HZW Dark Brown Sugar 500g
仙知味 黑砂糖 500g 原料:成份:蔗糖、糖蜜 净含量/重量:500g 食用方法:用途:冷热饮冲泡:冲泡咖啡或冰凉饮料,皆可添加本产品,更加香浓美味。糕饼烘焙:西点面包、蛋糕及中式糕饼皆适合使用本品,其风味、口感绝佳,是不可或缺的添加品。炖煮卤味:炖煮猪脚红烧蹄膀、卤味等,适量添加黑糖,不须另加味素、砂糖、绝对有色、香、味俱佳之上等
Scallops XO Sauce with Mushroom 260g
香菇干貝XO醬260g 選用純正元貝、蝦干、香菇等上選食材精心製成,豐富配料搭配田園鮮香,口口都能享受到微辣滋味,經過浸、蒸、撥絲使每一口干貝絲都能融合食材香氣,每一道程序、時間調配與火候掌控都攸關著味道的厚薄,從入口回香到體驗真材實料,風味獨特,口感絕佳! 餐前冷盤、下酒小菜,沾、煮、拌、炒皆讓佳餚倍添生色 原汁原味鎖住大海鮮甜,口感豐富層次,實為御廚醬料常備軍! 拌飯、拌麵、燴時蔬,搭配各式傳統點心:蘿蔔糕、肉粽等等,讓美味更上一層樓! 產品資訊 容量:260g/罐 成分:大豆油、香菇、蝦干、紅蔥、蒜、干貝、二砂、辣椒、食鹽、L-麩酸鈉、胺基乙酸、麥芽糊精、DL-胺基丙酸、5'-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、5'-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、琥珀酸二鈉 保存方式:常溫存放 Scallops XO Sauce with Mushroom 260g Crafted with premium dried scallops, dried shrimp, and shiitake mushrooms, this sauce features a rich blend of ingredients that exudes a delightful countryside aroma with a hint of spiciness. Through meticulous soaking, steaming, and shredding, every piece of scallop is infused with the flavors of the ingredients. Each step—timing and heat control—plays a vital role in achieving a balanced taste, resulting in a unique flavor profile and exceptional texture. Ideal as a cold appetizer or a side dish with drinks, this sauce enhances any meal when used for dipping, boiling, mixing, or stir-frying. It locks in the original sweetness of the sea, providing a rich and layered taste—an essential ingredient for any chef! Whether mixed with rice or noodles, or paired with traditional snacks like turnip cake or rice dumplings, it elevates every dish to a new level of deliciousness! Product Information: Net Weight: 260g / jar Ingredients: Soybean oil, shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimp, red onions, garlic, scallops, rock sugar, chili, salt, L-glutamic acid, aminoacetic acid, maltodextrin, DL-alanine, disodium 5'-inosinate, disodium 5'-guanylate, disodium succinate Storage: Store at room temperature
City Aroma Dried Seaweed 50g
City Aroma Dried Seaweed 50g 滿城香 無沙紫菜 50g 本產品採用於深海水域的晚秋幼芽紫菜,經過多層次冲洗、脫水、製片成型,烘烤發泡精製而成,最大程度保持了海洋紫菜特有的風味,其質香鮮嫩脆,純净無沙,無雜質的特點,是大衆日常生活的方便理想食品。 儲存方法:開封後請盡早食用,以免受潮,或保存於冰箱或密閉容器内,以保持原風味鮮美,避免高溫、潮濕、陽光直射。 This product is made from late autumn young buds of seaweed harvested in deep-sea waters. After undergoing multi-stage washing, dehydration, forming, and meticulous roasting, the seaweed is processed to retain its unique oceanic flavor to the greatest extent. It is characterized by its fragrant, fresh, tender, and crispy texture, being pure, sand-free, and without impurities, making it an ideal and convenient food for everyday consumption. Storage Method: After opening, please consume as soon as possible to avoid moisture. Alternatively, store in a refrigerator or airtight container to maintain its original fresh flavor. Avoid high temperatures, humidity, and direct sunlight.
Dried Seaweed and Vegetable Soup Base 100g
脱水珍味海帶芽 100g 增添营养和风味 使用方便 【成分】脱水海带芽、胡蘿蔔、豆腐角、魚板、玉米、青蔥、鹽。【容量】100公克【使用方法】請用冷水將海帶芽泡软瀝乾備用,请勿久煮以保留爽脆口感,可作湯料、煮麵、粥、涼拌等更具風味。 Dried Seaweed and Vegetable Soup Base Ingredients: Dried Seaweed, carrot, tofu cubes, fish cake, corn, green onion, salt.Net Weight: 100gInstructions for Use: Please soak the seaweed in cold water until soft and then drain. Avoid soaking or boiling for too long to preserve its crisp texture. It can be used as an ingredient in soups, noodles, porridge, or salads to enhance flavor.
Hokkaido Dried Seaweed (8oz)
Hokkaido Dried Seaweed 8oz / 日本北海道昆布 8oz 昆布是調整酸性體質的最佳天然鹼性食品 昆布含熱量低,礦物質含量非常豐富,是牛奶的23倍,鈣約是39倍。顏色呈灰黑色,為細長昆布中產量最多的一種。肉厚味美,燉煮後仍能保持鮮味及韌度,口感中稍微帶有一點甜味。在日本西元797年,當時昆布是被當作貢品,是相當珍貴的。昆布是生長在寒帶海域的一種海藻,市場上所食用的昆布約有 90 % 是產自北海道。同時含有幫助恢復疲勞、提高思考力及美肌作用。昆布也是很好鹼性食品,能夠讓我們因為攝取大量肉類或加工食品而傾向酸性的體質,保持為健康的弱鹼性體質。適合煮湯和涼拌,都非常美味,有這麼多的好處,是我們日常飲食不可或缺的健康養生食材。使用方法:將昆布浸泡於水中待軟,即可用於各式烹調料理中。 昆布外面有一層白霜樣物質原是由海帶體內滲出的甘露醇 ,甘露醇易溶於水,在泡發海帶的時間不可過長更不要洗 除,應儘量保留以利吸收利用。 Kombu--The Best Natural Alkaline Food to Adjust Acidic Physique Kombu is a low-calorie food rich in minerals, containing 23 times more minerals and about 39 times more calcium than milk. It is dark grey in color and is the most abundantly produced type of slender kombu. It has thick, flavorful seaweed that retains its freshness and firmness even after stewing, with a slightly sweet taste. In Japan, as early as 797 AD, kombu was considered a precious tribute. Kombu is a type of seaweed that grows in cold seas, with approximately 90% of the kombu consumed on the market coming from Hokkaido. Kombu helps relieve fatigue, enhance cognitive function, and improve skin health. It is also an excellent alkaline food, helping to maintain a healthy weak alkaline physique, especially for those whose bodies tend to become acidic due to the intake of large amounts of meat or processed foods. Kombu is suitable for making soups and cold dishes, both of which are delicious. With so many benefits, kombu is an indispensable health food in our daily diet. Usage Instructions: soak the kombu in water until it softens, then it can be used in various culinary dishes. The white powdery substance on the outside of the kombu is actually mannitol, which seeps out from the seaweed itself. Mannitol is easily soluble in water, so do not soak the seaweed for too long or wash it off. It should be retained as much as possible to facilitate absorption and utilization.
CHENPICUN 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel (150g)
陈皮村 2015双水陈皮 (150g) 陈皮村 2015 双水陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 2015 双水陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮为 2015 年陈化,历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel (150g) Chenpicun 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun 2015 Shuangshui Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor This dried tangerine peel has been aged since 2015. After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.
CHENPICUN LiangChen 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel (200g)
陈皮村 良辰2018天马陈皮 (200g) 陈皮村 2018 天马陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 2018 天马陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮为 2018 年陈化,历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN LiangChen 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel (200g) Chenpicun 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun 2018 Tianma Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor This dried tangerine peel has been aged since 2018. After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.
CHENPICUN 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel Red (1250g)
陈皮村 2017东甲圈枝二红陈皮 (1250g) 陈皮村 2017 东甲陈皮,是陈皮爱好者品鉴、收藏以及日常养生的优质之选,带您领略新会陈皮的独特魅力与深厚底蕴。 一、产地正宗,品质之源 陈皮村 2017 东甲陈皮,产自广东省江门市新会区,这里是久负盛名的优质陈皮产区。新会独特的水土、气候条件,孕育出的柑皮品质上乘,为制作高品质陈皮奠定了坚实基础。此款陈皮精选新会优质柑皮,严格遵循传统工艺制作,历经岁月沉淀,品质卓越。 二、年份陈香,韵味悠长 该陈皮为 2017 年陈化,历经多年自然陈化,柑皮中的物质发生奇妙转化。其香气愈发醇厚浓郁,陈香四溢,带有独特的岁月韵味。轻轻嗅闻,那股醇厚的陈香沁人心脾,为品茶、烹饪等增添别样风味。 三、营养丰富,健康之选 富含挥发油、黄酮类化合物等多种营养成分。在传统认知中,陈皮具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰等功效。日常以热开水煮泡饮用,可品味其独特风味与健康益处;作为烹饪调味食材,能为菜肴增添独特香气,提升口感,是养生与美食的双重选择。 CHENPICUN 2017 DongJia Tangerine Peel Red (1250g) Chenpicun 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel is an excellent choice for dried tangerine peel lovers to taste, collect and for daily health - preservation, leading you to appreciate the unique charm and profound heritage of Xinhui dried tangerine peel. I. Authentic Origin, Source of Quality Chenpicun 2017 DongJia Dried Tangerine Peel is produced in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, a well - known high - quality production area for dried tangerine peel. The unique soil, water and climate conditions in Xinhui give birth to high - quality citrus peels, laying a solid foundation for the production of high - quality dried tangerine peel. This dried tangerine peel is carefully selected from high - quality citrus peels in Xinhui and is made in strict accordance with traditional techniques. After years of precipitation, its quality is excellent. II. Aged Aroma, Long - lasting Flavor This dried tangerine peel has been aged since 2017. After years of natural aging, the substances in the citrus peel have undergone wonderful transformations. Its aroma has become more mellow and rich, with a strong aged fragrance and a unique charm of time. A gentle sniff reveals a mellow aged aroma that refreshes the heart and spleen, adding a special flavor to tea - tasting, cooking, etc. III. Rich in Nutrients, a Healthy Choice It is rich in various nutrients such as volatile oils and flavonoids. In traditional understanding, dried tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm. When brewed with boiling water for daily drinking, you can savor its unique flavor and health benefits; as a seasoning ingredient in cooking, it can add a unique aroma to dishes and enhance the taste, making it a dual choice for health - preservation and gourmet food.