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Dehydrate Tangerine Peel/Zheng Chen Pi 2002yr


正 新会陈皮 2002年 














功效 理气健脾,化痰安神。

Dehydrate Tangerine Peel/Zheng Chen Pi 

A tangy, earthy tasting citrus peel that helps settle the nervous stomach, bloating, and indigestion. 

From the manufacturer

Dried Tangerine peel contains hesperidin, limonin, volatile oil, vitamin B, C, and other ingredients. Tangerine peel has the effects of drying dampness [bloating and edema], reducing phlegm, regulating qi, and neutralizing energy. This product is the dried and mature peel of the Rutaceae plant tangerine and its cultivated varieties. The taste is bitter, pungent, and warming. It enters the Lung and Spleen meridians. 

Indications: Regulates qi, regulates and soothes the middle, dries dampness, resolves phlegm. It has been used to cure fullness of the chest and abdomen, reluctance to eat, vomiting, sputum cough. Also, it has been used to treat illnesses from fish, crab poison. 

Cautions: It is not suitable for patients with Qi deficiency and Yin deficiency and dry cough or nose bleeding. 

Diet Therapy 

Tangerine Peel and Poria Congee


20 grams of tangerine peel, 30 grams of Poria [aka fu ling, tuckahoe] 100 grams of steamed rice.

First decoct the tangerine peel and Poria to remove the residue, then add the rice to cook the porridge, or dry the tangerine peel and Poria and grind them into a fine powder. The dose is each time 3~5g, add the powder to the boiled rice porridge and cook the same porridge. Take 1~2 times a day for 10~15 days.  Efficacy: Regulates qi and invigorates the spleen, resolves phlegm, and calms the nerves.

Product form

正 新会陈皮 2002年  「一兩陳皮一兩金,百年陳皮勝黃金」。陳皮能媲美黃金,全因這片柑皮曬乾,經歷三年存放、陳化後變成陳皮,具有化痰止咳順氣功效。 在陳化期間,陳皮的「揮發油」減少,並產生「黄酮類」元素,此成份具抗氧化及消炎作用,陳化越久,黃酮類累積越多,藥用價值亦相對提高。而且陳皮存放時間越久,其香油會慢慢揮發、沉澱,滲透整塊陳皮,香味亦越醇。 性味 苦、辛,温。 经脉 归肺经、脾经。 主治 理气,调中,燥湿,化痰。治胸腹胀满,不思饮食,呕吐哕逆,咳嗽痰多。亦解鱼、蟹毒。 注意禁忌 气虚及阴虚燥咳患者不宜。吐血证慎服。 【食疗方】 陈皮茯苓粥 陈皮20克(或鲜者30克),茯苓30克,梗米100克。先将陈皮、茯苓煎取药汁去渣,然后加入梗米煮粥,或将陈皮晒干和茯苓共为细末,每次3~5克,调入已煮沸的米粥中,同煮粥。每日1~2次,连服10~15天。 功效 理气健脾,化痰安神。 Dehydrate Tangerine... Read more

SKU: 401387ORIGIN: Guangdong, China

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    正 新会陈皮 2002年 














    功效 理气健脾,化痰安神。

    Dehydrate Tangerine Peel/Zheng Chen Pi 

    A tangy, earthy tasting citrus peel that helps settle the nervous stomach, bloating, and indigestion. 

    From the manufacturer

    Dried Tangerine peel contains hesperidin, limonin, volatile oil, vitamin B, C, and other ingredients. Tangerine peel has the effects of drying dampness [bloating and edema], reducing phlegm, regulating qi, and neutralizing energy. This product is the dried and mature peel of the Rutaceae plant tangerine and its cultivated varieties. The taste is bitter, pungent, and warming. It enters the Lung and Spleen meridians. 

    Indications: Regulates qi, regulates and soothes the middle, dries dampness, resolves phlegm. It has been used to cure fullness of the chest and abdomen, reluctance to eat, vomiting, sputum cough. Also, it has been used to treat illnesses from fish, crab poison. 

    Cautions: It is not suitable for patients with Qi deficiency and Yin deficiency and dry cough or nose bleeding. 

    Diet Therapy 

    Tangerine Peel and Poria Congee


    20 grams of tangerine peel, 30 grams of Poria [aka fu ling, tuckahoe] 100 grams of steamed rice.

    First decoct the tangerine peel and Poria to remove the residue, then add the rice to cook the porridge, or dry the tangerine peel and Poria and grind them into a fine powder. The dose is each time 3~5g, add the powder to the boiled rice porridge and cook the same porridge. Take 1~2 times a day for 10~15 days.  Efficacy: Regulates qi and invigorates the spleen, resolves phlegm, and calms the nerves.

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