沙爆鱼肚/桂花肚 筒狀(16oz/bag)
美颜佳品 补而不燥 爽滑弹牙 滋补美味
1. 清洗:将鱼肚筒用清水冲洗干净,去除表面的杂质。
2. 泡发:将鱼肚筒放入温水中浸泡,直至完全软化(根据具体产品大小可能需要数小时)。
1. 煲汤:鱼肚筒与鸡、鸭、猪骨等一起炖汤,口感浓郁,营养丰富。常见搭配有虫草花炖鱼肚、花胶鸡汤、佛跳墙等。
2. 红烧:鱼肚筒与红烧酱料烹制,加入香菇、火腿等食材,成菜后味道鲜美。
3. 鱼肚羹:将处理好的鱼肚切小粒备用,鸡高汤煮滚加入鱼肚粒、干贝丝、虾仁粒等食材煮滚后勾芡再加蛋液,入调味料盐胡椒粉、葱花香菜或韭黄和香油,入口爽滑鲜美。
4. 清蒸:将鱼肚筒填入馅料(如虾胶、肉糜),清蒸后淋上特制酱汁,适合宴席菜肴。
5. 凉拌:将泡发后的鱼肚筒切片,搭配蒜蓉、香菜、酱油等调料凉拌,是一道清爽的冷菜。
Sha Bao Dried Fish Maw (16oz/bag)
Sand-blasted fish maw rolls are a delicacy made mainly from fish maw (swim bladder). Shaped into neat cylindrical forms, these rolls are perfect for pairing with other ingredients in cooking, adding both flavor and visual appeal to dishes. They are a popular feature in traditional Chinese cuisine and high-end banquets. Valued for their distinctive texture and high nutritional benefits, they are a favorite among food connoisseurs.
Features: Fish maw rolls are neatly shaped into cylindrical forms, making them perfect for pairing with other ingredients in cooking and enhancing the visual presentation of dishes. Packed with collagen, amino acids, and other nutrients, fish maw is celebrated for its nourishing and skin-enhancing benefits. When cooked, the fish maw rolls have a tender, bouncy texture and absorb the flavors of the broth exceptionally well.
Note: The soaking time should not be too long to prevent loss of elasticity. During cooking, it is important to control the heat to avoid overcooking, which can cause the fish maw rolls to lose their texture.
Fish maw rolls are perfect for family nourishment, banquet dishes, or as an exquisite gift for friends and family. Due to their rarity and delicious taste, they are often considered a premium ingredient that elevates the overall quality of a dish.