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    Zisha Clay Tea Pot 250ml Zisha Clay Tea Pot 250ml

    Zisha Clay Tea Pot 250ml

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    茶壶 Tea pot: 15cm*11cm   Zisha teapots are very unique to Chinese tea culture and are an essential brewing vessel for gongfu tea. Zisha refers specifically to a special purple clay that originates from Yixing city of Jiangshu province, China. This is also known as a Yixing teapot.  The Yixing pronounced (E-Shing) teapot was the first vessel designed specifically for brewing tea during the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644). The first Yixing teapots originated west of Taihu, the great lake in the Jiangsu province around 100 miles from Shanghai. ... Pottery has been produced in Yixing since neolithic times. Yixing teapots are intended for pu’er, black, and oolong teas. They can also be used for green or white teas, however, the heat retention characteristics of Yixing make the brewing process extremely difficult; and in such cases, the water must be heated to no greater than 85 °C (185 °F), before pouring into the teapot.  A famous characteristic of Yixing teapots is their ability to absorb trace amounts of brewed tea flavors and minerals into the teapot with each brewing. Over time, these accumulate to give each Yixing teapot its own unique interior coating that flavors and colors future brewings. It is for this reason that soap is never recommended for cleaning Yixing teapots, but instead, fresh distilled water and air drying. Many tea connoisseurs will steep only one type of tea in a particular Yixing teapot so that future brewings of the same type of tea will be optimally enhanced Yixing teapots are smaller than their western counterparts as the tea is often brewed using the gongfu style of brewing: shorter steeping durations with smaller amounts of water and smaller teacups (compared to western-style brewing). Traditionally, the tea from the teapot is poured into either a small pitcher, from which it is then poured into a teacup that holds approximately 30 ml or less of liquid, allowing the tea to be quickly and repeatedly ingested before it becomes cooled or into several teacups for guests.

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  • GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule

    GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule

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    仙芝楼孢子灵芝提取物胶囊 最后促销,不接受退换exp: 10/24/2023 增强免疫力 辅助保护化学性肝损伤 【产品名称】仙芝楼牌孢子灵芝提取物胶囊 【主要原料】破壁灵芝孢子粉、灵芝提取物 【标志性成分及含量】每100g含:粗多糖8.0g,灵芝总三茹2.5g 【保健功能】增强免疫力、对化学性肝损伤有辅助保护功能 【适宜人群】免疫力低下者、有化学性肝损伤危险者 【不适宜人群】少年儿童、孕妇、乳母 【食用方法及食用量】每日2次,每次4粒,温水送食 【产品规格】0.4g/粒x60粒x2瓶 【保质期】24个月 【贮藏方法】置于阴凉处密封保存 【注意事项】本品不能代替药物 孢子灵芝提取物胶囊 四大核心 中国日本美国欧盟,四重有机原料认证 灵芝提取物是由有机灵芝提取物和高破壁有机灵芝孢子粉科学配伍 10多年蓝帽子品质保证 仙芝楼灵芝提取2010年就获得国家蓝帽子批文,历经10多年,品质可靠。 专利技术 专利技术,孢子粉破壁率≥99%,吸收高效 有效成分高:灵芝粗多糖≥8%,灵芝总三萜≥2.5% 灵芝提取物是高浓度有机灵芝提取物和高破壁有机孢子粉科学配伍而成,使得所含的灵芝活性成分更齐全,灵芝粗多糖、总三萜等灵芝关键药效成分含量更高。 仙芝楼提取物•灵芝复方制剂 ——灵芝制品发展史—— 灵芝的现代科学研究经历了灵芝菌盖——灵芝粉——未破壁灵芝孢子粉——破壁灵芝孢子粉-灵芝复方制剂的发展过程。 灵芝菌盖 按照老祖宗留下的传统药方,灵芝菌盖切片 煎熬方式服用,煎煮方式只留用了灵芝中的水溶性成分,其他有效成分利用率不足1%。 灵芝粉 将灵芝菌盖研磨成细粉直接口服,遗憾的是,一般的加工技术难以将灵芝研磨成能被人体直接吸收的微小颗粒。 未破壁灵芝孢子粉 由灵芝孢子粉组成,但是灵芝孢子的几丁质外壳不溶于水、弱酸(胃酸)等,科学实验证实:未破壁的灵芝孢子粉可在胃肠中完整保持6小时,并在人体排泄中检测到完整的灵芝孢子。 破壁灵芝孢子粉 现代研究发现,破壁的灵芝砲子才能被人体吸收,破壁率越高吸收越好。仙芝楼破壁灵芝孢子粉破壁率≥99%。 仙芝楼提取物-灵芝复方制剂  用高科技手段从灵芝子实体中提取 有效成分,与破壁的灵芝孢子粉进行科学配比,并运用微囊工艺精制而成的全草型灵芝复方制剂,大大提升了产品的功效成分含量。 增强免疫力 环境污染日益加重;食品农药污染、添加剂的滥用;个人不良情绪和生活习惯、不科学饮食,造成营养缺乏失去平衡,免疫力严重下降,促使各种疾病发生。 感冒不断而且反复发作  精神萎靡、疲乏无力 年老体衰、营养不良 食欲降低、睡眠障碍   GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule The product is made by integrating highly cell-wall broken organic Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder with high-concentration organic Ganoderma Lucidum extract. It combines the essence of the two effective ingredients, which benefits health more. Every 100g of the product contains 8g of Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides and 2.5g of triterpenes, which makes it more efficient in boosting immunity and preventing chemical liver injury caused by alcohol and drugs. This top-quality health supplement is made by integrating cracked (cell-wall broken), organic Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder with high-concentration organic Ganoderma Lucidum extract. It combines the essence of both effective ingredients, which enhances health benefits. Every 100g of the product contains 8g of Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides and 2.5g of triterpenes, which makes it more efficient in boosting immunity and preventing chemical liver injury caused by alcohol and drugs. Benefits of Ganoderma include:  Enhance immunity Protect against chemical liver damage Anti-cancer properties Fights fatigue and depression May improve heart health and blood sugar control    

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  • Ling Tou Dan Cong Oolong Tea 125g Ling Tou Dan Cong Oolong Tea 125g

    Ling Tou Dan Cong Oolong Tea 125g

    1 review

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    中国岭头单丛茶 嵩峰山高山茶 乌龙茶125克 饶平县永成生态茶叶有限公司精工生产嵩峰单丛茶。中国岭头单丛茶,遵循“绿色开发,方为好茶”的理念,让茶树自然生长,每年只采一次春茶,茶园全面禁止使用任何农药。饮用时香、韵齐备,天香独占,深受欢迎。 Ling Tou Dan Cong Oolong Tea 125g Oolong tea has benefits for heart, brain, bone, and dental health. In addition, it may boost metabolism, decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and protect against certain types of cancer. ( Dan Cong from Ling Tou village in Guangdong province What makes Dan Cong special is the unique aroma sub-varieties available within Dan Cong. There are said to be at least 10 different aroma sub-varieties of Dan Cong, each with unique taste and flavor profiles. And in general, all these sub-varieties fall into 1 of 3 main categories – fruity, floral, and herbal aromas.  Dan Cong tea is amazing because there are no artificial flavors, additives, or essential oils added to create their vibrant flavors. All of the different varieties come straight from the tea leaves and no other additives. The tea flavors have been developed by generations of selective tea cultivation, tea plants chosen in order to bring out the naturally fragrant flavors.  The word "Dan Cong" literally means "single stem." If you look at an actual Dan Cong tea plant, it differs from your standard tea plant in that Dan Cong are all single trunk trees as opposed to long interconnected tea bushes. Dan Cong tea varieties stem from a series of ancient "mother trees."

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  • Snow Mountain  Laoheicha Pu'erh Tea Brick 2011yr

    Snow Mountain Laoheicha Pu'erh Tea Brick 2011yr

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    大雪山老黑茶普洱茶砖 2011年春茶 生茶 250g

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  • 560733  White Flower Oil (S)

    HOE HIN White Flower Embrocation (2.5 ml)

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    香港 和興 白花油 (2.5亳升) - 传统配方 Traditional formula is blended from the same old one that the late Mr Gan first developed the product in 1927. The product speaks for itself and has successfully established a profound market place since the 1920's demonstrating a solid proof of the quality and efficacy of the product. Applications Provide relief from the stuffed-up feeling associated with catarrah, cold or influenza Relieve dizziness and headache Temporarily relieve muscular pain Good for travel and motion sickness Antiseptic Stop itching resulted from insect and mosquito bite Refreshing 自1927年来,和兴白花油沿用同一配方,并在市场上确立地位,此为产品优良质量及显著功效的有力证明。 功能: 疏风散热 消炎止痛 宣窍醒神 应用范围: 解除因伤风或感冒引起之鼻塞 减轻头晕头痛 暂时舒缓肌肉疼痛 舟车晕浪 具有消炎杀菌作用 对蚊虫咬伤具止痒作用 令精神舒畅

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  • Dried Duck 26oz Dried Duck 26oz

    Dried Duck 26oz

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    煌上煌 腊鸭26oz Cooking Instructions:(Cook thoroughly before consumption) Steam product over boiling water for about 18 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 166°F (74°C) or above, measured by the use of a food thermometer.Ingredients:Duck, Water, Salt, Sugar, Double Black Soy Sauce (Water, Molasses, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Salt, Wheat Flour), Salt, Color (Caramel I)), Thick Soy Sauce (Molasses, Water, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Salt, Wheat Flour)), Monosodium Glutamate, Sodium Nitrite.CONTAINS: SOY, WHEAT.  

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  • 999 Gan Mao Ling Jiao Nang 999 Gan Mao Ling Jiao Nang

    999 Gan Mao Ling Jiao Nang

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    999 感冒灵胶囊12粒 【成份】三叉苦、金盏银盘、野菊花、岗梅、咖啡因、对乙酰氨基酚、马来酸氯苯那敏、薄荷素油。 辅料为滑石粉。【用法用量】口服,一次2粒,一日3次。 【不良反应】可见困倦、嗜睡、口渴、虚弱感。 详见说明书。【性 状 】本品为胶囊剂,内容物为棕褐色的颗粒;味苦。【禁忌】严重肝肾功能不全者禁用。【功能主治】解热镇痛。用于感冒引起的头痛,发热,鼻塞,【注意事项】忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。 流涕,咽痛。 详见说明书。 【规格】每粒装0.5克(含对乙酰氨基酚100毫克)【贮 藏】密封。

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  • LYFEN Sweet Plum 138 g

    LYFEN Sweet Plum 138 g

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    LYFEN 来伊份 老婆梅 内含小包装 138 克 LYFEN Sweet Plum 138G Ingredient: shuanghua plum, sugar, glucose, salt, licorice, food additives (citric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulfite), food flavors and instruction: keep in clean, dry 337k and ventilated place. please use it immediately after opening in order to keep the fresh flavor.

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  • Lyfen Dried Loquet With Sugar 40g

    Lyfen Dried Loquet With Sugar 40g

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    LYFEN 来伊份 冰糖枇杷干 果脯水果干 即食食品40g/袋 LYFEN Dried Loquet With Sugar 40g 40g/bag Ingredient: Loquat, Sugar, Fruit Syrup, Citric Acid, Sodium Metabisulfite.Storage Instruction: Keep In Clean, Dry And Ventilated Place. Please Use It Immediately After Opening In Order  

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  • XiangXue JuHong Tan Ke Ye 10ml* 10 vials XiangXue JuHong Tan Ke Ye 10ml* 10 vials

    XiangXue JuHong Tan Ke Ye 10ml* 10 vials

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    XiangXue JuHong Tan Ke Ye 10ml* 10 vials 香雪 橘红痰咳液 10ml*10支 Other Ingredients: Maltitol, Steviosin, Mentholum, Sodium benzoate, Ethyl Hydroxybenzoate. Using Suggestion: 1-2 bottles per time, 3 times per day.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug. Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Warning: 1.It is forbidden to be allergic to this product and its ingredients. 2.Keep it out of reach of children.Per Serving Size: 1 bottle (10mL)Container: 10 vialsExocarpium Citri Grandis (Peel), Poria(Fungi). Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis (Fruit), Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii(Rhizome)

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  • CSPC Gan Mao Qing Re Pian CSPC Gan Mao Qing Re Pian

    CSPC Gan Mao Qing Re Pian

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    石药琦效 感冒清热片(24片) 【功能主治】疏风散寒,解表清热。用于风寒感冒, 头痛发热,恶寒身痛,鼻流清涕,咳嗽咽干。【成 份】荆芥穗、薄荷、防风、柴胡、紫苏叶、葛根、桔梗、苦杏仁、白芷、苦地丁、芦根。 辅料为交联聚维酮、硬脂酸镁、微晶纤维素、羧甲淀粉钠、玉米淀粉、薄膜包衣剂。【性 状】本品为薄膜衣片,除去包衣后显棕黄色或棕褐色;味微苦。【功能主治】疏风散寒,解表清热。用于风寒感冒,头痛发热,恶寒身痛,鼻流清涕,咳嗽咽干。【规 格】每片重0.55克【用法用量】口服。一次4片,一日2次。【不良反应】尚不明确。【禁忌】尚不明确。【注意事项】详见说明书。【贮藏】密封。【包装】铝塑包装,12片/板×2板/盒。

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  • Keller Riesling Von der Fels 2021

    Keller Riesling Von der Fels 2021

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    It would be no exaggeration to say Weingut Keller consistently produce the finest dry Rieslings in the world, a fact proven year after year since Klaus-Peter Keller took over the reins from his father in 2001. Along with his wife Julia, Klaus-Peter has continued to prioritise the quality of dry wine produced at the estate, and these are now some of the most sought after and collected wines on the planet. While 85% of the estate consists of Grosse Lage (Grand Cru) sites, only a tiny proportion is labelled as such meaning there are great values to be had with their entry Trocken Riesling, along with the 'baby GG' Von der Fels. Other Reviews....Lovely nose of ripe apricot and summer meadows. What a beautiful balance of vibrant acidity and ripe fruit with the chalkiness adding another element to this interplay and filling out the generous palate. Super-bright and refreshing finish. A cuvee of wines from various GG sites with Kirchspiel playing the largest part. Drink or hold.93 pointsStuart Pigott - The dry counterpart to Limestone Kabinett, from different parts of the same vineyards. Low yields, 40 hl/ha (20% lost due to mildew in June plus green harvest). Bottled mid May 2022.Green fruits and deep citrus but with a mineral character that is more oily than stony. Richer and more spicy than in some vintages. There’s power in this wine that would probably be a Grosses Gewächs in the portfolio of most other producers. Then after that powerful first impression, it pulls in tight and fresh on the finish. A lot of impact initially. Then great freshness on the finish.17/20 pointsJulia Harding MW -

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