Women’s Comfort / Shenghua Soup
成分: 当归﹐川芎﹐甘草﹐红花﹐桃仁﹐香附﹐黑薑 ﹐益母草。
Women’s Comfort
生化湯 (Sheng Hua Herbal Soup)
Regulates menstruation, reduces pain, replenishes blood
Chinese herbal women’s formulas aim to correct underlying problems of blood deficiency and poor circulation in order to prevent monthly misery. It is fairly normal to feel some hyper-emotional and sexual feelings during PMS. After all we are designed to have children. Our hormones are activated then. However, under certain circumstances, we can easily develop anxiety or depression during PMS and throughout the period. We are sensitized. We are open to the world and to creation of life. It is important to honor and protect your body and feelings with a regular wise wellness routine. Use Women’s Comfort between periods or for women who have no period, due to illness, surgery or age, enjoy this healing beverage as a beautifying treatment.
The energetic aim of Women’s Comfort is to build enriched blood and to enable smooth circulation in order to avoid common female discomforts and prevent women’s problems such as fibroids or menstrual irregularity.
Radix Angelica sinensis, Dong Quai/Tang Kuei, Rhizome ligusticum root, Licorice root, Carthami Flos, Semen Persicae/peach kernel, Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome, Ginger, Motherwort
Add four bowls of water. Boil four bowls of water to less than one, then filter and take the soup.
The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved.
The traditional method of cooking this sort of herbal formula is to make a water extract: “四碗水煎至八分碗: Boil four bowls of water to less than one.” That makes very strong acting and tasting remedy. However, if you are new to Chinese herbs we suggest that you gradually become acquainted with their flavor and aroma. Cook it twice. Simmer the herbs for up to 20 minutes. Inhale the steam and enjoy the aroma. Drink a small cup twice a day between meals. For the second cooking of the herbs simmer for up to an hour or more. Drink the water decoction as needed for menstrual comfort. It can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 3 – 5 days. Your following period may be heavier or contain clots, which is part of the cleansing process. Check with your herbalist if you experience side-effects.
Women’s Comfort is a safe, effective combination of widely used Chinese herbs that have been formulated to avoid unpleasant side-effects. It is totally vegetarian with a bitter/sweet flavor from safflower, ginger, nutgrass, licorice root and the semi-sweet blood tonic herbs. Use it between periods with your herbalist’s advice. Avoid Women’s Comfort and in general blood-moving herbs during pregnancy or nursing.
Please consult your physician before using this product.