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Chinese Traditional Medicine

192 products

  • TRT Notogineng Radix Et Rhizoma Powder 2gx20 Sachets TRT Notogineng Radix Et Rhizoma Powder 2gx20 Sachets

    TRT Notogineng Radix Et Rhizoma Powder 2gx20 Sachets

    北京同仁堂 三七粉 2克x20袋 散瘀止血,消肿定痛。用于咯血、吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏,外伤出血、胸腹刺痛、跌扑肿痛。 用法与用量:吞服,一次1~3g。外用适量 BEIJING TONG REN TANG Notogineng Radix Et Rhizoma Powder (San Qi Fen) 20pcs/40g Dispels blood stasis and stops bleeding, reduces swelling and alleviates pain. Dosage: Take orally, 1 to 3 grams per dose. For external use, apply an appropriate amount.


  • TRT Baohe Wan 6gx10bags TRT Baohe Wan 6gx10bags

    TRT Baohe Wan 6gx10bags

    北京同仁堂 保和丸(水丸) 6克x10袋 消食,导滞,和胃。用于食积停滞,院腹胀满,嗳腐吞酸,不欲饮食。 【成分】焦山楂、六神曲(炒)、半夏(制)、茯苓、陈皮、连翘、炒莱菔子、炒麦芽。 【形状】本品为棕色至褐色的水丸;气微香,味微酸、涩。 【用法用量】口服。一次1袋(6克)~1袋半(9克),一日2次,小儿酌量。 TRT Baohe Wan 6gx10bags Promotes digestion, relieves food stagnation, and harmonizes the stomach. Used for symptoms of indigestion, abdominal bloating, belching with a foul odor, acid regurgitation, and loss of appetite. Ingredients: Charred Hawthorn, Fermented Massa Medicata (fried), Prepared Pinellia, Poria, Aged Tangerine Peel, Forsythia, Fried Radish Seed, Fried Barley Malt. Form: This product is a brown to dark brown pill; it has a slight fragrance with a mildly sour and astringent taste. Dosage: Oral use. Take 1 sachet (6 grams) to 1½ sachets (9 grams) each time, twice a day. Adjust the dosage for children accordingly.


  • H.E.I. Wah Tuo FengShi LingPian H.E.I. Wah Tuo FengShi LingPian

    H.E.I. Wah Tuo FengShi LingPian

    漢寶牌 華佗風濕靈片 天然草藥製劑 服法:必要時,成人口服,每日三次,每次兩片 H.E.I. Wah Tuo FengShi LingPian Direction: For adult, to be taken 2 tablets each time, 3 times per day when needed.


  • TRT Lianqiao Baidu Wan 6gx10bags TRT Lianqiao Baidu Wan 6gx10bags

    TRT Lianqiao Baidu Wan 6gx10bags

    北京同仁堂 连翘败毒丸 6克x10袋 针对胀气腹痛 排便不畅 慢性胃炎 【适用症/功能主治】:清热解毒,散风消肿。主疮疡初起,红肿疼痛,憎寒发热。        【用法用量】:一次1袋,一日2次 【禁 忌 症】:孕妇禁用 【注意事项】:1、.忌烟、酒及辛辣食物。 2、不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。 3、高血压、心脏病患者慎服。 4、有糖尿病、肝病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。 5、服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。 6、儿童、年老体弱者应在医师指导下服用。 7、运动员慎用。 8、对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 9、本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。 10、儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 11、请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 12、如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。


  • GF Walnut & Safflower Combo Decoction Dietary Supplement GF Walnut & Safflower Combo Decoction Dietary Supplement

    GF Walnut & Safflower Combo Decoction Dietary Supplement

    古方现代 血府逐瘀汤 純中草藥製劑 80粒 活血祛瘀,理氣止痛 成份:桃仁、紅花、當歸、牛膝、生地、赤芍、枳壳、川芎、桔梗、柴胡。 服法和用量:每日2次,每次4粒。孕婦忌服。 GuFang  Walnut & Safflower Combo Decoction(xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang)80 Capsules A traditional herbal supplement that supports circulatory system and helps alleviate occasional discomfort. Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 4 capsules2 times a day. Do not use if you are pregnant.  


  • SINGLIN Forsythia Fruit (Lian Qiao Bai Du Pian) Tablets 96 Tabs SINGLIN Forsythia Fruit (Lian Qiao Bai Du Pian) Tablets 96 Tabs

    SINGLIN Forsythia Fruit (Lian Qiao Bai Du Pian) Tablets 96 Tabs

    杏林 连翘败毒片 96片 功效:清热解毒,消肿止痛,用于调理热毒引起的不适。 服法用量:口服。每日服二次,每次2-4片,温開水送服。孕忌服。 Forsythia Fruit (Lian Qiao Bai Du Pian)Tablets 96Tabs A traditional herbal supplement that helps alleviate occasional discomfort feeling by establishing the body's natural balance. Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 2-4 tablets twice a day with warm water. Do not use if you are pregnant. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags) Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags)

    BYS Radix Isatidis Granules/Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags)

    白云山 板蓝根颗粒 无蔗糖 3克x16袋 清热解毒,凉血利咽 用于肺胃热盛所致的咽喉肿痛,口咽干燥,急性扁桃体炎见上述症候者. 用法用量:開水冲服。一次1-2袋(3-6克),一日3-4次 BYS Radix Isatidis Granules/Ban Lan Gen Beverage Herbal Supplement Clears heat and detoxifies and benefits the throat. Indicated for throat swelling and pain, dry mouth and throat, and acute tonsillitis caused by excessive heat in the lungs and stomach. Dosage: Dissolve in hot water and take orally. 1-2 sachets (3-6 grams) per dose, 3-4 times daily. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • Scrophularia & Ophiopogon Combo Extract Scrophularia & Ophiopogon Combo Extract

    Scrophularia & Ophiopogon Combo Extract

    中华验方 养阴清肺胶囊 36粒 養陰潤燥,清肺利咽。用于調理陰虚肺燥引起的不適。 服法和用量: 每次4粒,每日3次。孕婦忌服。 如果瓶蓋上的鋁鉑保險已打開或破損,請勿使用。 Scrophularia & Ophiopogon Combo Extract  Dietary Supplement 36 Capsules A dietary supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy respiratory system by establishing the body's natural balance. Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 4 capsules 3 times a day. Do not use if you are pregnant. Do not use if the bottle seal is broken or missing.


  • ZHYF Jujube Seed Decoction 120 Pills ZHYF Jujube Seed Decoction 120 Pills

    ZHYF Jujube Seed Decoction 120 Pills

    中华验方 酸枣仁汤 120粒 清热泻火、養血安神,用于調理虚煩不眠,心悸不宁等。 用法和用量:每次10粒,每日3次 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 ZHYF Jujube Seed Decoction Dietary Supplement 120 Pills A natural herbal supplement that helps promote relaxation and alleviate blue feelings by establishing the body's natural balance. Direction: As a dietary supplement, take 10 pills 3 times a day. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  •  MaXingZhiKe Cough relief Herbal Supplement  MaXingZhiKe Cough relief Herbal Supplement

    Bronchy Releever/ MaXingZhiKe Cough relief Herbal Supplement

    兰州古方 麻杏止咳片 热咳型 浓缩制剂 80pcs(无糖衣片) 主治:宣肺降气,镇咳平喘。 服法舆用量:每次4片(1200毫克),每日3次,孕婦忌服。 Bronchy Releever/ MaXingZhiKe Cough Relief Herbal Supplement 80pcs Dosage: Take 4 tablets each time, three times a day. Not recommended for pregnant women.


  • YK Hair Health Dietary Supplement 72 pills YK Hair Health Dietary Supplement 72 pills

    YK Hair Health Dietary Supplement 72 pills

    鸳江 乌须生发素 72粒 妇女---补血养颜、烏黑亮髮男仕---固本培元、養血生髮 【成份】首烏、北芪、黑芝麻、牛膝、女貞子、菟絲子、黨參、靈芝、珍珠 【用法用量】口服, 每次6粒, 每日3次。孕婦忌服。 YK Hair Health Dietary Supplement 72 pills For Women: Nourishes blood, enhances complexion, and promotes shiny, dark hair.For Men: Strengthens vitality, nourishes blood, and promotes hair growth. Ingredients: Fo-ti Died Root (He Shou Wu), Astragalus Root, Black Black Sesame seed, Achyranthes Root, Ligustrum Lucidum (Nu Zhen Zi), Japanese Dodder Seed (Tu Si Zi), Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen), Reishi Mushroom, Pearl Powder. Dosage: Oral, 6 pills per dose, 3 times a day. Do not use if you are pregnant.


  • BYS Milian Chuanbei Pipa Gao(Herbal Syrup) 138g BYS Milian Chuanbei Pipa Gao(Herbal Syrup) 138g

    BYS Milian Chuanbei Pipa Gao(Herbal Syrup) 138g

    白云山 蜜炼川贝枇杷膏 138g 【成份】川贝母、枇杷叶、桔梗、陈皮、水半夏、北沙参、五味子、款冬花、杏仁水、薄荷脑。辅料为蔗糖、蜂蜜。 【性状】本品为棕红色的稠厚半流体;气香,味甜、具清凉感。 【功能主治】清热润肺,止咳平喘,理气化痰。适用于肺燥之咳嗽,痰多,胸闷,咽喉痛痒,声音沙哑。 【规格】每瓶装138克 【用法用量】口服,一次22克(约一汤匙),一日3次。 【储存方法】密封,置阴凉处或雪柜。请将此药置于儿童不易触及之处。 BYS Milian Chuanbei Pipa Gao(Herbal Syrup) 138g BYS Milian Chuanbei Pipa Gao(Herbal Syrup) is a traditional Chinese herbal syrup used to relieve coughs, soothe sore throats, and clear Phlegm. The main ingredients include Chuanbei (Fritillaria bulb) and Loquat (Pei Pa) leaves.  It’s often used for respiratory issues such as dry cough, excessive phlegm, and throat discomfort. Ingredients: Fritillaria Bulb, Loquat Leaf, Platycodon Root, Aged Tangerine Peel, Pinellia Rhizome, Glehnia Root, Schisandra Berry, Coltsfoot Flower, Apricot Kernel Water, Menthol,Cane Sugar, Honey. Description: This product is a thick, reddish-brown semi-fluid; it has a fragrant smell, a sweet taste, and provides a cooling sensation. Indications: Clears heat and moistens the lungs, relieves cough and asthma, regulates Qi, and resolves phlegm. Suitable for coughs due to dry lungs, excessive phlegm, chest tightness, sore and itchy throat, and hoarseness. Dosage: Oral administration, 22 grams per dose (approximately one tablespoon), three times a day. Storage: Keep sealed in a cool place or in the refrigerator. Keep out of reach of children. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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