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2213 products

  • WHF Rewarewa Honey - Liquid (500g)

    WHF Rewarewa Honey - Liquid (500g)

    永合丰 蕾华莉花蜂蜜 500g 此款蜂蜜採自新西兰北岛的金银花又称忍冬花。它是一款经典到位深色蜂蜜,具有丰富的焦糖风味,非常适合搭配各种饮品和食谱,可用做抹酱或天然甜味剂。金银花具有清热解毒、通经活络、护肤美容的功效。 特点颜色--琥珀色,口感--甜美,特性--不易结晶,香气--具有迷人的龙眼花香,蛋白质含量--在单花蜜中含量最高,达1.699%。 中医功效补血养神、增强食欲、清热润燥滋养肌肤、促进消化、安神助眠。 此款蜂蜜不仅美味可口,并因其丰富的营养和中医功效深受喜爱,是日常饮食和保健的理想选择。 WHF Rewarewa Honey - Liquid (500g) WHF ® brand Rewarewa Honey is made from New Zealand honeysuckle flowers found on the North Island. It is classic dark honey rich in caramel flavor. Perfect as a complement to your recipes, this honey may be used as a spread or sweetener. The honey color is amber, the taste sweet, it does not easily crystallize. It has a delicious longan aroma. Its protein content is the highest among single flower nectars, reaching 1.699%. 


  • WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g) 1  WHF Tawari Honey (Liquid)

    WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g)

    永合豐 達華麗 純蜂蜜(液體)500g 永合豐 達華麗 純蜂蜜的蜜源是新西蘭北島的Tawari樹的乳白色花朵,這種蜂蜜擁有金黃色的色澤和奶油糖果的美妙味道。 WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g) The source of this pure honey is the milky white flowers of the Tawari tree on the North Island of New Zealand. This honey has a golden color and a wonderful taste of butterscotch. Tawari honey is also good for you, giving you instant natural energy, and enhancing general health. It has an anti-biotic activity that is peroxide-based, and as light honey, it better suits the taste and skin of some people.


  • WHF Clover Honey - Creamed (500g) 2 WHF Clover Honey - Creamed (500g)

    WHF Clover Honey - Creamed (500g)

    永合豐 新西兰 三葉草蜂蜜(膏狀) 三叶草蜂蜜是众多蜂蜜品种中口感颇佳的一种。它口感清甜,带有三叶草淡淡的清香,入口丝滑,给人美妙的味觉体验 。无论是直接食用,还是搭配面包、冲调饮品,都十分适宜。   WHF Clover Honey - Creamed (500g) Clover honey is one of the honey varieties with an excellent taste. It has a sweet flavor, accompanied by a faint fragrance of clovers. It is smooth when it enters the mouth, providing a wonderful taste experience. Whether eaten directly, paired with bread, or used to make beverages, it is highly suitable.


  • WHF Clover Honey - Liquid (500g) 1 WHF Clover Honey - Liquid (500g)

    WHF Clover Honey - Liquid (500g)

    永合丰 新西兰 三葉草蜂蜜(液体) 三叶草蜂蜜是众多蜂蜜品种中口感颇佳的一种。它口感清甜,带有三叶草淡淡的清香,入口丝滑,给人美妙的味觉体验 。无论是直接食用,还是搭配面包、冲调饮品,都十分适宜。 WHF Clover Honey - Liquid (500g) Clover honey is one of the honey varieties with an excellent taste. It has a sweet flavor, accompanied by a faint fragrance of clovers. It is smooth when it enters the mouth, providing a wonderful taste experience. Whether eaten directly, paired with bread, or used to make beverages, it is highly suitable.


  • Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (10 sachets) Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (10 sachets)

    Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (10 sachets)

    永合豐即溶薑茶 (10包裝) 永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶是由精選特級生薑和蜂蜜混合而成。已知生薑可以增加身體的能量水平,並且具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。成分:特級姜,蔗糖,純蜂蜜。 (包含:10包x 18g)   Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (10 sachets) Wing Hop Fung brand instant natural ginger tea combines selected premium ginger and pure natural honey. Ginger tea can increase energy and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.  (Contains: 10 sachets x 18g) Ingredients: premium ginger, natural honey.  Ginger tea contains a variety of active ingredients and traditional health benefits which include: Improves natural detoxification Anti-inflammatory Promotes blood circulation Warms digestion, helps relieve vomiting and motion sickness Possible cancer prevention Improves cardiovascular health  Improves chronic discomforts such as arthritis and migraines. Contains oleoresin which helps lower blood fat and cholesterol.   Fights colds: improves runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, and headache; useful for cold prevention Fights free radicals; gingerol reduces oxygen free radicals.


  • Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets) Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets)

    Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets)

    永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶 永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶是由精選特級生薑和蜂蜜混合而成。生薑可以增加身體的能量水平,並且具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。成分:特級老姜,天然蜂蜜。 (包含:10包x 18g) 1.姜茶含多种活性成分,具有解毒、消炎、去湿活血、暖胃、止呕、消除体内垃圾等作用。 2.科学证实,生姜还有抑制癌及预防心血管疾病的作用。 从姜中提取的精华素,还可以被用来治疗偏头痛、行动障碍和关节炎。 3.姜茶:含有一种含油树脂,具有明显的降血脂和降胆固醇的作用。 4.驱寒:我国民间早就有喝姜茶的习惯 , 姜茶可能喝一次即驱走轻微的感冒,症状较重者一连三天每日喝一次,就不再流鼻水、咳嗽、发烧、喉咙痛、头痛;容易患感冒者也可以每三天喝一次以起预防之效。 5.人到老年,面部常布满“老年斑”,现代医学研究表明,这种“体锈”是由于体内氧自由基过度活跃所致。药理研究发现,生姜内含淀粉、挥发油及人体所需的多种氨基酸,尤其是辣味成分的姜辣素有很强的对付氧自由基的本领。 6.如果你频频便秘,动不动疲倦不堪,喝姜茶可以通便,而且精力充沛。 7.姜茶可以缓解晕车船、恶心的症状。建议乘车船之前喝一杯姜茶。   Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets) Wing Hop Fung brand instant natural ginger tea is made by mixing selected premium ginger and honey. Ginger can increase the energy level of the body and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ingredients: premium ginger, natural honey.  Ginger tea contains a variety of active ingredients, which have the functions of detoxification, anti-inflammatory, dehumidifying, promoting blood circulation, warming the stomach, relieving vomiting, and eliminating toxins in the body.   It is scientifically proven that ginger can also inhibit cancer and prevent cardiovascular diseases. The essence extracted from ginger can also be used to treat migraines, mobility disorders, and arthritis.   Ginger tea: Contains oleoresin, which has obvious effects of lowering blood fat and cholesterol.   Fighting colds: The folks in our country have long had the habit of drinking ginger tea. Ginger tea may drive away mild colds once you drink it. If you drink it once a day for three consecutive days, you will no longer have a runny nose, cough, fever, etc. sore throat, and headache; people who are prone to catching colds can also drink it every three days as a preventive effect. When people reach old age, the face is often covered with "age spots". Modern medical research has shown that this "body rust" is caused by overactive oxygen free radicals in the body. Pharmacological studies have found that ginger contains starch, volatile oil, and a variety of amino acids required by the human body, especially the spicy ingredient gingerol has a strong ability to deal with oxygen-free radicals. If you have frequent constipation and are tired at every turn, drinking ginger tea can be laxative and energetic. Ginger tea can relieve the symptoms of motion sickness and nausea. It is recommended to drink a cup of ginger tea before boarding the boat.


  • 盒)Po Sang Yuen Comb Honey

    Po Sang Yuen Comb Honey 350g

    寶生園 天然 蜂巢蜜(350克/盒) 巢蜜俗称“蜂窝”,是经蜜蜂酿制成熟并封上蜡盖的蜜脾,由蜂巢和蜂蜜两部分组成的一种成熟蜜,也称“封盖蜜”,它的营养成份和活性物质比普通蜂蜜要高得多。 蜂巢蜜具有花源的芳香、醇馥鲜美的滋味。由于巢蜜未经人为加工,不易掺杂使假和污染,较分离蜜酶值含量高,羟甲基糠醛、重金属含量低,所以是比分离蜜更高级的营养性食品。巢蜜含有丰富的生物酶、维生素、多种微量元素,同时集蜂胶,花粉,蜂蜜,幼蜂为一体,具有更好的保健治病功效,为蜜中之极品。 【蜂巢蜜和普通蜂蜜的区别】 蜂巢蜜是连蜜带巢一起食用的蜜蜂巢脾。 它不仅含天然成熟的原蜜,还含蜂蜡、生物蜂胶等天然营养成分。 食用起来甘甜爽口、蜜味香浓,长期食用还具有多种医学保健作用。 Po Sang Yuen Comb Honey (350g) Natural comb honey is collected by honey bees from longan flowers in Thailand. Honey bees use their bee wax to build the comb. They fill the comb full with longan honey and seal it with bee wax. Comb honey preserves its natural flavor for years before opening. Comb honey, commonly known as "honeycomb" is a kind of mature honey composed of honeycomb and honey. Its nutrients and active substances are much higher than ordinary honey. Honeycomb honey has the mellow, delicious taste and fragrance of its flower origin. Because comb honey has not been artificially processed, it is not easy to be adulterated and contaminated. Compared with separated honey, it has a higher enzyme value and lower content of hydroxymethyl furfural and heavy metals. Therefore, it is a more advanced nutritional food than separated honey. Comb honey is rich in biological enzymes, vitamins, and a variety of trace elements. It also integrates propolis, pollen, honey, and young bees. Honeycomb honey not only contains natural mature raw honey but also contains natural nutrients such as beeswax and biological propolis. It tastes sweet, refreshing, and fragrant. Long-term consumption also has a variety of health effects.


  • 瓶)【Po Sang Yuen】 Lychee Honey

    Po Sang Yuen Lychee Honey (500g)

    宝生园 荔枝花蜜(500g/瓶) Po Sang Yuen Lychee Honey (500g) Lychee Honey is all-natural honey derived from the flowers of the Lungan tree that are in abundance in Thailand. Lychee Honey is one of the most popular and well-known honey. Lychee is a great source of dietary fiber, protein, proanthocyanidins, and polyphenolic compounds, which makes it an energizing fruit. 'Lychee Honey is helpful in digestive issues, cognitive disorders help improve blood circulation. Most of the health benefits of lychee honey can be attributed to its antioxidants and enzymes


  • 瓶)Po Sang Yuen Longan Honey

    Po Sang Yuen Longyan Honey (500g)

    寶生園 龙眼花蜜 (500克/瓶) Po Sang Yuen Longyan Honey (500g) Longan Honey is all-natural honey derived from the flowers of the longan tree that are in abundance in Thailand. Longan Honey is one of the most popular and well-known honey. Longan Honey has powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial qualities with good results against MRSA when it is consumed fresh and raw. Longan fruit is more known in the western world as the dragon’s eye. . . The fruit is very common in Asia, but is considered to be a relatively new fruit to the world (acknowledged outside of China only in the last 250 years). . . Longan honey, also known as “spring honey” because it is primarily produced in the springtime, is a very common honey in Asia.


  • 瓶) Po Sang Yuen Acacia Honey 3  Po Sang Yuen Acacia Honey 500g

    Po Sang Yuen Acacia Honey (500g)

    寶生園 槐花蜜(500克/瓶) Po Sang Yuen  Acacia Honey (500g) Acacia Honey is all-natural honey derived from acacia flowers that are in abundance in Thailand. Acacia Honey is one of the most popular and well-known honey. Acacia honey is obtained from the acacia flower. This honey is characterized by having a very light color, almost transparent, and a very light texture; with a very neutral floral aroma. Acacia has a sweet, delicate flavor with hints of vanilla, a clean floral aroma, and no aftertaste. Unlike many varieties of honey which can be quite overbearing, acacia honey is light and easy on the palate; you can even enjoy more than a teaspoon or two of acacia honey straight from the bottle or jar without feeling like you’ve overdone it It is extremely slow to crystallize on the shelf, due to its high fructose content. Acacia can remain liquid on the shelf for as long as 1-2 years.


  • 瓶)Po Sang Yuen Mixed Honey 瓶)Po Sang Yuen Mixed Honey

    Po Sang Yuen Mixed Honey (500g)

    寶生園 百花蜜(500克/瓶) 百花蜜是多种花蜜酿成的混合蜂蜜,味甜,具有天然蜜的香气,营养成分比较多。 Po Sang Yuen Mixed Honey (500g) Hundred-flower honey is mixed honey made from a variety of nectars. It has a sweet taste, a natural honey aroma, and is packed with nutrients. 


  • 香港【寶生園】冬蜜 【Po Sang Yuen】 Winter Honey

    Po Sang Yuen Winter Honey (500g)

    寶生園 冬蜜(500克/瓶) 冬蜜特指 鹅掌柴花蜜,是南方特有冬季蜜种。鹅掌柴也叫鸭脚木、文母树,原产中国台湾、福建、云南、贵州、四川、西藏、广东、海南等地。鹅掌柴花蜜色泽为浅琥珀色,较易结晶,质地优良,味甘而略带特有苦味。 Po Sang Yuen Winter Honey (500g) Winter honey refers specifically to the nectar of Schefflera arboricola, a unique winter honey species in the south. Schefflera arboricola is also called duck-foot wood and Wenmu tree, and is native to Taiwan, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Guangdong, Hainan and other places in China. The taste of Schefflera arboricola nectar is light amber, easy to crystallize, with excellent texture, sweet taste and slightly unique bitterness.



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