Health Products

18 products

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    MD Ginseng Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 10cc x 30vials MD Ginseng Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 10cc x 30vials

    MD Ginseng Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 10cc x 30vials

    仙露牌 人参蜂王浆口服液 10cc x 30支  採用100% 天然 15年生紅參、蜂王漿配以蜂蜜基底精製而成 增强身体的抵抗力,延缓衰老,生理調節,促進組織再生 在很多文化中,人參長期被視爲是大自然的珍貴饋贈,因其寶貴成份而備受推崇。蜂王漿則是蜂后主要的食物來源。蜂后的壽命比工蜂長40倍,在繁殖期內能產下超過2000顆卵,這些卵的總重量竟超過她自身的體重。此款優質產品結合了精選純正優質的人參精華和新鮮蜂王漿,採用先進技術製作調製而成。 成份:人參提取物和蜂王漿配以蜂蜜為基底,含酒精成分少於0.5%。  使用方法:每天早晚各服一瓶,隨附吸管飲用。使用前請充分搖勻,並存放於陰涼處。  注意事項:不可單獨銷售。兒童及孕婦不宜使用。 MD Ginseng Royal Jelly (Oral liquid) 10cc x 30 vials 100% Natural 15 years old Red Ginseng root refined in honey base  In many cultures, Ginseng has long been valued as a precious gift of the nature for the treasured constituents. Royal jelly is the main source of the food for the queen bee. The queen bee has a life span of 40 times longer than the worker bee and could lay more than 2000 eggs during the reproduction period, and the total weight of which is amazingly greater than her own. This quality product is a blend of careful selected and prepared pure ginseng extract and fresh royal jelly with the advanced technology, and only the finest ingredients are used. Ingredients: Ginseng extract and royal jelly in honey base, less than 0.5% Alcohol. Directions: One bottle daily in the morning and before sleep. Drink with the straw enclosed. Shake well before serving. Keep in a cool place.Warnings: Note for individual sale. Note for children and pregnant women use. **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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    MD Red Panax Ginseng Extract 10cc x 30 vials MD Red Panax Ginseng Extract 10cc x 30 vials

    MD Red Panax Ginseng Extract 10cc x 30 vials

    MD Red Panax Ginseng Extract 10cc x 30 vials 仙露牌 人參精口服液 10cc x 30支 每瓶仙露牌人参精含有4500mg中國紅參精華,人參功效甚廣,故歷代古今均被稱爲「百草之王」,有固本培元之效。 本品採用中國長白山自然生長之人參作爲原料精製而成,口服液新配方,吸收效果快。 含量: 每瓶10cc,含有人參精4500毫克 使用方法:每日一瓶,于早晨或睡前飲用,服用時,打開瓶蓋隨附吸管飲之。 Each bottle of Ginseng Essence Extract contains 4500mg of Chinese red ginseng extract. Ginseng is renowned for its wide range of benefits and has been referred to as the "King of Herbs" throughout history for its ability to strengthen and replenish the body. This product is made from ginseng grown naturally in the Chang Bai Mountains of China. Content: Each bottle is 10cc, containing 4500mg of ginseng essence.Usage: Take one bottle daily, either in the morning or before bed. Drink using the enclosed straw after opening the bottle.


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    MD Supreme Beijing Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 10ml x 30 bottle MD Supreme Beijing Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 10ml x 30 bottle

    MD Supreme Beijing Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 10ml x 30 bottle

    MD Supreme Beijing Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 仙露牌 北京蜂皇精口服液10ml x 30瓶 本品採用以新鮮蜂王漿為原料精製而成 含量:每瓶含10cc 成份:鮮王漿、蜂蜜、蒸餾水 使用方法:每日1至2瓶,隨附吸管飲用,于早晨或睡前飲用。 注意事項:不可單獨銷售。兒童及孕婦不宜使用。 This product is refined using fresh royal jelly as the main ingredient.  Content: Each bottle contains 10cc  Ingredients: Fresh royal jelly, honey, distilled water  Directions: Drink 1 to 2 bottles daily, in the morning or before sleep. Warnings: Note for individual sale. Note for children and pregnant women use.


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    BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink(6*68ml) 561068  BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken Drink

    BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink(6*68ml)

    白蘭氏 鸡精(68ml*6瓶) An all natural product, BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken has been trusted by generations for its goodness. It is purely derived from chicken to ensure premium quality. ● It is all natural.● It contains no fats and cholesterol.● It is free of all artificial stimulants.● It is easily digested.Contains : 6 bottles * 2.3oz (68ml)


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    BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps Extract(6*68ml)

    BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps Extract(6*68ml)

    白蘭氏 虫草鸡精(68ml*6瓶) 白蘭氏®虫草鸡精以100%野生虫草配白蘭氏®鸡精墩制,令味道更佳。 主要成分 鸡精、野生虫草、当归、甘草 建议饮用方法 建议早上饮用,功效更佳 保存方式 保存期限: 三年  保存方式:存放于干爽阴凉处,并避免阳光直接曝晒。     BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps Extract(6*68ml) Ingredients: Essence of Chicken, Wild Cordyceps, Tang kwei and Chinese Licorice BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken Drink with Cordyceps is made with BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken and 100% wild Cordyceps. The addition of Cordyceps and other herbs makes the drink even more palatable.   Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction.  When winter comes, the Cordyceps fungus attacks the caterpillars which live in the high mountain region of China. The mycelium invades and replaces the host and becomes an herb in summer. Cordyceps are very sensitive to the optimal temperature and humidity, and they can't be cultivated in an artificial environment. The lower growth rate makes it very rare and expensive. The best cordyceps are grown in Tibet, Sichuan, and Qinghai in China. Cordyceps has a very long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function. BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken Drink may be consumed straight from the bottle at room temperature, chilled or warm according to one's preference. Consume immediately upon opening. Storage Shelf Life:3 YearsStorage Instructions: Keep in a cool, dry place, and avoid direct sunlight for best quality.    


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    Korean Panax Ginseng Extra Strength Capsule 100 Caps Korean Panax Ginseng Extra Strength Capsule 100 Caps

    Korean Panax Ginseng Extra Strength Capsule 100 Caps

    韩国高丽人参胶囊-高浓度(100粒) 主要功效:大补元气,补脾益肺,生津,安神。帮助提高身体的免疫力。 增加你的能量 - 使用了数千年的传统草药来增加能量和增强免疫系统.营养丰富 - 这种草药含有营养丰富的维生素、42 种天然矿物质、氨基酸、精油和酶的混合物.具有滋補肾阳、补元气、舒缓身心的作用。 Korean Panax Ginseng Extra Strength Capsule About Korean Panax Ginseng Capsules Korean Panax Ginseng Extra Strength 1200mg Capsules Premium ginseng supplements that boost your energy, endurance, and stamina.* Contains 42 natural minerals, amino acids, essential oils, and enzymes. * 100 capsules per bottle. 50 days supply Benefits of Panax Red Ginseng Increase Your Energy - Traditional herb used for thousands of years to increase energy and boost the immune system* Nutrient-Rich - This herb contains a nutrient-rich blend of vitamins, 42 natural minerals, amino acids, essential oils, and enzymes. * It has the functions of nourishing kidney yang, replenishing vitality, and soothing the body and mind.* Direction: Take 2 capsules daily or as directed by your physician.  *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s prescription medicine.



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