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XL Dong Yang Ginseng SLICE (1lb/8oz/4oz)


頂大東洋參(切片) (1lb/8oz/4oz)



  1. 燉煮:于碗内放入15克(約10-15片)及400ml清水,隔水蒸煮或慢火燉煮約1-2小時即可,為防止營養成分被破壞,燉煮時間勿超過3小時
  2. 浸泡:杯内加入參片15克(約10-15片),冲入滾熱水約400ml,浸泡20-30分鐘后即可飲用,可重複冲泡至無味。
  3. 口含:將參片直接口含,細細咀嚼,參片質地硬,食用時請小心。


XL Dong Yang Ginseng Slice (1lb/8oz/4oz)

Enjoy XL DONG YANG GINSENG SLICE’s mild taste and enlivening benefits. You can suck it like an energy lozenge.

Panax ginseng root (aka red ginseng) produced in China is respected around the world for its many proven health and wellness benefits which include:

Boosts Energy

Improves Memory, Behavior, and Mood, Benefits Brain Function

Could Improve Erectile Dysfunction

May Boost the Immune System

May Have Potential Benefits Against Cancer

May Fight Tiredness and Improve Chronic Fatigue

Could Lower Blood Sugar


Ginseng root can be consumed in many ways. It can be eaten raw or you can lightly steam it to soften it. It can also be stewed in water to make tea. To do this, just add hot water to freshly sliced ginseng and let it steep for several minutes. Ginseng slices can be added to various recipes like soups and stir-fries, too.




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頂大東洋參(切片) (1lb/8oz/4oz) 東洋參—俗稱洋參,源於中國東北,有著獨特的香氣和純正的口味,受到人們的關注與青睞,經過蒸製加工而成,規於溫補,有溫燥特性,適合秋冬食用,富含人參皂甙,具調整生理機能的提氣作用,適合銀髮族保養或病後調養食用,東洋參含有大量的粗纖維、低聚糖,對於預防便秘有很好的效果;部分人服用后精神旺盛,因此建議避免夜間食用。 食用方法: 燉煮:于碗内放入15克(約10-15片)及400ml清水,隔水蒸煮或慢火燉煮約1-2小時即可,為防止營養成分被破壞,燉煮時間勿超過3小時 浸泡:杯内加入參片15克(約10-15片),冲入滾熱水約400ml,浸泡20-30分鐘后即可飲用,可重複冲泡至無味。 口含:將參片直接口含,細細咀嚼,參片質地硬,食用時請小心。 使用於:工作疲累者、銀髮族保養、病後體虛補養者。換有特殊疾病、慢性病、懷孕、經期、感冒、身體發炎狀況者,使用前請咨詢專業醫生指示。 XL Dong Yang Ginseng Slice (1lb/8oz/4oz) Enjoy XL DONG YANG GINSENG SLICE’s... Read more

SKU: 300088-1/4ORIGIN: China
BARCODE: WEIGHT: 1lb/ 8oz /4oz

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    頂大東洋參(切片) (1lb/8oz/4oz)



    1. 燉煮:于碗内放入15克(約10-15片)及400ml清水,隔水蒸煮或慢火燉煮約1-2小時即可,為防止營養成分被破壞,燉煮時間勿超過3小時
    2. 浸泡:杯内加入參片15克(約10-15片),冲入滾熱水約400ml,浸泡20-30分鐘后即可飲用,可重複冲泡至無味。
    3. 口含:將參片直接口含,細細咀嚼,參片質地硬,食用時請小心。


    XL Dong Yang Ginseng Slice (1lb/8oz/4oz)

    Enjoy XL DONG YANG GINSENG SLICE’s mild taste and enlivening benefits. You can suck it like an energy lozenge.

    Panax ginseng root (aka red ginseng) produced in China is respected around the world for its many proven health and wellness benefits which include:

    Boosts Energy

    Improves Memory, Behavior, and Mood, Benefits Brain Function

    Could Improve Erectile Dysfunction

    May Boost the Immune System

    May Have Potential Benefits Against Cancer

    May Fight Tiredness and Improve Chronic Fatigue

    Could Lower Blood Sugar


    Ginseng root can be consumed in many ways. It can be eaten raw or you can lightly steam it to soften it. It can also be stewed in water to make tea. To do this, just add hot water to freshly sliced ginseng and let it steep for several minutes. Ginseng slices can be added to various recipes like soups and stir-fries, too.




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