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Father's Day - Holiday

224 products

  • 20% OFF
    WHF 2020 Snow Mountain Pu-Erh Tea Raw (357g) WHF 2020 Snow Mountain Pu-Erh Tea Raw (357g)

    WHF 2020 Snow Mountain Pu-Erh Tea Raw (357g)

    永合丰2020年大雪山老树 生茶 普洱茶饼 (357g) 勐库大雪山老树普洱生茶,甄选云南双江勐库大雪山正乔木老茶树, 阳春细嫩芽叶,古法手工精制而成,茶饼外观油润墨绿,叶质肥厚宽大,茶汤香气浓郁,汤质刚强,茶性劲足霸道而张扬,茶中珍品,匠心传承,古法工艺值得收藏。 产地:云南省临沧市 配料:云南大叶种晒青茶 储存条件:在清洁,通风,避光,干燥,无异味的条件下存放 保质期:在符合本标准所规定的储存条件下,本品适宜长期保存 生产厂家:云南 双江自治县 勐库镇 德诚茗馨茶厂 2020 Snowy Mountain Raw Pu-Erh Tea Cake (357g) Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'erh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers. Place of Origin: Lincang City, Yunnan Province Storage Conditions: Store in clean, ventilated, dark, odorless conditions , under the specified storage conditions this product is suitable for long-term storage.


  • SALE
    WHF Ancient Tree Black Tea(6g * 12 bags) WHF Ancient Tree Black Tea(6g * 12 bags)

    WHF Ancient Tree Black Tea(6g * 12 bags)

    Ancient Tree Black Tea is a unique type of tea often derived from naturally growing ancient tea trees. These trees typically thrive in mountainous, forested, or uncultivated areas and have not been subjected to artificial cultivation or pesticide treatment. Due to their distinct growing environment, Ancient Tree Black Tea often possesses different flavor characteristics compared to traditional black tea. During harvesting, only the youngest tea buds and leaves are typically selected, and the processing methods may be simpler to preserve the tea's natural qualities. The uniqueness of Ancient Tree Black Tea lies in its flavor profile and nutritional value. Because ancient tea trees grow in natural environments, the tea may exhibit more pronounced floral or fruity notes while retaining some of the ancient tea tree's natural essence. Additionally, Ancient Tree Black Tea may contain higher levels of natural nutrients such as antioxidants and vitamins, contributing to overall health maintenance. However, Ancient Tree Black Tea is also prized for its rarity due to its special growing conditions and harvesting practices. The locations where ancient tea trees grow are often inaccessible, and the harvesting process may be more intricate, making Ancient Tree Black Tea relatively rare compared to traditional black tea. Therefore, Ancient Tree Black Tea not only offers a unique tasting experience but also serves as a precious collector's item representing the beauty of nature.


  • 20% OFF
    Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick#1507 Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick#1507

    Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick#1507

    老仓 淘福七子 普洱 熟茶#1507  Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick#1507 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 金装勐海龙珠普洱熟茶  Menghai Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea 年份 Production Date: 2018 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶Pu-Erh Ripe Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤Liquor: 香甜顺滑,回甘悠长Mellow, soft, thick feel in the mouth, but the taste is a little light The dry-aging conditions have enhanced the character of this tea while allowing it to mellow and gain complexity.  The tea is sweet, creamy and very thick, and expansive in the mouth.  It's a very active and textured ripe tea that has all attributes a good aged ripe Pu-erh should have. Pu-erh Tea Benefits Include: Weight Loss, Digestion, and More Weight and body fat loss are popular reasons why we drink Pu-erh tea  Digestive. Pu-erh tea helps the digestion of fats and lipids. ...  Diabetes Maintenance and Prevention. ...  Cardiovascular Wellness. ...  Antioxidants. ...  Skin Health. ...  Cognitive Health. ...  Bone Health.  


  • 15% OFF
    Domaine Armand Rousseau Chambertin Grand Cru 2015

    Domaine Armand Rousseau Chambertin Grand Cru 2015

    This item only can pick up at our store. Vin Amok: 97. Unbelievable textured. Well, yes this wine is young, yet so smooth as velvet. Supple tannins and layers of charming fruit, truffles, wild mushrooms and a very fine herbal touch. What a treat! True tour de force, no less. And a special thanks to my 3,000 followers, what a milestone! --!! Donners !!


  • 10% OFF
    Domaine Faivele Musigny Grand Cru 2018

    Domaine Faivele Musigny Grand Cru 2018

    This item only can pick up at our store. Domaine Faiveley combines the principles of modern winemaking methods with the time honored traditions that have been practiced for centuries within their 19th century cellars. Each terroir and each vintage, benefits from special attention which makes the cuvées unique. Each bottle therefore becomes the faithful reflection of its terroir. Terroir: The famed vineyard of Musigny sits high on the hillside adjacent to Echézeaux to the south and Clos de Vougeot direct below. Domaine Faiveley owns approximately .08 acres of the heavily divided 30 acre vineyard. Exposure is mainly east/ southeast with soils of shallow limestone, red clay and gravel. Vinification: Grapes are hand harvested and sorted upon arrival at the domaine. Following a short maceration the must undergoes primary fermentation in a combination of stainless steel and wooden vats. The young wines are aged in 70% lightly toasted new oak barrels for 16 to 18 months.  


  • 20% OFF
    Large Dark Pu-Erh Brick Tea Large Dark Pu-Erh Brick Tea

    Large Dark Pu-Erh Brick Tea

    黑茶砖 大 中國茶業公司   Large Dark Pu-erh Brick Tea Fully fermented, dark, rich, earthy, semi-sweet, and delicious aged Pu-Erh tea improves digestion, reduces harmful cholesterol, and supports heart health. This attractive large tea brick is scored to make at least 16 smaller tea bricks, each of which may be brewed numerous times according to taste. The flavor and health benefits offer lasting vitality to all.  Pu-erh Health Benefits:  Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals.  Pu-erh tea uses its oxidative properties to deliver increased levels of oxygen, which enhances circulation and blood flow. By delivering more oxygen to the brain, Pu-erh tea can help combat headaches and migraines and reduces free radicals that can cause serious illnesses. ( Research is lacking on how much Pu-erh tea you should drink daily to experience its potential weight loss benefits, but 1–2 cups (240–480 mL) per day is a good starting point. (


  • 10% OFF
    Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 1980(357g)

    Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 1980(357g)

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 80年代 珍藏版 中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業分公司 Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'er Tea Raw Cake 1980(357g) Uncooked Pu'er (Pu-erh) is the original form of Pu-erh teas. Following traditional methods, new uncooked Pu-erh teas are not fermented. The leaves are of a higher quality than other teas. The taste of those new teas, especially those made of wild arbor-type tea trees, has a strong astringency. By storing them in a dry condition for several more years, the teas become more mellow and with a lingering taste. In fact, the longer you store uncooked raw Pu-erhs, the better and more mellow the taste.  Raw Pu-erh is best for aging as it is originally less processed than ripe Pu-erh. Make sure to have a room or space with about 60-70% humidity. This is the ideal humidity level to keep the cake and its natural bacteria healthy and thriving. Pu’erh teas have traditionally been used to:  1. Improve Health.2. Cancer prevention, cancer. 3. Healthy Teeth on oral health. 4. Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bactericidal, and Diarrhea. 5. Lipid-lowering and weight loss, 6. Lower blood pressure, anti-atherogenic. The many health benefits of Pu-erh tea have led to it being known as a "Wonder Tonic" and "Medicinal Tea". Long-standing consumers of Pu-erh tea believe it has anti-aging properties and can prolong life. Pu-erh Special Tea, known as Pu-erh Tea by people outside China, has the features below: Pu-erh tea is moderate in taste, not as strong as black tea. It can cut grease, help digestion, warm the stomach, help produce saliva and slake thirst, dispel the effects of alcohol and refresh one’s mind. Pu-erh tea has functions of lowering the triglyceride, cholesterol, hyperuricemia in the body  Pu-erh tea is processed through special fermentation by using the semi-made green tea of Yunnan large leaf tea. It is black or brown in color.  Pu-erh tea can be kept for a very long time, the longer you keep it the better it tastes and the higher its quality becomes. But it can not be stored air-tight or put in moisture or close to goods with peculiar smell. It will taste best if brewed with spring water and in a Zisha Yixing (purple clay) teapot.  


  • 20% OFF
    Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 1990(357g)

    Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 1990(357g)

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 1990年 限量版 中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業分公司   Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'er Tea Raw Cake 1990(357g) The name "Chi Tse Beeng Cha" (or Seven Wafers of Yunnan) replaces the old name "Yuan Cha" (or Round Tea from Yunnan) and is now on the circumference tea cakes.  Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea, Chinese Tea Green Seal, 1990 Limited Edition Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'erh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( Arbor tea trees are ancient with a complex root system that gives depth to the taste and health effects of Pu'erh tea. In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers.  



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