
2216 products

  • 美国 威州 野生花旗参 #917(1两)  American Wild Ginseng#917

    American Wild Ginseng #917(1 Tael)

    永合豐 美国威州 野生花旗参 #917(1两) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。  American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest.


  • 盒)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box)

    永合豐 美国天然野生 花旗参(4 oz/盒)  美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。   American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.  


  • Box) Box)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box)

    永合豐 华盛顿牌 20年生美国野生花旗参 礼盒(4 oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。 WHF American Wild Ginseng Gift Box (4 oz/Box) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.    


  • 盒)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box AAAA (4 oz/Box)

    華盛頓牌 美国顶级野生泡参 三十年生 花旗參(4 oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。  American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest.


  • Box) Box)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box AAAA (4 oz/Box)

    永合豐 华盛顿牌 纯天然 30年 顶级野生花旗参(4oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍嶺山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。  WHF Blue Ridge Mountain American Wild Ginseng Gift Box AAAA(8 oz/Box) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest.


  • Box)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box AAAA (8oz/Box)

    華盛頓牌 美国顶级野生泡参 三十年生 花旗參(8oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。  American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest.


  • 盒)

    American Wild Ginseng Gift Box AAAAA(4 oz/Box)

    永合豐 30年生美国顶级野生泡参 龙头凤尾(4 oz/盒) 美國野山花旗參原產於北美洲,為五加科植物花旗參(Panax Quinquefolium LL.) 的幹燥根部。野山花旗參又稱野泡參,以天然山林中自然野生最為稀有。最好的野生參是產自美國紐約北面接加拿大的大山 CATSKILL MT. (加士基大山),其次是北卡羅萊納州的 BLUE RIDGE MT. (藍脊山) ,兩地產的野生參,參齡達十年以上,有些上至百年,參質較輕,參面橫紋較顯著,人參皂苷含量最高。  WHF American Wild Ginseng Gift Box AAAAA(4 oz/Box) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. Wild American Ginseng is native to North America and is the dry root of the Panax Quinquefolium LL. Wild mountain American ginseng, also known as wild American ginseng, is the rarest natural wild health tonic found in pristine mountain forests. The best wild ginseng comes from the Catskill Mountains (Gaskey Mountain) in northern New York to Canada, followed by the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The roots are more than ten years old, some up to one hundred years. The quality of the ginseng is lighter, the surface grain is more prominent, and the content of ginsenoside is the highest.


  • bottle)

    American Wild Ginseng Powder (4 oz/bottle)

    永合豐 華盛頓牌 美国威州 野生 花旗参粉(4 oz/瓶) 永合豐嚴格挑選頂級的美國原枝野山花旗參,並用高科技烤焙後,磨碎成粉,保持野山花旗參的原始味道與功效。 永合豐野山花旗參粉,成分百分之百全天然純正,保證不含任何人工添加物。營養素齊全、口感溫和、具補中益氣、生津止渴、清熱提神、醒腦健脾、增強活力、保持人體健康之效,男女老幼皆宜,實在是自用送禮之首選。   Wing Hop Fung Washington Brand Wisconsin American Wild Ginseng Powder (4 oz/bottle) Washington Brand American Wild Ginseng Powder (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. Ingredients: 100% pure top grade American Wild Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) Root. Contains no sugar, no preservatives, no caffeine. Wing Hop Fung strictly selects top quality wild American ginseng and roasts it with advanced technology, then grinds it into powder in order to maintain the original taste and efficacy of wild American ginseng. Yonghe Fengyeshan American Ginseng Powder is 100% natural and pure, guaranteed to be free of any artificial additives.  With complete nutrients and mild taste, this product nourishes qi, reduces chronic thirst, clears inflammation, helps refresh the brain, strengthens the spleen, enhances vitality and maintains vibrant health. It is suitable for men, women and children. It is really a great choice for personal gifts.


  • Amici Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 2019

    Amici Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 2019

    Two hour decant. Deep dark magenta color. Black cherry, pencil lead, sage, wild strawberry, and subtle spearmint and vanilla toffee on the nose. Smooth, tongue drying, medium bodied palate, with soft acidity. Firm, full tannins on the longish finish. Terrific QPR here. Drinks above its price point and there is room to improve in the coming year. Certainly built to drink early.


  •  Chun Sha Ren (3oz)

    Amomum Villosum Lour / Chun Sha Ren (3oz)

    正春砂仁/阳春砂(3oz)  功效 本品为姜科植物产自广东阳春蟠龙金花坑的阳春砂的干燥成熟果实。 用于湿浊中阻,脘痞不饥,脾胃虚寒,呕吐泄泻,妊娠恶阻,胎动不安。 性味 辛,温。 经脉 归脾、胃、肾经。 主治 化湿开胃,温脾止泻,理气安胎。用于湿浊中阻,脘痞不饥,脾胃虚寒,呕吐泄泻,妊娠恶阻,胎动不安。 ①《药性论》:主冷气腹痛,止休息气痢,劳损,消化水谷,温暖脾胃。 ②《本草拾遗》:主上气咳嗽,奔豚,惊痫邪气。 ③《日华子本草》:治一切气,霍乱转筋,心腹痛。 ④张元素:治脾胃气结滞不散。 ⑤杨士瀛:和中,行气,止痛,安胎。 ⑥《本草蒙筌》:止恶心,却腹痛。 ⑦《纲目》:补肺醒脾,养胃益肾,理元气,通滞气,散寒次胀痞,噎膈呕吐,止女子崩中,除咽喉口齿浮热,化铜铁骨哽。 ⑧《医林纂要》:润肾,补肝,补命门,和脾胃,开郁结。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~6g(不宜久煎),后下;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 阴虚有热者忌服。 ①《海药本草》:得诃子、鳖甲、豆蔻、白芜荑等良。 ②《本草经疏》:凡腹痛属火,泄泻得之暑热,胎动由于血热,咽痛由于火炎,小儿脱肛由于气虚,肿满由于湿热,上气咳嗽由于火冲迫肺而不由于寒气听伤,皆须详察鉴别,难以概用。 ③《药品化义》:肺有伏火忌之。 ④《得配本草》:气虚肺满禁用。 【食疗方】 1.砂仁糖醋益母羹 砂仁10克,益母草15克,米醋15克,红砂糖30克。将益母草、砂仁共煎去渣取汁,再加入米醋、红糖炖至成羹。日分2次服,连用3~5日。 功效:理气活血止痛。主治气滞血瘀型痛经,症见少腹疼痛,月经淋漓不断,血色紫黑挟块,胸胁作胀等。 2.砂仁粥 砂仁若干,粳米50~100克。将砂仁研为细末备用。先以粳米煮粥,待熟时放入砂仁末3~5克,再炖片刻,至粥稠熟烂即成。供早晚餐温热服食。 功效:暖脾胃,助消化,调中气。主治脾胃虚寒性腹痛泻痢,消化不良,脘腹胀满,食欲不振,气逆呕吐等症。 3.砂仁内金桔皮粥 鸡内金、干桔皮(陈皮)各5克,砂仁3克,粳米60克,白糖适量。将鸡内金、干桔皮、砂仁共研成细末,待粥熬至将熟时下入,直至粥熟烂离火,调入白糖即成。每日1剂,连用7~10日。 功效:消食导滞。主治 小儿疳积,胃纳减少,恶心呕吐,消化不良,烦躁哭闹等症。   Amomum villosum Lour / Chun Sha Ren (3oz) Sha Ren influences Spleen, Stomach, Kidney. Transforms dampness [nausea] and restores appetite. Warms the Spleen and stops diarrhea. Regulates Qi and calms the fetus. Pharmaceutical name: fructus amomi Properties: acrid, warm, aromatic . . .  Chinese therapeutic actions: regulates Qi, dissolves dampness, strengthens the spleen, warms the middle, stops diarrhea, stabilizes pregnancy From the manufacturer:  This product is the dried and mature fruit of the ginger family plant from the Yangchun sands of Panlong Jinhua Pit, Yangchun, Guangdong. Used for damp turbidity, no hunger, spleen and stomach deficiency, vomiting and diarrhea, dysfunction of pregnancy, fetal dysfunction. Taste  Xin, Wen [spicy, warm]. It enters the Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney meridians.  Indications: Reduces dampness and improves appetite, warms the Spleen and relieves diarrhea, regulates qi and [improves] pregnancy Used for damp turbidity, no hunger, Spleen, and Stomach deficiency, vomiting and diarrhea, dysfunction of pregnancy, fetal movement.


  •  Sha Ren (3oz)

    Amomum Villosum Lour / Sha Ren (3oz)

    砂仁 壳 3oz 功效 为姜科植物阳春砂或缩砂的果壳。用于脾胃气滞、脘腹胀满,呕恶。 性味 辛,温。 经脉 归脾、胃、肾经。 主治 化湿开胃,温脾止泻,理气安胎。用于脾胃气滞、脘腹胀满,呕恶。《中国医学大辞典》:功用与砂仁同,而较为平和。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,2~5g;或烧存性研末。入煎剂宜后下。 外用:煅研撒。   Amomum Villosum Lour / Sha Ren (3oz) We love the pungent taste and digestive benefits of cardamom. These shell pods can be used to flavor tea or coffee. Some women boil cardamom, strain the liquid and use it to condition hair and scalp. The spice and pods nourish the hair follicles and enhances hair strength. Cardamom husk water can be used as shampoo or before a shampoo. The husks have effects similar to the seeds Antioxidant and Diuretic Properties  May Lower Blood Pressure.  May Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds.   May Protect from Chronic Diseases, Anti-Inflammatory Effects May Help with Digestive Problems, Including Ulcers. . May Treat Bad Breath and Prevent Cavities. May Have Antibacterial Effects and Treat Infections Sha Ren Cardamom and TCM Sha Ren influences Spleen, Stomach, Kidney. Transforms dampness [nausea] and restores appetite. Warms the Spleen and stops diarrhea. Regulates Qi and calms the fetus. Pharmaceutical name: fructus amomi Properties: acrid, warm, aromatic. Chinese therapeutic actions: regulates Qi, dissolves dampness, strengthens the spleen, warms the middle, stops diarrhea, stabilizes pregnancy   From the manufacturer:  It is the husk of the ginger family plant Sunchunsha or shrunken sand. It is used for spleen and stomach stagnation, abdominal distension and nausea. The taste is spicy and warming. It enters the Spleen, Stomach and Kidney meridians.  Indications:  Reduces dampness and increases appetite, warms the spleen and relieves diarrhea, regulates qi and relieves fetus. It is used for spleen and stomach stagnation, abdominal distension and nausea. "Chinese Medical Dictionary": The function is the same as Sharen, but is milder.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 2.5g; or preserved powder. The decoction should be simmered. External use: powdered


  • Amulet "Mockingbird Blue" Red 2018

    Amulet "Mockingbird Blue" Red 2018

    Critical Acclaim MEL94 Mel's Notes Color: Deep purple hue extending to the edge of the glass, indicating richness and concentration. Nose: Vibrant and pure aromas of red cherry, dried sage, violets, and freshly tilled earth create an enticing bouquet. Jeb Dunnuck A gorgeous wine on all accounts, the 2018 Red Blend Mockingbird reveals a dense purple/ruby color to go with gorgeous crème de cassis and darker currant-like fruits as well as lots of tobacco, bouquet garni, earth, and a touch of truffle. It's rich, full-bodied, and concentrated, with both good acid and tannins. It needs 3-5 years of bottle age, but my money is on it evolving for 20-25 years or more. This is impressive.



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