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2216 products

  • PPX Shou Mei 1245 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake) PPX Shou Mei 1245 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake)

    PPX Shou Mei 1245 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake)

    品品香 晒白金.寿眉1245(2012紧压茶饼) 晒白金・寿眉 1245 是一款极具特色的紧压茶饼,其原料来自 2012 年,经过精心制作与陈化,为白茶爱好者带来独特的品饮体验。无论是作为日常品饮的佳茗,还是用于收藏增值的珍品,都具有很高的价值,值得白茶爱好者拥有。 产品特色 原料与年份 这款茶饼的原料来自 2012 年,寿眉本身具有独特的风味,经过多年的陈化,茶叶中的成分得到了充分的转化,使得其口感更加醇厚,香气更加浓郁。 品质与口感 晒白金系列以其高品质著称,1245 寿眉茶饼也不例外。其汤色橙黄明亮,滋味醇厚回甘,既有寿眉本身的清新与甘甜,又有经过长时间陈化后产生的陈香韵味,如枣香、药香等,层次丰富,口感悠长。 制作工艺 采用紧压工艺,将茶叶压制成饼状,这种工艺有助于茶叶在存储过程中更好地保持其品质。紧压茶饼不仅便于保存和携带,而且在后续的陈化过程中,能够使茶叶内部的物质更加均匀地转化,提升茶叶的口感和香气。


  • PPX Gong Mei 1231 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake) PPX Gong Mei 1231 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake)

    PPX Gong Mei 1231 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake)

    品品香 晒白金.贡眉1231(2012紧压茶饼) 晒白金・贡眉 1231 是一款极具特色的紧压茶饼,其原料来自 2012 年,经过精心制作与陈化,为白茶爱好者带来独特的品饮体验。无论是作为日常品饮的佳茗,还是用于收藏增值的珍品,都具有很高的价值,值得白茶爱好者拥有。 产品特色 原料与年份 这款茶饼的原料来自 2012 年,贡眉本身具有独特的风味,经过多年的陈化,茶叶中的成分得到了充分的转化,使得其口感更加醇厚,香气更加浓郁。 品质与口感 晒白金系列以其高品质著称,1231 贡眉茶饼也不例外。其汤色橙黄明亮,滋味醇厚回甘,既有贡眉本身的清新与甘甜,又有经过长时间陈化后产生的陈香韵味,如枣香、药香等,层次丰富,口感悠长。 制作工艺 采用紧压工艺,将茶叶压制成饼状,这种工艺有助于茶叶在存储过程中更好地保持其品质。紧压茶饼不仅便于保存和携带,而且在后续的陈化过程中,能够使茶叶内部的物质更加均匀地转化,提升茶叶的口感和香气。


  • PPX Baihao Yinzhen White Tea PPX Baihao Yinzhen White Tea

    PPX Baihao Yinzhen White Tea

    2022年品品香 晒白金1715 紧压白毫银针 白茶 108克 原料选取 晒白金系列坚持选用福鼎直控基地的原料,晒白金 1715 紧压白毫银针也不例外,其原料均来自品品香全程直控的高山生态茶园,且茶园以有机标准管理,施用有机肥,不打农药与除草剂,从源头上保证了茶叶品质. 制作工艺 传统工艺与现代技术结合:采用传统白茶制作工艺,结合现代精制技术,历经筛选、风选、色选、静电除杂等六道精制工序,去除梗、片末、非茶类夹杂物等,只留下 75% 的精华原料进行紧压,最大程度地保留了白毫银针的天然品质和营养成分. 紧压工艺:将经过精制的白毫银针原料压制成紧压茶,不仅便于储存和运输,更有利于茶叶的后期转化,使茶叶在岁月的沉淀中逐渐升华,形成独特的口感和香气. 外观形态 紧压形态:晒白金 1715 紧压白毫银针呈梯形小砖状,这种独特的形状设计,解决了传统白茶泡煮不便、携带麻烦的问题,一粒一泡,免称免撬,为消费者提供了极大的便利. 茶叶外观:干茶条索紧结,白毫显露,色泽银绿,边沿上有一层均匀的细白绒毛,芽头肥壮挺直,形如银针,尽显白毫银针的高贵品质2. 冲泡品饮 冲泡方法:取一粒晒白金 1715 紧压白毫银针,放入盖碗或茶壶中,用沸水冲泡。由于其紧压程度适中,茶叶在水中能够迅速舒展,释放出丰富的内含物质. 口感香气:冲泡后的茶汤汤色碧绿清澈,毫香四溢,口感鲜爽醇厚,回甘持久。白毫银针特有的毫香与清新的茶香相互交融,给人带来一种独特的味觉享受,且耐泡性强,多次冲泡后仍有余香12. 产品定位与价值 晒白金 1715 紧压白毫银针作为一款具有收藏价值和品鉴价值的高端白茶产品,适合作为礼品赠送亲友,也适合白茶爱好者自饮珍藏,随着时间的推移,其品质和价值将不断提升.


  •  Spring Snail Green #1409

    Bi Luo Chun / Spring Snail Green #1409

    曲綠碧螺春 #1409 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 江蘇蘇州Suzhou, Jiangsu 茶类Sort: 绿茶Green Tea 等级Level: 一级Premium 采摘Season: 春季Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 密封,干燥,避光,避潮Keep it sealed, dry, away from light and moisture. 保质期Shelf life: 36个月36 months 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 条索紧结,白豪显露,色泽银绿,卷曲成螺,边沿上一层均匀的细白绒毛,泡开后,犹如雪片飞舞,慢舒展成一芽一叶,汤色碧绿,口感鲜爽,回味甘甜,有独特的豆香味,香气清雅持久。The tea leaves are tightly rolled, with white hairs clearly visible. They are silvery-green in color and curled like snails, with a layer of fine and even white down on the edges. When brewed, it's just like snowflakes dancing. Slowly, they unfurl into one bud and one leaf. The tea liquor is emerald green, with a fresh and brisk taste. It has a sweet aftertaste and a unique bean-like fragrance that is elegant and long-lasting. 【制作工艺 Production Process】 采摘→鲜叶拣剔→摊放→杀青→热揉成形→搓团显毫→文火干燥,传统的七道工序。Picking → Selecting and removing impurities from fresh leaves → Spreading out for wilting → Fixing → Hot kneading to shape → Rolling into balls to reveal the fine hairs → Drying over slow fire. These are the traditional seven processes. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 条索纤细,卷曲成螺,白毫显露。The strands are slender, curled into snails, and the white hair is revealed. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 汤色淡绿,幽香,鲜雅,味醇,回甘。The soup color is light green, fragrant, fresh and elegant, mellow and sweet. 【风味 Tea Taste】 独特的豆香和淡淡的栗香味。Unique bean fragrance and a light chestnut aroma. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 富含丰富的茶多酚和维生素C,具有抗氧化,消除疲劳。Rich in tea polyphenols and vitamin C, it has antioxidants and eliminates fatigue. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 老少咸宜。Suitable for all ages. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 陶瓷盖碗。Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 取3-5克的茶叶,放入盖碗,用90度左右的沸水冲泡,第一泡45秒,第二,三泡可看个人的饮茶浓度,按大概20至30秒延续即可。Take 3-5 grams of tea leaves and put them in a covered bowl. Brew with boiling water at about 90 degrees. The first infusion lasts for 45 seconds. For the second and third infusions, it can be adjusted according to personal tea concentration, and it can be continued for about 20 to 30 seconds. 【冲泡次数 Number of brews】 一般4~5泡。Typically, 4 to 5 infusions.

    $21.99 - $84.99

  • 2025 General Design Red Envelope 6pc 2025 General Design Red Envelope 6pc

    2025 General Design Red Envelope 6pc

    2025年通用款燙金紅包 6枚 “福” 字紅包 這款紅包底色為鮮艷紅色,正面有大大的 “福” 字,採用燙金工藝呈現金黃色,十分醒目。周圍還有 “萬事順意” 字樣,同樣是燙金工藝。紅色象徵喜慶,“福” 字寓意福氣,“萬事順意” 表達了對生活各方面美好的祝願。 “吉” 字紅包 紅包底色是紅色,正面有顯眼的 “吉” 字,一側有三個橙子圖案,橙子顏色與紅色背景形成對比。“吉” 字象徵吉祥,橙子諧音 “成”,三個橙子寓意吉祥如意接連不斷,結合文字與圖案傳遞美好祝願。 牡丹紅包 紅包底色為紅色,正面布滿盛開的牡丹花圖案,牡丹顏色為金色或搭配色,通過燙金等工藝呈現華麗感。牡丹是中國國花,象徵富貴、繁榮,寓意收紅包者生活富足、事業昌盛,適合在重要場合贈送。 The red envelope with the word "Fu", the base color of this red envelope is bright red, and there is a large word "Fu" on the front, which is golden yellow by bronzing process, which is very eye-catching. There are also words "All the best" around, which is also bronzing process. Red symbolizes joy, the word "Fu" symbolizes blessing, and "All the best" expresses good wishes for all aspects of life. "Ji" red envelope, the base color of the red envelope, the front has a conspicuous "Ji" word, and there are three orange patterns on one side. The orange color contrasts with the red background. " The word "Ji" symbolizes auspiciousness, and the homophonic "Cheng" of oranges. The three oranges symbolize good luck and good luck one after another, combining words and patterns to convey good wishes. Peony red envelopes, the base color of the red envelopes is red, and the front is full of blooming peony flower patterns. The color of peonies is gold or matching colors, which are presented with a gorgeous feeling through bronzing and other processes. Peony is China's national flower, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. It means that the recipient of red envelopes has a prosperous life and a prosperous career. It is suitable for giving away on important occasions.

  • 2025 Treasure Red Envelope 6pc 2025 Treasure Red Envelope 6pc

    2025 Treasure Red Envelope 6pc

    2025年蛇年燙金紅包 6 枚 这款 2025 年蛇年烫金红包,每包 6 枚,是新春佳节传递祝福的佳品。 在设计风格上,红包以蛇年为主题,巧妙融入多种蛇元素。有各异的蛇形图案,如金蛇、蛇舞造型等,展现蛇的灵动之美。搭配传统中国书法字样,如 “蛇年大吉”“金蛇送福”,字体苍劲有力,传递新春喜庆与祝福。同时还有 “Happy New Year”“Lucky” 等英文祝福,体现中西文化融合。色彩上,以象征吉祥喜庆的中国红为底色,搭配烫金工艺的蛇形图案和文字,金色在红色背景上闪耀,寓意新岁财源广进、福气满满。 工艺上采用先进烫金工艺,蛇形图案和文字光泽亮眼,线条和笔画清晰精致,在光线照耀下熠熠生辉,提升红包档次。 材质选用高品质纸张,厚度适中,质感好且便于折叠使用。这种材质韧性佳,不易破损,能很好保护红包内礼金。红包尺寸设计合理,大小适中,便于放入纸币,封口设计简洁牢固,轻松封装且确保礼金不掉落。 这款蛇年烫金红包是新春传递祝福的理想选择,兼具美好寓意与精湛工艺。 These 2025 Snake - Year gold - foiled red envelopes, with 6 envelopes in each pack, are excellent choices for conveying blessings during the Spring Festival. In terms of design style, the red envelopes are themed around the Year of the Snake, cleverly incorporating various snake - related elements. There are different snake - shaped patterns, such as golden snakes and dancing - snake formations, showcasing the dynamic beauty of snakes. Paired with traditional Chinese calligraphy words like "Good Luck in the Year of the Snake" and "Golden Snakes Bring Fortune", the fonts are vigorous and powerful, conveying the festivity and blessings of the Spring Festival. Meanwhile, there are also English blessings like "Happy New Year" and "Lucky", reflecting the integration of Chinese and Western cultures. In terms of color, with Chinese red, which symbolizes auspiciousness and festivity, as the base color, combined with snake - shaped patterns and words made by the gold - foiling technique, the gold shines on the red background, symbolizing abundant wealth and full blessings in the new year. In terms of craftsmanship, advanced gold - foiling techniques are used, making the snake - shaped patterns and words have a bright golden luster. Whether it is the lines of the snakes or the strokes of the words, they all appear clear and delicate under the gold - foiling technique, shining brightly under the light and enhancing the grade of the red envelopes. The red envelopes are made of high - quality paper with a moderate thickness. They have a good texture and are convenient for folding and use. This material has good toughness and is not easily damaged, and can well protect the money inside the red envelopes. The size of the red envelopes is reasonably designed, with a moderate size that is convenient for putting in banknotes. The design of the seal is simple and firm, allowing for easy sealing and ensuring that the money does not fall out. These Snake - Year gold - foiled red envelopes are ideal choices for conveying blessings during the Spring Festival, combining beautiful meanings and exquisite craftsmanship.


  • 3D Gold Foil Red Envelope 6pc 3D Gold Foil Red Envelope 6pc

    3D Gold Foil Red Envelope 6pc

    國潮 C 凸印珠光燙金紅包 6 枚 這款凸印珠光燙金紅包,是傳遞祝福的理想之選,完美結合了傳統元素與現代工藝。 從設計風格來看,紅包洋溢著濃郁中國風。其主題元素豐富,有象徵吉祥的龍鳳、寓意長壽的仙鶴、代表富貴的錦鯉等,搭配古雅的亭台樓閣和壯麗山川,背景中的燈籠、煙花更烘托出春節的喜慶。色彩上,以象徵吉祥幸福的紅色為底,結合珠光燙金和凸印工藝,金色與紅色相襯,珠光在光線照耀下閃爍迷人光澤,盡顯華麗高貴。 在工藝特色方面,凸印技術讓圖案極具立體感,如龍鳳身姿、仙鶴羽毛等,觸摸能感受到清晰紋理和層次,帶來獨特觸覺體驗。珠光燙金工藝是一大亮點,金色圖案上的細膩珠光,使其在不同光線角度下散發出璀璨柔和光芒,增添奢華感,使其在眾多紅包中獨樹一幟。 材質和實用性上,紅包採用高品質厚紙,韌性好、不易破損,確保耐用性和對禮金的保護。其尺寸合理,方便裝紙幣,封口設計簡潔牢固,便於操作且能防止禮金掉落。 這款紅包不僅是禮金載體,更是融合傳統文化與現代工藝的藝術品,適合在新春佳節用於饋贈,傳遞誠摯祝福。 These convex - printed, pearlescent, and gold - foiled red envelopes are an ideal choice for conveying blessings, perfectly combining traditional elements with modern craftsmanship.In terms of design style, the red envelopes are rich in Chinese style. They have abundant thematic elements, such as the dragon and phoenix symbolizing auspiciousness, the crane representing longevity, and the koi fish signifying wealth. They are paired with ancient - style pavilions, towers, terraces, and majestic mountains and rivers. The lanterns and fireworks in the background further enhance the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival. In terms of color, with red, which symbolizes good fortune and happiness, as the base color, combined with the pearlescent, gold - foiling, and convex - printing techniques, the gold contrasts with the red, and the pearlescent sheen shines with a charming luster under the illumination of light, showing magnificent and noble qualities.In terms of craftsmanship features, the convex - printing technique gives the patterns a strong three - dimensional effect. For example, the postures of the dragon and phoenix, and the feathers of the crane can be clearly felt with a touch, with distinct textures and layers, bringing a unique tactile experience. The pearlescent and gold - foiling technique is a major highlight. The delicate pearlescent on the gold - foiled patterns emits a bright and soft radiance at different angles of light, adding a sense of luxury and making them stand out among many red envelopes.In terms of material and practicability, the red envelopes are made of high - quality thick paper with good toughness and are not easily damaged, ensuring durability and protection for the money inside. Their size is reasonable, convenient for holding banknotes. The sealing design is simple and firm, easy to operate, and can prevent the money from falling out.These red envelopes are not only carriers of money gifts but also works of art integrating traditional culture and modern craftsmanship, suitable for giving as gifts during the Spring Festival to convey sincere blessings.


  • Bag) Bag)

    2025 Treasure Red Envelope (8pc/Bag)

    2025新年红包(八方进宝) 4款*2(8枚/包) 這款 2025新年红包(八方进宝) 設計精美,充滿節日氛圍。 整體以紅色為基調,紅色在中國文化中象徵著喜慶、吉祥。 紅包上有多重寓意吉祥的圖案,採用燙金工藝。  其中葫蘆圖案象徵福禄,下方有“八方進寶”字樣,還有英文“BEST WISHES & PROSPERITY”。 此外,還有白菜、古錢幣、如意等傳統吉祥圖案,白菜諧音“百財”,古錢幣象徵富足,如意代表事事順心。 燙金圖案與紅色背景相互映襯,色彩對比強烈,視覺效果醒目、精緻。 紅包採用高品質紙張,質地厚實,有質感且不易損壞。 製作過程中裁剪精準,封口設計巧妙,方便使用且密封性好。 這款紅包融入中國傳統吉祥文化元素,承載深厚文化底蘊和美好寓意,能傳遞誠摯新春祝福。 This 2025 New Year red envelope (Treasures from All Directions) is exquisitely designed and full of festive atmosphere. The overall tone is red. In Chinese culture, red symbolizes celebration and auspiciousness. There are multiple patterns with auspicious meanings on the red envelope, which adopts the gilding process. Among them, the gourd pattern symbolizes fortune and emolument. There is the inscription "Wealth from all directions" below. There is also the English phrase "BEST WISHES & PROSPERITY". In addition, there are traditional auspicious patterns such as Chinese cabbage, ancient coins, and ruyi. The Chinese cabbage is a homophone for "abundant wealth". Ancient coins symbolize affluence. Ruyi represents everything going smoothly. The gilded pattern and the red background set off each other, with strong color contrast and striking, exquisite visual effects. The red envelope is made of high-quality paper, which is thick in texture, has a sense of quality and is not easily damaged. During the production process, the cutting is precise, and the sealing design is ingenious, which is convenient to use and has good sealing performance. This red envelope incorporates elements of traditional Chinese auspicious culture, carries profound cultural connotations and beautiful meanings, and can convey sincere New Year blessings.


  • Xi Character Red Envelope (10pcs) Xi Character Red Envelope (10pcs)

    Xi Character Red Envelope (10pcs)

    囍字通用款烫金红包10枚 傳統與時尚交織,演繹婚慶紅包新典範!  這款“囍”字通用款燙金紅包,以經典中國紅為底色,鮮豔奪目,承載著滿滿的喜慶氛圍,是傳遞祝福與喜悅的不二之選。紅包封面正中,一個醒目的燙金“囍”字閃耀奪目,其採用高品質燙金工藝,金色線條流暢細膩,光澤度極佳,不僅凸顯了尊貴與華麗,更象徵著新人永結同心、百年好合的美好寓意。  紅包的材質精選優質特種紙,質地厚實有質感,不易破損,確保您的心意安全送達。尺寸設計恰到好處,方便攜帶與收納,無論是作為婚禮現場的禮金包,還是送給親朋好友的祝福紅包,都顯得大方得體。  “囍”字通用款燙金紅包,承載著千年文化底蘊,傳遞著最真摯的情感。選擇它,為您的喜慶時刻增添一份獨特的魅力,讓幸福與喜悅在每一次傳遞中延續!  Tradition and fashion are intertwined, interpreting a new model of wedding red envelopes! This "xi" universal bronzing red envelope, with classic Chinese red as the base color, is bright and dazzling, carrying a full festive atmosphere, and is the best choice to convey blessings and joy. In the middle of the cover of the red envelope, a striking bronzing "xi" word shines brightly. It adopts high-quality bronzing technology, with smooth golden lines and excellent gloss, which not only highlights the dignity and magnificence, but also symbolizes the beautiful meaning of the newcomer's eternal unity and a century-old harmony. The material of the red envelope is selected from high-quality special paper, which is thick and textured and not easy to be damaged, to ensure the safe delivery of your heart. The size design is just right, easy to carry and store, whether it is used as a gift bag at the wedding scene or a blessing red envelope for relatives and friends, it looks generous and decent. The universal bronzing red envelope with the word "Xi" carries a thousand-year-old cultural heritage and conveys the most sincere emotions. Choose it to add a unique charm to your festive moment, so that happiness and joy can continue in every transmission! 


  • Quantity Discount
    Crispy Fish Skin Peanuts (100g) Crispy Fish Skin Peanuts (100g)

    Crispy Fish Skin Peanuts (100g)

    魚皮花生 100g 魚皮花生是一款獨特美味的休閒零食,將香脆的花生與豐富的調味完美結合,經過精心烘烤或油炸,外脆內嫩,口感豐富,令人一試成主顧。無論是作為日常零食還是下酒菜,都是絕佳選擇。 魚皮花生近年來逐漸成為休閒零食市場的熱銷商品。這款零食以其脆爽的口感和美味的風味吸引了大量消費者,無論是搭配飲品還是單獨享用,都能帶來極致的味蕾體驗。其獨特的風味和便捷的包裝,讓它成為許多人日常小吃的首選。 Crispy Fish Skin Peanuts 100g Fish Skin Peanuts are a unique and delicious snack that perfectly combines crispy peanuts with rich seasonings. Carefully roasted or fried, they are crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside, offering a rich and satisfying flavor that makes them irresistible. Whether enjoyed as a daily snack or paired with drinks, they are an excellent choice. Fish Skin Peanuts have become a popular snack in recent years. With their crunchy texture and delicious flavor, they have attracted a large number of consumers. Whether paired with drinks or enjoyed on their own, they provide an ultimate taste experience. Their unique flavor and convenient packaging make them a go-to snack for many people.


  • Chrysanthemum Black Tea (250g) Chrysanthemum Black Tea (250g)

    Chrysanthemum Black Tea (250g)

    小柠菊 (250g/罐) 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 中国福建Fujian, China 茶类Sort: 红茶Black Tea 等级Level: 一级Premium 采摘Season: 春季Spring Caffeine Level: ☆ 储存方法Storage: 避光防潮,隔氧,適合玻璃器皿。Store in a light-proof, moisture-proof, and oxygen-isolating container, preferably glassware. 保质期Shelf life: 18个月18 months 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 柠檬红茶小皇菊,加工而成,泡开后,滋味清爽香甜,带有红茶的果香,又有柠檬的清香,汤色金黄清澈。Lemon Black Tea with Chrysanthemum is processed and made from a blend of ingredients. Once brewed, it has a refreshing and sweet taste, with the fruity aroma of black tea and the refreshing fragrance of lemon. The liquor is golden and clear. 【制作工艺 Production Process】 新鲜的柠檬,滇红,金丝皇菊,加工烘焙而成。Fresh lemon, Dianhong tea, and Golden Silk Chrysanthemum are processed and baked to create this blend. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 整粒。whole. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 汤色金黄,花果柠檬香,滋味甜爽。The liquor is golden, with a floral and fruity lemon fragrance, and a sweet, refreshing taste. 【风味 Tea Taste】 柠檬花香。Lemon Blossom fragrance. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 富含丰富的维生素C,具有抗氧化,美容养颜,清热,开胃醒脾。Rich in vitamin C, it has antioxidant properties, promotes beauty, clears heat, and aids digestion. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 适合广泛人群。Suitable for a wide range of people. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 盖碗、壶。Teapot or Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 取岀柠檬菊,整个放入盖碗或壶中注水,开口向上,开水冲入顶部开口,5秒即可出汤,即可饮用。Take the lemon chrysanthemum and place it whole into a gaiwan or teapot, with the opening facing upwards. Pour hot water into the top opening, and the tea will be ready to brew in 5 seconds, ready for drinking. 【冲泡次数 Number of brews】 可重复冲泡。It can be re-brewed multiple times. 【冲泡次数时间 Brewing time】 随着冲泡次数增加而增加冲泡时间。Increase the brewing time with each subsequent infusion.


  • Bag) Bag)

    Premium West Lake Dragon's Well Green Tea (250g/Bag)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 浙江杭州 Zhejiang, China 品名Name: 精选 西湖龙井 Premium Dragon's Well Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 18 months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 扁平光洁,匀长挺直, 绿中带黄,糙米色Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves 茶汤Liquor: 香气浓郁,豆香、栗香,鲜甜甘爽,回味悠久Sweet and nutty, smooth and rich with slight vegetal undertones 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place Longjing Green Tea originates from the mountains surrounding West Lake in the Zhejiang province of China. Today, Longjing Green Tea remains a specialty of this region even though it is now also grown in other parts of China. The leaves are hand-fired in a large wok immediately after picking and have an appearance of smooth flat green leaves with pointed ends, resembling a sparrow's tongue. The name was given according to legend of a dragon that lived in a well near West Lake Village. It is said that it saved the village from a long drought by bringing rain.  Longjing Green Tea is pure and delicate and has can be infused more times than other dragon's well green teas. Recommend Brewing Method Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  185℉ / 85℃  185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity:  2 g  4 g  Brewing time:  5 - 8 mins  5 steeps: 30s, 30s, 45s, 60s, 80s    



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