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Chinese Traditional Medicine

192 products

  • 10% OFF
    999 Herbal Syrup 120ml 999 Herbal Syrup 120ml

    999 Herbal Syrup 120ml

    999 三九 小儿止咳糖浆 120ml 【功能主治】祛痰,镇咳。用于小儿感冒引起的咳嗽。  年齡(歲) 一次用量(ml) 一日次數 2~5歲 5ml 一日3~4次 5歲以上 5ml~10ml 一日3~4次 2歲以下 酌減 一日3~4次


  • ZHONG LIAN Bi Yan Pian Herbal Supplement 100 Tablets ZHONG LIAN Bi Yan Pian Herbal Supplement 100 Tablets

    ZHONG LIAN Bi Yan Pian Herbal Supplement 100 Tablets

    中联 鼻炎片 100片/50g 鼻炎片清熱解毒,有助於鼻道健康。 用法舆用量:必要時、成人口服每次三至四片-日三次貯藏密封置陰凉干爽處注意事项孕婦忌用,請置於兒童接觸不到的地方。 如果瓶蓋上的錩箔保險膜已打開或破損,請勿使用。   Direction: For adult, take 3-4 tablets each time, 3 times a day when needed.Storage: Keep sealed bottle in a cold and dry place.Warning: Do not use if you are pregnant. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT USE IF THE SEAL IS BROKEN OR MISSING


  • MA YING LONG Hemorrhoids Suppository 6pcs MA YING LONG Hemorrhoids Suppository 6pcs

    MA YING LONG Hemorrhoids Suppository 6pcs

    马应龙 麝香痔疮栓 6枚 主要成分: 人工麝香、珍珠、冰片、炉甘石粉、三七、五倍子、人工牛黄、颠茄流浸膏 功能主治: 清热解毒,消肿止痛,止血生肌。用于大肠热盛所致的大便出血、血色鲜红、肛门灼热疼痛各类痔疮和肛裂见上述症候者。 注意事项:栓剂如遇高温软化,可将栓头朝下放入冰箱或浸入冷水中,冷却后再使用。(使用前请始终阅读包装内说明)孕妇慎用。 贮藏方法: 30°C以下密闭储存


  • SUNFLOWER Xueli Zhike Cough Syrup 150ml SUNFLOWER Xueli Zhike Cough Syrup 150ml

    SUNFLOWER Xueli Zhike Cough Syrup 150ml

    葵花 雪梨止咳糖浆 150ml 【功能主治】润肺,止咳,化痰。适用于支气管炎,咳嗽,咳痰。 【用法用量】口服。一次10~15ml,小儿一次5~7.5ml,一日3~4次。 SUNFLOWER Xueli Zhike Cough Syrup 150ml Moisturizes the lungs, relieves cough, and reduces phlegm. Suitable for bronchitis, cough, and phlegm production. Dosage: Oral use. 10-15 ml per dose for adults, 5-7.5 ml per dose for children, taken 3-4 times daily.


  • Yunnan Baiyao Join Relief Heat Patch 3pcs Yunnan Baiyao Join Relief Heat Patch 3pcs

    Yunnan Baiyao Join Relief Heat Patch 3pcs

    云南白药 关节热敷贴 3片 【适用范围】适用于祛风散寒、舒筋活血、消肿止痛及治疗因受风寒引起的各部位疼痛。用于风湿、类风湿性关节炎、颈椎病、肩周炎、腰腿痛、关节痛、坐骨神经痛等疼痛。【规格】95mm*140mm Yunnan BaiYao Join Relief Heat Patch 3pcs Heat Therapy Patch for Joints Indications: Effective for dispelling wind and cold, relaxing muscles, promoting blood circulation, reducing swelling, and relieving pain caused by exposure to wind and cold. Used for conditions: such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of the shoulder, lumbar and leg pain, joint pain, and sciatica.Patch Size:95mm*140mm


  • Box Box

    WANTONG Xiao Mi Shuan 3g*7/Box

    万通 消糜栓 3g*7/盒 适用于滴虫性阴道炎和霉菌性阴道炎,带下量多,色黄腥臭,阴部瘙痒等症状 清热解毒,燥湿杀虫,祛腐生肌。用于湿热下注所致的带下病,见带下量多、色黄、质稠、腥臭、阴部瘙痒;滴虫性阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎、非特异性阴道炎、宫颈糜烂见上述证候者。用法:阴道给药。一次1粒,一日1次。 把药栓先塞到阴道深部,然后再塞棉栓,线留在阴道外面,这样方便拔出来。因为在防止药栓滑出来的同时,阴道分泌物也会出来,所以在10个小时左右就可以把棉线拉出来,分泌物就可以和以前一样排出。


  • WANTONG Pearl Eye Drops 13ml WANTONG Pearl Eye Drops 13ml

    WANTONG Pearl Eye Drops 13ml

    万通 珍珠明目滴眼液 13ml 用于视力疲劳及慢性结膜炎 【成分】珍珠液, 冰片. 辅料为氯化钠, 羟笨乙脂  【性状】本品为无色澄明液体, 气香  【功能主治】清热泻火, 养肝明目, 用于视力疲劳症和慢性结膜炎  【用法用量】滴入眼睑内, 一次1~2滴, 一日3~5次 WANTONG Pearl Eye Drops  For eye strain and chronic conjunctivitis Dosage: Instill 1-2 drops into the eyelid, 3-5 times daily


  • ASKY Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster  6 Packs ASKY Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster  6 Packs

    ASKY Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster 6 Packs

    爱士康元 穴位压力鸡眼贴 6贴装 鸡眼保健贴,温和不刺激,无疼痛感,健康护理适合各种鸡眼类型,鸡茧、脚丁、老茧、肉刺 三层渗透,第一阶段冷敷理疗,缓解疼痛 第二阶段渗透老废角质层基底,逐渐剥离角质 第三阶段深入肌底,形成保护帮助肌肤修护 【使用方法】1.先用热水泡脚2.擦干水渍,将鸡眼贴敷贴于患处3.待患处表皮软化发白,慢慢剥离表层软化角质 Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster 6 Packs Gentle and non-irritating corn care plaster, providing pain-free, healthy care.Suitable for various types of corns, calluses, foot warts, and hardened skin. Three-Step Penetration: First Stage: Cold compress therapy to relieve pain. Second Stage: Penetrates the base of the old keratin layer, gradually removing dead skin. Third Stage: Deeply nourishes, forming a protective barrier to help skin repair. Usage Instructions: Soak your feet in warm water. Dry thoroughly and apply the corn plaster to the affected area. Once the area softens and turns white, gently peel off the softened outer layer of skin.


  • Shanghai Hutchison SheXiang BaoXin Pills Shanghai Hutchison SheXiang BaoXin Pills

    Shanghai Hutchison SheXiang BaoXin Pills

    和黄制药 麝香保心丸 芳香温通,益气强心,用于气滞血瘀所致的胸痹等症状 对患者有心冠的能力,作为心梗的紧急情况,绞痛问题,预防心梗,有效的心绞痛 减轻香保心丸的血管内皮细胞,促进血管再生 可以提高收缩力、该预计缺氧力、降低区耗能、出现心前坐、固定不动等的选择药,是一种创新的中成药 使用方法:口服。一次1~2丸,一日3次 注意事项:1.孕妇及对本品过敏者禁用 2.药品性状发生改变时禁止使用 3.请将此药品放在儿童不能接触的地方 4.运动员慎用


  • CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm) CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm)

    CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm)

    德国辣椒标 风湿膏药 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm)  外用 跌打止痛膏 主要成分: 辣椒素功能主治: 暂时缓解由于下列症状引起的肌肉和关节酸痛:一般腰背痛、关节炎、损伤、瘀伤、扭伤;以及风湿、腰痛、坐骨神经痛、胸膛及肺部等引起的疼痛。用法用量: 将药膏从纸背上剥离,直接贴于患处。必要时可将膏药剪成小块贴于患处。浴后使用效果更佳。适用于成年人及2岁或以上儿童,每天贴于患处不得超过3至4次,2岁以下儿童,不得使用,请教医师。不良反应: 本品含有天然胶乳,可能会引起过敏反应。注意事项: 本品仅供外用。不要用于:伤口、破损或发炎皮肤。 CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster External Medicated Pain Reliever Plaster Component: CapsaicinUses: Temporarily relieves minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises. sprains. Usage Instructions:Peel off the paper backing and apply the plaster directly to the affected area. If necessary, cut the plaster into smaller pieces to fit the area. For best results, use after a bath. Suitable for adults and children aged 2 years and older. Do not apply more than the recommended amount. Adverse Reactions:This product contains natural rubber latex, which may cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.Precautions: For external use only. Do not use on wounds or damaged or irritated skin.

    $2.99 - $58.59

  • H.E.I. Qing Re Chieh Du Pien 96 Tablets H.E.I. Qing Re Chieh Du Pien 96 Tablets

    H.E.I. Qing Re Chieh Du Pien 96 Tablets

    漢寶牌 清熱解毒片96片 清熱解毒,利便去火。咽喉腫痛、牙痛、肝火旺盛、口鼻生瘡、大便不通。 成份:桔梗、黃芩、生石膏、金銀花、連翹、川芎、白芷、薄荷 服法用量:必要時,成人口服。每日服二次,每次2-4片,溫開水送服。孕婦忌服。 注意:請將此產品遠離兒童。 H.E.I. Qing Re Chieh Du Pien 96 Tablets


  • 120ml 120ml

    TAIJI BiDouYan KouFuYe Herbal Supplement 12vials/120ml

    太极 鼻窦炎口服液 12支入/120ml 【主要作用】疏散风热,清热利湿,宣通鼻窍。主治风热犯肺、湿热内蕴所致的鼻塞不通,流黄稠涕;急慢性鼻炎,副鼻窦炎见上述证候者。 【用法用量】规格:10ml*6支。口服,一次10毫升,一日3次,20日为一疗程。 【注意事项】1、忌烟酒、辛辣、鱼腥食物。2、不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。3、有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。4、儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱,脾虚便溏者应在医师指导下服用。5、严格按用法用量服用,该药品不宜长期服用。6、服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。7、对该药品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。8、该药品性状发生改变时禁止使用。9、儿童必须在成人监护下使用。10、请将该药品放在儿童不能接触的地方。11、如正在使用其他药品,使用该药品前请咨询医师或药师。



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