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  • 20% OFF
    WHF Zi Ya  Pu'er Raw Tea Cake Gift Box (357g) WHF Zi Ya  Pu'er Raw Tea Cake Gift Box (357g)

    WHF Zi Ya Pu'er Raw Tea Cake Gift Box (357g)

    永合豐  金装紫芽贡饼 2018普洱生茶茶饼 礼盒 357克 普洱茶紫芽是云南大叶种随气候变化导致的变异芽体,数量非常稀有,因其具有生于茶树呈紫红色,制成干茶成品呈墨绿色,置于杯中冲泡后呈青绿色的神奇变化,即便是千年古茶树,也少有发现紫芽的。 野生紫芽茶树嫩叶为紫红色,老叶呈绿色。野生紫芽茶制成晒青毛茶,干茶色泽半青半紫,紫叶部分浸泡叶底为紫色,此是野生紫芽茶的明显特点。野生紫芽茶制成的七子饼茶饼身满披金毫,光泽油亮,冲泡,有一股独特的“人参”清香,滋味鲜甜爽口,汤色黄亮,香气及口感皆有别于普通晒青茶。 产品特点: 香气柔和, 花蜜香。 果糖清甜, 泡初开后甜香不减。 苦昧淡。 3-5秒就会有生津回甘的口感。 茶中珍品, 稀缺宝贵。 臻品限量发行, 顶极珍藏品质。  WHF Zi Ya  Pu'er Raw Tea Cake Gift Box (357g) Tea treasures are scarce and precious. This limited edition ultimate collector quality tea treasure has a soft, fresh aroma and floral nectar with a sweet aftertaste. The hallmark of a top quality tea is that it may be brewed several times never losing its captivating flavor and aroma. After 3-5 seconds, you will enjoy the rejuvenating taste and effects. Brewed longer you can enjoy a hint of bitterness. Pu’er is a delicious fermented tea named for the area in Yunnan where it was traditionally gathered to ship across the rest of China. It was already ancient when discovered by the troops of Kublai Khan sent to annex Yunnan to his empire. The fermentation process renders a rich flavor and health benefits. Pu’er contains a natural statin that reduces harmful cholesterol and improves digestion of rich, fat foods.  


  • 15% OFF
    White Frost Yunnan Meng Hai 2007 Pu'Erh Tea (357g)

    White Frost Yunnan Meng Hai 2007 Pu'Erh Tea (357g)

    云南普洱七子饼 白霜 勐海乔木2007年 普洱生茶茶饼(357克) 老仓茶业监制,勐海永明茶厂出品   White Frost Yunnan Meng Hai 2007 Pu'Er Tea (357g) Pu’er (aka pu’ erh) is a fermented tea with heart health and digestive benefits.  


  • 15% OFF
    Wu Liang Shan Feng Huang Sheng Tai Bing Ripe Pu'er Tea Cake 2010(357g)

    Wu Liang Shan Feng Huang Sheng Tai Bing Ripe Pu'er Tea Cake 2010(357g)

    云南 無量山鳳凰生態餅 2010年普洱茶 熟茶茶餅(357克) 雲南惠民茶廠出品 鳳凰獨木茶莊監製 Ripe Pu'er Tea Cake 2010(357g) Aged Pu'er tea (aka ripe Pu'er) is an elixir for health and beauty that has become collectible like a fine wine. The longer it is aged the better it's quality and taste. The flavor has been described as woodsy, earthy, sweet, and deeply satisfying.  The digestive quality of aged Pu'er comes from its fermentation process which increases the diversity of helpful bacteria to help support a healthy microbiome. Some studies suggest that it also contains natural statins that help to reduce joint deterioration and reduce harmful cholesterol.


  • Xi Gui Old Tree Pu'er Tea Cake 2018(400g)

    Xi Gui Old Tree Pu'er Tea Cake 2018(400g)

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    昔归古树茶 普洱茶 生茶茶餅 限量版(400克) Xi Gui Old Tree Pu'er Tea Cake 2018(400g) Gushu (Old Tree) Pu’er tea is made from leaves growing on tea trees that are at least 200 years old. These trees mainly grow in Yunnan province in China but there are other such wild or semi-wild trees growing in neighboring regions and countries such as Myanmar and Laos. Pu-er, a fermented tea, has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers.

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    Box) Box)

    Xiaguan Tuocha 2007yr Pu-Erh Dark Tea (100 g/Box)

    松鹤牌 云南下关沱茶 2007年 紧压黑茶  云南下关茶厂出产 云南沱茶属紧压茶,系选用优质晒青毛茶作原料,经高温蒸压精制而成。该产品是由云南下关茶厂出品的松鹤牌沱茶,由中国土产畜产进出口公司云南省茶叶分公司出口。创制与1902年,1997年经批准认证为中国绿色食品,2002年,“松鹤”牌下关沱茶通过了国家质监总局“国家原产地标记产品注册”。2003年,公司获ISO 9001:2000国际质量体系认证,“松鹤”牌下关沱茶荣获“云南省著名商标”。2005年取得有机产品认证证书。1996年10月在法国巴黎荣获第十届产品质量欧洲金奖。 Xiaguan Tuocha 2007yr Pu-Erh Dark Tea (100 g/Box)  Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark (aka ripe Pu'erh) is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  Tuocha or “dome-shaped bowl tea” is a compressed tea, usually made of Pu-erh. The shape resembles a bird’s nest and Tuocha range in weight from 3g to 3kg or more. The best Tuocha is produced from Xiaguan City, Yunnan Province. This is produced by Yunnan Xiaguan Tea Factory. This kind of tea was created in 1902 and is famous hundred years.


  • Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
    Box)(Bogo) Box)(Bogo)

    Xiaguan Tuocha Raw Pu-Erh Dark Tea(100g/Box)(Bogo)

    Xiaguan Tuocha Raw Pu-Erh Dark Tea(100g/Box)(Buy One Get One Free) Tuocha or “dome-shaped bowl tea” is a compressed tea, usually made of Pu-erh. The shape resembles a bird’s nest and Tuocha ranges in weight from 3g to 3kg or more. The best Tuocha is produced in Xiaguan City, Yunnan Province. This is produced by Yunnan Xiaguan Tea Factory. This kind of tea was created in 1902 and is famous hundred years.     


  • 20% OFF
     2008 Pu'erh Raw Tea Cake(357g)

    Yi Wu Zheng Shan Ye Sheng Cha/ 2008 Pu'erh Raw Tea Cake(357g)

    易武正山 野生茶老茶 生茶茶饼 08年普洱茶(357g) Pu-Erh Tea is unique in that it gets better with age, much like a fine wine. It initially starts out as a green tea but is not fully fired. Instead, the moist leaves are loosely stacked on top of each other to allow them to dry and age. The result is a fresh, vegetal taste and sweet aftertaste. Pu’erh is digestive and contains a natural statin that helps to reduce harmful cholesterol.  Yi Wu Mountain area teas are among the early classic Yi Wu pressings. The tea is spicy, with an almost perfume-like aroma that is thick and pungent.  It's very complex with its unique character.  Very enjoyable premium quality Yi Wu, aged to perfection!  


  • 20% OFF
    Yin Ya Rui Gong 2018 Raw Pu'erh Tea Cake (357g) Yin Ya Rui Gong 2018 Raw Pu'erh Tea Cake (357g)

    Yin Ya Rui Gong 2018 Raw Pu'erh Tea Cake (357g)

    山头古树 早春 银芽瑞贡 2018生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g) Pu-Erh Tea is unique in that it gets better with age, much like a fine wine. It initially starts out as a green tea but is not fully fired. Instead, the moist leaves are loosely stacked on top of each other to allow them to dry and age. The result is a fresh, vegetal taste and sweet aftertaste. Pu’erh is digestive and contains a natural statin that helps to reduce harmful cholesterol.  When it comes to the price of Pu erh, raw Pu erh tea generally tends to be more expensive, in that better raw materials are used for raw Pu erh that's meant for storage, simply because they age better and develop a better flavor. (


  • Only 5 left!
    You Le Mountain Pu'erh Tea Cake 2004 (3000 g) You Le Mountain Pu'erh Tea Cake 2004 (3000 g)

    You Le Mountain Pu'erh Tea Cake 2004 (3000 g)

    攸乐山 野生古树茶王 普洱茶饼 3公斤 云南西双版纳攸乐山古树茶厂 特制 建厂纪念   You Le Mountain Pu'erh Tea Cake 2004 (3000 g) Raw or aged Youle Mountain Wild Old Tree Tea, King Pu'erh Tea Cake 3kg  from Youleshan Ancient Tree Tea Factory in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan An old-time tribute tea from one of the two left of Yunnan's six famous tea mountains, made from old-growth Pu'erh tea trees. A remarkable traditional Pu'erh. ( Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Puerh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. (


  • 20% OFF
     2010 Pu'erh Tea Cake(357g)

    Yun Nan Meng Hai Qi Zi Bing Cha/ 2010 Pu'erh Tea Cake(357g)

    云南西双版纳 八角亭 勐海七子饼茶 布朗乔木 普洱茶 2010年 生茶茶饼 357克 Yun Nan Meng Hai Qi Zi Bing Cha/ 2010 Pu'erh Tea Cake(357g) Fragrant, mellow, full-bodied, very smooth, honey-sweet, delicate, with a sweet aftertaste or Hui Gan. This tea is one of the most popular in a series of classic sheng Pu’erh teas from Bulang mountain, from the prominent Menghai Zhong Jie Hao Tea Company. It was sourced from Menghai, one of the most renowned and sought-after Pu'erh tea-producing regions of Yunnan. After 6 years of aging, this tea has developed its flavor surprisingly well with fruitiness and honey sweetness, like a mature and classy lady. The pronounced sweet notes, exhibiting smooth honey sweetness from the first step all the way to the end. It will further develop and deepen these wonderful attributes as time goes by. Pu’er (aka pu’ erh) is a fermented tea with great heart health and digestive benefits. 


  • Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha 1997yr Ripe Pu‘erh Tea Cake 7572(357g)

    Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha 1997yr Ripe Pu‘erh Tea Cake 7572(357g)

    云南七子饼茶 中茶牌 97年大益 水蓝印 7572(勐海茶业有限公司) 工艺 熟茶 品牌 大益 品名 水蓝印7572 年份 1997 厂商 云南勐海茶厂 外观 饼茶 规格 357克/片 , 7片/提 , 84片/件 原料 云南大叶种晒青毛茶 保质期 越陈越香 茶很干净,水厚汤滑,醇甜有老韵,留存感强,老熟的体贴感只可意会。仓储纯正,无丝毫杂味异味.茶气足,2-3泡,微微出汗,审茶可定义满级茶气,无熟香,只有陈香。回甜快,入口即甜,生津出韵快并且持久,喉部有喉韵。入口有舌头搅动一下,米汤感很强,下喉顺糯,滑度高。   Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha 1997yr Ripe Pu‘erh Tea Cake 7572(357g) Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'erh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( Arbor tea trees are ancient with a complex root system that gives depth to the taste and health effects of Pu'erh tea. In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers. Yunnan Dayezhong Sun-dried Green Tea: Shelf life, the more aging the more fragrant  The tea is very clean, the soup is smooth, mellow, sweet, and has an old charm, and the fragrant aftertaste is strong. The mature, comforting feeling is highly appreciated.  The storage is careful, without the slightest peculiar smell. The tea is fragrant with 2-3 bubbles, full-grade tea with a delightful aging fragrance. The sweetness is quick, the first sip is sweet, the rhyme of the flavors is quick and lasting, and there is comfort in the throat. There is an exciting tongue stirring at the entrance, the brewed soup feels very strong, the lower throat is smooth, and moistened.  


  • Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 1959

    Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 1959

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶牌 绿印 1959年 典藏版 中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業公司   Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu'er Tea Raw Cake 1959 This is a special collector’s item tea that has aged since 1959. Uncooked Pu'er (Pu-erh) is the original form of Pu-erh teas. Following traditional methods, new uncooked Pu-erh teas are not fermented. The leaves are of a higher quality than other teas. The taste of those new teas, especially those made of wild arbor-type tea trees, has a strong astringency. By storing them in a dry condition for several more years, the teas become more mellow and with a lingering taste. In fact, the longer you store uncooked raw Pu-erhs, the better and more mellow the taste.  Raw Pu-erh is best for aging as it is originally less processed than ripe Pu-erh. Make sure to have a room or space with about 60-70% humidity. This is the ideal humidity level to keep the cake and its natural bacteria healthy and thriving, Pu’erh teas have traditionally been used to:  1. Improve Health.2. Cancer prevention, cancer. 3. Healthy Teeth on oral health. 4. Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bactericidal, and Diarrhea. 5. Lipid-lowering and weight loss, 6. Lower blood pressure, anti-atherogenic. The many health benefits of Pu-erh tea have led to it being known as a "Wonder Tonic" and "Medicinal Tea". Long-standing consumers of Pu-erh tea believe it has anti-aging properties and can prolong life. Pu-erh Special Tea, known as Pu-erh Tea by people outside China, has the features below: Pu-erh tea is moderate in taste, not as strong as black tea. It can cut grease, help digestion, warm the stomach, help produce saliva and slake thirst, dispel the effects of alcohol and refresh one’s mind. Pu-er tea has functions of lowering the triglyceride, cholesterol, hyperuricemia in the body  Pu-erh tea is processed through special fermentation by using the semi-made green tea of Yunnan large leaf tea. It is black or brown in color.  Pu-erh tea can be kept for a very long time, the longer you keep it the better it tastes and the higher its quality becomes. But it can not be stored air-tight or put in moisture or close to goods with peculiar smell. It will taste best if brewed with spring water and in a Zisha Yixing (purple clay) teapot.



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