
Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.


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Look and feel Great with traditional and modern Chinese remedies, health foods, healing balms, and beauty supplies.

44 products

  • ASKY Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster  6 Packs ASKY Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster  6 Packs

    ASKY Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster 6 Packs

    爱士康元 穴位压力鸡眼贴 6贴装 鸡眼保健贴,温和不刺激,无疼痛感,健康护理适合各种鸡眼类型,鸡茧、脚丁、老茧、肉刺 三层渗透,第一阶段冷敷理疗,缓解疼痛 第二阶段渗透老废角质层基底,逐渐剥离角质 第三阶段深入肌底,形成保护帮助肌肤修护 【使用方法】1.先用热水泡脚2.擦干水渍,将鸡眼贴敷贴于患处3.待患处表皮软化发白,慢慢剥离表层软化角质 Acupressure Corn Care Remover Plaster 6 Packs Gentle and non-irritating corn care plaster, providing pain-free, healthy care.Suitable for various types of corns, calluses, foot warts, and hardened skin. Three-Step Penetration: First Stage: Cold compress therapy to relieve pain. Second Stage: Penetrates the base of the old keratin layer, gradually removing dead skin. Third Stage: Deeply nourishes, forming a protective barrier to help skin repair. Usage Instructions: Soak your feet in warm water. Dry thoroughly and apply the corn plaster to the affected area. Once the area softens and turns white, gently peel off the softened outer layer of skin.


  • CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm) CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm)

    CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm)

    德国辣椒标 风湿膏药 4.5in x7in(11.4cm x 17.8cm)  外用 跌打止痛膏 主要成分: 辣椒素功能主治: 暂时缓解由于下列症状引起的肌肉和关节酸痛:一般腰背痛、关节炎、损伤、瘀伤、扭伤;以及风湿、腰痛、坐骨神经痛、胸膛及肺部等引起的疼痛。用法用量: 将药膏从纸背上剥离,直接贴于患处。必要时可将膏药剪成小块贴于患处。浴后使用效果更佳。适用于成年人及2岁或以上儿童,每天贴于患处不得超过3至4次,2岁以下儿童,不得使用,请教医师。不良反应: 本品含有天然胶乳,可能会引起过敏反应。注意事项: 本品仅供外用。不要用于:伤口、破损或发炎皮肤。 CHILLI BRAND External Analgesic Plaster External Medicated Pain Reliever Plaster Component: CapsaicinUses: Temporarily relieves minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises. sprains. Usage Instructions:Peel off the paper backing and apply the plaster directly to the affected area. If necessary, cut the plaster into smaller pieces to fit the area. For best results, use after a bath. Suitable for adults and children aged 2 years and older. Do not apply more than the recommended amount. Adverse Reactions:This product contains natural rubber latex, which may cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.Precautions: For external use only. Do not use on wounds or damaged or irritated skin.

    $2.99 - $58.59

  • BYS BiTong Nasal Spray 30ml BYS BiTong Nasal Spray 30ml

    BYS BiTong Nasal Spray 30ml

    广州白云山 采芝林 鼻通喷剂 30ml 通鼻   鼻腔不适   通鼻神器   鼻炎药喷雾剂 鼻涕鼻塞肿胀   鼻子不通气   鼻腔清洗 外用品,勿口服、勿接触眼睛 注意:请勿至于儿童易取处,3岁以下儿童禁用,孕妇禁用 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 BYS BiTong Nasal Spray 30ml Clears the nose, relieves nasal discomfort, nasal decongestant, nasal spray for rhinitis. Runny nose, nasal congestion, nasal blockage, nasal cleansing. For external use only, do not ingest or contact eyes. Note: Keep out of reach of children, not for use by children under 3 years old, not for use by pregnant women. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • JZT Zu Guang San JZT Zu Guang San

    JZT Zu Guang San

    九芝堂 足光散 40克/袋*3袋/盒 【成份】水杨酸、苯甲酸、硼酸、苦参。辅料:滑石粉。【性状】本品为浅黄棕色至浅红棕色粉末,久置有轻按即散的团块。【功能主治】清热燥湿,杀虫敛汗。用于湿热下注所致的角化型手足癣及臭汗症。【用法用量】外用,取药粉40克加沸水1000~1500毫升,或取药粉20克加沸水500~750毫 升,搅拌,溶解,放温,趁热浸泡患处20~30分钟,一日1次,连续三日为一疗程。 【规格】每袋装40克【不良反应】据报道使用本品曾引起接触性皮炎、偶有严重性皮炎。【禁忌】水疱型、糜烂型手足癣禁用。儿童、孕妇禁用。【注意事项】1、使用本品有较多脱屑,属正常现象,数日后逐渐消失。2. 本品为外用药,禁止内服。3、忌食辛辣、刺激性食物。4、切勿接触眼睛、口腔等黏膜处。皮肤破溃处禁用。5、用药一次,观察3日,无不良反应,可连续使用3次;如症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。6.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。7.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。8.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。9.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。 【贮藏】密封,置干燥处。【包装】药用复合膜,40克/袋*3袋/盒。


  • XZ XiaoMi Shuan 7 pills XZ XiaoMi Shuan 7 pills

    XZ XiaoMi Shuan 7 pills

    消靡栓 【成份】人参茎叶皂苷、紫草、黄柏、苦参、枯矾、冰片、儿茶。辅料为:聚氧乙烯单硬脂酸酯、甘油。【性状】本品为褐色至棕褐色的鸭嘴形栓剂;气特异。【功能主治】清热解毒,燥湿杀虫。用于湿热下注所致的带下病,症见带下量多、色黄、质稠,腥臭、阴 部瘙痒;滴虫性阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎见上述证候者。炎


  • LY TongLuo QuTong Gao (6L) LY TongLuo QuTong Gao (6L)

    LY TongLuo QuTong Gao (6L)

    羚锐 通络祛痛膏 6贴装 7cm * 10cm  【药品名称】 通用名称: 通络祛痛膏汉语拼音: Tongluo Qutong Gao【成份】当归、川芎、红花、山柰、花椒、胡椒、丁 香、肉桂、荜茇、干姜、大黄、樟脑、冰片、薄荷脑。 辅料为:橡胶、松香、氧化锌、羊毛脂、凡士林、液状 石蜡、二甲基亚砜。含成份过敏者禁用。【注意事项】1.孕妇慎用。经期及哺乳期妇女应在医 师指导下使用。2.每次贴敷不宜超过12小时,防止 贴敷处发生过敏。3.对橡胶膏剂过敏及过敏体质者 慎用。4.用药期间出现过敏反应者应及时停药,出 现严重过敏反应者,应立刻停药并及时就医。 【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生 药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。【性 状】本品为淡黄色至淡棕色的片状橡胶膏; 气芳香。【贮 藏】密封。【包 装】药品包装用复合膜袋;每袋装6贴,每盒 装1袋。【功能主治】活血通络,散寒除湿,消肿止痛。用于腰 部、膝部骨性关节炎瘀血停滞、寒湿阻络证,症见 关节刺痛或钝痛,关节僵硬,屈伸不利,畏寒肢 冷。用于颈椎病(神经根型)瘀血停滞、寒湿阻络 证,症见颈项疼痛、肩臂疼痛,颈项活动不利,肢 体麻木,畏寒肢冷,肢体困重等。【规格】7厘米×10厘米【用法用量】外贴患处,每次1~2贴,一日1次。用于 腰部、膝部骨性关节炎15天为一个疗程;用于颈椎 病(神经根型),每次2贴,贴12小时,每日换药1 次,21天为一个疗程。【不良反应】偶见贴敷处皮肤瘙痒、潮红、红疹,过敏 性皮炎。上市后可见个别患者用药后出现全身不适, 头晕、恶心、呕吐,口腔黏膜水肿,红疹,气促、胸 闷、心悸、腹痛、头痛、出汗等症状的病例报道。 LY TongLuo QuTong Gao (6L) Inactive Ingredients:Angelica sinensis (Root), Ligusticumichuanong Hort (Rhizome), Carthamus tinctorius L.(Flower), Kaempfera galanga L (Rhizome), Zanthoxyli Pericarpium(Peel), Piperis Fructus(Fruit), Caryophyti Flos(Bud), Cinnamomi Cortex(Peel), Piperis Long Fructus Fruit), Zingiberis Rhizoma(Rhizome), Rhe Radix Et Rhizoma(Rhizome), Camphora(Root), Borneolum Syntheticum, Mentha canadensis L(whole)Other Ingredients:Rubber, Colophony, Zinc oxide, Lanolin, vaseline, pain, Dimethyl sulfoxideStop use and ask a doctor if: condition worsenssymptoms persist for more than 7 days.excessive irritation of the skin develops.pregnant or nursingKeep out of reach of children. If swallowed. get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.Drug Facts (continued)Directions Stick outside the affected area. 1-2 sticks each time, once a day For lumbar and knee osteoarthritis, 15 days is a course of treatment for cervical spondylosis (nerve root type), 2 sticks each time. sticks for 12 hours, dressing change once a day, 21 daysavoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes is a course of treatment.


  • LY GuanJie ZhiTong Gao LY GuanJie ZhiTong Gao

    LY GuanJie ZhiTong Gao

    羚锐 关节止痛膏 【药品名称】通用名称: 羚锐 关节止痛膏【成汉语拼音:Guanjie Zhitong Gao份】辣椒流浸膏、颠茄流浸膏、薄荷素油、水杨酸甲酯、樟脑、盐酸苯海拉明。辅料为: 橡胶、松香、氧化锌、羊毛脂、凡士林、液状石蜡、抗氧剂1010。【性状】本品为淡棕色的片状橡胶膏;气芳香。【功能主治】活血散瘀,温经镇痛。用于寒湿瘀阻经络所致风湿关节痛及关节扭伤。【规格】7厘米×10厘米【用法用量】外用,贴患处。一次1~2片,持续12小时,一日1次。【不良反应】上市后不良反应监测数据显示本品可见以下不良反应:皮疹、瘙痒、潮红、过敏或 过敏样反应、用药部位发热、疼痛、红肿、水疱等。【禁忌】1.对本品及所含成份过敏者禁用。2.皮肤破损处禁用。3.孕妇禁用。【注意事项】1.本品为外用药。2.本品含有刺激性药物,有皮肤病者慎用,皮肤过敏者停用。3.本品含盐酸苯海拉明,哺乳期妇女慎用。4.青光眼、前列腺肥大患者应在医师指导下使用。5.儿童、老年患者应在医师指导下使用。6.本品不宜长期或大面积使用,用药后皮肤过敏如 出现瘙痒、皮疹等现象时,应停止使用,症状严重者应去医院就诊。7.过敏体质者慎用。 8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。9.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。10.如正在使用其 他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。 【贮藏】密封。【包装】药品包装用复合膜袋;每袋装5片,每盒装2袋。【有效期】24个月 Uses: Activating blood and dissolving s Warming menstruation and analgesiaWarnings: For external use onlyOther Ingredients:Rubber, Colophony, Zinc oxide, Landin, Vaseline, Paraffin, Antioxidant 1010Manufacturer HENAN LINGUI PHARMACEUTICAL CO.LTD.Stop use and ask a doctor ifcondition worsenssymptoms persist for more than 7 daysExcessive tation of the skin developspregnant or nursingKeep out of reach of children if swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poson Control Center right away


  • Comvita® PROPOLIS EXTRACT PFL 30(0.8floz) Comvita® PROPOLIS EXTRACT PFL 30(0.8floz)

    Comvita® PROPOLIS EXTRACT PFL 30(0.8floz)

    康维他 蜂胶精华滴剂 (无酒精)PFL30  支持免疫系统和口腔健康  多酚类和类黄酮含量保证  推荐内服 蜂胶精华滴剂提供了蜂胶最纯净的、易于服用的液体形式,具有免疫保健和口腔护理的强大效果。 蜂胶是一种奇妙的天然保护体系,具有强大的抗氧化特性,可保持身体强健并增强人体免疫力。 超高浓度蜂胶精华滴剂 (无酒精 )PFL30确保每份推荐剂量含有30mg的活性蜂胶类黄酮和其他多酚类。 使用说明 免疫系统健康: 加入1.0ml滴剂至水中,每日吞服2次。 口腔健康: 加入0.5ml滴剂至水中,漱口,每日2次。 警告: 蜂胶可能引起严重的过敏反应。 孕妇或哺乳期妇女: 使用前咨询您的医生。 成分 每1.0ml含有:丙二醇(膨胀剂)、蜂胶提取物(相当于214mg纯蜂胶)。  Supports immune system & oral health  Guaranteed flavonoid levels  Recommended for internal use Propolis Extract delivers the powerful properties of Propolis in its most pure form in a easy to use liquid format for immune health and oral care. Propolis is a wonderful natural protective system designed to promote well-being and long lasting health, with well-known antioxidant properties to help maintain a healthy immune system. Our extra strength Propolis Extract Alcohol Free PFL30 delivers 30mg of active Propolis flavonoids per daily dose. Directions Immune Health: Mix 1.0ml in water and swallow twice daily. Oral Health: Mix 0.5ml in water, rinse around mouth and swallow twice daily. WARNING: Propolis may cause severe allergic reactions. PREGNANT OR LACTATING WOMEN: Consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Ingredients Each 1.0mL contains: Propylene glycol (bulking agent), Propolis extract (equivalent to 214mg pure Propolis)



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