花椒/川椒 (16oz)
为芸香科植物花椒的果皮。 主治积食停饮,心腹冷痛,呕吐,噫呃,咳嗽气逆,风寒湿痹,泄泻,痢疾,疝痛,齿痛,蛔虫病,蛲虫病,阴痒,疮疥。
Prickly Ash / Pepper / Hua Jiao (4 oz/Bag)
It is associated with the Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney meridians. Its main functions are to warm the spleen and stomach and to stop the pain. Prickly ash peel is often used to treat stomach pain, eczema, and skin rashes, and to fight parasites such as roundworms and tapeworms. .. . The typical dosage of prickly ash peel is between 2 and 5 grams, taken with water as an infusion, which can be drunk up to three times a day. Larger amounts can be applied directly to the skin as part of a poultice.
From the manufacturer:
It is warming in effect. It is the peel of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.
Indications: after eating and drinking resulting in a cold pain in the heart and abdomen, vomiting, cough, dysphoria (“dissatisfaction with life”), wind-cold dampness [aches made worse in cold damp weather or eating cold, fat foods], diarrhea, dysentery, colic, toothache, ascariasis, enterobiasis, vaginal itching, scabies. It enters the Spleen, Lung, and Kidney meridians. Indications: Used to warm the middle and dispel cold, dehumidify [reduce edema], relieve pain, kill parasites and detoxify spoiled fish.