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2367 products

  • 20% OFF
    Jasmine Yinhao & Big Red Robe Gift Set 121024 Jasmine Pekoe & Big Red Robe Gift Set

    Jasmine Yinhao & Big Red Robe Gift Set

    红香绿玉 茉莉银毫&武夷大红袍  茗茶礼盒 Jasmine Tender Silver & Big Red Robe Gift Set Jasmine Green Tea contains tender silver leaves tightly rolled up into a pearl shape and scented with Jasmine flowers. The blending process usually takes three rounds, each starting with a fresh batch of flowers for optimal fragrance and aroma. Once these pearls are brewed, the leaves unfurl and release a delicious aroma of citrus and jasmine orchards as well as antioxidants that are great for the body and skin. The name Big Red Robe tea originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by an oolong tea. As a celebration, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those precious shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities.


  • 20% OFF
    Jasmine Yinhao Green Tea#1192

    Jasmine Yinhao Green Tea#1192

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广西 横县 Guangxi, China 品名Name: 茉莉银毫绿茶 Jasmine YinHao Green Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 分类Sort: 花茶 绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 干茶Body: 白毫显露,条索卷曲Tightly curled strips covered with abundant white fuzz, 茶汤Liquor: 清澈明亮,香气醇厚,甘甜爽口Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 此茉莉毛尖是采选上好的安徽高山绿茶和萃取正季广西横县茉莉窨制而成,冲泡花茶时水温80-90摄氏度为宜,通常茶水的比例为1:50,每泡冲泡时间为3-5分钟。 云南高海拔绿茶芽叶为原料,并融合广西横县含苞未放的茉莉花朵,经拼和、匀堆等经多道工艺窨制而成。条索紧结尚匀整,色泽乌绿毫峰显露,茉莉花香鲜灵馥郁,口感鲜爽润口,汤色黄绿明亮, A cup of jasmine green tea is one of the most delicious and beneficial drinks that calms the senses and helps the body and mind rejuvenate. It has properties that impact the cells that cause aging. It is a great drink for relieving depression, anxiety, and stress. ( Jasmine Green Tea is a select blend of hand-tossed fine green tea leaves and jasmine flowers. This tea captures the aromatic fragrance of jasmine and leaves a delicate taste on one's palate. Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea Boosts Energy Weight Loss Aid.   May Help Prevent Cancer.  Protects Heart Health. ...  Relieves Stress. ...  May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes. ...  Improves Immune System. ...  Alleviates Aches and Pains. Antibacterial properties and antioxidants protect skin health ( Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 4g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  5 steeps: 20s, 40s, 60s, 90s, 120s

    $10.80 - $39.99



    永合豐 印尼爪哇天然 原色燕窩(2oz/盒) 產品信息 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 印尼爪哇燕盞 產地: 印度尼西亞 爪哇島 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 8-10倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 2Oz 等級: 一級 含水率: 5%-10% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心  質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   For over 1,200 years, Asian people have enjoyed processed swallow’s nests prepared as a soup. The nests have high nutritional and medicinal value, with anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Some people use the soup to improve complexion quality, due to the high collagen content, and to improve concentration and raise libido. Bird's Nest is also a good supplement for growing children: Bird's Nest contains proteins, amino acids and minerals essential for healthy development. According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, regular consumption of Bird's Nest helps prevent colds and flu. Wing Hop Fung Brand Natural Bird’s Nest, First Class Grade, is unbleached. The origin is Indonesia from Java Island. Net content:  Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. Shelf life is three years.Bird’s Nest is highly suitable for pregnant women, as well as men and women who wish to remain healthy and beautiful. It is rich in glycoprotein, collagen, amino acids, antioxidants, hormones and various minerals. Have Bird’s Nest soup on an empty stomach or ½ hour before meals to enhance absorption. It is “neutral” in temperature, neither too heating nor cooling for the body. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians.Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women. The method of stewing: Soak for 2-4 hours, clean and change the water, and simmer for 30 minutes.This bird's nest product is purely natural and hand-processed without bleaching and rinsing. It is darker in color which is a suitable tonic for pregnant women. Please wash two or three more times before eating. If you have any individual concerns, please do not purchase this product.Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.REFRIGERATE All BIRD'S NESTS. They are shipped Same Day Shipping or 2nd Day Shipping. Other shipping options are risk deterioration of the product. Purchases are not refundable.


  • 10% OFF
    Box) Box)


    永合豐 印尼爪哇天然 原色燕窩(4oz/盒) 產品信息 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 印尼爪哇 天然燕盞 產地: 印度尼西亞 爪哇島 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 8-10倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 4Oz 等級: 一級 含水率: 5%-10% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心  質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   For over 1,200 years, Asian people have enjoyed processed swallow’s nests prepared as a soup. The nests have high nutritional and medicinal value, with anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Some people use the soup to improve complexion quality, due to the high collagen content, and to improve concentration and raise libido. Bird's Nest is also a good supplement for growing children: Bird's Nest contains proteins, amino acids and minerals essential for healthy development. According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, regular consumption of Bird's Nest helps prevent colds and flu. Wing Hop Fung Brand Natural Bird’s Nest, First Class Grade, is unbleached. The origin is Indonesia from Java Island. Net content:  Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. Shelf life is three years.Bird’s Nest is highly suitable for pregnant women, as well as men and women who wish to remain healthy and beautiful. It is rich in glycoprotein, collagen, amino acids, antioxidants, hormones and various minerals. Have Bird’s Nest soup on an empty stomach or ½ hour before meals to enhance absorption. It is “neutral” in temperature, neither too heating nor cooling for the body. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians.Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women. The method of stewing: Soak for 2-4 hours, clean and change the water, and simmer for 30 minutes.This bird's nest product is purely natural and hand-processed without bleaching and rinsing. It is darker in color which is a suitable tonic for pregnant women. Please wash two or three more times before eating. If you have any individual concerns, please do not purchase this product.Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.REFRIGERATE All BIRD'S NESTS. They are shipped Same Day Shipping or 2nd Day Shipping. Other shipping options are risk deterioration of the product. Purchases are not refundable.


  • 15% OFF
    8oz) 8oz)

    Java Natural Premium Bird's Nest(21oz/16oz/8oz)

    7 reviews

    永合豐 印尼爪哇天然 原色燕窩(227G/454G/600G/盒) 產品信息 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 印尼爪哇燕盞 產地: 印度尼西亞 爪哇島 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 8-10倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 227g/ 454g / 600g 等級: 一級 含水率: 10%-15% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心  質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   For over 1,200 years, Asian people have enjoyed processed swallow’s nests prepared as a soup. The nests have high nutritional and medicinal value, with anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Some people use the soup to improve complexion quality, due to the high collagen content, and to improve concentration and raise libido. Bird's Nest is also a good supplement for growing children: Bird's Nest contains proteins, amino acids and minerals essential for healthy development. According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, regular consumption of Bird's Nest helps prevent colds and flu. Wing Hop Fung Brand Natural Bird’s Nest, First Class Grade, is unbleached. The origin is Indonesia from Java Island. Net content: 227g/ 454g/ 600g Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. Shelf life is three years.Bird’s Nest is highly suitable for pregnant women, as well as men and women who wish to remain healthy and beautiful. It is rich in glycoprotein, collagen, amino acids, antioxidants, hormones and various minerals. Have Bird’s Nest soup on an empty stomach or ½ hour before meals to enhance absorption. It is “neutral” in temperature, neither too heating nor cooling for the body. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians. Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women. The method of stewing: Soak for 2-4 hours, clean and change the water, and simmer for 30 minutes.This bird's nest product is purely natural and hand-processed without bleaching and rinsing. It is darker in color which is a suitable tonic for pregnant women. Please wash two or three more times before eating. If you have any individual concerns, please do not purchase this product.Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.REFRIGERATE All BIRD'S NESTS. They are shipped Same Day Shipping or 2nd Day Shipping. Other options risk deterioration of the product. Purchases are not refundable.

    $728.00 - $1,728.00

  • Jean-Marc Brocard Chablis Sainte Claire 2018

    Jean-Marc Brocard Chablis Sainte Claire 2018

    The vineyards for Jean-Marc Brocard's Petit Chablis are grown in Portland soil which is essentially made up of limestone. The Petit Chablis appellation is the fruitiest of the Chablis wines, producing a fresh and pleasurable expression of the Chardonnay grape. Jean-Marc produces one of the best examples of Petit Chablis to rival many Chablis AOC. Lime, passionfruit and grapefruit notes lead onto a clean and crisp palate with a wonderful streak of mineral acidity.  


  • Jean-Marc Brocard Vau de Vey Chablis 1er Cru

    Jean-Marc Brocard Vau de Vey Chablis 1er Cru

    94 points Wine Enthusiast"A lifted but guarded sense of lemon zest plays on this wine's nose, forthright at one moment, restrained the next. The palate channels concentrated but creamy lemon peel, mouthwatering in its frankness but buffered by lovely chalkiness. Lemony limestone freshness rings long after the last sip." 92 points Vinous"The 2019 Chablis Vau de Vey 1er Cru has an intriguing, melted candle wax and white flower nose, showing touches of apple peel and chalk dust. This seems to grow in complexity in the glass. The palate is well balanced and spicy, with a fine bead of acidity. Orange peel and touches of bitter lemon give way to a slightly oily-textured finish. This is a very engaging Vau de Vey that will be fascinating to see mature in bottle." Vinous Reverie NotesThe Chardonnay in Vau de Vey is located in a valley situated behind Côte de Léchet on the left bank of the Serein River. The vines face east and grow upon steep slopes of Kimmeridgian limestone, of which reach an incline that can only be accessed by hand. After harvest, the grapes are fermented with natural yeast. They are aged in 50% stainless steel and 50% used oak for 14 months and undergo full malolactic fermentation. Tasting Notes: Aromatically the wine has notes of crisp green apples and spicey lemon cake. On the palate, there is wet stone, salty seashell minerality, and an inherent spiciness, such as warm anise that lingers in the back palate.


  • Jean-Marc Pillot Chassagne-Montrachet Rouge Burgundy 2017

    Jean-Marc Pillot Chassagne-Montrachet Rouge Burgundy 2017

    it used to be planted mostly to red before many growers replanted to Chardonnay.  This is a shame as Chassagne-Montrachet offers some fantastic examples of classical Red Burgundy, some at a more reasonable price than it's more notable and expensive neighbors. For this bottling, Pillot exploits over a hectare of vineyards planted in 1960 (55+ years old) to Pinot Noir at the village level. This is a robust, cherry-flavored wine of strength and vigor.


  • Jean-Marc Pillot Rully 1er Cru Les Raclots 2018

    Jean-Marc Pillot Rully 1er Cru Les Raclots 2018

    Jean-Marc’s friend’s parcel in Les Raclots is 60 years old, planted in the appellation’s classic clay-limestone terrain. This cuvée offers a similar saline impression to the “Les Gaudoirs,” but with greater power and depth of fruit, and a sense of underlying richness that stops short of viscosity. “Les Raclots” more than holds its own against some of Jean-Marc’s more gras-oriented Chassagne-Montrachet 1er crus, and it should age terrifically.


  • Jean-Max Roger Sancerre Cuv Marnes et Caillottes 2019

    Jean-Max Roger Sancerre Cuv Marnes et Caillottes 2019

    Jean-Max Roger Sancerre Cuv Marnes et Caillottes 2019


  • Only 3 left!
    Jerome Chezeaux Nuits St. Georges 1er Cru Aux Boudots 2020

    Jerome Chezeaux Nuits St. Georges 1er Cru Aux Boudots 2020

    Jerome Chezeaux | View all Jerome Chezeaux products Domaine Jerome Chezeaux has been working with super importer Neil Rosenthal for 25 years. The Chezeaux family make a full range of wines from 11 + hectares of old vines in the Cote de Nuits. We are lucky that these fine vineyards remain in their capable hands. The wines are very pure and represent great value.His daughter Lyse has joined him and like most modern young Burgundy growers she has completed a series of international internships. She will carry on the family tradition and bring fresh ideas. A new generation is reinvigorating the Cote d'Or. Many young women are contributing to this renaissance in Burgundy.Traditionally made, hand harvested, indigenous yeasts and bottled unfiltered after a 18 to 24 month elevage. A maximum of 30% new oak is used, none on the Bourgogne rouge. The wines have an understated elegance, they are fresh and precise.


  • JHT Ping Chuan Pill(120 Tables) JHT Ping Chuan Pill(120 Tables)

    JHT Ping Chuan Pill(120 Tables)

    真和堂 平喘丸  120粒/支    Exp: 09/19/2023 规格: 120粒濃縮丸/瓶(每片250毫克) 功效: 健脾祛湿,宣肺平喘,化痰止咳 成分: 魚腥草,瓜蔞仁,茯苓,桑白皮,紫蘇子,款冬花,前胡,紫菀,冬蟲草菌絲體精華素,半夏,甘草,苦杏仁,陳皮 用法用量: 每次10粒, 每日3次 溫開水送服孕婦忌服, 避免兒童接觸   Size: 120pills/bottle (250mg/each) Effect: Clears heat, dispels dampness, and promotes gallbladder. Used to regulate the discomfort caused by damp heat in the liver and gallbladder Component: Houttynia(aboveground parts), Trichosanthes(seed),Poria(sclerotium), WHite mulberrt(root bark), Perilla(seed), Coltsfoot(flower bud), Peucedanum(root), Tartarian aster(root), Cordyceps(fungus body), Pinellia(rhizome), Chinese licorice(root), Apricot(seed), Tangerine(Dried rind of mature fruit) Direction to use: 10 capsules each time, 3 times a day with warm waterPregnant women should not take it, keep out of reach of children



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