Dragon's Well Tea Gift Box
小獅芯 明前龍井 貢茶禮盒(12小罐) 貢茶禮盒甄選自核心產區龍井村獅峰山,明前精選開園頭采之好茶,西湖龍井山炒製中心手工炒製,貢茶禮盒提供產地證書。 選用天然實木材質,采用鎏金圖文和鋼琴烤漆工藝;盒内標配12金色小罐,小罐采用鋁合金材質,鋁箔紙拉絲開口,金屬質感,嚴實合縫,精緻小巧,金殿奢華。 獅峰山茶區是西湖龍井中品質最佳的“極品”,其品質特徵湯色綠中透黃,呈嫩黃綠色;滋味鮮醇香濃、栗香明顯,茶葉芽頭肥壯,秀氣精緻、呈寶光色,茶湯鮮醇爽口,清香持久。 茶是農產,數量有限,售完即止,敬請諒解! Longjing (Dragon's Well) Tea Gift Box The gift box is natural solid wood with gilt graphics and finished with ebony black lacquer. The box contains 12 small metal tins of heavenly Longjing green tea. The tea is selected from Shi Feng Mountain, Longjing Village, the core production area for this tea. The tea is first to flush, picked before April 4th at the beginning of the Longjing season. Longjing tea is a high-quality product that has been praised even before the Ming Dynasty. The tea buds are plump and delicate with a bright color, the tea soup is light and refreshing, and the fragrance is lasting. Wing Hop Fung has a limited quantity while stocks last.
Dried Shandong Rose (4oz/Tin)
山东平阴 大红玫瑰(4 oz/罐) 平阴县盛产玫瑰花,在《中国名胜词典》上称之为“玫瑰之乡”。这里的重瓣红玫瑰,不仅栽培历史悠久,而且以花大瓣厚色艳,香味浓郁,品质优异驰名。平阴玫瑰香甜如意,芳香四溢,具有香气正,清香、甜香、浓香等特点。 从明代开始,平阴人已经将玫瑰花用于酿制玫瑰酒、搓制玫瑰酱和制作玫瑰风味糕点。 清末平阴城内“积盛和”商号酿制的玫瑰酒以味美香甜闻名,时至今日,其酿造工艺一直不断被沿袭并改进使用。 玫瑰花性温、味甘、微苦,归肝脾二经,是治疗妇科病、心脑血管病、跌打损伤、精神疾病的良药, 用玫瑰花蕾入药已有数百年的历史。《本草正义》载:“玫瑰花,香气最浓,清而不浊,和而不猛,柔肝醒胃,理气活血,宣统窒滞,而绝无辛温刚燥之弊,断推气分药之中, 最有捷效而最为驯良者,芳香诸品,殆无其匹。”《本草拾遗》载:“活血行血,理气,治风痹、乳痛,肿肝毒初起、肝胃气痛。” Shandong Chinese Rose (4oz/Tin) China Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young in order to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when dried. As a result, they retain the full flavor and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, China Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion. Rosebud tea has also traditionally been used to ease tension headache, chest discomfort, and mild depression. From the manufacturer: Pingyin County is rich in roses and is called the "Hometown of Roses" in the "Chinese Dictionary of Famous Places". The double-petaled red roses there have a long history of cultivation and are famous for their large, thick, and colorful flowers, rich fragrance, and excellent quality. Pingyin rose is delightfully sweet and pleasant, with a delicate sweet fragrance and sparkling aftertaste. Since the Ming Dynasty, the people of Pingyin have used roses to brew rose wine, make the rose sauce and make rose-flavored pastries. The rose wine brewed by the "Jishenghe" company in Pingyin City at the end of the Qing Dynasty became famous for its delicious sweetness. Today, its brewing technology has been continuously followed and improved. Roses are warm in nature, sweet in taste, and slightly bitter. They help balance the liver and spleen. Rose tea is good medicine for treating gynecological diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bruises, and mental diseases. Rosebuds have been used as medicine for hundreds of years. China Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young in order to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result, they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, China Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion.
Fujian Organic White Peony Tea (3.2 oz/Tin)
福建有機白牡丹 白茶(3.2 oz/罐) 白牡丹茶 令人精神愉悅、心曠神怡,且茶中富含人體所需的氨基酸、茶多酚、礦物質、多種維生素及鋅、硒等微量元素,具有生津止渴、清肝明目、提神醒腦、鎮靜降壓、防齲堅齒、解毒利尿、除膩化積、減肥美容、養顏益壽、防治流感、防禦輻射、防癌抗癌等諸多功效,是當今公認最安全又營養的綠色健康飲品. Fujian Organic White Peony Tea (3.2 oz/Tin) Also known as Pai Mu Tan or Bai Mu Dan. White Peony is a sweet, mild Chinese tea made from unopened tea buds, as well as the two newest leaves to sprout. The freshly harvested leaf is allowed to wither dry in the sun. The natural oxidation that takes place during this withering gives White Peony beautiful, plush flavors. The nose is warm, floral, and rich like fruit blossoms. The liquor is golden and bright. Clean, succulent floral-fruit flavor, melon sweetness, a touch of gentle savoriness and rounded mouthfeel. White peony tea is refreshing and rich in amino acids, tea polyphenols, minerals, multiple vitamins, zinc, selenium, and other trace elements required by the human body. It promotes body fluids, quenching thirst, clearing liver inflammation, improving eyesight, and refreshing the senses. It benefits the brain, is relaxing, and helps to regulate blood pressure. Many enjoy the light pleasing flavor in order to detoxify the body, for weight loss, and as a natural, safe diuretic for beauty and longevity. It has been used for the prevention and treatment of influenza, against radiation poisons, for anti-cancer treatments, and many other functions. It is recognized as the safest and most nutritious health drink today.
Highly aromatic Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea Gift Box 400g
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建Fujian, China 品名Name: 濃香型 鐵觀音 Highly aromatic Tie Guan Yin 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 卷曲紧结,条索粗壮Tightly curled into semi-ball, sand-green color 茶汤Liquor: 汤色金黄,香气馥郁,回味甘甜Smooth and robust with nutty notes and a buttery finish 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 此茶口味醇厚、香气高长、比较重回甘,是传统工艺炒制的茶叶经烘焙再加工而成产品,具有“香、浓、醇、甘”等特点,色泽乌亮,汤色金黄,香气纯正、滋味厚重,相对清香型而言,浓香型铁观音性温,有止渴生津、健脾暖胃等功效。 Tieguanyin Oolong tea is a semi-oxidized tea that has many different processing methods. As a result, the infusion may produce a reddish-brown, green, or even orange hue. Since oolong teas are semi-fermented, the tea leaves contain a wide variety of polyphenolic compounds that are very beneficial to our body. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s
Lingtou Baiye Oolong Tea Gift Box
嵩峰 嶺頭白葉 单枞 乌龙茶礼盒 岭头白叶茶,岭头单枞,又称岭头白叶茶,属乌龙茶类极品名茶。产于广东省饶平县坪溪镇岭头村。 Lingtou Baiye Oolong Tea Gift Box Lingtou Baiye Tea is produced in Lingtou Village, Pingxi Town, Raoping County, Guangdong Province. Raoping is located in the southeastern part of Guangdong, bordering on the South China Sea. Lingtou is located in the foothills of Fenghuang Mountain with an altitude of over 400 meters. The mountains are mistily shaded with bamboo and woods. The climate is mild, the rainfall abundant, and the soil is fertile. Tea has been planted in Lingtou Village for nearly 100 years. It is considered to be excellent and unique in flavor. The characteristics of the finished Lingtou Baiye Tea are: the shape of the leaf is slightly curved, and the color is yellow and brown like squid. The fragrance is high, the taste is mellow and sweet, the soup is orange and bright, and the red color of the leaves is bright. The Baiye after roasting has a sweet honey flavor with a hint of charcoal. It is the taste of the old generation of Chaozhou trees. Brew Method: Warm up the tea vessel with boiling water then throw the water away. Put some tea into an empty tea vessel and pour in about 185℉ / 85℃ hot water. Cover the lid for 1 minute before serving. Using cups made of china to drink will have the best taste.
Lotop LT-020 Portable Tea sets (7 pcs)
祥福乐透七头装耐热玻璃茶壶茶杯茶具家用过滤泡茶壶水杯公道杯 Lotop LT-020 Portable Tea sets (7 pcs) This Chinese heat-resistant glass teapot and teacup set makes your tea drinking pleasures easy to enjoy. It includes all you need except an excellent Wing Hop Fung tea and hot water. The ceramic brewing cup and glass serving pot protect your hands with an elegantly modern wooden handle.
Lunar New Year Golden Dragon Prosperity Box
永合豐 2024年 金龙献瑞大礼盒 *Product may have substitutions due to seasonal availability. WHF Lunar New Year Golden Dragon Prosperity Box Get Ready to Blast Off!2024 The Year of the Dragon brings intelligence, enthusiasm, and tenacity. Give the gift of energy and deep satisfaction: The Dragon Year Prosperity Box We have specially curated some of our Favorite Sweet Treats to brighten the New Year and bring Happiness, Health, and Good Fortune.May you and your loved ones enjoy sharing this prosperity Box and create cherished memories. Product Weight Lucky Meaning 1. Mixed Nut Crunch 堅果糖 3.5oz Nuts and Seeds for a Healthy Heart and Happy Family. 2. White Sesame Crunch 白芝麻糖 3.5oz 3. Lucky Candy 利是糖 3.5oz Lucky Candy for Health, Happiness and Good Fortune. 4. Pistachios 开心果 4.0oz Pistachio for Happiness. 5. Jujube Dates 红枣 3.0oz Red Dates for Prosperity and Happiness. 6. Ginger Candy 姜糖 3.5oz Spicy and Sweet for a Happy Tummy. YOU CAN SELECT ONE OF THE TEA IN YOUR GIFT BOX FROM THE FOLLOWING OPTION Jiu Qu Hone Mei Black Tea 九曲紅梅 Dong Ting Oolong Tea 凍頂烏龍
Lunar New Year Lucky Swiftlet Prosperity Box
永合豐 2024年 紫燕吉祥大礼盒 *Product may have substitutions due to seasonal availability. WHF Lunar New Year Lucky Swiftlet Prosperity Box Get Ready to Blast Off!2024 The Year of the Dragon brings intelligence, enthusiasm, and tenacity. Give the gift of energy and deep satisfaction: The Lucky Swiftlet Prosperity Box We have specially curated some of our Favorite Sweet Treats to brighten the New Year and bring Happiness, Health, and Good Fortune.May you and your loved ones enjoy sharing this prosperity Box and create cherished memories. Product Weight Lucky Meaning 1. Mixed Nut Crunch 堅果糖 3.5oz Nuts and Seeds for a Healthy Heart and Happy Family. 2. Black Sesame Crunch 黑芝麻糖 3.5oz 3. Lucky Candy 利是糖 3.5oz Lucky Candy for Health, Happiness, and Good Fortune. 4. Pistachios 开心果 4.0oz Pistachio for Happiness. 5. Jujube Dates 红枣 3.0oz Red Dates for Prosperity and Happiness. 6. Ginger Candy 姜糖 3.5oz Spicy and Sweet for a Happy Tummy. YOU CAN SELECT ONE OF THE TEA IN YOUR GIFT BOX FROM THE FOLLOWING OPTION Jiu Qu Hone Mei Black Tea 九曲紅梅 Dong Ting Oolong Tea 凍頂烏龍
Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (250g/ can)
精裝新会 小青柑 柑普茶(250 G/CAN) 选取已有600年生产历史的天马产区新会柑和5年云南一级宫廷普洱老茶为原料。冲泡后的汤色橙红透亮,回味爽甜并有陈香味。 中医认为,青皮陈皮性微温,味苦辛,入肝、胆经,具有理肝气、咽炎、消积化滞、保护心血管功效,与熟普茶结合后,其保健功效自然兼有两者的好处:具有健脾养胃、化痰止咳、降脂减肥、美容养颜、抗衰老等各种作用。 Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (250g/ can) This rich, delicious tea has a 600-year production history. It is made from Xinhui mandarin orange and 5-year-old first-class Pu-Erh tea, “Palace” grade from Yunnan. After brewing, the color of the soup is orange-red and translucent, with a sweet aftertaste and a precious “ancient tree” fragrance. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in the area is very special. This Pu-Erh tea has long adsorbed the fruit aroma of citrus peel. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that green tangerine peel is mild in nature, bitter and pungent, and enters the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the functions of regulating liver qi, improving pharyngitis, eliminating stagnation, and protecting the cardiovascular system. When combined with aged Pu-Erh tea, its health benefits are doubled. Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat, and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging. Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging. Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat, and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging.
Mandarin Orange Pu-Erh Tea
新会小青柑 Mandarin Orange Pu-Erh Tea Pu-Erh tea dried in a whole mandarin orange peel. Flavor: Bold citrus and balanced earthy aroma. Brew: Break one pearl and place it in a teapot. Bring fresh boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes, maybe brewed for several infusions. Pu’er Orange Peel Tea Benefits: High in antioxidants and vitamin C Improves digestion and increases metabolism. Beautifies the skin Protects teeth and gums Strengthens the body Refreshes the mind Pu’er may improve heart health 口感:香甜醇滑,舒爽滋润;具有浓郁的柑皮香味 泡法:取一颗小青柑去盖放入杯中,用100摄氏度开水冲泡两分钟即可饮用 功效:降脂养颜,护齿强身,提神醒脑
Mellow Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea Gift Box(400g)
品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建Fujian, China 品名Name: 韻味 鐵觀音 Highly aromatic Tie Guan Yin 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 卷曲紧结,条索粗壮Tightly curled into semi-ball, sand-green color 茶汤Liquor: 汤色金黄,香气馥郁,回味甘甜Smooth and robust with nutty notes and a buttery finish 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 此茶口味醇厚、香气高长、比较重回甘,是传统工艺炒制的茶叶经烘焙再加工而成产品,具有“香、浓、醇、甘”等特点,色泽乌亮,汤色金黄,香气纯正、滋味厚重,相对清香型而言,浓香型铁观音性温,有止渴生津、健脾暖胃等功效。 Tieguanyin Oolong tea is a semi-oxidized tea that has many different processing methods. As a result, the infusion may produce a reddish-brown, green, or even orange hue. Since oolong teas are semi-fermented, the tea leaves contain a wide variety of polyphenolic compounds that are very beneficial to our body. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea 7g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s