longjing Green Tea (250g/bag)

    3 reviews

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶             WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 杭州 狮峰山產區     Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 狮峰山 西湖龍井 群體種    Shi Feng Longjing 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月 18months 分類Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等級Level: 特一級 Supreme 采摘Season: 清明前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶 扁平光潔,匀长挺直, 嫩綠帶黄 茶湯 香氣濃郁,豆香、栗香悠長,鮮甜甘爽 Body: Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves Liquor: Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 儲存方法 陰凉、乾燥、儲存在4~10℃ 的冰箱 Storage: Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place; refrigerator at 4~10℃   群體種是龍井茶最早的品種,也叫’老茶樹“、”土茶“。龍井群體種所生產的特級龍井,其茶香口感甘醇濃厚,回甘更强,在冲泡之後,龍井的香氣馥郁持久,這類型的茶葉,更適合老茶客的口感。 西湖龍井茶的五大核心產區:“西湖龍井茶” 產區範圍廣闊、轄區縱深,不僅包括以西湖風景區以内的獅、龍、雲、虎、梅為代表的五大核心一級產區,也包括龍塢、留下、轉塘、周浦等二級產區。 “獅”字號產區的---西湖龍井茶產於杭州獅峰山及周邊地帶;“獅”字號是西湖龍井中品質最佳的“極品”,其品質特徵湯色綠中透黃,呈嫩黃綠色,俗稱“糙米色”;滋味鮮醇香濃、栗香明顯、香氣高銳持久,製茶時不講究外形,成爲它的顯著特點。 龍井是我國的傳統名茶,屬於綠茶類上好的茶。龍井又分明前龍井和雨前龍井,喜歡喝龍井的茶友們都知道,對於龍井茶有 “雨前是上品,明前是珍品” 的説法。 明前龍井—是指在清明前采摘製作的龍井茶葉,這時的季節光照充足,降雨量充沛,對於茶樹的生長十分適合,這時采摘的是茶葉最新的嫩芽,隨後再長出的品質和味道就不如第一次的茶葉,故明前茶的價格相對於其他時候采摘來的更貴。 明前采製的龍井茶葉青綠透亮、葉片匀整有光澤,茶葉中香味清甜,將茶葉進行冲泡,芽葉舒展鮮綠漂亮,味道清甜可口、入口柔和清香,給予人一種自然清新之感。 冲泡方法:水燒開後,開蓋晾一會兒,以降低水溫至80℃,先用開水將茶器冲洗一遍隨後倒掉,后向杯中注水至1/3,隨後投入約3克茶葉,輕度晃動,然後沿著杯壁再度加水至七分滿,等候兩分鐘上下,即可品嘗。龍井茶前兩泡用80℃水冲泡,口感更好,不要用沸水冲泡。 建議:為保證口感,請儘快飲用. Suggestion: To ensure the taste, please drink as soon as possible. Longjing Green Tea originates from the mountains surrounding West Lake in the Zhejiang province of China. Today, Longjing Green Tea remains a specialty of this region even though it is now also grown in other parts of China. The leaves are hand-fired in a large wok immediately after picking and have an appearance of smooth flat green leaves with pointed ends, resembling a sparrow's tongue. The name was given according to the legend of a dragon that lived in a well near West Lake Village. It is said that it saved the village from a long drought by bringing rain. 


  • Organic Longjing  Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX  (10g*20 packs) Organic Longjing  Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX  (10g*20 packs)

    Organic Longjing Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX (10g*20 packs)

    1 review

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 中国 浙江 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 有机龙井 绯红礼盒   Organic Longjing  保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 扁平光洁,匀长挺直, 绿中带黄,糙米色Flattened tea leaves, with one bud andone or two leaves 茶汤Liquor: 香气浓郁,豆香、栗香,鲜甜甘爽,回味悠久Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 春茶中的特级西湖龙井、浙江龙井外形扁平光滑,苗锋尖削,芽长于叶,色泽嫩绿,体表无茸毛;汤色嫩绿(黄)明亮;清香或嫩栗香,但有部分茶带高火香;滋味清爽或浓醇;叶底嫩绿,尚完整。其余各级龙井茶随着级别的下降,外形色泽由嫩绿→青绿→墨绿,茶身由小到大,茶条由光滑至粗糙;香味由嫩爽转向浓粗,四级茶开始有粗味;叶底由嫩芽转向对夹叶,色泽由嫩黄→青绿→黄褐。 Organic Longjing  Green Tea Crimson GIFT BOX  (10g*20 packs) Longjing translates as “Dragon’s Well” in Chinese. This green tea originates from the mountains surrounding West Lake in the Zhejiang province of China. The leaves are hand-fired in a large wok immediately after picking and have an appearance of smooth flat green leaves with pointed ends, resembling a sparrow's tongue. According to legend, the tea was named because a dragon that lived in a well near West Lake Village saved the village by bringing rain after a long drought. This special grade West Lake Longjing is picked in spring. Zhejiang Longjing tea leaves are flat and smooth in shape, the seedlings are sharpened, the buds are longer than the leaves. The tea color is clear not turbid. The brewed tea is very fragrant, mild tasting and bright yellow green. Taste is refreshing or strong, sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones.  As the grades of Longjing tea decline to lesser grades, the color changes from light green to dark green, the tea leaf changes from small to large, and the tea quality changes from smooth to rough “the fragrance changes from tender to thick.” The fourth grade tea begins to have a rough taste. The bottom of the leaf turns from tender buds to the opposite leaf, and the color changes from light yellow→green-green→yellowish brown. Store the tea in the airtight, opaque packaging in a cool, dry place. The shelf life is 18 months. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 5g Tea Brewing time:  5 - 8 mins 5 steeps:  45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s    


  • Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set

    Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set

    1 review

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 江苏苏州 洞庭山  Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 品名Name: 洞庭春晓 碧螺春礼盒 Bi Lo Chun Green Tea Gift Set 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 烘青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 银绿卷曲,白毫显露Curly buds and tiny leaves covered in abundant white fuzz,spiral-shaped like a snail’s shell, tender and thin 茶汤Liquor: 馥郁香醇,花果香清雅悠长,汤色碧绿Sweet, fruity, floral aroma,Light yellowish-green with floating fuzz 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Bi Lo Chun, originates from the west side of the Dong Ting Mountains in the Jiang Su province of China. The area provides an ideal environment of mist and clouds all year round for the growing tea trees and is harvested only once a year in early spring. The name comes from a 17th century Emperor of China who noted that the spiral-shaped leaves looked like tiny snail shells.Based upon its look, ""Green Spring Snail Tea"" was giving this name by a Chinese emperor in the seventeenth century. Bi Lou Chun tea is mainly produced in Dong Ting East and West hills near the beautiful Taihu Lake. 碧螺春为洞庭山产,太湖水面,水气升腾,雾气悠悠,空气湿润,土壤呈微酸性或酸性,质地疏松,极宜于茶树生长,由于茶树与果树间种,所以碧螺春茶叶具有特殊的花朵香味。  Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  176℉ / 80℃ 176℉ / 80℃ Tea Quantity: 3g Tea 4g Tea Brewing time:  2-3 mins 5 steeps:  15s, 25s, 35s, 50s, 70s


  • 15% OFF
    Lapsang Souchong Black Tea(3g*30Tea Bag) Lapsang Souchong Black Tea(3g*30Tea Bag)

    Lapsang Souchong Black Tea(3g*30Tea Bag)

    正山小種茶茶包(3g*30包) 正山小种红茶,又称立山小种(Lapsang Souchong)是中国生产的一种红茶,被称为红茶鼻祖。茶叶经松木熏制而成,有着非常浓烈的松烟香。正山小种产地在福建省武夷山市桐木关。茶叶呈黑色,条形紧索,但茶汤为深红色,有特有的桂圆汤味。正山小种红茶非常适合于咖喱和肉的菜肴搭配。后来在正山小种的基础上发展了功夫红茶。 Lapsang Souchong Black Tea Lapsang Souchong is a black tea produced in China and is known as the originator of black tea. The tea is smoked from pine wood and has a very strong pine smoke aroma. Zhengshan Souchong is produced in Tongmuguan, Wuyishan City, Fujian Province. The tea leaves are black with tight strips, but the tea soup is dark red with a unique longan soup flavor. Lapsang Souchong black tea is very suitable for curry and meat dishes. Later, on the basis of Zhengshan Souchong, Kung Fu black tea was developed.


  • 15% OFF
    Big Red Robe Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag) Big Red Robe Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag)

    Big Red Robe Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag)

    大红袍乌龙茶茶包(3g*30包) 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。   Big Red Robe Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag) Da Hong Pao Big Red Robe is a traditional, superfine grade Wuyi Rock Oolong from Fujian Province. The dark leaves produce an amber liquor that has a smooth, roasted, and stony flavor with long-lasting sweet notes of exotic flowers. Perfectly balanced Wuyi Mountain oolong is crafted to be an outstanding tea famous for its deep minerality, cooling aftertaste, and notes of caramel, nutmeg, lilac, juicy pear, and mild nutty cream. Dry Da Hong Pao tea leaves look like tightly knotted ropes or slightly twisted strips and are green and brown in color. After brewing, the tea is orange-yellow, bright, and clear.  Big Red Robe Oolong tea is rich in antioxidants, which are said to be a vasodilator that may help the blood to flow more easily through arteries so that it can help to protect against heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Da Hong Pao contains caffeine, theophylline, tea polyphenols and flavonoids. A number of health benefits enhance the popularity of this rare tea. Drinking Da Hong Pao improves energy and helps blood circulation. It also treats edema (water retention) and decreases the bad effects of drinking and smoking. Drinking Da Hong Pao Big Red Robe tea regularly improves the complexion and helps to reduce cough and congestion.  There are famous stories about the origin of Da Hong Pao’s name. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar who was very sick on his way to Beijing for an exam. A monk of Tianxin Temple found him and brewed a bowl of tea picked from Wuyi Mountain for the scholar. After drinking the tea, the scholar felt much better and more energetic. A few days later, he won first place in the exam. So he came back to the temple to thank the monk who had saved him. Later, he also used this tea to cure the emperor's illness. The emperor rewarded the scholar with a red robe and asked the scholar to put the red robe on the tea tree. The red robe was considered a high honor. The emperor ordered all officials passing through that place to put their red robes on those tea trees to show the emperor’s gratitude. Those tea trees are still present today and the tea is available only in limited quantities. It is a tea not to be missed!


  • De-Tox Guava Tea (94 teabags)

    De-Tox Guava Tea (94 teabags)

    1 review

    敌糖 番石榴茶 敵糖番石榴茶 (90+4包) 敵糖茶是由蕃石榴果實及嫩葉,配合特種茶葉製成。不含中藥及任何化學成份。敵糖茶保存蕃石榴含有的纖維素、維生素、礦物質和果糖。 番石榴叶能软化血管、降血脂和血糖,降低胆固醇;同时具有耐缺氧,迅速解除疲劳的功效;同时有助于延缓生物体的过氧化进程,可预防癌症、心脏病等慢性疾病。在番石榴叶中,发现含有多种重要的芳香类二级代谢产物如多酚化合物。实验研究表明,正是这些酚类化合物赋予番石榴叶多种功效。   De-Tox Guava Tea (94 teabags) For centuries, wild guava has been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine. De-Tox Guava Tea is made from the wild guava fruits and leaves found in the tropical areas, with the top grade tea grown in Taiwan. They are selected and processed to ensure quality and efficacy. A rich source of fructose and fiber. De-Tox Guava Tea provides essential elements for a healthier body.(contains : 2.5g X 90 teabags) Drinking guava leaves tea in the morning with an empty stomach is gives lots of health benefits like promoting weight loss, blood sugar levels control, improve the digestive system, kills bad bacteria in the body, detoxify our body and more. . . . Guava leaves tea gives benefits like belly fat reduction, control diabetes, wounds heal, hair health, digestive system health, and boost our immunity levels. Consumption of fiber leads to suppressing appetite. ( Drinking a tea made by infusing guava leaves in boiling water may be helpful in treating diarrhea, cold, and flu, lowering cholesterol, preventing diabetes, and it even exhibits anti-cancer properties. ( statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. Keep out of children. If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, consult a doctor before using this product.  


  • Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz

    Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz

    纯天然 即溶 柠檬姜茶  姜具有温热散寒的功效,早上吃生姜延年益寿,对于女性来说,姜还具有活血通便、暖宫的效果。如果每天喝一杯姜茶,坚持一个月,身体会的发生一些意想不到的变化。 永合豐檸檬薑茶是採用中國甲級老薑、蜂蜜等精煉而成的純天然飲品。口感酸甜微辣,男女老少四季皆宜。   Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz Wing Hop Fung brand Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea is made from select special grade ginger blended with a touch of honey. Ginger is known to increase the body's energy level and is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Ingredients: Special grade ginger, cane sugar, pure honey, Lemon Flavor. (Contains: 25 sachets x 18g) Ginger is warming and dispels chills and chronic internal cold. Eating ginger in the morning prolongs longevity. For women, ginger also helps to promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation. [In TCM, it is believed that a cold, raw diet can lead to a “cold uterus” which is a form of infertility due to blood and energy deficiency. This tea is said to  “warm the palace.”] If you drink ginger tea every day for a month, your body will have health benefits. Wing Hop Fung Lemon Ginger Tea is a pure natural beverage refined from Chinese Grade A ginger and honey. The taste is sweet, sour, and slightly spicy. It's suitable for all ages, men, and women.


  • 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂

    Colego Tuocha Tea (90 teabags with additional 4 complimentary teabags included)

    4 reviews

    好蓮沱茶 茶包 (94包/盒) Colego Tuocha is a natural herbal beverage that helps reduce high cholesterol levels. Colego Toucha Tea is made of Toucha leaves grown in the misty and rocky Yun Nan Province in mainland China. It is refined through a unique fermentation process by a traditional Chinese baking process with strict quality control. (2.5g X 90 teabags) Product Usage 1. Hot brew: put 1-2 tea bags in the ceremic cup about 300ml of 100 degrees boiling water2. Steep: steep the tea bags in water for about 5-7 minutes3. Stir: Open the cup lid with chopsticks and gently stir to release the ingredients nutrition4. Drink: drink with meal (during or after meal) it is suggest to drink it regularly and long-term Product Warnings This product is suitable for people concerning blood pressure, blood sugar, cholestrol. Storage Condition Store in a cool, dry, odorless place Target Group Adult Benefit This product may suitable for concern with cholesterol, blood lipids, blood pressure, burn fat, which are the best natural materials for “three high”. A high quality of Pu’er tea is known as cardiovascular helper. In these years, more and more scientists proved the nutrition value and health effects of teas, for instance, cardiovascular disease, anti-aging, digestion etc. It is because Pu’er includes theanine, acidic amino acid, flavonoid etc. Theanine can suppressing high blood pressure, tea polyphenols included antioxidants, an effective antioxidant that supports heart health and reduces cancer risk. 香港好莲沱茶富含茶多酚、茶黄素、儿茶素类、黄铜酵类、花白素和花青素类、芬酸等多种活性物质,其中以茶多酚含量最高,占多酚类总量的80%,活性极强,可使细胞活性增强,全面调理血管,增加血管弹性,稀释血液,从而使血压、血脂调节为正常状态。达到延年益寿、清洗血管、对抗三高、去脂减肥、秀身健美、延缓衰老的妙效。 【产品介绍】:好莲沱茶 三高克星健康源泉 【配料】:优质普洱茶,不含中药或任何化学成分,保留茶叶中天然成分 【规格】:90茶包×2.5克 【用法用量】:一日三餐,一餐一小袋,边吃饭边喝 【贮藏方法】:存放在阴凉避光无异味处 【注意事项】:100%天然本草复方茶,坚持餐餐饮用不中断,能调和营养,长期饮用必得妙效!袋泡茶,不带线、不带钉,绿色环保。每盒90小袋,一日三餐不中断,一个月分量。 【适 应 症】: 三高(高血压,高胆固醇,高血脂)人群


  • Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets) Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets)

    Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets)

    6 reviews

    永合豐 纯天然 即溶蜂蜜薑茶 (25 包裝) 夏季炎热,人们往往贪凉饮冷。而过食寒凉、吹空调过冷过久,都容易损伤脾胃阳气,表现为恶风怕冷、疲乏无力、腹疼腹泻、食欲不振、口中黏腻等。这时喝一点姜茶,可起到散寒祛暑、开胃止泻的作用。 永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶是由精選特級生薑和蜂蜜混合而成。生薑可以增加身體的能量水平,並且具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。 成分:特級老姜,蔗糖,天然蜂蜜。 (包含:25包x 18g) 1.姜茶含多种活性成分,具有解毒、消炎、去湿活血、暖胃、止呕、消除体内垃圾等作用。 2.科学证实,生姜还有抑制癌及预防心血管疾病的作用。 从姜中提取的精华素,还可以被用来治疗偏头痛、行动障碍和关节炎。 3.姜茶:含有一种含油树脂,具有明显的降血脂和降胆固醇的作用。 4.驱寒:我国民间早就有喝姜茶的习惯 , 姜茶可能喝一次即驱走轻微的感冒,症状较重者一连三天每日喝一次,就不再流鼻水、咳嗽、发烧、喉咙痛、头痛;容易患感冒者也可以每三天喝一次以起预防之效。 5.人到老年,面部常布满“老年斑”,现代医学研究表明,这种“体锈”是由于体内氧自由基过度活跃所致。药理研究发现,生姜内含淀粉、挥发油及人体所需的多种氨基酸,尤其是辣味成分的姜辣素有很强的对付氧自由基的本领。 6.如果你频频便秘,动不动疲倦不堪,喝姜茶可以通便,而且精力充沛。 7.姜茶可以缓解晕车船、恶心的症状。建议乘车船之前喝一杯姜茶。 Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets) Hot summers everyone loves cold drinks. But having too much cold, raw food and air conditioning can damage vitality, especially “the spleen and stomach yang.” which may lead to chills, stiffness, fatigue, abdominal pains, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and poor digestion. Drinking a little ginger tea can prevent weakness and inflammation. It enhances appetite, improves digestion and regulates elimination. Wing Hop Fung brand instant natural ginger tea is made from premium ginger and honey. Ginger increases energy and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ingredients: Premium ginger, cane sugar, natural honey. (Contains: 25 packets x 18g) Ginger tea contains a variety of active ingredients that are useful for detoxification. It is anti-inflammatory and activates circulation. It warms the stomach, prevents vomiting, and eliminates toxins due to poor digestion.  It has been scientifically confirmed that ginger also may inhibit cancer and help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Ginger extracts have also been used to treat migraine headaches, movement disorders and arthritis.   Ginger tea can lower fat and cholesterol.   Ginger tea may be used to prevent a cold. People with severe symptoms can drink the tea once a day for three consecutive days, and they will no longer have a runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, and headache. People who are prone to catching colds can drink it every three days for prevention. With maturity, the face and arms often have "age spots." Modern medical research indicates that it is caused by excessive activation of oxygen free radicals in the body. Pharmacological studies have found that ginger contains starch, volatile oil and various amino acids and especially ginger’s spicy gingerol which effectively deals with oxygen free radicals.   For frequent constipation and fatigue, drinking ginger tea can be laxative and energizing.   Ginger tea has been shown to relieve symptoms of motion sickness and nausea. It is recommended to drink a cup of ginger tea before traveling by car or boat.



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