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Phoenix dan cong Packaged Tea

220 products

  •  Tin)

    TX Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea (100g/ Tin)

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 100g罐装 工夫红茶 TX Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea (100g/ Tin) Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained notice worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."


  • Original Hand-Made Dan Cong Oolong Tea Original Hand-Made Dan Cong Oolong Tea

    Original Hand-Made Dan Cong Oolong Tea

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅) 鳳凰單樅茶屬於烏龍茶的一種,是中國傳統的名茶之一,它產自廣東省的鳳凰山地區,鳳凰山區的高海拔、雲霧繚繞以及特有的土壤條件,賦予鳳凰單樅茶獨特的品質。 烏龍茶是一類發酵程度,介於綠茶和紅茶之間的茶葉,具有獨特的花香和果香特色和口感而聞名。鳳凰單樅茶的香味濃郁而持久,細心欣賞,可以聞到棗、桂花和橄欖的怡人香氣,口感甘甜而豐滿。 鳳凰單樅茶的外形,呈現出完整的條索狀,茶葉扁平而彎曲,色澤深綠帶黃。其雜亂的外觀,表現其天然野生的茶葉特質。與熱帶氣候和富含有機質的土壤相結合,這些特質使得鳳凰單樅茶在茶界中獨樹一幟。 鳳凰單樅茶具有許多保健效果。首先,它富含維生素C和茶多酚等營養物質,具有抗氧化和養胃的作用。其次,鳳凰單樅茶還含有茶氨酸和咖啡碱等成分,對於提神醒腦有一定效果;此外还能清凉解渴、消暑降火。 鋸朵仔—又名杏仁香,名字得來是杏仁香單樅茶樹,其葉片細小有明顯的鋸齒形狀,所以叫“鋸朵仔“,原產於鳳凰鎮南管區橋頭村,為鳳凰單樅茶十大香型之一,是鳳凰單樅茶中最為精緻美麗的茶款。鋸朵仔茶樹葉片細小,人工采摘過程中耗時耗力,茶農一天辛苦只能采摘二三斤,相較於其他茶葉每天采摘十來斤,可謂生產和製作成本高。鋸朵仔的製作發酵工藝不重,葉底仍可見砂綠色,成品茶隱約可見玉葉金邊的烏龍茶特徵,十分清秀迷人,因其葉片極小,在鳳凰茶鄉有“做前蝦米,做后牙籤”之稱。香味口感:冲泡時,杏仁果香味與奶香味交相輝映,茶湯金黃明亮、喉韻飽滿、入口甘潤、質感柔軟、滋味腴醇、回甘綿長。 蜜蘭香,香氣味道帶有芝蘭花香、蜜味香濃。是產自廣東潮安鳳凰山,是烏龍茶中名貴品種,「單樅」是指經過多年品鑒後,為具有多種自然花香味的茶株,采收時按不同的植株和風味,進行單株采摘,單株烘乾而成的高級名茶。鳳凰單樅條索粗壯、匀整、挺直,色澤淺金褐色,油潤有光,汎硃砂紅點。冲色后有「三黃誘」之稱號即湯色橙黃、葉底邊緣朱紅、葉腹黃亮,片片綠茶紅鑲邊,滋味濃爽回甘,芳香持久,七泡仍有香有味,帶有天然花香的獨特「山韻」,高級品質量稀少。此茶有助提神醒腦、清熱降火、溫脾胃,常飲有助於消食解膩、促進新陳代謝、潤膚潤喉等。   Original Hand-Made Oolong Tea (Almond Aroma+Honey Orchid+Ya Shi Xiang+Dan Cong) Wing Hop Fung offers a choice of four highly select top quality Dan Cong oolong teas from China. Almond aroma is #121164; Honey Orchid is #121165; Ya Shi Xiang is #121166; and Dan Cong is #121167.  In the world of oolong tea, there are four main types – Tie Guanyin from southern Fujian province; Wuyi Mountain oolongs from northern Fujian; Taiwanese oolongs; and Dan Cong from Guangdong province.  What makes Dan Cong special is the unique aroma sub-varieties available within Dan Cong. There are said to be at least 10 different aroma sub-varieties of Dan Cong, each with unique taste and flavor profiles. And in general, all these sub-varieties fall into 1 of 3 main categories – fruity, floral and herbal aromas.  Another unique feature that makes Dan Cong amazing is that there are no artificial flavors, additives or essential oils added to create their vibrant flavors. All of the different varieties come straight from the tea leaves and no other additives. The tea flavors have been developed by generations of selective tea cultivation, tea plants chosen in order to bring out the naturally fragrant flavors.  The word "Dan Cong" literally means "single stem." If you look at an actual Dan Cong tea plant, it differs from your standard tea plant in that Dan Cong are all single trunk trees as opposed to long interconnected tea bushes. The whole idea of Dan Cong teas is that all varieties stem from a series of ancient "mother trees." Legends developed around these famous teas. For example, Ya Shi Xiang “duck shit flavor” tea was given that name by a farmer who feared that his prized tea plants would be stolen unless he made the tea less attractive. Other teas in the area were traditionally called such names as “thieves’ shit” for the same reason.

    $29.99 - $39.99

  • Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea

    Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea

    老仓 有机普洱茶包 三角袋泡茶 20袋/盒 (茉莉/玫瑰/糯香/熟普) Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea 4 Varieties: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh About the product Organic Tea with 4 varieties to choose from Flavors Included: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh Storage Condition: Store in a clean, ventilated and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Shelf Life: 24 Month USDA Organic and Fair Trade Certified Teas.  The perfect introduction to the Tea experience. Beautifully packaged and always appreciated, How To Brew a good of Tea?   Boil water above 90 degree (200 Fahrenheit)  Fix a teabag in cup  Pour boiling water  Drink after 15 seconds. Repeat step 3-4

  • WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box

    WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box

    永合豐 清韵 家藏老树普洱茶礼盒  精选 20年家藏老树普洱茶,搭配手绘景德镇烧制茶罐。 茶叶罐子会随机款式(tea container will be random style). WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box This tea set has “Laoshu Jiacang” Pu'erh tea *4oz a quality tea for daily health and beauty , a special collectable Pu’erh.   Green Pu’erh tea is processed like green teas we know but has a distinct flavor. Raw/green) Pu’erh tea has a very unique bitter-and-sweet taste and the “cha chi” (tea energy) is very strong, but it leaves a balanced and long-lasting sensation in the mouth and throat. The distinct bitter taste dissolves within seconds and turns into a sweet after-taste or “hui gan”.  Another special characteristic is its mild sweetness that becomes more and more apparent after multiple infusions. In China, Pu’erh teas are as valuable and expensive as collectible wines. Ancient tea trees, originating in Yiwu mountain range in Yunnan province, maybe 100 – 200 years old. Pu’erh tea is green (short aged) or “cooked” meaning long-aged, the longer the better. The aging process peaks at about 60 years. Drinking Pu-erh tea on a regular basis may help relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It's been shown to lower blood sugar, reduce obesity, and boost immunity. Plus, it lowers cholesterol and prevents free radical damage. In other words, it helps tackle all five of the syndrome's factors.   


  • Vinis Peking Opera Mask Pyramid Tea Bag Variety Pack

    Vinis Peking Opera Mask Pyramid Tea Bag Variety Pack

    Vinis Peking Opera Mask Pyramid Tea Bag (Jasmine Tea / Longjing Green Tea/ Tieguanyin Oolong Tea/ Yunnan Black Tea) Vinis 国粹脸谱 三角茶包 (茉莉花茶/西湖龙井/铁观音/滇红)

  • Phoenix Dancong Almond Oolong Tea Gift Box (8g*18)

    Phoenix Dancong Almond Oolong Tea Gift Box (8g*18)

    雀石 凤凰乌岽 杏仁香 单枞乌龙茶 8g*18包 Phoenix Dancong Almond Oolong Tea Gift Box (8g*18) In the world of oolong tea, there are four main types – Tie Guanyin from southern Fujian province; Wuyi Mountain oolongs from northern Fujian; Taiwanese oolongs; and Dan Cong from Guangdong province.  What makes Dan Cong special is the unique aroma sub-varieties available within Dan Cong. There are said to be at least 10 different aroma sub-varieties of Dan Cong, each with unique taste and flavor profiles. And in general, all these sub-varieties fall into 1 of 3 main categories – fruity, floral, and herbal aromas.  Dan Cong tea is amazing because there are no artificial flavors, additives, or essential oils added to create their vibrant flavors. All of the different varieties come straight from the tea leaves and no other additives. The tea flavors have been developed by generations of selective tea cultivation, tea plants chosen to bring out the naturally fragrant flavors.  The word "Dan Cong" literally means "single stem." If you look at an actual Dan Cong tea plant, it differs from your standard tea plant in that Dan Cong are all single trunk trees as opposed to long interconnected tea bushes. Dan Cong tea varieties stem from a series of ancient "mother trees."  


  • WHF Pearl Queen of Jasmine Green Tea Wooden Caddy (2lbs)

    WHF Pearl Queen of Jasmine Green Tea Wooden Caddy (2lbs)

    永合豐 茉莉龍珠 茉莉花茶 私家茶园 木质礼盒(2磅/盒)  茉莉花茶制作的核心,就是要将新采的茉莉花与茶坯混合交融,使茶坯吸附花香,一次为一窨(yin)。每窨制一次,用与茶等量的茉莉花,前后往复始成。 我们的茉莉龙珠,精选雨前春茶,重瓣茉莉,经过传统工艺,制作一斤茉莉花茶前后需要耗费7-8斤茉莉鲜花,让茶叶吸收花香。最终成茶只闻香不见花,久泡而香气不散。 畅销三十年,品质保证!    WHF Pearl Queen of Jasmine Green Tea Wooden Caddy (2lbs) This tea’s leaves are processed and blended with Jasmine flowers using traditional methods. The blending process usually requires three rounds. In every round, new Jasmine flowers are added and the old ones removed. The finished tea has a delightful floral fragrance. Then, the leaves are tightly rolled up into a pearl shape. The result is a refreshingly floral brew.


  • 20% OFF
    永合豐 雀石 清香型 安溪铁观音 袋泡茶 Orchid Aroma Tieguanyin  Oolong Teabags box)

    Orchid Aroma Tieguanyin Oolong Teabags (60 bags/box)

    安溪 清香型铁观音 乌龙袋泡茶(60包/盒) 选用福建安溪春茶为原料,经晾青、晒青、做青、杀青、揉捻、烘焙等多道工序加工而成,独立包装,一袋一泡,方便卫生。茶汤金黄清澈,兰花香芬芳持久,滋味鲜爽甘醇。 World famous Tie Guan Yin oolong tea possesses a robust flavor from large juicy leaves that can be brewed gong fu style well over ten times. The Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin, is loved in the Buddhist world. You can easily find lovely porcelain statues of her, often as a home decoration, where traditional Chinese housewives would pray to Guan Yin for healthy, happy, beautiful children. Our Orchid Aroma Tieguanyin oolong, of exceptionally high quality, is named for the goddess. Oolong literally means "black dragon" and is named after how its tea leaves take on the appearance of little black dragons awakening and unfurling when hot water is poured into the cup. This Oolong Teabag is made from spring tea of Anxi, Fujian, an origin of Tieguanyin. The soup of tea is golden and clear with enduring orchid aroma which tastes fresh and mellow. Orchid Aroma Tieguanyin Oolong has a delightfully fresh fragrance! Best enjoyed during and after a meal, oolong tea is highly prized for  enhancing digestion and metabolism. Oolong Tea Benefits  Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease  Regulates Cholesterol levels.  Lowers Risk of Cancer.  Decreases Inflammation.  Helps Fight Obesity.  Aids digestion Improves gut microbiome Diabetes Prevention.  Boosts Energy.  Improves Teeth and Skin Health. How to Brew Start with filtered water for the best brew. Use 1 teabag for every 8 oz. of hot water. The ideal water temperature is between 175-180°F. Brew for 3 to 4 minutes. Enjoy!


  • Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea 16oz

    Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea 16oz

    精裝新会 小青柑\柑普茶16oz 选取已有600年生产历史的天马产区新会柑和5年云南一级宫廷普洱老茶为原料。冲泡后的汤色橙红透亮,回味爽甜并有陈香味。 中医认为,青皮陈皮性微温,味苦辛,入肝、胆经,具有理肝气、咽炎、消积化滞、保护心血管功效,与熟普茶结合后,其保健功效自然兼有两者的好处:具有健脾养胃、化痰止咳、降脂减肥、美容养颜、抗衰老等各种作用。   Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (1 Lb/Tin) Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea, is made with green citrus from Xinhui, Guangdong Province, and Palace Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan Province. It contains no additives and is made with special processing. Its characteristic first taste is sweet, a unique fruit essence that blends with the gentle, rich flavor of Pu-Erh tea. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in this region is very special and has long been absorbed by the Pu-Erh tea. Pu-Erh tea plays a prominent role in traditional Chinese medicine that can be described as  "guiding qi downward.” That means its earthy flavor and digestive properties improve digestion and circulation. Pu-Erh tea is often featured in heart health and weight loss programs.


  • Yingteh Black Tea (16oz)

    Yingteh Black Tea (16oz)

    金帆牌 英德紅茶(16oz/盒) 英德红茶出产於广东省英德市,「英红」是与「祁红」丶「滇红」丶「宜红」和「川红」齐名的五大红茶之一,是粤省相当引以为傲的一款省产茶品。英德产茶的历史悠久,早在唐代就已盛行喝茶,到明代该地产茶更是列入贡品。   Yingteh Black Tea (16oz) Yingteh black tea is produced in Yingted City, Guangdong Province. "Yinghong" is one of the top five black teas with the same name as "Qihong", "Dianhong", "Yihong" and "Chuanhong". A proud provincial tea product. Yingteh has a long history of producing tea. Tea drinking was popular as early as the Tang Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the local tea was included as a “tribute” gift given by the local ruler to visiting officials.  The main characteristics are “strong soup, rich flavor, and lasting aroma”; the leaf shape is tight and fine, the body is fat, even, and beautiful, the color and luster is bright, the liquor color is red, and bright. When infused, the leaves turn the water into brilliant red color and the brew has a peppery taste with a hint of sweetness at the end. Brewed tea delivers amazing full, mellow, and thick taste with hints of dark chocolate, caramel, nuts, and port wine and lingering long-lasting sweet aftertaste and honey-like aroma. No matter how long it is brewed, it maintains its smoothness and mellowness. Mixed with milk and white sugar, the black tea enjoys fascinating color, taste, and aroma.


  • PPX Platinum White Peony(Bai Mu Dan) White Tea Cake (1422) PPX Platinum White Peony(Bai Mu Dan) White Tea Cake (1422)

    PPX Platinum White Peony(Bai Mu Dan) White Tea Cake (1422)

    品品香福鼎白茶 晒白金精装版1422白牡丹老白茶2014年原料已陈3年 Aroma: Pekoe and aged flavor, accompanied with a light jujube fragrance Liquor: Bright orange-yellow Taste: A prominent sweetness, honey aroma coupled with jujube flavor, smooth and soft, producing saliva and leading to the sweet aftertaste Brewing Method Teacup: 12oz / 355ml Temperature: 203℉ / 95℃ Weight: 5g Tea Brewing time: 3 - 5 mins   White Tea Health Benefits:  Rich in Antioxidants.  May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease.  Improves Weight Loss.  Help Protect Teeth from Bacteria.  Contains Compounds That May Fight Cancer.  May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance.  Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis.  May Help Combat Skin Aging  


  • 天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶  Tin)

    TX Fancy Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea (100g/ Tin)

    天香牌 杭州西湖 九曲红梅红茶 精选特级100g罐装 工夫红茶 Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained noticed worldwide in 1995, when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South."



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