Chinese Herbs

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Boost your health and mental power with thousands of years old herbalism tradition

Herbs are valuable to prevent illness for over five thousand years. Wing Hop Fung features bulk herbs, including famous tonics such as cordyceps and reishi, also classic combined herbal formulas.

205 products

  •  Yi Mu Cao 16oz

    Motherwort / Yi Mu Cao 16oz

    益母草(16 oz/包)  Motherwort Herb 益母 三角胡麻 四楞子棵 茺蔚草 益母蒿 益母艾 红花艾 坤草 茺蔚 益明 大札 贞蔚 苦低草 性味 苦、辛,微寒。 归经 归肝、心包、膀胱经。 功效 活血调经,利尿消肿,清热解毒。 主治 用于月经不调,痛经经闭,恶露不尽,水肿尿少,疮疡肿毒。   HERBA LEONURI/ Motherwort / Yi Mu Cao (16 oz/Bag) The tea Invigorates blood and regulates menses for gynecological issues - PMS, abdominal pain, irregular menses, abdominal masses, infertility, postpartum abdominal pain w/lochioschesis, stasis from blood deficiency. Promotes urination and reduces swelling - acute systemic edema. . . Avoid during pregnancy. [Women who are weak, anemic, have chronic chills and diarrhea should use caution and consult with a medical professional/herbalist.] From the manufacturer:  The taste is bitter, pungent, and it is slightly cold. It enters the Liver, Pericardium, and Bladder meridians. Effects: Promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation, diuresis, and swelling, clearing heat, and detoxification. Indications: It has been used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, inexhaustible lochia, edema, oliguria, sore swelling, and toxicity.  


  •  Sheng Di Pian (6oz)

    Drying Rehmannia Root / Sheng Di Pian (6oz)

    生地片 / 干地黃 6oz 干地黄、原生地、干生地 性味 味甘;苦;微寒 功效 为玄参科植物地黄的块根。用于热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 经脉 归心经;肝经;肾经 主治 滋阴清热,凉血补血。主热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g,大剂量可用至30g;赤可熬膏或入丸、散;或浸润后捣绞汁饮。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 脾虚泄泻、胃虚食少、胸膈多痰者慎服。 【食疗方】 1.三味地黄酒 生地黄(切)100克,大豆(炒)200克,牛蒡根(切)100克,酒2升。将药用白纱布袋盛之,置于净器中,入酒浸泡,密封,5日后开启,过滤后装瓶备用。不拘时,随量饮之。每日1~2次,每次饮服1~2小盅。 功效:补肾除烦,祛风止痛。适应症肾虚,心烦,关节疼痛。 2.桃仁粥 桃仁、生地各10克。桃仁浸泡后,去皮弃尖,加入适量冷水,武火煮沸,改文火慢煎。30分钟后,除去药渣,将洗净的粳米洗净加入药汁中煮粥。粥熟加入桂心粉(药店有售)2克,红糖50克。每次食1小碗,每天3至4次。 功效:活血止痛、滋养脾胃;适用于消化性溃疡出血停止后或无发生出血者。** 3.百部炖团鱼 百部20克,生地20克,地骨皮12克,知母10克,团鱼(甲鱼)1只,葱姜佐料各适量。将团鱼头宰下,放血,入沸水锅中略氽,当裙边与甲壳分离时捞出,去粗皮与内脏,宰成块,中药放纱布袋内封口,锅置旺火上,加清水,下垫鸡骨,加入团鱼,烧开后撇去血沫,加中药包、姜、葱、绍酒,移至小火上炖至熟软,除去鸡骨、葱、姜,加入精盐、味精调味即成。 功效:滋阴清热,润肺止咳。主治肺结核,肺虚咯血,阴虚潮热盗汗等症。 4.海带生地绿豆瘦肉汤 取海带30克,生地18克,绿豆100克,陈皮3克,瘦猪肉100克。将海带洗净泡发切丝,猪肉、陈皮洗净切丝,与生地、绿豆同置砂锅内,加水适量用小火煲2小时,加食盐少许即可食用。服法:煮粥服用。 功效:此药膳具有清热解毒、凉血养阴之功效,常服可治疗粉刺反复发作。 5.人参地黄粥 人参10克,栗米100克,生地黄30克,冰糖适量。水煎人参、生地、去渣留汁,入栗米煮粥。将熟加冰糖适量,稍煎待溶即成。酌情服食,温凉为宜。 功效:益气养阴。 6.琼玉膏 人参120克,生地黄汁800克,白茯苓245克,蜂蜜500克。将人参、茯苓粉碎成细末,生地黄捣取自然汁(捣时不用铜铁器),用绢过滤蜜,将四物合并搅匀,装入瓷罐内,用20~30层净纸封闭。取大铝锅一口,盛装净水,将药罐放入铝锅内,先用武火,后用文火,隔水煮熬,三天三 夜后取出,用蜡封罐口,入水中浸去火毒10日,再入原锅内煮一天一夜即成。 服法:早晚各服1次,空腹服,每次1汤匙。 功效:补气养血,填精生髓。主治作为中老年人平时的保健食品。   Drying Rehmannia Root / Sheng Di Pian (6oz) Rehmannia root clears heat, cools blood, nourishes yin, and promotes body fluids production. Rehmannia root is often used in conditions like fever, fluid exhaustion, consumptive diseases, bleedings, anemia, dizziness, palpitations, and menstrual disorders...  Rehmannia root contains sterol, glycosides, and polysaccharides, its active components are mainly iridoid glycosides, such as catalpol, rehmanniosides A-D, leonuride, aucubin, melittoside, jioglutoside A-B, 6-O-E-feruloyl ajugol, rehmaglutins A-D, glutinoside, purpureaside C, echinacoside, jionosides A1 & B1, cistanosides A & F, and acteoside. Its polysaccharides include stachyose, raffinose, glucose, sucrose, fructose, manninotriose, galactose and rehmannia glutinosa polysaccharides (RPS-b). Rehmannia root also contains over 20 kinds of amino acids, as well as alkaloids, phosphoric acid, organic acids, adenosine, trace elements, lecithin and vitamin A.  The actions of Rehmannia root include regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, and immune functions. It can also affect the pituitary-adrenal and thyroid secretions, as well as anti-inflammation, cooling body, diuresis, anti-tumor, anti-aging, liver protection, promoting blood clotting, stimulating blood cells growth and gland secretions From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, bitter; and it is slightly cold in effect. It is the root tuber of Scrophulariaceae plant Rehmannia glutinosa. It is used for fever polydipsia, internal heat, it is used to reduce thirst, bone steaming [inflammatory aarthritis] and fatigue, febrile plaque, hematemesis, uterine bleeding, blood in urine, blood in stool caused by blood heat, blood deficiency, and chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, blood loss, and amenorrhea. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: It nourishes yin and clears away heat, cools, and nourishes the blood.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g, large doses can be used up to 30g; It can be used to make an ointment or pills or powder, or pounded juice after infiltration. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Cautions: Use caution with patients who have spleen deficiency, diarrhea, stomach deficiency, loss of appetite, and excessive sputum in the chest, stomach, and lungs.


  • Bag)

    Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed/ Pang Da Hai(3oz/Bag)

    胖大海 /大海子(3oz/包) 性味 味甘;淡;性凉 功效 为梧桐科植物胖大海的种子。 主治干咳无痰,咽喉肿痛,肺热音哑,牙痛,热结便秘。 经脉 肺经、大肠经 主治 清热润肺,利咽解毒,清肠通便。主干咳无痰,咽喉肿痛,肺热音哑,牙痛,热结便秘。 用法用量 内服:煎汤或开水泡,2~4枚,大剂量可用至10枚;入散剂,用量减半。   Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed/ Pang Da Hai(3 oz/Bag) If you have a sore, irritated throat, this is a good seed to add to tea. Scaphium affine or Sterculia lychnophora, commonly known as Malva Nut Tree, is an evergreen tree native to Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo. In Taiwan it is called sweet gum tree and has culinary and traditional medicinal uses,  In China, malva nut is used in tea as well by mixing with other ingredients such as sugar candy, red date, haw fruit, licorice, chrysanthemum flower, lilyturf root, and jasmine tea. The advantage of such tea is to reduce inflammation and feeling of heat in the body, and nurture the body. According to Chinese medicine, the use of Scaphium seed is to remove heat from the lungs, to cure sore throat, to counteract toxicity, and to relax the bowels. Therefore, when a person has symptoms such as hoarseness of voice, dry cough, and sore, dry throat due to heat in the lung; constipation with headache and bloodshot eyes, they should consume malva nut by putting it into boiling water. ( From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet; It is light and cool in nature. Indications: use for dry cough without phlegm, sore throat, lung heat, toothache, constipation.  It enters the Lung and Large Intestine meridians.  Indications: To clear away heat and moisturize the lungs, relieve the throat and detoxify, purgative and laxative.  Oral administration: decoction or boiled 2~4 seeds, a large dose can be used up to 10 seeds; or grind into powder. The powder dosage is reduced by half  


  • bag)

    Mei Bean (16 oz/bag)

    眉豆(16 oz/包)  眉豆的营养成分相当丰富,包括蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、钙、 磷、铁及食物纤维、维A原、维生素B1、维生素B2、维C和氰甙、酪氨酸酶等,眉豆衣的B族维生素含量特别丰富。 食疗价值 食疗一眉豆糕 老年性骨质疏松症治疗比较困难,有时单纯补钙及维生素D效果不明显,因此须中医治疗,因人而异,辨证施治,并充分发挥饮食疗法的积极作用,补其所虚,增其不足,调节其骨质代谢,使其维持在平衡状况,从而达到康复的目的。食疗二怀杞甲鱼汤  怀山药10至15克,枸杞子5至10克,约500克甲鱼1只。甲鱼放入热水中宰杀,剖开洗净,去肠脏,与各用料一起炖熟,加入姜、盐、酒少许调味,即可享用。有滋阴补肾、益气健脾的功效。适用于阴虚偏胜的骨质疏松症患者。食疗三核桃补肾粥  核桃仁、粳米各30克,莲子、怀山药、黑眉豆各15克,巴戟天10克,锁阳6克。将上述用料洗净,黑眉豆可先行泡软,莲子去芯,核桃仁捣碎,巴戟天与锁阳用纱布包裹,同入深锅中,加水煮至米烂粥成,捞出巴戟天、锁阳药包,调味咸甜不拘,酌量吃用。有补肾壮阳、健脾益气的功效。适用于脾肾两亏的骨质疏松症患者食用。   Mei Bean (16 oz/bag) Black-eyed peas are incredibly nutrient-dense, packing plenty of fiber and protein into each serving. They're also a good source of several important micronutrients, including folate, copper, thiamine, and iron. In addition to those nutrients, black-eyed peas are high in polyphenols, which are compounds that act as antioxidants in the body to prevent cell damage and protect against disease. From the manufacturer:  Mei Beans are rich in nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and cyanogenic glycosides, tyrosinase, etc. The content of B vitamins is particularly rich. Therapeutic value: [Use this bean to make] Meal Bean Cake  It is difficult to treat senile osteoporosis. Sometimes the effect of supplementing calcium and vitamin D is not obvious. Therefore, it requires treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. It varies from person to person. The treatment is based on syndrome differentiation. The positive effect of diet therapy should be given full play to supplement its deficiency and increase its deficiency. Insufficient, adjust its bone metabolism, keep it in a balanced state, so as to achieve the purpose of rehabilitation. Diet Therapy Three walnuts and kidney porridge     Ingredients: Walnut kernel  30 grams, japonica rice  30 grams, lotus seed 15 grams, Yam 15 grams, Mei bean 15 grams, Morinda Officinalis 10 grams, Cynomorium 6 grams Wash the above ingredients, soak the beans first, remove the core of the lotus seeds, mash the walnuts, wrap the Morinda officinalis and Cynomorium with gauze, put them in a deep pot, add water and boil until the rice porridge becomes soft, remove Morinda officinalis and Cynomorium medicinal packs and season with salty and sweet flavors, and eat as appropriate.  It has the effects of invigorating the kidney and yang, invigorating the spleen and qi. It is suitable for patients with osteoporosis with spleen and kidney deficiency. Morinda root is a precursor of testosterone and cynomorium [aka Maltese mushroom] has been long prized as a tonic for sexual potency and fatigue.


  • Hai Yu Zhu (8oz)

    Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal /Hai Yu Zhu (8oz)

    海玉竹 (8oz/包) 海玉竹是一味中药,属黄精的一种,具清热、养阴、生津、润燥、润肺的作用,这些与普通的玉竹功效大致相同,不过海玉竹还能调和人体气血运行,亦能降血脂和血压,而且味道较香无酸味,因此售价上要比玉竹贵。 性味 甘,平。 功效 本品为百合科植物玉竹的干燥根茎。 治热病阴伤,咳嗽烦渴,虚劳发热,消谷易饥,小便频数。 经脉 入肺经、胃经。 主治 养阴,润燥,除烦,止渴。治热病阴伤,咳嗽烦渴,虚劳发热,消谷易饥,小便频数。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;熬膏、浸酒或入丸、散。 外用:适量,鲜品捣敷;或熬膏涂。阴虚有热宜生用,热不甚者宜制用。 注意禁忌 胃有痰湿气滞者忌服。   Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal /Hai Yu Zhu (8 oz) P. sibiricum is a medicinal plant and widely consumed as tea. The plant is capable of reducing blood glucose and lipid levels, regulating and enhancing the immune system, and fighting aging. However, there are no reports on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Solomon's seal is an herb. It is sometimes used to make medicine. Solomon's seal is used for lung disorders, swelling (inflammation), and skin conditions such as bruises, boils, and hemorrhoids. From the manufacturer:  Polygonatum odoratum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a kind of Polygonatum. It has the effects of clearing heat, nourishing yin, promoting body fluid, moisturizing dryness and moisturizing the lungs. These functions are roughly the same as ordinary polygonatum, but it can also regulate the movement of human blood; it can also lower blood fat and blood pressure, and the taste is more fragrant without sourness, so the price is more expensive than polygonatum.  The taste is sweet and mild. This product is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum odoratum. It has been used to cure the febrile injury, cough and polydipsia, asthenia and fever, excess hunger, and frequent urination. It enters the Lung and Stomach meridians. Indications: To nourish yin, moisturize dryness, relieve irritability, quench thirst.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6~12g; boil ointment, soak in wine or pill or powder. External use: appropriate amount, fresh product pounded and applied; or boiled ointment applied. If there is heat in yin deficiency, it is better to produce and use [internally].  Cautions: People with phlegm and dampness in the stomach [nausea, excess saliva and diarrhea] should not take it.  


  • Bag) Bag)

    Smoked Chinese Dates/ Jujube (16 oz/Bag)

    黑枣/乌枣/熏枣 16 oz/包 此乌枣是鲜枣的干制品,它选用熟鲜的红枣,经水煮、窑熏、阴凉等工艺精制而成。其色泽乌紫明亮,花纹细密,带有特殊的香甜味。含氨基酸、蛋白质、膳食纤维、总糖、黄胴、胡萝卜素等人体所需元素,有防癌补血之功效。乌枣性热,为滋补珍品。它营养丰富,含有蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、多种维生素等。以含维生素C和钙质、铁质最多。有很高的药用价值。多用于补血和作为调理药物,对贫血、血小板减少、肝炎、乏力、失眠有一定疗效。    


  •  Ba Jiao Hui Xiang 4oz

    FRUCTUS ANISI STELLATI / Ba Jiao Hui Xiang 4oz

    精選 八角 大茴香(4oz/包)  【性味与归经】 辛,温。归肝、肾、脾、胃经。 【功能与主治】 温阳散寒,理气止痛。用于寒疝腹痛,肾虚腰痛,胃寒呕吐,脘腹冷痛。   FRUCTUS ANISI STELLATI / Ba Jiao Hui Xiang(4 oz/Bag) Along with its unique delicious flavors, star anise has long been used as a medicinal remedy for the common flu, bacterial infections, as a mosquito repellent along with improving digestion and sleep quality. Star Anise Benefits include: Antioxidant Benefits. Insect Repellant. Fights Viruses and Flu. Digestive Aid and Protection. Stops Growth of Bacteria and Fungi. May Reduce Respiratory Congestion. Improves Lactation. Eases Menopause Symptoms. From the manufacturer:  The taste is spicy and sweet. It enters the Liver, Kidney, Spleen, and Stomach meridians. Functions and Indications: It is warming for yang meridians and organs to dispel cold, regulating qi to relieve pain. It has been used for cold colic, abdominal pain, kidney deficiency, low back pain, stomach cold and vomiting, cold pain in the abdomen [spasm pain that makes you double over to warm the abdomen].  


  •  Shan Nai (4oz)

    Rhizoma Kaempferiae / Galangal / Sha Jiang / Shan Nai (4oz)

    沙姜片/ 山奈/山辣/三奈子(4 oz/包) 性味 辛,温。 功效 为姜科植物山柰的根茎。 主治心腹冷痛,停食不化,跌打损伤,牙痛。用于胸隔胀满,脘腹冷痛。饮食不消。 经脉 入胃经。 主治 温中,消食,止痛。治心腹冷痛,饮食不消化,跌打损伤,牙痛,胸隔胀满。 ①《品汇精要》:辟秽气;为末擦牙,祛风止痛及牙宣口臭。 ②《纲目》:暖中,辟瘴疠恶气。治心腹冷气痛,寒湿霍乱,风虫牙痛。 ③《本草汇言》:治停食不化,一切寒中诸证。 ④《岭南采药录》:治跌打伤,又能消肿。治骨哽,以之和赤芍、威灵仙等分,水煎服。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~6克;或入丸、散。 外用:捣敷,研末调敷或吹鼻。 注意禁忌 阴虚血亏,胃有郁火者忌服。   Rhizoma Kaempferiae / Galangal / Sha Jiang/ Shan Nai(4 oz/bag) Galangal contains anti-inflammatory properties and therefore is beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. - It also helps to relieve discomfort caused due to inflammation of the abdomen and ulcers too. - To curb sea and motion sickness, nausea, chew a few slices of fresh galangal. Most Effective as an aphrodisiac, for impotence, and multiple sclerosis Caution: fresh root is toxic causing nausea; avoid during pregnancy; avoid use with salt. Ginger vs. Galangal: Their biggest difference is their taste: galangal has a sharp citrusy, almost piney flavor, while ginger is fresh, pungently spicy, and barely sweet — that means that they cannot be used interchangeably. Galangal is said to mask the fishy flavor, so it is a popular spice to use in seafood dishes, like a Vietnamese braised carp with a sweet-salty galangal sauce. I added a couple of teaspoons of the powdered spice to a Thai-style coconut-curried shrimp dish, similar to tom kha goong Soak dried galangal in warm water. .. Galangal is often used by Chinese, Indian and European physicians to treat hiccups, nausea, and other stomach discomforts From the manufacturer:  The taste spicy, sweet. It is the rhizome of the ginger family Serrata. Indications: For cold and pain in the abdomen, bruises, toothache. Used for the fullness of the thoracic septum and cold pain in the abdominal abdomen. It enters the Stomach meridian. Indications: It is warm in nature, improves digestion, and relieves pain. It has been used to cure cold and pain in the abdomen, indigestible diet, bruises, toothache, fullness of the thoracic septum. Cautions: Do not use with yin deficiency and blood deficiency and stomach depression.


  • Bag)

    Barley/ Coix Seed/ Yi Mi (16oz/Bag)

    精選 生薏米/ 薏苡仁 (16oz/包) 生薏米又名薏苡仁、薏仁等,是藥食兩用的常用藥材之一,中國古代一薏米作爲貢品,被譽爲"薏苡明珠“,是傳統的藥食兼用的穀物資源。在國外被稱爲”生命健康之禾“。 薏苡仁味甘、淡、性涼,入脾胃肺經,具有利水消腫,健脾止瀉補中的功效。最宜用於脾虛的腹瀉、水腫、脚氣浮腫等症狀,可與黨參、白朮、黃芪、茯苓等藥材搭配製作成藥膳食用。如薏苡仁茯苓粥、薏苡仁參苓瘦肉湯。同時,薏苡仁性偏涼,能清熱利濕,最適合夏季暑熱的食療佳品,可搭配冬瓜、陳皮、荷葉等一同調配藥膳食用,一般家庭常用來煮水、煮粥、煲湯。 由於薏苡仁擅長利濕,對於熱病后津液耗損,或者平素陰虛、陰虛火旺者及孕婦慎用。 薏米祛濕方推薦: 方一:白扁豆薏米冬瓜煲排骨湯----材料:白扁豆50克、薏米50克、冬瓜適量、排骨500克、清水適量(白扁豆具有健脾化濕、和中消暑的功效,而薏米利水滲濕,冬瓜利尿,合而煲湯可以健脾、祛濕、利尿) 方二:薏米紅豆水(祛濕消水腫湯)---材料:紅豆100克、薏米50克,清水適量(紅豆有清心養神、健脾益腎的功效,并有消腫、輕身的功效,兩者結合一起煮水,有解暑祛濕的功效,味道清爽,非常適合夏天飲用,老少皆宜。 生薏米、熟薏米、洋薏米/珍珠薏米的區分: 生薏米:屬性偏寒。禾本科植物薏苡的乾燥成熟種仁。顏色灰白,圓形,質地堅硬,有一條寬而深的縱溝。功效:利水袪濕,袪濕力較其他薏米強。 熟薏米:屬性平和。經炒製後的熟薏仁形狀較生薏仁大,呈灰白色,質感較鬆散及輕。功效:補脾止瀉,補脾力較好。  洋薏米/珍珠薏米:屬性為涼。是磨去殼皮的大麥,狀如白米粒,呈灰黃色。功效:只是食物,但含豐富纖維,有助腸道蠕動。 “Research shows that coix seed can reduce inflammation, stop pain, lower fever, regulate blood sugar and pressure, relieve contacted muscle, enhance immunity, anti-cancer, regulate respiratory movement and induce ovulation.” ( “Job's tears are well known for its health benefits due to its rich antioxidant and high fiber content. The extract of the Coix plant is used in Chinese medicine for treatment of cancer. Coix [seed] is suitable for relieving muscle spasm and blood sugar regulations.” (  "Coix seeds are used to strengthen the spleen and act as a diuretic to remove fluids that have been retained. ... Coix seeds are frequently prescribed. Those with swelling of the legs or gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, poor digestion and abdominal bloating may also benefit from their use.” ( From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet; It is light and slightly cold in effect. [Coix] is the seed kernel of the gramineous plant Job's tears. It is used traditional to cure diarrhea, damp numbness, tendons and veins constriction, unfavorable flexion and extension, edema, athlete's foot, pulmonary atrophy, pulmonary carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle, leucorrhea, It enters the Spleen, Lung and Kidney meridians. Indications: It invigorates the spleen, nourishes the lungs, clears away heat and [reduces] dampness [edema].  Coix is an ingredient in Herbal Slimming Soup Item Number: 410293 去濕料 (Qu Shi Liao Herbal Soup) detoxifying, slimming, reduces water retention, heart protector Traditional Chinese Medical References:  ① "Ben Jing"; [elasticity of ] the main tendons, constriction, can not bend and stretch, rheumatism, qi.      ② "Bie Lu": In addition to [weak] bones and evil spirits [neuropathy], it is beneficial to the stomach and intestines, reduces edema, and is edible.      ③ "Yao Xing Lun": Mainly the lung dysfunction, lung qi, vomiting pus and blood, coughing and spitting. Decoction of broken Wuxi swelling.      ④ "Shi Liao Ben Cao": to remove dry and wet athlete's foot.      ⑤ "Ben Cao Shi Yi": Warm qi is the main thing to quench thirst. Kills roundworms.      Dosage  Oral administration: decoction, 10~30g; or into pills, powder, soak in wine, cook porridge, make soup.  Cautions: The strength of this product is slow, so it should be taken for a long time. Spleen deficiency without dampness [edema], dry stools and pregnant women should take it with caution.


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    Tsaoko Amomum Fruit/ Red Cardamom/ Cao Guo(3oz/Bag)

    草果(3oz/包) 性味 味辛;性温 归 经 归脾、胃经。 功效 本品为姜科植物草果的干燥成熟果实。 用于寒湿内阻,脘腹胀痛,痞满呕吐,疟疾寒热,瘟疫发热   Tsaoko Amomum Fruit/ Red Cardamom/ Cao Guo(3 oz/Bag) Red Cardamom - also known as Cau Guo or Chinese Black Cardamom, has an earthy and gently smoky aroma. It is popular in regional Chinese cuisines. Delicious in slow-cooked meat dishes and Vietnamese pho. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), tsaoko fruits belong to the 'Aromatic herbs that transform Dampness' category. This category of herbs resolves a TCM condition called 'Cold Damp Stagnation', especially as it affects the Stomach and Spleen. In modern Western medicine, this often translates into symptoms such as distended chest and abdomen, lack of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. As suggested by its category tsaoko fruits are plants that are Warm in nature. From the manufacturer:    The taste is pungent; warm in nature and effects. This product is the dry and mature fruit of the ginger family plant. Indications: For malaria, fullness of phlegm, cold pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, food accumulation.  


  •  Chuan Xiong

    Rhizoma Ligustic / Chuan Xiong

    广东 精制川芎片 山鞠穷、芎藭、香果、胡藭、马衔、芎藭、雀脑芎、京芎、贯芎、抚芎、台芎、西芎 为伞形科植物川芎的根茎。 性味 味辛;性温 经脉 归肝经、胆经、心包经 主治 行气开郁,祛风燥湿,活血止痛。治风冷头痛旋晕,难产,产后瘀阻块痛,痈疽疮疡,月经不调,经闭痛经,瘕腹痛,胸胁刺痛,跌扑肿痛,风湿痹痛。 食疗方 1.羊肾馄饨 羊肾50克,肉桂3克,川椒(花椒)2克,川芎5克,面粉250克,酱油、精盐适量。将肉桂、川椒、川芎研末备用。将羊肾去皮漂洗,使腰臊除净,剁成肉茸,加入药末及适量的酱油、精盐拌匀成馅。以常法做成馄饨。温热食用。 功效 温阳散寒,活血止痛,主治痛经。 2.川芎蛤蜊汤 蛤蜊肉200克,川芎10克,土豆、调料等各适量。将川芎加水适量煎取约50毫升的药汁,过滤去渣后备用,把土豆切片放入锅中,倒入川芎汁和适量的水,煮至土豆将熟时,把用盐水洗过的蛤蜊肉放入锅中,煮开后加入葱等调味品即可。 功效 强精、活血、造血及安神。主治冠心病,心绞痛,月经不调,痛经等症。 3.川芎鳝鱼汤 川芎6克,当归15克,鳝鱼500克,料酒适量。将鳝鱼剖去背脊骨、内脏、头尾,切成鱼片后切丝,将当归、川芎装入纱布袋内封口。将鱼丝、药袋放入锅中,加入料酒、调味品、适量清水用武火烧沸,去浮沫再用文火煎熬1小时,捞出药袋加入味精即成。食鱼饮汤,分餐食用。 功效 活血养血,通脉止痛。主治辅治损伤、头痛、眩晕。   Slice Of Rhizoma Ligustic/ Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Chuanxiong (RC), the dried rhizome of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. (Umbelliferae), is a major cardiovascular protective Chinese herb especially for treating angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, and stroke. Ligusticum Wallichi , also known as Ligusticum Root is a Herb used to improve the circulation of blood throughout the body. It helps in the formation of blood and prevents stagnation of Blood. As a helping assistant [herb], it can expel wind-dampness, regulate the Qi in the head and relieve headache. Chuan Xiong also serves as assistant and is used to activate the Qi and blood, expel wind and relieve headache. Chuan xiong [ligusticum] and tang kuei steeped as a tea is a pleasant tasting nervous headache remedy. Lamb Kidney wonton   Ingredients: 50 grams of lamb kidney, 3 grams of cinnamon, 2 grams of pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum), 5 grams of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 250 grams of flour, soy sauce and salt.  Grind the cinnamon, pepper, and Chuanxiong into the powder for later use. Peel the sheep kidneys and rinse them to remove the scum on the waist, chop them into minced meat, add the powdered medicine, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, and salt to mix well to form a filling. Make it as Wonton as usual way. Efficacy: Warming Yang and dispelling cold, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, and treating dysmenorrhea. Ligusticum chuanxiong Clam soup   Ingredients: 200 grams of clam meat, 10 grams of Ligusticum chuanxiong, potatoes and seasonings.  Simmer the chuanxiong with water in an appropriate amount to cook about 50ml of concoction, filter to remove the residue, and set aside. Put the potato slices into the pot, pour the chuanxiong juice and appropriate amount of water, boil until the potatoes are almost cooked. Wash the clams with saltwater. Put the clam meat in the pot, and add the onion and other condiments after it is boiled.   Efficacy:Strengthens essence, invigorates blood, hematopoiesis, and soothes the nerves. Indications: for coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and other diseases.

    $6.59 - $29.99

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    Cornelian cherry/Common Macrocarpium Fruit/Shan Zhu Yu(16 oz/Bag)

    大粒 山茱萸/山萸肉(16 oz/Bag) 性味 酸、涩,微温。 经脉 归肝经、肾经。 主治 补肝肾,涩精气,固虚脱。治腰膝酸痛,眩晕,耳鸣,阳痿,遗精,小便频数,肝虚寒热,虚汗不止,心摇脉散。 注意禁忌 凡命门火炽,强阳不痿,素有湿热,小便淋涩者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.山萸胡桃猪腰 山茱萸10克,胡桃肉(核桃仁)15克,猪肾2只。剖开猪肾,去除白色筋膜和臊腺,洗净;山茱萸、胡挑肉洗净,然后装入猪肾中,用线扎紧,放入锅内,加水适量,用武火煮沸后,改用文火烧煮至熟。当菜食用。 功效:补肾涩精。用治肾虚不固,遗精早泄,腰痛腿软。 2.山萸肉粥 山萸肉15克,粳米60克,白糖适量。先将山萸肉洗净,去核,与粳米同入沙锅煮粥,待粥将熟时,加入白糖,稍煮即成。早晚各食1次。 功效:补益肝肾,涩精敛汗。主治肝肾不足之头晕目眩,耳鸣腰酸,遗精,遗尿,虚汗不止,肾虚带下,小便频数。 注意:3~5天为1疗程,疾病完全治愈后,即可停服,或再间断食用一段时期,以巩固疗效。发热及小便淋涩者不宜食用。     Cornelian cherry/Common Macrocarpium Fruit/Shan Zhu Yu(16 oz/Bag) (Latin: Cornus officinalis; English: Cornelian cherry, dogwood fruit) The fruit is a high source of vitamin C, also antibacterial, antifungal, hypotensive, antitumor, astringent, diuretic, hepatic and tonic. The fruit, without the seed, is decocted for the treatment of arthritis, fever and a wide range of other ailments. It is used in the treatment of senile lumbago, diabetes, cystitis, tinnitus etc. The fruit has an antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of Bacillus dysenteriae and Staphylococcus. The fruit is harvested when fully ripe and is dried for later use. It is one of the ingredients in Thirst Quencher Tea 消渴玉泉湯 (Xiao Ke Yu Quan Herbal Soup) used for Moistening, refreshing, helps balance blood sugar. The taste is sour, astringent, and lukewarm in nature. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Invigorates the liver and kidney, astringes the essence and qi, and solidifies [tones] the deficiency. It has been used to cure waist and knee soreness, dizziness, tinnitus, impotence, nocturnal emission, frequent urination, liver deficiency, cold and heat, excessive sweating, heart shaking pulse and loosening.  Cautions:  [Avoid] “Fanmingmen is fiery, strong yang is not dysfunctional, and is known to be hot and humid,” [It is not useful for lower back inflammation or injury that feels hot and with damp skin or reduced urination. The herb is astringent, reduces urine]  Diet Therapy   Pork Loin with Walnut   Ingredients: 10 grams of dogwood, 15 grams of walnut meat (walnut kernel), and 2 pig kidneys.  Cut open the pig kidney, remove the white fascia and pycnal glands, and wash; wash the dogwood fruit, then put it into the pig kidney, tie it with a thread, put it in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and bring it to a boil, then simmer until cooked. Eat it as a side dish.   Efficacy: Tonifying the kidney and refining essence. It is used to cure kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, and premature ejaculation, low back pain, and weak legs.   Cornus porridge   Ingredients:  15 grams of Cornus/cornelian berry, 60 grams of japonica rice, appropriate amount of sugar.  Wash the Cornus fruit first, remove the pit, and cook the porridge with the japonica rice in a casserole. When the porridge is almost cooked, add sugar and cook for a while. Eat 1 time each morning and evening.  



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