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     Suan Mei Tang  Suan Mei Tang

    Sour Plum Drink/ Suan Mei Tang

    Sour Plum Drink/ SuanMeiTang 酸梅湯/酸梅汤 酸甜可口,清爽解暑,天然材料,在家自制 Sweet and tangy, refreshing, made with natural ingredients, homemade Sour Plum Drink/SuanMeiTang (酸梅湯) is a unique and refreshing beverage that combines the best of traditional Chinese ingredients. Perfect for summer or any time you need a cooling, rejuvenating drink, this drink offers a healthy beauty treat with its vibrant red color and tart flavor. It is considered an invaluable natural health drink in the hot season. Ingredients: Dried Sour Plums (乌梅): Promote digestion, relieve fatigue, and improve metabolism. Hawthorn Berries (山楂片): Support heart health, aid digestion, and enhance complexion. Dried Tangerine Peel (陈皮): Enhances flavor and aids digestion. Licorice Root (甘草): Adds sweetness, soothes the throat, and supports digestive comfort. Black dates(黑棗) - enhance the flavor and taste, rich in vitamin C can boost immunity, also contain yellow pigments that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dried Hibiscus Flowers (洛神花): Provide antioxidants, support skin health, and improve blood circulation. Mulberries (桑葚) : Enhance flavor, add nutritional value, and boost immunity. Preparation: Soak the ingredients in 2000cc water for about 30 minutes. Boil the mixture, then simmer on low heat for 40 minutes. Add 200g rock sugar, stirring until dissolved, turn off the heat.(The sweetness can be adjusted according to personal taste preferences.) Let the mixture steep for an hour to enhance the flavor. Strain and cool the liquid, then refrigerate for a refreshing drink. Rock sugar - Provides sweetness and is used to balance the sour taste of plum soup, making the taste smoother and more harmonious. (Product does not include rock sugar) Benefits: This tea is perfect for quenching thirst, cooling the body, and aiding digestion. It’s particularly beneficial in summer, alleviating symptoms like heatstroke and digestive discomfort. Enjoy it hot or cold, plain or with ice, cream, or fresh fruit. Regular consumption promotes overall wellness and beauty, making it an ideal addition to your daily health routine. Enjoy this delightful blend, a perfect harmony of taste and health, brought to you by Wing Hop Fung.


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    Chrysanthemum Floral Tea Chrysanthemum Floral Tea

    Chrysanthemum Floral Tea

    Chrysanthemum Floral Tea 生津润肺茶(金银花,罗汉果,菊花 茶饮) 無任何人工添加、自然甘甜味、 是秋季滋陰潤燥最佳首選飲品 清热解毒   清肝明目   润肺止咳   生津止渴 成份:金银花、罗汉果、杭菊花 金银花:清热解毒、散结消肿、抗炎止血,对牙齿周围组织的炎症有控制舒缓的作用,有助排毒美颜 罗汉果:化痰止咳、清肺润肠、生津止渴 菊花:清肝火、明目 做法简单,不需要加糖,味道清香甘甜,特别清热解渴。 做法:食材略洗,加入1000cc清水,煮滚后,转中小火续煮20分钟左右。关火焖15分钟风味更浓。可热饮或冻饮,各具特色。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Chrysanthemum Floral Tea Ingredients: Honeysuckle, monk fruit, Hangzhou chrysanthemum. Honeysuckle: clears heat and detoxifies, reduces swelling, has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, helps alleviate inflammation around the teeth, and aids in detoxification and enhancing complexion. Monk Fruit: relieves cough and phlegm, clears the lungs and moistens the intestines, quenches thirst. Chrysanthemum: clears liver heat and improves vision. This drink is simple to prepare, requires no added sugar, and has a fragrant, sweet taste. It is especially effective for clearing heat and quenching thirst. **According to U.S. medical and health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product should not be used for medical interpretation and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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    Hokkaido Dried Seaweed 8oz Hokkaido Dried Seaweed 8oz

    Hokkaido Dried Seaweed 8oz

    Hokkaido Dried Seaweed 8oz/ 日本北海道昆布 8oz 昆布是調整酸性體質的最佳天然鹼性食品 昆布含熱量低,礦物質含量非常豐富,是牛奶的23倍,鈣約是39倍。顏色呈灰黑色,為細長昆布中產量最多的一種。肉厚味美,燉煮後仍能保持鮮味及韌度,口感中稍微帶有一點甜味。在日本西元797年,當時昆布是被當作貢品,是相當珍貴的。昆布是生長在寒帶海域的一種海藻,市場上所食用的昆布約有 90 % 是產自北海道。同時含有幫助恢復疲勞、提高思考力及美肌作用。昆布也是很好鹼性食品,能夠讓我們因為攝取大量肉類或加工食品而傾向酸性的體質,保持為健康的弱鹼性體質。適合煮湯和涼拌,都非常美味,有這麼多的好處,是我們日常飲食不可或缺的健康養生食材。使用方法:將昆布浸泡於水中待軟,即可用於各式烹調料理中。 昆布外面有一層白霜樣物質原是由海帶體內滲出的甘露醇 ,甘露醇易溶於水,在泡發海帶的時間不可過長更不要洗 除,應儘量保留以利吸收利用。 Kombu--The Best Natural Alkaline Food to Adjust Acidic Physique Kombu is a low-calorie food rich in minerals, containing 23 times more minerals and about 39 times more calcium than milk. It is dark grey in color and is the most abundantly produced type of slender kombu. It has thick, flavorful seaweed that retains its freshness and firmness even after stewing, with a slightly sweet taste. In Japan, as early as 797 AD, kombu was considered a precious tribute. Kombu is a type of seaweed that grows in cold seas, with approximately 90% of the kombu consumed on the market coming from Hokkaido. Kombu helps relieve fatigue, enhance cognitive function, and improve skin health. It is also an excellent alkaline food, helping to maintain a healthy weak alkaline physique, especially for those whose bodies tend to become acidic due to the intake of large amounts of meat or processed foods. Kombu is suitable for making soups and cold dishes, both of which are delicious. With so many benefits, kombu is an indispensable health food in our daily diet. Usage Instructions: soak the kombu in water until it softens, then it can be used in various culinary dishes. The white powdery substance on the outside of the kombu is actually mannitol, which seeps out from the seaweed itself. Mannitol is easily soluble in water, so do not soak the seaweed for too long or wash it off. It should be retained as much as possible to facilitate absorption and utilization.


  • New Arrival
    GanoHerb Cell-wall Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Capsule GanoHerb Cell-wall Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Capsule

    GanoHerb Cell-wall Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Capsule

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    仙芝楼牌破壁灵芝孢子粉胶囊 最后促销,不接受退换exp: 11/07/2023 优势: 产地:武夷深山道地产区 武夷山脉,是中国原木灵芝的主要道地产区,这里仿野生原木栽培的灵芝,被中医药界誉为“灵芝标准中药材”。亦是全国灵芝人工栽培的发源地。 在种植前我们都要对该地的水源、土壤、空气进行检测,检测合格方可使用该基地。 原料:通过四国有机认证 只有全程有机种植的灵芝原料,才能保证天然纯正。若能同时通过中、美、日、欧盟四国有机认证,则品质更优。我司灵芝孢子粉种植严格按四国有机(中国、欧盟、日本和美国)要求进行:种植基地必须选择的是荒地,且正式确认前必须由总部位于法国的权威有机认证机构,即北京爱科赛尔认证中心有限公司现场确认,同时将土壤和水源送第三方检测,必须符合有机认证标准,才能使用该基地;种植过程严禁使用任何化肥和农药。 仙芝楼孢子粉经590项农残检测,未检出任何农残。 标准:采收是否遵循国家标准 灵芝孢子粉非常微小,采收不易,只有遵循国家标准采收的孢子粉,才能保证孢子粉的饱满新鲜和纯净度。 孢子粉可以喷3-4个月,但是我们只采收30-45天,才能保证颗颗饱满。其他品牌都收3-4个月的孢子粉在电镜下可见多个烂的、瘪的孢子粉。 单朵套袋收集,更洁净。 仙芝科技孢子粉 其他品牌孢子粉 工艺:低温物理破壁是关键 生产过程:严格控制微生物和重金属的污染,采用湿热灭菌,在符合2010版GMP的D级条件下生产进行生产,细菌总数≤1000cfu/g,霉菌和酵母菌≤100cfu/g;在低温下采用机械物理破壁,最大限度地防止破壁过程的氧化变质;破壁率按≥99.0%控制,远高于福建省地方炮制规范的95%的限度标准,保证能被人体充分吸收。孢子粉破壁方式有多种,但只有低温物理破壁技术,才能保证孢子粉的破壁率在99%,而且无氧化无污染。  且我司破壁孢子粉不经辐照灭菌,其他品牌孢子粉都是需要辐照灭菌的。 第三方质量评价: 分别送2018年、2019年和2020三批破壁灵芝孢子粉产品和一批2020年产灵芝孢子粉原料,由上海市食品药检验所季申主任团队进行质量评估,得到高度认可:592项农药残留和75项真菌毒素均未检出,铅、砷、汞、镉和铜五项重金属元素符合中国和美国药典的规定要求,灵芝孢子粉每粒完整饱满,破壁灵芝孢子粉中未见完整的灵芝孢子粉。 资质:国际资质越多越有保证 完善的质量控制系统才能确保产品的质量安全,仙芝科技已连续多年通过ISO:22000、HACCP、HALAL等十多项国际生产资质。 灵芝孢子粉是这样来的 灵芝生长——灵芝成熟——灵芝菌盖底部弹射孢子粉——采收饱满孢子粉——层层筛选等待破壁——低温物理绿色破壁——仙芝楼破壁灵芝孢子粉 这些孢子粉误区,你中招了吗? 灵芝孢子粉并非越苦越好 纯的灵芝孢子粉,正常味道是无明显苦味,有菌香味,破壁后因为孢子内的孢子油被提炼出来,所以颜色会变深,且容易粘成小块儿,但味道不变,依旧没有明显苦味。 孢子壁壳也有功效作用 灵芝孢子有双层壁壳,外壁是几丁质,由灵芝多糖、氨基酸、粗纤维、腺苷等组成,而内壁是一种膜,富含蛋白质。所以孢子壁壳也是非常有保健价值的。 孢子粉并非核桃,壁壳不伤胃 灵芝孢子不是核桃,单个孢子直径非常微小,甚至肉眼都看不到,破壁后则更加微小,所以不可能像核桃皮那样损伤肠道,相反孢子壁壳所含的活性成分还能保护胃黏膜的修复。 孢子粉用开水冲,溶的快不一定好 北大医学部林志彬教授曾明确提到:孢子粉是不溶于水的,孢子粉冲水后是一种混悬液,静置一段时间后,若出现分层,孢子粉多沉淀在下面的品质才佳。   GanoHerb Cell-wall Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Capsule Enhance immunity Protect against chemical liver damage Anti-cancer properties Fights fatigue and depression May improve heart health and blood sugar control In GanoHerb, the product is made of organically planted Reishi mushroom Spore Powder. It's rich in Polysaccharides and Total Triterpenes. There are 1100mg of Polysaccharides and 4000mg of total Triterpenes in every 100g of this product, which protects antioxidant functions and supports the immune system. The product helps improve sleep, enhance liver functions, relieve stress, and promote your general wellness.  Ganoderma spores are the powdery reproductive cells ejected from the cap of Ganoderma after the fruiting bodies become mature. Each spore is only 5-8 microns in diameter. The spore is rich in various bioactive substances such as Ganoderma polysaccharides, triterpenoids ganoderic acid, and selenium.  

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