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Chinese Traditional Medicine

161 products

  • Heat Cleanse Combo

    TRT Niu Huang Jie Du Pian/Heat Cleanse Combo

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    北京 同仁堂 牛黄解毒片(96片) Description Made from the highest quality of natural herbs, this popular supplement is formulated to support the health of the inner ear mouth, teeth, throat, salivary glands, as well as gastrointestinal and circulatory systems. Packaging 96 tabs (12 vials of 8) Suggested Use As herbal supplement, take 2 tabs at a time, twice daily. Ingredients Honeysuckle Flower, Forsythia Fruit, Fructus Gardeniae, Siler Root, Cnidium Root, Licorice Root, Inula Flower, Mint Leaf, Rhubarb Root, Chrysanthemum Flower, Gypsum, Platycodon Root, Schizonepeta Leaf, Angelica Root, Seashore Vitex Seed. About Tong Ren Tang Tong Ren Tang (also known as Tongrentang or Tong Ren Tang) was founded in 1669 and had been designated to provide remedies to the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty for nearly 200 years. Tong Ren Tang's commandment: no manpower shall be spared, no matter how complicated the procedures of production are; and no material shall be reduced, no matter how much the cost is. The plan has established the strategic goals of the company - "With modern TCM at the core, developing the industry of health and becoming an internationally famous modern TCM group". Safety Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children. Please consult your health care provider if currently under care or treatment. Do not exceed recommended serving. See product packaging for additional safety information. Disclaimer Individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website and all affiliates have not been evaluated by the FDA. Advice on treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a trained health care practitioner. 性状 本品为素片、糖衣片或薄膜衣片、素片或包衣片除去包衣后显棕黄色;有冰片香气,味微苦、辛。 组成 人工牛黄、雄黄、石膏、大黄、黄芩、桔梗、冰片、甘草。 主要功效 清热解毒。 适用病症 火热内盛,咽喉肿痛,牙龈肿痛,口舌生疮,目赤肿痛。 用法用量 口服。一次3片,一日2次~3次。 药性分析 方中牛黄味苦气凉,入肝、心经,功善清热凉心解毒,以之为主药。生石膏味辛能散,气大寒可清热,清热泻火,除烦止渴;黄芩味苦气寒,清热燥湿,泻火解毒;大黄苦寒沉降,清热泻火,泻下通便,共为辅药。雄黄、冰片清热解毒,消肿止痛;桔梗味苦辛,入肺经,宣肺利咽,共为佐药。甘草味甘性平,调和诸药,为使药。诸药合用,共奏清热解毒泻火之效。 不良反应 尚不明确。 药品禁忌 孕妇禁用。 注意事项 本品不宜久服。

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    葛仙翁 感冒清热颗粒(15包)   GXW GANMAO QINGRE KELI(15 Sachets) Granules added to water or juice for detoxification and treatment of cold/flu symptoms. Cooling, refreshing a pleasant way to take a cold or headache remedy.  Ingredients:  Schizonepetae Spica, Menthae Herba, Saposhnikoviae Radix, Bupleuri Radix, Perillae Foliun, Puerariae Lobatae Radix, Platycodonis Radix, Armeniacae Amarun Semen, Angelicae Dahuricae Radix, Corydalis Bungeanae Herba, Phragmitis Rhizoma. From the manufacturer:  Effect of the drug: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-toxic, expectorant. Indications for use: colds, headache, heat, chills, aching body, runny nose and nasal congestion, cough and dryness in the throat. Mode of application: for oral administration, pour the granules into boiled water and take 1 sachet 2 times a day. Attention: It is recommended to refrain from smoking, alcohol, spicy, cold, greasy food. Do not take this simultaneously with tonic drugs [like ginseng]. In the presence of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, hepatopathy, renal failure, and others. Chronic diseases [it should be] taken only under medical supervision. Children, women during menstruation and lactation, as well as elderly people use [it] only under medical supervision. If the patient's temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C, [101 degrees F] consult your doctor. If after 3 days of taking the medication symptoms [are not] weakened, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Not recommended with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formulation. In the case of predisposition to allergy use with caution. If you change the characteristics of the product, discontinue use. Children take only under adult supervision. Store this medication must be [out of]  reach of children. In the case of simultaneous use of other drugs [you] should consult with a physician. Drug Interactions: Simultaneous use with other drugs may [result in] some interaction. For more information, please contact your doctor. Tags: Detoxification of the body | Cough Treatment | rhinitis Treatment | cold treatment | Action from the perspective of TCM:  Calms and dispels wind. Eliminates External Wind-Cold syndrome. Net domestic heat. Symptoms: fever, headache, a feeling of heat, cold intolerance, body aches, nasal congestion or nasal discharge light, pain and dryness in the throat, cough. Tongue: normal color, or red with a thin white coating. Pulse surface. Clinical indications: hypothermia, acute respiratory disease, SARS, influenza with the above symptoms. Product description: yellow-brown granules, have a sweet, slightly bitter taste.  

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  • GXW Beverage of XIAOCHAIHU(16 Sachets) GXW Beverage of XIAOCHAIHU(16 Sachets)

    GXW Beverage of XIAOCHAIHU(16 Sachets)

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    葛仙翁 小柴胡冲剂(16包)  GXW Beverage of XIAOCHAIHU(16 Sachets) This easy-to-use tea is useful for digestive comfort. It helps to reduce abdominal tension and bloating and reduces inflammation affecting digestion. “Harmonizes the Shao Yang, Moves Liver Qi, Tonifies Qi, Disperses Phlegm, Clears Heat, Harmonizes the Middle Jiao.” Minor Bupleurum formula tea  Ingredients: Sugar, Bupleurum (chai hu) , Scutellaria (Chinese skullcap, Huang qin) Pinellia, Dangshen (codonopsis), Ginger, Jujube, Licorice root Bupleurum (chai hu,) the chief herb, combined with the deputy herb Huang qin (Scutellaria), vent the pathogenic influence and release the half exterior aspects in the lesser yang stage. The assistant herb, ban xia (Pinella), warms and transforms phlegm and turbidity in the middle burner [abdomen], and the other assistant herb, Sheng Jiang (ginger) harmonizes the middle burner to stop nausea and vomiting. Jujube improves circulation. 

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  • GXW Qingfei Paidu Tang (15 Sachets) GXW Qingfei Paidu Tang (15 Sachets)

    GXW Qingfei Paidu Tang (15 Sachets)

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    葛仙翁 清肺排毒汤(15包) 配料:白砂糖,生石膏,柴胡, 茯苓,山药,杏仁,桂枝,泽泻,猪苓,白术,姜半夏,生姜,紫菀,冬花,射干,藿香,黄苓,细幸,枳实,陈皮。 食用方法: 开水冲饮,1次1-2袋,1日3-4次。 储藏方法:请置于阴凉干燥处.   Ge Xianweng Qingfei Paidu Decoction : Ingredients: Sugar, Raw gypsum, Bupleurum, Poria cocos, Yam, Almond, Cinnamon, Alisma, Polyporus Umbellata, Atractylodes macrocephala, Pinellia ternata, Ginger, Aster, Flos Farfarae, Rhizoma Belamcandae, Patchouli, Scutellaria Baicalensis, Asarum, Fructus Aurantii, Tangerine peel. Edible method: [Simmer for 20 minutes in water.] Drink a cup 3-4 times daily, use 1-2 bags (sachets) each time, and take with boiled water. Storage method: Store in a cool and dry place.     

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  • GXW Ganmaoling Keli (15 Sachets) GXW Ganmaoling Keli (15 Sachets)

    GXW Ganmaoling Keli (15 Sachets)

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    葛仙翁 感冒灵颗粒(15包)   GXW Ganmaoling Keli (15 Sachets)  Ingredients: Sugar, Roughhaired holly root, Evodia lepta, Railway beggarticks herb, Flos chrysanthemi indici flower, Fingered citron, Rhizoma et radix baphicacanthis cusiae, Honeysuckle flower Place of Origin: Guilin, China  Gan mao ling literally means “miraculous [medicine for] the common cold and flu.” During thousands of years, a number of popular Ganmaoling formulas have been made from cooling, detoxifying, antibiotic herbs, most commonly honeysuckle flower and chrysanthemum flower for reducing infection and fever and secondary herbs to help settle the stomach.  Rough-haired holly root (mao dong qing, ilex root) Its main functions are to promote circulation, remove stasis, and clear heat and toxins. Among the conditions that ilex root can help treat are angina, high blood pressure, uveitis (eye inflammation), coughs, chest congestion, and asthma. Evodia is used for digestion problems including diarrhea, dysentery, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), stomach ulcers, and lack of appetite. Bidens Tripartita (Three-Lobe Beggarticks, Bidens connata) is used for reducing inflammation and pain, urinary and prostate pain, stones Chrysanthemum flower is used to reduce fever and improve headache and cloudy vision Citrus peel is digestive Isatis leaf and root (baphicacanthis, banlangen) is anti-inflammatory and antibiotic used for fever and headache Honeysuckle flower, also antibiotic, is used for sore throat, fever, staph and strept infections, and pneumonia    Dosage: 3~4 times daily, 1~2 bags each time, take with boiled water. Use caution during pregnancy, diarrhea, and weak digestion. If cold and flu fever symptoms do not improve in three days, consult a doctor.

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