Packaged Dark Tea

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.


Twinbirds Tea Collection Twinbirds Tea Collection Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.

18 products

  • 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂

    Colego Tuocha Tea (90 teabags with additional 4 complimentary teabags included)

    好蓮沱茶 茶包 (94包/盒) Colego Tuocha is a natural herbal beverage that helps reduce high cholesterol levels. Colego Toucha Tea is made of Toucha leaves grown in the misty and rocky Yun Nan Province in mainland China. It is refined through a unique fermentation process by a traditional Chinese baking process with strict quality control. (2.5g X 90 teabags) Product Usage 1. Hot brew: put 1-2 tea bags in the ceremic cup about 300ml of 100 degrees boiling water2. Steep: steep the tea bags in water for about 5-7 minutes3. Stir: Open the cup lid with chopsticks and gently stir to release the ingredients nutrition4. Drink: drink with meal (during or after meal) it is suggest to drink it regularly and long-term Product Warnings This product is suitable for people concerning blood pressure, blood sugar, cholestrol. Storage Condition Store in a cool, dry, odorless place Target Group Adult Benefit This product may suitable for concern with cholesterol, blood lipids, blood pressure, burn fat, which are the best natural materials for “three high”. A high quality of Pu’er tea is known as cardiovascular helper. In these years, more and more scientists proved the nutrition value and health effects of teas, for instance, cardiovascular disease, anti-aging, digestion etc. It is because Pu’er includes theanine, acidic amino acid, flavonoid etc. Theanine can suppressing high blood pressure, tea polyphenols included antioxidants, an effective antioxidant that supports heart health and reduces cancer risk. 香港好莲沱茶富含茶多酚、茶黄素、儿茶素类、黄铜酵类、花白素和花青素类、芬酸等多种活性物质,其中以茶多酚含量最高,占多酚类总量的80%,活性极强,可使细胞活性增强,全面调理血管,增加血管弹性,稀释血液,从而使血压、血脂调节为正常状态。达到延年益寿、清洗血管、对抗三高、去脂减肥、秀身健美、延缓衰老的妙效。 【产品介绍】:好莲沱茶 三高克星健康源泉 【配料】:优质普洱茶,不含中药或任何化学成分,保留茶叶中天然成分 【规格】:90茶包×2.5克 【用法用量】:一日三餐,一餐一小袋,边吃饭边喝 【贮藏方法】:存放在阴凉避光无异味处 【注意事项】:100%天然本草复方茶,坚持餐餐饮用不中断,能调和营养,长期饮用必得妙效!袋泡茶,不带线、不带钉,绿色环保。每盒90小袋,一日三餐不中断,一个月分量。 【适 应 症】: 三高(高血压,高胆固醇,高血脂)人群


  • Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea

    Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea

    老仓 有机普洱茶包 三角袋泡茶 20袋/盒 (茉莉/玫瑰/糯香/熟普) Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea 4 Varieties: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh About the product Organic Tea with 4 varieties to choose from Flavors Included: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh Storage Condition: Store in a clean, ventilated and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Shelf Life: 24 Month USDA Organic and Fair Trade Certified Teas.  The perfect introduction to the Tea experience. Beautifully packaged and always appreciated, How To Brew a good of Tea?   Boil water above 90 degree (200 Fahrenheit)  Fix a teabag in cup  Pour boiling water  Drink after 15 seconds. Repeat step 3-4

  •  can)  can)

    Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (250g/ can)

    精裝新会 小青柑 柑普茶(250 G/CAN) 选取已有600年生产历史的天马产区新会柑和5年云南一级宫廷普洱老茶为原料。冲泡后的汤色橙红透亮,回味爽甜并有陈香味。 中医认为,青皮陈皮性微温,味苦辛,入肝、胆经,具有理肝气、咽炎、消积化滞、保护心血管功效,与熟普茶结合后,其保健功效自然兼有两者的好处:具有健脾养胃、化痰止咳、降脂减肥、美容养颜、抗衰老等各种作用。 Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (250g/ can) This rich, delicious tea has a 600-year production history. It is made from Xinhui mandarin orange and 5-year-old first-class Pu-Erh tea, “Palace” grade from Yunnan. After brewing, the color of the soup is orange-red and translucent, with a sweet aftertaste and a precious “ancient tree” fragrance. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in the area is very special. This Pu-Erh tea has long adsorbed the fruit aroma of citrus peel.  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that green tangerine peel is mild in nature, bitter and pungent, and enters the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the functions of regulating liver qi, improving pharyngitis, eliminating stagnation, and protecting the cardiovascular system. When combined with aged Pu-Erh tea, its health benefits are doubled.  Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat, and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging.   Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging. Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat, and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging.  


  • 10% OFF
    Oolong & Pu-Erh Tea Gift Set Oolong & Pu-Erh Tea Gift Set

    Oolong & Pu-Erh Tea Gift Set

    乌龙戏珠 铁观音&家藏普洱  茗茶礼盒 Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea (24 g) & Pu-Erh Tea (24 g) Oolong tastes bracing, exciting, fragrantly delicious Pu-Erh is earthy, grounding, digestive and comforting Oolong Tea Benefits You Didn't Know About Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease. Researchers have found a connection in drinking oolong tea and lowering cholesterol levels. ...  Lowers Risk of Cancer Decreases Inflammation Helps Fight Obesity Diabetes Prevention Boosts Energy Improves Tooth and Skin Health Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea Increases Energy. Thanks to the caffeine in Pu-erh tea, drinking a cup a day can help to increase your energy levels and focus Promotes a Healthy Heart Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals Prevents Cancer Protects Bone Health Aids in Weight Loss Reduces Stress Prevents Illness


  • Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea 16oz

    Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea 16oz

    精裝新会 小青柑\柑普茶16oz 选取已有600年生产历史的天马产区新会柑和5年云南一级宫廷普洱老茶为原料。冲泡后的汤色橙红透亮,回味爽甜并有陈香味。 中医认为,青皮陈皮性微温,味苦辛,入肝、胆经,具有理肝气、咽炎、消积化滞、保护心血管功效,与熟普茶结合后,其保健功效自然兼有两者的好处:具有健脾养胃、化痰止咳、降脂减肥、美容养颜、抗衰老等各种作用。   Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (1 Lb/Tin) Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea, is made with green citrus from Xinhui, Guangdong Province, and Palace Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan Province. It contains no additives and is made with special processing. Its characteristic first taste is sweet, a unique fruit essence that blends with the gentle, rich flavor of Pu-Erh tea. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in this region is very special and has long been absorbed by the Pu-Erh tea. Pu-Erh tea plays a prominent role in traditional Chinese medicine that can be described as  "guiding qi downward.” That means its earthy flavor and digestive properties improve digestion and circulation. Pu-Erh tea is often featured in heart health and weight loss programs.


  • 10% OFF
    Pu-erh Tea (3g*30Tea Bag) Pu-erh Tea (3g*30Tea Bag)

    Pu-erh Tea (3g*30Tea Bag)

    普洱茶(Pu-erh tea)和紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶一樣,是用茶樹(Camellia sinensis)的葉和莖所製成的茶。普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,可清饮,可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇,经久耐泡。 Pu-erh tea, like black tea, green tea, and oolong tea, is a tea made from the leaves and stems of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Pu-erh tea pays attention to brewing skills and drinking art. It can be drunk clearly or mixed. The Pu-erh tea soup has a strong orange yellow, a high-sharp and lasting aroma, a unique aroma, a strong taste, and long-lasting brewing.


  • bag) bag)

    Xinhui Red Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea(8 oz/bag)

    大红柑 普洱茶(8 oz/包) 配料:宫廷普洱(三年陈)、新会大红柑储存:阴凉、干燥下可长久保存,且越陈越香。 Dried red-orange peel (Chen Pi) is tangy, tart, and delicious. According to TCM Chinese medicine, the peel is digestive and enhances appetite. Pu’erh tea is a fermented tea recommended for improving digestion and weight loss. It contains a natural mild statin that helps to support heart health.  From the manufacturer:  Ingredients: Palace Pu’erh tea (aged three years), Xinhui big orange Storing: Can be preserved long term in a cool and dry place Preparation: Place orange peel Pu-Erh into a non-metal teapot, add boiling water, steep for 30 seconds and discard the first tea soup. Then add boiling water again and steep for two minutes.


  • Tin) Tin)

    Pu-Erh Tea (24g/Tin)

    普洱茶 功夫泡茶(24g/罐) Pu'er Tea, Kung Fu Tea (24g/can) Pu’erh is a delicious fermented tea that ages well and offers a rich flavor and many health benefits, including improved digestion and relief from hangovers.


  • 1986 Ancient Tree Pu-erh Ripe Tea (8oz)

    1986 Ancient Tree Pu-erh Ripe Tea (8oz)

    1986年陈年老树普洱茶(熟茶) 8oz 普洱茶(Pu-erh tea)和紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶一樣,是用茶樹(Camellia sinensis)的葉和莖所製成的茶。普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,可清饮,可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇,经久耐泡。 Pu-erh tea, like black tea, green tea, and oolong tea, is a tea made from the leaves and stems of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Pu-erh tea pays attention to brewing skills and drinking art. It can be drunk clearly or mixed. The Pu-erh tea soup has a strong orange yellow, a high-sharp and lasting aroma, a unique aroma, a strong taste, and long-lasting brewing.


  • WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box

    WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box

    永合豐 清韵 家藏老树普洱茶礼盒  精选 20年家藏老树普洱茶,搭配手绘景德镇烧制茶罐。 茶叶罐子会随机款式(tea container will be random style). WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box This tea set has “Laoshu Jiacang” Pu'erh tea *4oz a quality tea for daily health and beauty , a special collectable Pu’erh.   Green Pu’erh tea is processed like green teas we know but has a distinct flavor. Raw/green) Pu’erh tea has a very unique bitter-and-sweet taste and the “cha chi” (tea energy) is very strong, but it leaves a balanced and long-lasting sensation in the mouth and throat. The distinct bitter taste dissolves within seconds and turns into a sweet after-taste or “hui gan”.  Another special characteristic is its mild sweetness that becomes more and more apparent after multiple infusions. In China, Pu’erh teas are as valuable and expensive as collectible wines. Ancient tea trees, originating in Yiwu mountain range in Yunnan province, maybe 100 – 200 years old. Pu’erh tea is green (short aged) or “cooked” meaning long-aged, the longer the better. The aging process peaks at about 60 years. Drinking Pu-erh tea on a regular basis may help relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It's been shown to lower blood sugar, reduce obesity, and boost immunity. Plus, it lowers cholesterol and prevents free radical damage. In other words, it helps tackle all five of the syndrome's factors.   


  • 10% OFF
    cake cake

    WHF Year of Dragon Raw Pu-Erh Giftbox 357g/cake

    永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒(普洱生茶)357g 茶中王者  霸氣十足 老班章茶树大多种植于1476年,距今五百多年岁月,千年以上的高龄古树茶的茶叶极为珍稀。位于西双版纳世界茶王之乡勐海县布朗山乡,布朗族后裔(属古代濮人的后代),是世界上最早栽培、制作和饮用茶叶的民族。海拔1700米至1900米,山峦起伏连绵,沟谷纵横交错,北部因有哀老山和无量山的屏障作用,天成“冬无严寒,夏无酷署,四季如春”、“冬春两季多雾”的气候特点,原生态植被多样性保存完好,特别适合古茶树的生长。从古至今,老班章村民一直沿用传统古法、人工养护古茶树,手工采摘鲜叶,日光晒青毛茶,石磨土法压制各种紧压茶。 老班章古树茶,因其生长的天时地利条件,造就口感丰富的香气,独特的兰香引人入胜,浓厚润滑、喉韵深、回味悠长的普洱茶。 永合丰龙年礼盒,采用选料上乘老班章古树茶,米色礼盒精美雅致,无论品饮、鉴赏、馈赠或收藏,都是顶级珍茗佳品最佳选择。 WHF Year of Dragon Raw Pu-Erh Giftbox 357g/cake Most Lao Banzhang tea trees were planted in 1476, more than 500 years ago. Teas from old tea trees that are more than one thousand years old are extremely rare. The descendants of the Bulang people (who were descendants of the ancient Pu people) were the first people in the world to cultivate, produce and drink tea. The mountains are 1700 to 1900 meters above sea level. The valleys below the Ailao Mountain and the Wuliang Mountain are protected by the barrier effect in the north. Tiancheng’s mild climate is perfect for producing tea. It has “no severe cold in winter, not cool in summer, its four seasons are like spring” and it has “foggy winter and spring” weather. The original ecological vegetation diversity is well preserved, which is especially suitable for the growth of ancient tea trees.  From ancient times to the present, the villagers of Lao Banzhang have been using traditional ancient methods to maintain ancient tea trees. Fresh leaves are picked by hand, green tea is sun-dried, and all kinds of tea are pressed using the stone grinding method. Wing Hop Feng Year of Dragon gift box, using the best materials of the Lao Banzhang ancient tea tree, beige color gift box exquisite and elegant, it is the best option of whether drinking, appreciation, collection, and gift giving. How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds


  • 10% OFF
    WHF Collect "Peacock" Ripe Pu-Erh Tea Cake 357g WHF Collect "Peacock" Ripe Pu-Erh Tea Cake 357g

    WHF Collect "Peacock" Ripe Pu-Erh Tea Cake 357g

    永合豐 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g 日常自飲口感上佳   傾情禮贈品味不俗   款待貴客心意十足 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶餅,該款茶葉輕發酵後經傳統工藝壓制而成,乾倉存放,原料在壓制成餅前,經過多年陳放,味醇甘滑,口齒留香。同時也是一款具代表性的熟餅茶,發酵適度,茶品色澤褐紅,滋味醇厚,湯色紅亮,綜合品質高,為大眾所推崇。 優質的茶源,由製作師精心篩選,鮮葉晾晒攤放1-2小時,分級揉捻,在無污染環境通過透氣晾晒,嚴格控制發酵溫度,壓制好檢查厚度、餅型、重量。再精確包裝成列,放在干燥、清潔、無異味的倉庫儲存。 此款 永合豐 精選珍藏孔雀普洱茶餅,是一款備受歡迎普洱茶品,孔雀象徵著 “高貴、幸福、吉祥”,挑選優質茶芽,經傳統蒸壓工藝發酵乾燥提香而成,由於其獨特的明顯豐富口感,其色澤紅潤透亮、陳香純正、味醇厚且順滑,成為茶葉愛好者們喜愛的滋味首選。搭配高貴御禮納福紅禮盒,更顯貴氣隆重,是一款日常自飲口感上佳、傾情禮贈品味不俗、款待貴客心意十足的最佳選擇。 產品名稱:珍藏孔雀 普洱茶(熟茶)配料:雲南大葉種曬青毛茶產地:雲南 勐海存儲條件:在清潔、通風、乾燥、無異味、避免陽光直曬,無污染的環境下儲存。保質期:在符合儲存條件下,普洱茶適宜長期保存生產廠家:西雙版納 金福茶業有限公司  WHF Collect "Peacock" Ripe Pu-Erh Tea Cake 357g Pu'er or Pu-erh is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. The town of Pu'er is named after the tea that is produced close by. Pu-Erh Black Tea is unique in that it gets better with age, like wine. It initially starts out as a green tea but is not fully fired. Instead, the moist leaves are loosely stacked on top of each other to allow the tea to dry and age. The result is a color change from green to a deep burgundy. Supreme Ripe Pu-Er has a more fragrant earthy aroma than other Pu-Er. The dry-aging conditions have preserved the character of this tea while allowing it to mellow and gain complexity.  The tea is sweet, creamy and very thick, and expansive in the mouth.  It's a very active and textured ripe tea that has all attributes a good aged ripe Pu-Erh should have. How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Lidded Teacup Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds



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