Ancient Remedies MingMu DiHuang Wan Concentrated 200 pills


Ancient Remedies MingMu DiHuang Wan Concentrated

古方 明目地黄丸(濃縮製劑) 200粒

Ming Mu Di Huang Wan Concentrated 

Dietary Herbal Supplement

传统 蘭州中藥 系列 中國GMP認證企業產品

规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶
功效: 清頭明目, 滋腎養肝。 幫助調理肝腎陽虚, 羞明畏光, 事物模糊, 迎風流泪。
成分: 熟地黃、茯苓、當歸、山茱萸、澤瀉、白芍、牡丹皮、枸杞子、菊花、山藥、蒺藜
用法用量: 每次8粒,每日3次。或遵醫囑。
Size: 200pills/bottle
Effect: An herbal supplement to help nourish the kidney and liver and maintain health in the vision system.
Rehmannia glutinosa, Poria cocos, Angelica sinensis, Cornus officinalis, Alisma , Paeonia , Peony bark, Lycii fruit, Chrysanthemum , Chinese yam, Tribulus tribulus
Direction to use:
Take 8  pills each time, 3 times daily.
Or consult your herbalist.
Do not use if pregnant.
Keep out of reach of children.


Ming Mu Di Huang Wan is traditionally used to nourish the kidney and liver and improve eyesight. It is used for deficiency of both liver –Yin and kidney-Yin, a gritty, irritating sensation in the eye and photophobia, blurry vision, tearing in wind, conjunctive congestion with pain and swelling of eyes, dizziness and blurred vision, constipation with dry stool, and darker yellow urine, discomfort in ribs (a hypochondriac region on stomach), etc.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Product form

Ancient Remedies MingMu DiHuang Wan Concentrated 古方 明目地黄丸(濃縮製劑) 200粒 Ming Mu Di Huang Wan Concentrated  Dietary Herbal Supplement 传统 蘭州中藥 系列... Read more

SKU: 562437ORIGIN: China
BARCODE: WEIGHT: 200pills/36g

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    Ancient Remedies MingMu DiHuang Wan Concentrated

    古方 明目地黄丸(濃縮製劑) 200粒

    Ming Mu Di Huang Wan Concentrated 

    Dietary Herbal Supplement

    传统 蘭州中藥 系列 中國GMP認證企業產品

    规格: 200粒濃縮丸/瓶
    功效: 清頭明目, 滋腎養肝。 幫助調理肝腎陽虚, 羞明畏光, 事物模糊, 迎風流泪。
    成分: 熟地黃、茯苓、當歸、山茱萸、澤瀉、白芍、牡丹皮、枸杞子、菊花、山藥、蒺藜
    用法用量: 每次8粒,每日3次。或遵醫囑。
    Size: 200pills/bottle
    Effect: An herbal supplement to help nourish the kidney and liver and maintain health in the vision system.
    Rehmannia glutinosa, Poria cocos, Angelica sinensis, Cornus officinalis, Alisma , Paeonia , Peony bark, Lycii fruit, Chrysanthemum , Chinese yam, Tribulus tribulus
    Direction to use:
    Take 8  pills each time, 3 times daily.
    Or consult your herbalist.
    Do not use if pregnant.
    Keep out of reach of children.


    Ming Mu Di Huang Wan is traditionally used to nourish the kidney and liver and improve eyesight. It is used for deficiency of both liver –Yin and kidney-Yin, a gritty, irritating sensation in the eye and photophobia, blurry vision, tearing in wind, conjunctive congestion with pain and swelling of eyes, dizziness and blurred vision, constipation with dry stool, and darker yellow urine, discomfort in ribs (a hypochondriac region on stomach), etc.

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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