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  • Red Ling Zhi (16 oz) Red Ling Zhi (16 oz)

    Lucid Ganoderma/Red Ling Zhi (16 oz)

    纯天然 散装 整枝赤灵芝(16 oz)   免费切片,切块,如需服务请留言。 本品为多孔菌科真菌赤芝的干燥子实体。 性味 甘;平;无毒 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。   Lucid Ganoderma/Red Ling Zhi (16 oz) Size:18-24cm A large study published in 2018 in Molecules reprinted by NIH found reishi (aka lingzhi, Ganoderma luc.) polysaccharides to have significant beneficial effects for tumors, HIV, depression, anxiety, numerous health issues and life expectancy. Red Reishi has been proven to be the most effective in improving one’s overall health by enhancing the immune system, many bodily functions, and vital organs. Black Reishi (Ganoderma sinensis), is fairly common and can be found in most Chinese herbal shops. While it still possesses some value as a moderate herbal tonic, black Reishi is considered to be inferior to red Reishi because of its lower polysaccharide content. From the manufacturer:  This product is the dried fruiting body of the fungus Ganoderma lucidum of the Polyporaceae family. The taste is sweet; It is neutral in effect and non-toxic. It enters the Lung, Heart, Spleen, and  Kidney meridians.  Indications: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and strengthen the spleen and stomach. It has been used to correct chronic weakness mainly due to fatigue, also palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, chronic cough, asthma, coronary heart disease, silicosis, and tumors.


  • Bag)

    Herba Laminariae/Khumbu (6oz/Bag)

    昆布(6 oz/包) Herba Laminariae/Khumbu  (6oz/Bag) A member of the kelp family, kombu is a versatile pantry ingredient that provides dishes with umami flavor, nutrients, and minerals. Dried kombu can be used to make broth, added to beans to make them more digestible, and eaten in salads. Most kombu comes from Hokkaidō, Japan. What's it taste like? Because of the high concentration of glutamic acids, a building block of MSG, kombu is filled with umami. It's not fishy at all, with a briny, almost mushroom-like flavor. ( Don't wash kombu under running water or in water; instead, wipe any dirt off it with a cloth. The whitish powder adds flavour; that is why you don't want to wash it away. It needs to be soaked at least 20 minutes before use, unless simmering it for dashi. ( It is a rich source of iron and potassium. . . some people use laminaria as medicine. Laminaria is taken by mouth for weight loss, high blood pressure, as a bulk laxative for constipation, and for treating radiation sickness. It is also used for preventing cancer. (  


  • 20% OFF
    Wild Black Reishi\Ganoderma Lucidum XL

    Wild Black Reishi\Ganoderma Lucidum XL

    特大 纯天然 野生黑灵芝(18-20磅每枝) 性味 甘;平;无毒 黑灵芝被称为灵芝中的极品,对人体保健具有的药用疗效,远比其它种类的灵芝为高。 抗肿瘤 抗肿瘤是黑灵芝最为人熟知的药学作用,有研究表明,黑灵芝所含的营养成分中能够作用于肿瘤防治的主要是灵芝多糖、三萜类化合物以及有机锗,以上成分能够抑制人体内多种肿瘤细胞的生长,并且加速肿瘤细胞的凋亡。黑灵芝的抗癌作用并不是某种化合物单一的作用,而是在人体内形成一个综合的免疫系统,提高人体的免疫力 [1]  。 调节免疫 黑灵芝多糖、三萜类化合物、蛋白这三种成分在黑灵芝的免疫调节功能中发挥主要作用。多糖可以促进人体的免疫应答反应,刺激嗜中性粒细胞的吞噬作用,加速功能性细胞因子的分泌,达到调节免疫系统的功能。黑灵芝蛋白则可以调节免疫力。三萜类化合物中的灵芝醇 F以及灵芝酮二醇能有效抑制补体激活的经典途径 [1]  。 治疗心脑血管疾病 服用灵芝多糖、灵芝三萜等营养物质,可以增强身体免疫力,净化血液,从根本上改善健康状况 [1]  。 抗衰老 对黑灵芝抗衰老作用研究比较多,主要在于抗自由基和调节代谢平衡。生物体所产生的内原性防卫自由基损伤的抗氧化剂或抗氧化剂化酶类物质(如超氧化物歧化酶,SOD)的降低,是人体衰老的一个原因。灵芝自古以来就被认为是延年益寿的佳品,灵芝多糖有显著的拟 SOD活性,作用于红细胞,能提高红细胞内 SOD 的活性,增强机体自由基的清除能力,从而阻止自由基对机体的损伤,防止脂体的过氧化,减少自由基造成的脂质过氧化过程,从而对细胞膜形成保护,达到延缓衰老的功效. [1]. 灵芝成分及功能的研究现状.万方.2018-09-20[引用日期2019-06-27]



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