
9 products

  • Quantity Discount
    BaiYunShan Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10g*20bags) BaiYunShan Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10g*20bags)

    BaiYunShan Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10g*20bags)

    白云山 板蓝根颗粒10克*20袋 功能主治:清热解毒,凉血利咽。用于肺胃热盛所致的咽喉肿痛,口咽干燥,急性扁桃体炎见上述症候者. BaiYunShan Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10g*20bags)


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    BaiYunShan Keteling Jiaonang 30capsules BaiYunShan Keteling Jiaonang 30capsules

    BaiYunShan Keteling Jiaonang 30capsules

    白云山 咳特灵胶囊 30粒 【功能主治】镇咳,祛痰,平喘,消炎。用于咳喘及慢性支气管炎咳嗽。 【使用方法】口服,一次1粒,一日三次 【成分】小叶榕干浸膏、马来酸氯苯那敏。辅料为淀粉、滑石粉 【注意事项】 1.忌烟,酒及辛辣,生冷,油腻食物 2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药 3.有支气管扩张、肺脓疡,肺心病,肺 结核患者出现咳嗽时应去医院就诊 4.本品含马来酸氯苯那敏。膀胱颈梗阻,甲状腺功能亢进,青光眼。高血压和前列腺肥大者慎用,哺乳期妇女慎用。服药期间不得驾驶机、车,船,从事高空作业。机械作业及操作精密仪器 5.严格按照用法用量服用,儿童、年老体弱者应在医师指导下使用 6.本品不宜长期服用,股药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊 7.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用 8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用


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    Baiyunshan Qing Kai Ling Baiyunshan Qing Kai Ling

    Baiyunshan Qing Kai Ling

    广药白云山 清开灵颗粒 Ingredients: Radix Isatidis, Honeysuckle, Radix Scutellariae, Gardeniae Jasminoides etc.板蓝根,金银花,黄芩苷,栀子等。Dosage:Orally taken. 1-2 Packets each time, 2-3 timesdaily for adult; Reduced dosage for children. 开水冲服。每次1-2小袋;每日2-3次,儿童酌减。 Size: 9小袋/盒 清熱解毒, 鎮靜安神,或可幫助外感風熱時毒,火毒内盛所 致發熱, 煩燥不安,咽喉腫痛, 苔黃,上呼吸道感 染, 流行性或病毒性感冒,急性咽炎,急性支氣管炎等屬上 述證候者.【注意】久病体虚患者如出現腹泄時慎用. May help to dissipate heat, detoxifying, calm, soothing, and to harmonize the throat and upper respiratory system, especially during the flu season.


  • BYS Digest Easy BYS Digest Easy

    BYS Digest Easy

    白云山 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包  广州白云山中一药业有限公司 Guangzhou Bai Yun Shan Zhong Yi Pharmaceutical C., Ltd 规格: 6包(每包6克) 功效: 加味藿香正氣丸為藥草營養輔助劑,解表化濕,理氣和中,能緩解內傷濕,頭昏重,胸悶,腹脹,嘔洩. 成分: 广霍香,紫苏叶,白芷,白术(炒),陈皮,半夏(制),厚朴(姜制),茯苓,桔梗,甘草,大腹皮,大枣,生姜。 用法用量: 每次1袋, 每日2次, 服藥期間不適宜服用滋補性重要. 高血壓, 心髒病, 肝病, 糖尿病, 腎病等慢性病嚴重者, 請與醫護人員詢商後服用. 請保管於小兒不易觸及之處. 請保存於冷暗處,避免陽光照射   Size: 6bag (each bag 6 g) Effect: Stomach Calm Pills is a herbal dietary supplement to regulate the digestive system. Component: agadtacge rygisa whole, perilla leaves, fragrant angelica roots, bai-zhu atractylodes stems&roots(fired), rangerine peel, pinellia(treated) stem, magnolia bark, poria sclerotium, platycoldon toors, chinese licorice roots, betelnut palm peel, ginger roots, jujube fruit Direction to use: 1 bag each time, 2 times a day.Don't use with other traditional Chinse medicine. Consult the healthcare professionals if the user have hypertension, heart disease, liber disease, diabetes, kidney disease. Keep out of reach of children Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.  


  • BYS KouYanQing KeLi BYS KouYanQing KeLi

    BYS KouYanQing KeLi

    白云山 口炎清颗粒 12Bags/Box  滋阴清热、解毒消肿 用于阴虚火旺所致的 口腔炎症 【成份】 天冬、麦冬、玄参、山银花、甘草。辅料为蔗糖、糊精。【性 状】 本品为棕黄色至棕褐色的颗粒;味甜、微苦。【功能主治】 滋阴清热,解毒消肿。用于阴虚火旺所致的 口腔炎症。【规 格】 每袋装10克【用法用量】口服。一次2袋(20克),一日1~2次。【不良反应】、【禁 忌】、【注意事项】等详见说明书。【贮藏】密封。【包装】 复合膜袋,每袋装10克,每盒装12袋


  • Quantity Discount
    Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags) Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags)

    BYS Radix Isatidis Granules/Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags)

    白云山 板蓝根颗粒 无蔗糖 3克x16袋 清热解毒,凉血利咽 用于肺胃热盛所致的咽喉肿痛,口咽干燥,急性扁桃体炎见上述症候者. 用法用量:開水冲服。一次1-2袋(3-6克),一日3-4次 BYS Radix Isatidis Granules/Ban Lan Gen Beverage Herbal Supplement Clears heat and detoxifies and benefits the throat. Indicated for throat swelling and pain, dry mouth and throat, and acute tonsillitis caused by excessive heat in the lungs and stomach. Dosage: Dissolve in hot water and take orally. 1-2 sachets (3-6 grams) per dose, 3-4 times daily. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • BYS Sugar Free XiaSangJu KeLi Granules (3gx10bags) BYS Sugar Free XiaSangJu KeLi Granules (3gx10bags)

    BYS Sugar Free XiaSangJu KeLi Granules (3gx10bags)

    白云山 无蔗糖 夏桑菊 冲剂 (3g*10包) 清肝明目,疏风散热,除湿痹,解疮毒。用于风热感冒,目赤头痛,头晕耳鸣,咽喉肿痛,疔疮肿毒等症,并可作清凉饮料。 成份:夏枯草、野菊花、桑叶。辅料为甘露醇和阿司帕坦。用法用量:口服,一次3—6克(1—2袋),一日3次。注意事项:1、忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。2、不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。3、风寒感冒者尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。5、儿童、年老体弱者、孕妇应在医师指导下服用。6、服药用。9、儿童必须在成人监护下使用。10、请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。11、如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 **This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  


  • BYS Tummy Easy Dietary Supplement 24pills BYS Tummy Easy Dietary Supplement 24pills

    BYS Tummy Easy Dietary Supplement 24pills

    BYS Tummy Easy Dietary Supplement 24pills Uses: Tummy Easy Pill is a herbal dietary supplementto help regulate and comfort the digestive system to maintain normal bowel functions."Direction: Take 4 pills with water, 3 times daily Caution:Don't use with other traditional Chinese medicine. Consult the healthcare professionals if the user have hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease.Keep out of reach of children.Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. 白雲山中一  腹可安 24片 用途:腹可安為藥草營養輔助劑,能清熱利濕,幫助維持消化正常功能。*用法用量:每次4片,每日3次。注意事項:服藥期間不適宜服用滋補性中藥。高血壓、心臟病、肝病、糖尿病、腎病等慢性病嚴重患者, 請與醫護人員諮商后服用。請保管於小兒不易觸及之處。請保存於冷暗處,避免陽光照射


  • Quantity Discount
    BYS XiaoCaiHu KeLi (10g*6bags)

    BYS XiaoCaiHu KeLi (10g*6bags)

    BYS XiaoCaiHu KeLi (10g*6bags) Indications: Relieve surface heat dissipation, soothe liver and stomach. It is used for external infections, lack of appetite, upset and nausea, bitter mouth and dry throat. Dosage: 1-2bags at a time, 3 times a day, mix with hot water before taking. Packing: 10g*6bags 白云山 小柴胡颗粒 10克*6袋 【成份】柴胡、黄芩、姜半夏、党参、生姜、甘草、大枣。辅料为蔗糖。【性状】本品为黄色至棕褐色的颗粒; 味甜。【功能主治】解表散热,疏肝和胃。用于外感病,邪犯少阳证,症见寒热往来、胸胁苦满、食欲不振、心烦喜呕、口苦咽干。【用法用量】开水冲服,一次1~2袋,一日3次。【规格】每袋装10克【包装】复合铝袋包装,每盒6袋。



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