CHENGYI Porcelain Tea Cup Mug
養生時尚杯 陶瓷 过滤茶杯 马克杯 Size 尺寸:12cm*8cm*8cm 中國陶瓷行業名牌,通過ISO9001國際質量管理體系認證 檢測結果證明養生瓷負離子含量遠高於普通瓷:養生瓷是一種納米複合活性生物陶瓷,中粹瓷業研發的養生瓷是有多種礦物元素、氧化金屬和陶瓷原料調配燒成的,是遠紅外綫轉換材料的最佳材質。 養生瓷的5大特點: 除氯---可將水中的氯快速分解,震蕩揮發 除臭---活化水質使水分子變小,分解水中異味並去除和吸附 排毒---長期飲用可分解殘留體内的重金屬、體脂肪、血脂肪,經代謝排出 抑菌---因震蕩分解單細胞病菌,使其無法繁殖 美容---可使皮膚保濕,預防斑、痘、瘡生長并有止癢、消炎效果 **内置式濾網設計,密集多孔式分佈,出水順暢,有效阻隔過濾茶渣,您可盡心享用。 CHENGYI Porcelain Tea Cup Mug A Famous Brand in China’s Ceramic Industry, ISO9001 International Quality Management System Certified Test results have demonstrated that the negative ion content in Health Ceramics is significantly higher than in regular ceramics. Health Ceramics is a nano-composite active bio-ceramic. The Health Ceramics developed by Zhongcui Ceramics are crafted by blending and firing a combination of mineral elements, metal oxides, and ceramic raw materials, making them an ideal material for far-infrared energy conversion. Key Features of Health Ceramics: Chlorine Removal — Efficiently decomposes and disperses chlorine from water through vibrational processes. Odor Elimination — Enhances water quality by breaking down water molecules, neutralizing odors, and removing them. Detoxification — Regular consumption helps metabolize and eliminate heavy metals, body fat, and blood lipids accumulated in the body. Antibacterial Properties — Vibrational decomposition of single-cell bacteria inhibits their reproduction. Beauty Enhancement — Hydrates the skin, prevents the formation of spots, acne, and sores, and provides anti-itch and anti-inflammatory benefits. The built-in filter design features a densely distributed porous structure, ensuring smooth water flow and effectively filtering out tea leaves, ensuring a pure and enjoyable experience.